link (duplicated)iP:
, A-TextUiTesting
, A-CodeQuality
branch of your fork to the master
branch of the upstream repo ([{Your name}] iP
e.g., [John Doe] iP
If you are reluctant to give full name, you may give the first half of your name only.Textbook Git & GitHub → Creating PRs
Suppose you want to propose some changes to a GitHub repo (e.g., samplerepo-pr-practice) as a pull request (PR). Here is a scenario you can try in order to learn how to create PRs:
A pull request (PR for short) is a mechanism for contributing code to a remote repo, i.e., "I'm requesting you to pull my proposed changes to your repo". For this to work, the two repos must have a shared history. The most common case is sending PRs from a fork to its upstream repo is a repo you forked fromupstream repo.
1. Fork the repo onto your GitHub account.
2. Clone it onto your computer.
3. Commit your changes e.g., add a new file with some contents and commit it.
(remember to switch to the master
branch before creating a new branch) and add your commit to it.4. Push the branch you updated (i.e., master
branch or the new branch) to your fork, as explained here.
Here's how to push a branch to a remote repo:
Here's how to push a branch named add-intro
to your own fork of a repo named samplerepo-pr-practice
Normally: git push {remote repository} {branch}
. Examples:
git push origin master
pushes the master
branch to the repo named origin
(i.e., the repo you cloned from)git push upstream-repo add-intro
pushes the add-intro
branch to the repo named upstream-repo
If pushing a branch you created locally to the remote for the first time, add the -u
flag to get the local branch to track the new upstream branch:
e.g., git push -u origin add-intro
See for details of the push
5. Initiate the PR creation:
Go to your fork.
Click on the Pull requests tab followed by the New pull request button. This will bring you to the 'Comparing changes' page.
Set the appropriate target repo and the branch that should receive your PR, using the base repository
and base
dropdowns. e.g.,
base repository: se-edu/samplerepo-pr-practice base: master
Normally, the default value shown in the dropdown is what you want but in case your fork has e.g., the repo you forked from is also a fork of a another repo, which means both of those are considered upstream repos of your forkmultiple upstream repos, the default may not be what you want.
Indicate which repo:branch contains your proposed code, using the head repository
and compare
dropdowns. e.g.,
head repository: myrepo/samplerepo-pr-practice compare: master
6. Verify the proposed code: Verify that the diff view in the page shows the exact change you intend to propose. If it doesn't, commit the new code and push to the branchupdate the branch as necessary.
7. Submit the PR:
Click the Create pull request button.
Fill in the PR name and description e.g.,
Name: Add an introduction to the
Add some paragraph to the to explain ...
Also add a heading ...
If you want to indicate that the PR you are about to create is 'still work in progress, not yet ready', click on the dropdown arrow in the Create pull request button and choose Create draft pull request
Click the Create pull request button to create the PR.
Go to the receiving repo to verify that your PR appears there in the Pull requests
The next step of the PR life cycle is the PR review. The members of the repo that received your PR can now review your proposed changes.
You can update the PR along the way too. Suppose PR reviewers suggested a certain improvement to your proposed code. To update your PR as per the suggestion, you can simply modify the code in your local repo, commit the updated code to the same master
branch, and push to your fork as you did earlier. The PR will auto-update accordingly.
Sending PRs using the master
branch is less common than sending PRs using separate branches. For example, suppose you wanted to propose two bug fixes that are not related to each other. In that case, it is more appropriate to send two separate PRs so that each fix can be reviewed, refined, and merged independently. But if you send PRs using the master
branch only, both fixes (and any other change you do in the master
branch) will appear in the PRs you create from it.
To create another PR while the current PR is still under review, create a new branch (remember to switch back to the master
branch first), add your new proposed change in that branch, and create a new PR following the steps given above.
It is possible to create PRs within the same repo e.g., you can create a PR from branch feature-x
to the master
branch, within the same repo. Doing so will allow the code to be reviewed by other developers (using PR review mechanism) before it is merged.
The PR will update automatically to reflect your latest code every time you push code to your fork. As a result, it provides a convenient way for us to access the current state of all your iP code from one location.
Pull Requests is a mechanism for offering code to a repository e.g., a bug fix or a new feature. PRs allow developers to review, discuss, and refine proposed code changes before incorporating (i.e., merging) the new code to the repository.
, A-TextUiTesting
, A-CodeQuality
: ToDo, Event, Deadline Add support for tracking three types of tasks:
todo borrow book
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][✗] borrow book
Now you have 5 tasks in the list.
Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][✓] read book
2.[D][✗] return book (by: June 6th)
3.[E][✗] project meeting (at: Aug 6th 2-4pm)
4.[T][✓] join sports club
5.[T][✗] borrow book
deadline return book /by Sunday
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✗] return book (by: Sunday)
Now you have 6 tasks in the list.
event project meeting /at Mon 2-4pm
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✗] project meeting (at: Mon 2-4pm)
Now you have 7 tasks in the list.
At this point, dates/times can be treated as strings; there is no need to convert them to actual dates/times.
deadline do homework /by no idea :-p
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✗] do homework (by: no idea :-p)
Now you have 6 tasks in the list.
When implementing this feature, you are also recommended to implement the following extension:
Extension: A-Inheritance
As there are multiple types of tasks that have some similarity between them, you can implement classes Todo
, Deadline
and Event
classes to inherit from a Task
Furthermore, use polymorphism to store all tasks in a data structure containing Task
objects e.g., Task[100]
Partial solution
public class Deadline extends Task {
protected String by;
public Deadline(String description, String by) {
super(description); = by;
public String toString() {
return "[D]" + super.toString() + " (by: " + by + ")";
Task[] tasks = new Task[100];
task[0] = new Deadline("return book", "Monday");
: Automated Text UI Testing optionalUse the input/output redirection technique to semi-automate the testing of Duke.
: Improve Code Quality Textbook Git & GitHub → Reviewing PRs
The PR review stage is a dialog between the PR author and members of the repo that received the PR, in order to refine and eventually merge the PR.
Given below are some steps you can follow when reviewing a PR.
1. Locate the PR:
2. Read the PR description. It might contain information relevant to reviewing the PR.
3. Click on the Files changed tab to see the diff view.
4. Add review comments:
5. Submit the review:
Overall, I found your code easy to read for the most part except a few places
where the nesting was too deep. I noted a few minor coding standard violations
too. Some of the classes are getting quite long. Consider splitting into smaller
classes if that makes sense.
is often used in such overall comments, to indicate Looks good to merge
is another such term, used to indicate minor flaws e.g., LGTM, almost. Just a few nits to fix.
, Comment
, or Request changes
option as appropriate and click on the Submit review button.This task is worth 2x2=4
participtaion points.
Textbook Git & GitHub → Reviewing PRs
The PR review stage is a dialog between the PR author and members of the repo that received the PR, in order to refine and eventually merge the PR.
Given below are some steps you can follow when reviewing a PR.
1. Locate the PR:
2. Read the PR description. It might contain information relevant to reviewing the PR.
3. Click on the Files changed tab to see the diff view.
4. Add review comments:
5. Submit the review:
Overall, I found your code easy to read for the most part except a few places
where the nesting was too deep. I noted a few minor coding standard violations
too. Some of the classes are getting quite long. Consider splitting into smaller
classes if that makes sense.
is often used in such overall comments, to indicate Looks good to merge
is another such term, used to indicate minor flaws e.g., LGTM, almost. Just a few nits to fix.
, Comment
, or Request changes
option as appropriate and click on the Submit review button.Step 1 Note these additional guidelines:
(i.e., not Approve
or Request changes
)Step 2 Do the first PR review as follows.
iP PR review allocation
Tutorial | Reviewer | First PR to review | Backup PR to review |
CS2113-T13 | acyang97 | chuckiex3 | yh-ng |
CS2113-T13 | teachyourselfcoding | Cao-Zeyu | amalinasani |
CS2113-T13 | yeapcl | marcursor | 1-Karthigeyan-1 |
CS2113-T13 | sunxiuqi-stacked | chuhann | acyang97 |
CS2113-T13 | R-Ramana | Chongjx | xX-Conan-Xx |
CS2113-T13 | scjx123 | jlifah | shreytheshreyas |
CS2113-T13 | weisiong24 | lingsihui | luziyi9898 |
CS2113-T13 | Nazryl | Jingming517 | Feudalord |
CS2113-T13 | Chongjx | xX-Conan-Xx | scjx123 |
CS2113-T13 | haroic1997 | ninggggx99 | trolommonm |
CS2113-T13 | johanesrafael | adinata15 | dixoncwc |
CS2113-T13 | chuhann | acyang97 | chuckiex3 |
CS2113-T13 | manuelmanuntag96 | weisiong24 | lingsihui |
CS2113-T13 | tammykoh | Aseanseen | JiawenLyu |
CS2113-T13 | adinata15 | dixoncwc | riazaham |
CS2113-T13 | TomLBZ | slightlyharp | yAOwzers |
CS2113-T13 | prachi2023 | yellow-fellow | tobiasceg |
CS2113-T13 | t170815518 | WYing333 | neilbaner |
CS2113-T13 | brandonywl | Ang-Cheng-Jun | imhm |
CS2113-T13 | yellow-fellow | tobiasceg | leonlowzd |
CS2113-T14 | mxksowie | thatseant | HengFuYuen |
CS2113-T14 | snowbanana12345 | teachyourselfcoding | Cao-Zeyu |
CS2113-T14 | GuoAi | LiewWS | yuen-sihao |
CS2113-T14 | MuhammadHoze | e0425705 | lunzard |
CS2113-T14 | alwaysnacy | yokemin | snowbanana12345 |
CS2113-T14 | yh-ng | TanLeeWei | haroic1997 |
CS2113-T14 | tikimonarch | kiathwe97 | wangwaynesg |
CS2113-T14 | HengFuYuen | Colin386 | dozenmatter |
CS2113-T14 | Cao-Zeyu | amalinasani | R-Ramana |
CS2113-T14 | yuqiaoluolong | Artemis-Hunt | t170815518 |
CS2113-T14 | LiewWS | yuen-sihao | tammykoh |
CS2113-T14 | zongxian-ctrl | MuhammadHoze | e0425705 |
CS2113-T14 | leonlowzd | Louis-Feng | sunxiuqi-stacked |
CS2113-T14 | TanLeeWei | haroic1997 | ninggggx99 |
CS2113-T14 | kaijiel24 | mxksowie | thatseant |
CS2113-T14 | iamchenjiajun | samuelchristopher | chloesyy |
CS2113-T14 | Ang-Cheng-Jun | imhm | poonchuanan |
CS2113-T14 | fanceso | farice9 | TomLBZ |
CS2113-T14 | zhixiangteoh | tikimonarch | kiathwe97 |
CS2113-T14 | wangwaynesg | Nazryl | Jingming517 |
CS2113-T16 | bqxy | LIU-YiFeng-1 | shaojingle |
CS2113-T16 | kaiwen98 | randynyl | nat-ho |
CS2113-T16 | dixoncwc | riazaham | fanceso |
CS2113-T16 | Artemis-Hunt | t170815518 | WYing333 |
CS2113-T16 | Feudalord | hailqueenflo | alwaysnacy |
CS2113-T16 | wly99 | Lusi711 | longngng |
CS2113-T16 | trolommonm | AnnanWangDaniel | zongxian-ctrl |
CS2113-T16 | TanJunHong | brandonywl | Ang-Cheng-Jun |
CS2113-T16 | AnnanWangDaniel | zongxian-ctrl | MuhammadHoze |
CS2113-T16 | WYing333 | neilbaner | GoldenCorgi |
CS2113-T16 | shaojingle | iamchenjiajun | samuelchristopher |
CS2113-T16 | GoldenCorgi | manuelmanuntag96 | weisiong24 |
CS2113-T16 | yokemin | snowbanana12345 | teachyourselfcoding |
CS2113-T16 | Louis-Feng | sunxiuqi-stacked | chuhann |
CS2113-T16 | xX-Conan-Xx | scjx123 | jlifah |
CS2113-T16 | kiathwe97 | wangwaynesg | Nazryl |
CS2113-T16 | randynyl | nat-ho | f0fz |
CS2113-T16 | JunxianAng | samuellleow | GuoAi |
CS2113-T16 | ychong032 | wangqinNick | prachi2023 |
CS2113T-F11 | zsk612 | Jane-Ng | Lezn0 |
CS2113T-F11 | zhangcaicai123 | keke101 | anqi20 |
CS2113T-F11 | JinYixuan-Au | madbeez | joelngyx |
CS2113T-F11 | Zhu-Ze-Yu | zsk612 | Jane-Ng |
CS2113T-F11 | ZhongNingmou | Varsha3006 | xieyaoyue |
CS2113T-F11 | homingjun | xuche123 | Johnson-Yee |
CS2113T-F11 | yujinyang1998 | michaeldinata | yeyutong811 |
CS2113T-F11 | Darticune | gy716 | WangZixin67 |
CS2113T-F11 | CFZeon | josephhhhhhhhh | JuZihao |
CS2113T-F11 | keke101 | anqi20 | Zhu-Ze-Yu |
CS2113T-F11 | chocomango | n3wsoldier | homingjun |
CS2113T-F11 | gua-guargia | OngDeZhi | JinYixuan-Au |
CS2113T-F11 | neojiaern | EyoWeiChin | vanessa-kang |
CS2113T-F11 | Jane-Ng | Lezn0 | Wu-Haitao |
CS2113T-F11 | jessicazhang617 | harryleecp | max-wunan |
CS2113T-F11 | e0426051 | kstonekuan | pinfang |
CS2113T-F11 | tienkhoa16 | kerct | k-walter |
CS2113T-F11 | gmit22 | tienkhoa16 | kerct |
CS2113T-F11 | gy716 | WangZixin67 | jerroldlam |
CS2113T-F11 | wgzesg | jiaaaqi | mrwsy1 |
CS2113T-F12 | kstonekuan | pinfang | limgl1998 |
CS2113T-F12 | kerct | k-walter | gua-guargia |
CS2113T-F12 | michaeldinata | yeyutong811 | lhydl |
CS2113T-F12 | Khenus | wgzesg | jiaaaqi |
CS2113T-F12 | harryleecp | max-wunan | e0426051 |
CS2113T-F12 | josephhhhhhhhh | JuZihao | gmit22 |
CS2113T-F12 | KennethEer | zhangcaicai123 | keke101 |
CS2113T-F12 | Zhi-You | neojiaern | EyoWeiChin |
CS2113T-F12 | ChanJianHao | DesmondKJL | KennethEer |
CS2113T-F12 | OngDeZhi | JinYixuan-Au | madbeez |
CS2113T-F12 | n3wsoldier | homingjun | xuche123 |
CS2113T-F12 | lhydl | ChanJianHao | DesmondKJL |
CS2113T-F12 | EyoWeiChin | vanessa-kang | Darticune |
CS2113T-F12 | JuZihao | gmit22 | tienkhoa16 |
CS2113T-F12 | jerroldlam | CFZeon | josephhhhhhhhh |
CS2113T-F12 | anqi20 | Zhu-Ze-Yu | zsk612 |
CS2113T-F12 | vanessa-kang | Darticune | gy716 |
CS2113T-F12 | joelngyx | jessicazhang617 | harryleecp |
CS2113T-F12 | limgl1998 | yujinyang1998 | michaeldinata |
CS2113T-F12 | DesmondKJL | KennethEer | zhangcaicai123 |
CS2113T-F14 | k-walter | gua-guargia | OngDeZhi |
CS2113T-F14 | WangZixin67 | jerroldlam | CFZeon |
CS2113T-F14 | madbeez | joelngyx | jessicazhang617 |
CS2113T-F14 | mrwsy1 | Zhi-You | neojiaern |
CS2113T-F14 | JohnNub | Lee-Juntong | wamikamalik |
CS2113T-F14 | EthanWong2212 | killingbear999 | chocomango |
CS2113T-F14 | xuche123 | Johnson-Yee | JohnNub |
CS2113T-F14 | killingbear999 | chocomango | n3wsoldier |
CS2113T-F14 | Lee-Juntong | wamikamalik | ZhongNingmou |
CS2113T-F14 | yeyutong811 | lhydl | ChanJianHao |
CS2113T-F14 | Lezn0 | Wu-Haitao | EthanWong2212 |
CS2113T-F14 | xieyaoyue | Khenus | wgzesg |
CS2113T-F14 | Varsha3006 | xieyaoyue | Khenus |
CS2113T-F14 | pinfang | limgl1998 | yujinyang1998 |
CS2113T-F14 | jiaaaqi | mrwsy1 | Zhi-You |
CS2113T-F14 | max-wunan | e0426051 | kstonekuan |
CS2113T-F14 | wamikamalik | ZhongNingmou | Varsha3006 |
CS2113T-F14 | Johnson-Yee | JohnNub | Lee-Juntong |
CS2113T-F14 | Wu-Haitao | EthanWong2212 | killingbear999 |
CS2113T-T09 | wangqinNick | prachi2023 | yellow-fellow |
CS2113T-T09 | riazaham | fanceso | farice9 |
CS2113T-T09 | thatseant | HengFuYuen | Colin386 |
CS2113T-T09 | 1-Karthigeyan-1 | Zhangyilin0203 | zhixiangteoh |
CS2113T-T09 | chewyang | kaiwen98 | randynyl |
CS2113T-T09 | Aseanseen | JiawenLyu | bqxy |
CS2113T-T09 | f0fz | ychong032 | wangqinNick |
CS2113T-T09 | yuen-sihao | tammykoh | Aseanseen |
CS2113T-T09 | nat-ho | f0fz | ychong032 |
CS2113T-T09 | samuelchristopher | chloesyy | Reinbowl |
CS2113T-T09 | tobiasceg | leonlowzd | Louis-Feng |
CS2113T-T09 | dozenmatter | wly99 | Lusi711 |
CS2113T-T09 | chloesyy | Reinbowl | yuqiaoluolong |
CS2113T-T09 | lunzard | JunxianAng | samuellleow |
CS2113T-T09 | amalinasani | R-Ramana | Chongjx |
CS2113T-T09 | jlifah | shreytheshreyas | kaijiel24 |
CS2113T-T09 | e0425705 | lunzard | JunxianAng |
CS2113T-T09 | samuellleow | GuoAi | LiewWS |
CS2113T-T09 | shreytheshreyas | kaijiel24 | mxksowie |
CS2113T-T09 | poonchuanan | johanesrafael | adinata15 |
CS2113T-T12 | JiawenLyu | bqxy | LIU-YiFeng-1 |
CS2113T-T12 | Zhangyilin0203 | zhixiangteoh | tikimonarch |
CS2113T-T12 | Colin386 | dozenmatter | wly99 |
CS2113T-T12 | luziyi9898 | yeapcl | marcursor |
CS2113T-T12 | slightlyharp | yAOwzers | matthewgani |
CS2113T-T12 | yAOwzers | matthewgani | chewyang |
CS2113T-T12 | longngng | TanJunHong | brandonywl |
CS2113T-T12 | farice9 | TomLBZ | slightlyharp |
CS2113T-T12 | neilbaner | GoldenCorgi | manuelmanuntag96 |
CS2113T-T12 | marcursor | 1-Karthigeyan-1 | Zhangyilin0203 |
CS2113T-T12 | Reinbowl | yuqiaoluolong | Artemis-Hunt |
CS2113T-T12 | ninggggx99 | trolommonm | AnnanWangDaniel |
CS2113T-T12 | Jingming517 | Feudalord | hailqueenflo |
CS2113T-T12 | matthewgani | chewyang | kaiwen98 |
CS2113T-T12 | Lusi711 | longngng | TanJunHong |
CS2113T-T12 | chuckiex3 | yh-ng | TanLeeWei |
CS2113T-T12 | hailqueenflo | alwaysnacy | yokemin |
CS2113T-T12 | LIU-YiFeng-1 | shaojingle | iamchenjiajun |
CS2113T-T12 | imhm | poonchuanan | johanesrafael |
CS2113T-T12 | lingsihui | luziyi9898 | yeapcl |
CS2113T-W11 | theopin | untitle4 | jusufnathanael |
CS2113T-W11 | brandontoh | oasisbeatle | gohsonghan98 |
CS2113T-W11 | ShawnTanzc | mhchan163 | felixhalim |
CS2113T-W11 | TYS0n1 | AmeliaTYR | thngyuxuan |
CS2113T-W11 | tengkianen | 0xZ3RO | skyaxe97 |
CS2113T-W11 | thngyuxuan | e0406981 | CookieHoodie |
CS2113T-W11 | Promethees | rashien3 | adhy-p |
CS2113T-W11 | felixhalim | dmbclub | QX-CHEN |
CS2113T-W11 | hungvo0603 | jerichochua | daniellimzj |
CS2113T-W11 | fchensan | EdmundEXE | syncode98 |
CS2113T-W11 | domaxi | alstontham | sevenseasofbri |
CS2113T-W11 | jusufnathanael | amanda-chua | jialerk |
CS2113T-W11 | adhy-p | hui444 | TYS0n1 |
CS2113T-W11 | ivanderjmw | elizabethcwt | ShawnTanzc |
CS2113T-W11 | abnermtj | Kafcis | czlin98 |
CS2113T-W11 | xingrong123 | tengkianen | 0xZ3RO |
CS2113T-W11 | 0xZ3RO | skyaxe97 | theopin |
CS2113T-W11 | weishuangtan | jazhten | fchensan |
CS2113T-W11 | AmeliaTYR | thngyuxuan | e0406981 |
CS2113T-W11 | Speedweener | xingrong123 | tengkianen |
CS2113T-W12 | daniellimws | Promethees | rashien3 |
CS2113T-W12 | jazhten | fchensan | EdmundEXE |
CS2113T-W12 | untitle4 | jusufnathanael | amanda-chua |
CS2113T-W12 | judowha | domaxi | alstontham |
CS2113T-W12 | Kafcis | czlin98 | dojh111 |
CS2113T-W12 | QX-CHEN | AndreWongZH | Bryanbeh1998 |
CS2113T-W12 | AndreWongZH | Bryanbeh1998 | abnermtj |
CS2113T-W12 | BenardoTang | sugandha929 | PraveenElango |
CS2113T-W12 | Bryanbeh1998 | abnermtj | Kafcis |
CS2113T-W12 | durianpancakes | sixletters | ivanderjmw |
CS2113T-W12 | e0406981 | CookieHoodie | BenardoTang |
CS2113T-W12 | wish2023 | Speedweener | xingrong123 |
CS2113T-W12 | mhchan163 | felixhalim | dmbclub |
CS2113T-W12 | alstontham | sevenseasofbri | shikai-zhou |
CS2113T-W12 | amanda-chua | jialerk | weishuangtan |
CS2113T-W12 | elizabethcwt | ShawnTanzc | mhchan163 |
CS2113T-W12 | AliciaHo | johan9se | durianpancakes |
CS2113T-W12 | shikai-zhou | daniellimws | Promethees |
CS2113T-W12 | czlin98 | dojh111 | arindamshivatrip |
CS2113T-W12 | arindamshivatrip | dorianfong98 | judowha |
CS2113T-W13 | hughjazzman | hungvo0603 | jerichochua |
CS2113T-W13 | dmbclub | QX-CHEN | AndreWongZH |
CS2113T-W13 | skyaxe97 | theopin | untitle4 |
CS2113T-W13 | dorianfong98 | judowha | domaxi |
CS2113T-W13 | PraveenElango | wish2023 | Speedweener |
CS2113T-W13 | dojh111 | arindamshivatrip | dorianfong98 |
CS2113T-W13 | EdmundEXE | syncode98 | hughjazzman |
CS2113T-W13 | sixletters | ivanderjmw | elizabethcwt |
CS2113T-W13 | daniellimzj | brandontoh | oasisbeatle |
CS2113T-W13 | oasisbeatle | gohsonghan98 | AliciaHo |
CS2113T-W13 | rashien3 | adhy-p | hui444 |
CS2113T-W13 | sugandha929 | PraveenElango | wish2023 |
CS2113T-W13 | CookieHoodie | BenardoTang | sugandha929 |
CS2113T-W13 | gohsonghan98 | AliciaHo | johan9se |
CS2113T-W13 | syncode98 | hughjazzman | hungvo0603 |
CS2113T-W13 | jerichochua | daniellimzj | brandontoh |
CS2113T-W13 | johan9se | durianpancakes | sixletters |
CS2113T-W13 | hui444 | TYS0n1 | AmeliaTYR |
CS2113T-W13 | jialerk | weishuangtan | jazhten |
CS2113T-W13 | sevenseasofbri | shikai-zhou | daniellimws |
If the student you have been allocated to review has not created a PR (or the PR has a trivial amount of code), you can review the Backup PR to review provided in the allocation table. Failing both, review another PR allocated to another student in your own tutorial but not in your team.
Tip for future reference: GitHub allows you to filter PRs/Issues using various criteria such as author:AuthorUsername
(example -- see the filters
text box in the target page).
Alternatively, you can use PR labels (if any) to filter PRs/Issues.
FAQ: How many comments should I add? Answer: Depends on the code being reviewed but we expect most PRs would warrant at least 4-5 comments. If the PR is huge, you can stop when you think you've put in a fair amount of time on the job (~15 minutes) and added enough comments for the PR author to receive some value.
iP PR review allocation
Tutorial | Reviewer | Second PR to review | Backup PR to review |
CS2113-T13 | acyang97 | TanLeeWei | haroic1997 |
CS2113-T13 | teachyourselfcoding | R-Ramana | Chongjx |
CS2113-T13 | yeapcl | Zhangyilin0203 | zhixiangteoh |
CS2113-T13 | sunxiuqi-stacked | chuckiex3 | yh-ng |
CS2113-T13 | R-Ramana | scjx123 | jlifah |
CS2113-T13 | scjx123 | kaijiel24 | mxksowie |
CS2113-T13 | weisiong24 | yeapcl | marcursor |
CS2113-T13 | Nazryl | hailqueenflo | alwaysnacy |
CS2113-T13 | Chongjx | jlifah | shreytheshreyas |
CS2113-T13 | haroic1997 | AnnanWangDaniel | zongxian-ctrl |
CS2113-T13 | johanesrafael | riazaham | fanceso |
CS2113-T13 | chuhann | yh-ng | TanLeeWei |
CS2113-T13 | manuelmanuntag96 | luziyi9898 | yeapcl |
CS2113-T13 | tammykoh | bqxy | LIU-YiFeng-1 |
CS2113-T13 | adinata15 | fanceso | farice9 |
CS2113-T13 | TomLBZ | matthewgani | chewyang |
CS2113-T13 | prachi2023 | leonlowzd | Louis-Feng |
CS2113-T13 | t170815518 | GoldenCorgi | manuelmanuntag96 |
CS2113-T13 | brandonywl | poonchuanan | johanesrafael |
CS2113-T13 | yellow-fellow | Louis-Feng | sunxiuqi-stacked |
CS2113-T14 | mxksowie | Colin386 | dozenmatter |
CS2113-T14 | snowbanana12345 | amalinasani | R-Ramana |
CS2113-T14 | GuoAi | tammykoh | Aseanseen |
CS2113-T14 | MuhammadHoze | JunxianAng | samuellleow |
CS2113-T14 | alwaysnacy | teachyourselfcoding | Cao-Zeyu |
CS2113-T14 | yh-ng | ninggggx99 | trolommonm |
CS2113-T14 | tikimonarch | Nazryl | Jingming517 |
CS2113-T14 | HengFuYuen | wly99 | Lusi711 |
CS2113-T14 | Cao-Zeyu | Chongjx | xX-Conan-Xx |
CS2113-T14 | yuqiaoluolong | WYing333 | neilbaner |
CS2113-T14 | LiewWS | Aseanseen | JiawenLyu |
CS2113-T14 | zongxian-ctrl | lunzard | JunxianAng |
CS2113-T14 | leonlowzd | chuhann | acyang97 |
CS2113-T14 | TanLeeWei | trolommonm | AnnanWangDaniel |
CS2113-T14 | kaijiel24 | HengFuYuen | Colin386 |
CS2113-T14 | iamchenjiajun | Reinbowl | yuqiaoluolong |
CS2113-T14 | Ang-Cheng-Jun | johanesrafael | adinata15 |
CS2113-T14 | fanceso | slightlyharp | yAOwzers |
CS2113-T14 | zhixiangteoh | wangwaynesg | Nazryl |
CS2113-T14 | wangwaynesg | Feudalord | hailqueenflo |
CS2113-T16 | bqxy | iamchenjiajun | samuelchristopher |
CS2113-T16 | kaiwen98 | f0fz | ychong032 |
CS2113-T16 | dixoncwc | farice9 | TomLBZ |
CS2113-T16 | Artemis-Hunt | neilbaner | GoldenCorgi |
CS2113-T16 | Feudalord | yokemin | snowbanana12345 |
CS2113-T16 | wly99 | TanJunHong | brandonywl |
CS2113-T16 | trolommonm | MuhammadHoze | e0425705 |
CS2113-T16 | TanJunHong | imhm | poonchuanan |
CS2113-T16 | AnnanWangDaniel | e0425705 | lunzard |
CS2113-T16 | WYing333 | manuelmanuntag96 | weisiong24 |
CS2113-T16 | shaojingle | chloesyy | Reinbowl |
CS2113-T16 | GoldenCorgi | lingsihui | luziyi9898 |
CS2113-T16 | yokemin | Cao-Zeyu | amalinasani |
CS2113-T16 | Louis-Feng | acyang97 | chuckiex3 |
CS2113-T16 | xX-Conan-Xx | shreytheshreyas | kaijiel24 |
CS2113-T16 | kiathwe97 | Jingming517 | Feudalord |
CS2113-T16 | randynyl | ychong032 | wangqinNick |
CS2113-T16 | JunxianAng | LiewWS | yuen-sihao |
CS2113-T16 | ychong032 | yellow-fellow | tobiasceg |
CS2113T-F11 | zsk612 | Wu-Haitao | EthanWong2212 |
CS2113T-F11 | zhangcaicai123 | Zhu-Ze-Yu | zsk612 |
CS2113T-F11 | JinYixuan-Au | jessicazhang617 | harryleecp |
CS2113T-F11 | Zhu-Ze-Yu | Lezn0 | Wu-Haitao |
CS2113T-F11 | ZhongNingmou | Khenus | wgzesg |
CS2113T-F11 | homingjun | JohnNub | Lee-Juntong |
CS2113T-F11 | yujinyang1998 | lhydl | ChanJianHao |
CS2113T-F11 | Darticune | jerroldlam | CFZeon |
CS2113T-F11 | CFZeon | gmit22 | tienkhoa16 |
CS2113T-F11 | keke101 | zsk612 | Jane-Ng |
CS2113T-F11 | chocomango | xuche123 | Johnson-Yee |
CS2113T-F11 | gua-guargia | madbeez | joelngyx |
CS2113T-F11 | neojiaern | Darticune | gy716 |
CS2113T-F11 | Jane-Ng | EthanWong2212 | killingbear999 |
CS2113T-F11 | jessicazhang617 | e0426051 | kstonekuan |
CS2113T-F11 | e0426051 | limgl1998 | yujinyang1998 |
CS2113T-F11 | tienkhoa16 | gua-guargia | OngDeZhi |
CS2113T-F11 | gmit22 | k-walter | gua-guargia |
CS2113T-F11 | gy716 | CFZeon | josephhhhhhhhh |
CS2113T-F11 | wgzesg | Zhi-You | neojiaern |
CS2113T-F12 | kstonekuan | yujinyang1998 | michaeldinata |
CS2113T-F12 | kerct | OngDeZhi | JinYixuan-Au |
CS2113T-F12 | michaeldinata | ChanJianHao | DesmondKJL |
CS2113T-F12 | Khenus | mrwsy1 | Zhi-You |
CS2113T-F12 | harryleecp | kstonekuan | pinfang |
CS2113T-F12 | josephhhhhhhhh | tienkhoa16 | kerct |
CS2113T-F12 | KennethEer | anqi20 | Zhu-Ze-Yu |
CS2113T-F12 | Zhi-You | vanessa-kang | Darticune |
CS2113T-F12 | ChanJianHao | zhangcaicai123 | keke101 |
CS2113T-F12 | OngDeZhi | joelngyx | jessicazhang617 |
CS2113T-F12 | n3wsoldier | Johnson-Yee | JohnNub |
CS2113T-F12 | lhydl | KennethEer | zhangcaicai123 |
CS2113T-F12 | EyoWeiChin | gy716 | WangZixin67 |
CS2113T-F12 | JuZihao | kerct | k-walter |
CS2113T-F12 | jerroldlam | JuZihao | gmit22 |
CS2113T-F12 | anqi20 | Jane-Ng | Lezn0 |
CS2113T-F12 | vanessa-kang | WangZixin67 | jerroldlam |
CS2113T-F12 | joelngyx | max-wunan | e0426051 |
CS2113T-F12 | limgl1998 | yeyutong811 | lhydl |
CS2113T-F12 | DesmondKJL | keke101 | anqi20 |
CS2113T-F14 | k-walter | JinYixuan-Au | madbeez |
CS2113T-F14 | WangZixin67 | josephhhhhhhhh | JuZihao |
CS2113T-F14 | madbeez | harryleecp | max-wunan |
CS2113T-F14 | mrwsy1 | EyoWeiChin | vanessa-kang |
CS2113T-F14 | JohnNub | ZhongNingmou | Varsha3006 |
CS2113T-F14 | EthanWong2212 | n3wsoldier | homingjun |
CS2113T-F14 | xuche123 | Lee-Juntong | wamikamalik |
CS2113T-F14 | killingbear999 | homingjun | xuche123 |
CS2113T-F14 | Lee-Juntong | Varsha3006 | xieyaoyue |
CS2113T-F14 | yeyutong811 | DesmondKJL | KennethEer |
CS2113T-F14 | Lezn0 | killingbear999 | chocomango |
CS2113T-F14 | xieyaoyue | jiaaaqi | mrwsy1 |
CS2113T-F14 | Varsha3006 | wgzesg | jiaaaqi |
CS2113T-F14 | pinfang | michaeldinata | yeyutong811 |
CS2113T-F14 | jiaaaqi | neojiaern | EyoWeiChin |
CS2113T-F14 | max-wunan | pinfang | limgl1998 |
CS2113T-F14 | wamikamalik | xieyaoyue | Khenus |
CS2113T-F14 | Johnson-Yee | wamikamalik | ZhongNingmou |
CS2113T-F14 | Wu-Haitao | chocomango | n3wsoldier |
CS2113T-T09 | wangqinNick | tobiasceg | leonlowzd |
CS2113T-T09 | riazaham | TomLBZ | slightlyharp |
CS2113T-T09 | thatseant | dozenmatter | wly99 |
CS2113T-T09 | 1-Karthigeyan-1 | tikimonarch | kiathwe97 |
CS2113T-T09 | chewyang | nat-ho | f0fz |
CS2113T-T09 | Aseanseen | LIU-YiFeng-1 | shaojingle |
CS2113T-T09 | f0fz | prachi2023 | yellow-fellow |
CS2113T-T09 | yuen-sihao | JiawenLyu | bqxy |
CS2113T-T09 | nat-ho | wangqinNick | prachi2023 |
CS2113T-T09 | samuelchristopher | yuqiaoluolong | Artemis-Hunt |
CS2113T-T09 | tobiasceg | sunxiuqi-stacked | chuhann |
CS2113T-T09 | dozenmatter | longngng | TanJunHong |
CS2113T-T09 | chloesyy | Artemis-Hunt | t170815518 |
CS2113T-T09 | lunzard | GuoAi | LiewWS |
CS2113T-T09 | amalinasani | xX-Conan-Xx | scjx123 |
CS2113T-T09 | jlifah | mxksowie | thatseant |
CS2113T-T09 | e0425705 | samuellleow | GuoAi |
CS2113T-T09 | samuellleow | yuen-sihao | tammykoh |
CS2113T-T09 | shreytheshreyas | thatseant | HengFuYuen |
CS2113T-T09 | poonchuanan | dixoncwc | riazaham |
CS2113T-T12 | JiawenLyu | shaojingle | iamchenjiajun |
CS2113T-T12 | Zhangyilin0203 | kiathwe97 | wangwaynesg |
CS2113T-T12 | Colin386 | Lusi711 | longngng |
CS2113T-T12 | luziyi9898 | 1-Karthigeyan-1 | Zhangyilin0203 |
CS2113T-T12 | slightlyharp | chewyang | kaiwen98 |
CS2113T-T12 | yAOwzers | kaiwen98 | randynyl |
CS2113T-T12 | longngng | Ang-Cheng-Jun | imhm |
CS2113T-T12 | farice9 | yAOwzers | matthewgani |
CS2113T-T12 | neilbaner | weisiong24 | lingsihui |
CS2113T-T12 | marcursor | zhixiangteoh | tikimonarch |
CS2113T-T12 | Reinbowl | t170815518 | WYing333 |
CS2113T-T12 | ninggggx99 | zongxian-ctrl | MuhammadHoze |
CS2113T-T12 | Jingming517 | alwaysnacy | yokemin |
CS2113T-T12 | matthewgani | randynyl | nat-ho |
CS2113T-T12 | Lusi711 | brandonywl | Ang-Cheng-Jun |
CS2113T-T12 | chuckiex3 | haroic1997 | ninggggx99 |
CS2113T-T12 | hailqueenflo | snowbanana12345 | teachyourselfcoding |
CS2113T-T12 | LIU-YiFeng-1 | samuelchristopher | chloesyy |
CS2113T-T12 | imhm | adinata15 | dixoncwc |
CS2113T-T12 | lingsihui | marcursor | 1-Karthigeyan-1 |
CS2113T-W11 | theopin | amanda-chua | jialerk |
CS2113T-W11 | brandontoh | AliciaHo | johan9se |
CS2113T-W11 | ShawnTanzc | dmbclub | QX-CHEN |
CS2113T-W11 | TYS0n1 | e0406981 | CookieHoodie |
CS2113T-W11 | tengkianen | theopin | untitle4 |
CS2113T-W11 | thngyuxuan | BenardoTang | sugandha929 |
CS2113T-W11 | Promethees | hui444 | TYS0n1 |
CS2113T-W11 | felixhalim | AndreWongZH | Bryanbeh1998 |
CS2113T-W11 | hungvo0603 | brandontoh | oasisbeatle |
CS2113T-W11 | fchensan | hughjazzman | hungvo0603 |
CS2113T-W11 | domaxi | shikai-zhou | daniellimws |
CS2113T-W11 | jusufnathanael | weishuangtan | jazhten |
CS2113T-W11 | adhy-p | AmeliaTYR | thngyuxuan |
CS2113T-W11 | ivanderjmw | mhchan163 | felixhalim |
CS2113T-W11 | abnermtj | dojh111 | arindamshivatrip |
CS2113T-W11 | xingrong123 | skyaxe97 | theopin |
CS2113T-W11 | 0xZ3RO | untitle4 | jusufnathanael |
CS2113T-W11 | weishuangtan | EdmundEXE | syncode98 |
CS2113T-W11 | AmeliaTYR | CookieHoodie | BenardoTang |
CS2113T-W11 | Speedweener | 0xZ3RO | skyaxe97 |
CS2113T-W12 | daniellimws | adhy-p | hui444 |
CS2113T-W12 | jazhten | syncode98 | hughjazzman |
CS2113T-W12 | untitle4 | jialerk | weishuangtan |
CS2113T-W12 | judowha | sevenseasofbri | shikai-zhou |
CS2113T-W12 | Kafcis | arindamshivatrip | dorianfong98 |
CS2113T-W12 | QX-CHEN | abnermtj | Kafcis |
CS2113T-W12 | AndreWongZH | Kafcis | czlin98 |
CS2113T-W12 | BenardoTang | wish2023 | Speedweener |
CS2113T-W12 | Bryanbeh1998 | czlin98 | dojh111 |
CS2113T-W12 | durianpancakes | elizabethcwt | ShawnTanzc |
CS2113T-W12 | e0406981 | sugandha929 | PraveenElango |
CS2113T-W12 | wish2023 | tengkianen | 0xZ3RO |
CS2113T-W12 | mhchan163 | QX-CHEN | AndreWongZH |
CS2113T-W12 | alstontham | daniellimws | Promethees |
CS2113T-W12 | amanda-chua | jazhten | fchensan |
CS2113T-W12 | elizabethcwt | felixhalim | dmbclub |
CS2113T-W12 | AliciaHo | sixletters | ivanderjmw |
CS2113T-W12 | shikai-zhou | rashien3 | adhy-p |
CS2113T-W12 | czlin98 | dorianfong98 | judowha |
CS2113T-W12 | arindamshivatrip | domaxi | alstontham |
CS2113T-W13 | hughjazzman | daniellimzj | brandontoh |
CS2113T-W13 | dmbclub | Bryanbeh1998 | abnermtj |
CS2113T-W13 | skyaxe97 | jusufnathanael | amanda-chua |
CS2113T-W13 | dorianfong98 | alstontham | sevenseasofbri |
CS2113T-W13 | PraveenElango | xingrong123 | tengkianen |
CS2113T-W13 | dojh111 | judowha | domaxi |
CS2113T-W13 | EdmundEXE | hungvo0603 | jerichochua |
CS2113T-W13 | sixletters | ShawnTanzc | mhchan163 |
CS2113T-W13 | daniellimzj | gohsonghan98 | AliciaHo |
CS2113T-W13 | oasisbeatle | johan9se | durianpancakes |
CS2113T-W13 | rashien3 | TYS0n1 | AmeliaTYR |
CS2113T-W13 | sugandha929 | Speedweener | xingrong123 |
CS2113T-W13 | CookieHoodie | PraveenElango | wish2023 |
CS2113T-W13 | gohsonghan98 | durianpancakes | sixletters |
CS2113T-W13 | syncode98 | jerichochua | daniellimzj |
CS2113T-W13 | jerichochua | oasisbeatle | gohsonghan98 |
CS2113T-W13 | johan9se | ivanderjmw | elizabethcwt |
CS2113T-W13 | hui444 | thngyuxuan | e0406981 |
CS2113T-W13 | jialerk | fchensan | EdmundEXE |
CS2113T-W13 | sevenseasofbri | Promethees | rashien3 |
If the allocated PR is not suitable, use the same strategy as before to find an alternative PR to review.
Timely completion of the weekly tP tasks can improve the project management component of your tP grade.
Admin tP → Grading → Project Management
5A. Process:
Evaluates: How well you did in project management related aspects of the project, as an individual and as a team
Based on: tutor/bot observations of project milestones and GitHub data
Grading criteria:
Project done iteratively and incrementally (opposite: doing most of the work in one big burst)
Milestones reached on time (i.e., the midnight before of the tutorial) (to get a good grade for this aspect, achieve at least 60% of the recommended milestone progress).
Good use of GitHub milestones mechanism.
Good use of GitHub releases mechanism.
Good version control, based on the repo.
Reasonable attempt to use the forking workflow at least for the early part of the project.
Good task definition, assignment and tracking, based on the issue tracker.
Good use of buffers (opposite: everything at the last minute).
5B. Team-tasks:
Evaluates: How much you contributed to team-tasks
Admin tP → Expectations: Examples of team-tasks
Here is a non-exhaustive list of team-tasks:
Based on: peer evaluations, tutor observations
Grading criteria: Do these to earn full marks.
As we are still at the early stages of identifying a problem to solve, do not think of the product (i.e., the solution) yet. That is, do not discuss the product features, UI, command format, and implementation details, etc. unless they are pertinent to the decision of the project direction.
Admin tP: Expectations
project expectations
The high-level learning outcome of the team project (tP):
Accordingly, the tP is structured to resemble an early stage of a small software project in which you will,
The focus of the tP is to learn the following aspects:
You may develop any product provided it is meant for users who can type fast, and prefer typing over mouse/voice commands. Therefore, Command Line Interface (CLI) is the primary mode of input.
Admin tP Contstraints → Constraint-Typing-Preferred
Admin tP Contstraints → Recommendation-CLI-First
Following from the Constraint-Typing-Preferred, if the app is optimized for the target user (graded under the product design criterion), a user who can type fast should be able to accomplish most tasks faster via CLI, compared to a hypothetical GUI-only version of the app. For example, adding a new entity via the CLI should be faster than entering the same data through a GUI form.
Therefore, the input to the app needs to be primarily CLI. If you do implement a GUI, that GUI should primarily be used to give visual feedback to the user. While we don't prohibit non-CLI inputs, note that such inputs will reduce the suitability of the product to target users. Therefore, give CLI alternatives to mouse/GUI inputs, if applicable.
Also keep in mind:
You are strongly discouraged from developing a GUI application as it can increase the workload unnecessarily.
Admin tP Contstraints → Recommendation-No-GUI
Creating a good Java GUI takes a lot of extra effort, which can easily push the tP effort beyond the expected range. In addition, good GUI design is not a learning outcome of this module. Therefore, you are strongly discouraged from creating a GUI application. Choose the GUI path only if you are willing to take the extra workload on top of the module's normal load.
You are expected to:
Why the need to narrow down the user profile?
How narrow can we make the target market?
The size of the target market is not a grading criterion. You can make it as narrow as you want. Even a single user target market is fine as long as you can define that single user in a way others can understand (reason: project evaluators need to evaluate the project from the point of view of the target users).
Example 1: If the product targets CS2113/T instructors, there can be features that are applicable to them only, such as the ability to see a link to a student's project on GitHub
Example 2: If your app manages contacts, you can optimize its features based on,
Your project will be graded based on how well the features match the target user profile and how well the features fit-together.
The expected level of functionality from a team is roughly what you can achieve if each member contributes about the same amount of functional code as required by a i.e., if all requirements were met at the minimal level specifiedtypical iP.
You will get full marks for implementation effort if you meet the expectation stated above. There are no extra marks for exceeding that bar. You are better off spending that effort in improving other aspects of the project.
One semester ago, we reduced the tP functionality expectations by about 40-50% compared to the previous semesters, in order to reduce your workload. Keep that in mind in case you receive advice about project from seniors who did this module more than one semester ago.
In fact, here is the grading criterion for the individual project effort:
Admin tP → PE → Evaluating the Implementation Effort
Consider implementation work only (i.e., exclude testing, documentation, project management etc.)
The typical iP refers to an iP where all the requirements are met at the minimal expectations given.
Use the person's PPP and RepoSense page to evaluate the effort.
Tip: Contribute to all aspects of the project e.g. write backend code, frontend code, test code, user documentation, and developer documentation. Reason: If you limit yourself to certain aspects only, you could lose marks allocated for the aspects you did not do. In addition, the final exam assumes that you are familiar with all aspects of the project.
Tip: Do all the work related to your enhancement yourself. Reason: If there is no clear division of who did which enhancement, it will be difficult to divide project credit (or assign responsibility for bugs detected by testers) later.
🤔 How much testings is enough? We expect you to decide. You learned different types of testing and what they try to achieve. Based on that, you should decide how much of each type is required. Similarly, you can decide to what extent you want to automate tests, depending on the benefits and the effort required.
There is no requirement for a minimum coverage level. Note that in a production environment you are often required to have at least 90% of the code covered by tests. In this project, it can be less. The weaker your tests are, the higher the risk of bugs, which will cost marks if not fixed before the final submission.
Team-tasks are the tasks that someone in the team has to do.
Examples of team-tasks
Here is a non-exhaustive list of team-tasks:
Roles indicate aspects you are in charge of and responsible for. E.g., if you are in charge of documentation, you are the person who should allocate which parts of the documentation is to be done by who, ensure the document is in right format, ensure consistency etc.
Recommended roles and responsibilities
This is a non-exhaustive list; you may define additional roles.
Ensure each of the important roles are assigned to one person in the team. It is OK to have a 'backup' for each role, but for each aspect there should be one person who is unequivocally the person responsible for it. Reason: when everyone is responsible for everything, no one is.
Admin tP: Constraints
Your project should comply with the following constraints. Reason: to increase comparability among projects and to maximize applicability of module learning outcomes in the project.
The product should be targeting users who can type fast and prefer typing over other means of input.
Reason: to increase comparability of products, and to make feature evaluation easier for peer evaluators.
The product should be for a single user i.e. (not a multi-user product).
Reason: multi-user systems are hard to test, which is unfair for peer testers who will be graded based on the number of bugs they find.
The product needs to be developed in a breadth-first incremental manner over the project duration. While it is fine to do less in some weeks and more in other weeks, a reasonably consistent delivery rate is expected. For example, it is not acceptable to do the entire project over the recess week and do almost nothing for the remainder of the semester.
Reasons: 1. To simulate a real project where you have to work on a code base over a long period, possibly with breaks in the middle. 2. To learn how to deliver big features in small increments.
The data should be stored locally and should be in a human editable text file.
Reason: To allow advanced users to manipulate the data by editing the data file.
Do not use a Database Management System e.g., MySQLDBMS to store data.
Reason: Using a DBMS to store data will reduce the room to apply OOP techniques to manage data. It is true that most real world systems use a DBMS, but given the small size of this project, we
need to optimize it for CS2113/T
module learning outcomes; covering DBMS-related topics will have to be left to database modules or level 3 project modules.
The software should follow the Object-oriented paradigm primarily (but you are allowed to mix in a bit other styles when justifiable).
Reason: For you to practice using OOP in a non-trivial project.
The software should work on the Windows, Linux, and OS-X platforms. Even if you are unable to manually test the app on all three platforms, deliberately avoid using OS-dependent libraries and OS-specific features.
Reason: Peer testers should be able to use any of these platforms.
The software should work on a computer that has version 11 of Java i.e., no other Java version installed.
The software should work without requiring an installer.
Reason: Testers may not want to install your product on their computer.
The software should not depend on your own remote server.
Reason: Anyone should be able to use/test your app any time, even after the semester is over.
The use of third-party frameworks/libraries is allowed but only if they,
and is subjected to prior approval by the teaching team.
Reason: We will not allow third-party software that can interfere with the learning objectives of the module.
Please post in the forum your request to use a third-party libraries before you start using the library. Once a specific library has been approved for one team, other teams may use it without requesting permission again.
Reason: The whole class should know which external software are used by others so that they can do the same if they wish to.
The file sizes of the deliverables should not exceed the limits given below.
Reason: It is hard to download big files during the practical exam due to limited WiFi bandwidth at the venue:
JAR file: 100MB (Some third-party software -- e.g., Stanford NLP library, certain graphics libraries -- can cause you to exceed this limit)
PDF files: 15MB/file (Not following the recommended method of converting to PDF format can cause big PDF files. Another cause is using unnecessarily high resolution images for screenshots).
In addition, you are strongly encouraged to follow these recommendations as they can help increase your project score.
It is OK to use a reliable public API e.g., Google search but we recommend that you have a fallback mechanism (e.g., able to load data using a data file if the network is down).
Reason: During the mass peer-testing session, the network access can be intermittent due to high load. If your feature cannot be tested due to lack of Internet, that will have to be counted as a major bug, to be fair to those whose app is being tested and bugs found being penalized.
If you use NUS data (e.g., scrape data from an NUS website), please work with NUS IT directly to get their approval first. Even well-intentioned use of NUS data without approval can get you into serious trouble (has happened before). The teaching team will not be able to get approval for you as the use of NUS data is not a module requirement.
Avoid implementing hard-to-test (both for manual testing as well as automated testing) features or features that make your product hard-to-test.
Reason: testability is a grading criterion. If you choose to implement such a feature, you will need to spend an extra effort to reach an acceptable level of testability.
Here are some examples of features that are hard-to-test:
Creating a good Java GUI takes a lot of extra effort, which can easily push the tP effort beyond the expected range. In addition, good GUI design is not a learning outcome of this module. Therefore, you are strongly discouraged from creating a GUI application. Choose the GUI path only if you are willing to take the extra workload on top of the module's normal load.
Following from the Constraint-Typing-Preferred, if the app is optimized for the target user (graded under the product design criterion), a user who can type fast should be able to accomplish most tasks faster via CLI, compared to a hypothetical GUI-only version of the app. For example, adding a new entity via the CLI should be faster than entering the same data through a GUI form.
Therefore, the input to the app needs to be primarily CLI. If you do implement a GUI, that GUI should primarily be used to give visual feedback to the user. While we don't prohibit non-CLI inputs, note that such inputs will reduce the suitability of the product to target users. Therefore, give CLI alternatives to mouse/GUI inputs, if applicable.
Also keep in mind:
If you are not sure if your product complies with a certain constraint/recommendation, please seek clarification by posting in the forum (preferred) or emailing the supervisor.
Admin tP: Grading → Criteria Used for Grading the Product Design
Evaluates: how well your features fit together to form a cohesive product (not how many features or how big the features are) and how well does it match the target user
Evaluated by:
Admin tP → PE → Grading Instructions for Product Design
Evaluate based on the User Guide and the actual product behavior.
Criterion | Unable to judge | Low | Medium | High |
target user |
Not specified | Clearly specified and narrowed down appropriately | ||
value proposition |
Not specified | The value to target user is low. App is not worth using | Some small group of target users might find the app worth using | Most of the target users are likely to find the app worth using |
optimized for target user |
Not enough focus for CLI users | Mostly CLI-based, but cumbersome to use most of the time | Feels like a fast typist can be more productive with the app, compared to an equivalent GUI app without a CLI | |
feature-fit |
Many of the features don't fit with others | Most features fit together but a few may be possible misfits | All features fit together to for a cohesive whole |
In addition, feature flaws reported in the PE will be considered when grading this aspect.
Note that 'product design' or 'functionality' are not critical learning outcomes of the tP. Therefore, the bar you need to reach to get full marks will be quite low. For example, the Medium
level in the rubric given in the panel above should be enough to achieve full marks. Similarly, only cases of excessive 'feature flaw' bugs will affect the score.
These are considered feature flaws:
The feature does not solve the stated problem of the intended user i.e., the feature is 'incomplete'
Hard-to-test features
Features that don't fit well with the product
Features that are not optimized enough for fast-typists or target users