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    Sorted based on the number of comments given to others' PRs, but also showing comments on own PRs and other comments given.

    [This page was last updated on Nov 15 2020]

    Who dis

    I think it would be better to have

    if (!csvFile.isFile()) {

    // handle error

    return null;


    so that we don't have all the main logic inside an if-block.

    Over here output is instantiated in every iteration of the loop. Is this intended?

    Is it supposed to be split(",") instead?

    HAHA nice

    The To at the end of the method name feels unnecessary. Shall we use changeAttributes? Or editAttributes or edit which I think will match the user functionality more closely too.

    I think naming this method as addTask would be better as it is consistent with the other method names such as editTask and deleteTask.

    I think getTaskDescription would be a more descriptive name for this method?

    Consider renaming s and d to more descriptive names? Like cmd and details

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    More descriptive names for t, u, and s?

    Why are these fields static? I also think they can just be private instead of protected.

    Why static?

    Same as above, consider private instead of protected static?

    Same as above, consider private instead of protected static?

    Same as above, consider private instead of protected static?

    Why you got a space after the ui. lol

    Same as above, consider private instead of protected static?

    We should refactor this part out since it is repeated like 10 times, but I think it is ok to do it after tomorrow's meeting.

    Moving lines 84,85 to right before line 116 here should fix the checkstyle error

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Parser.java:84: Distance between variable 'name' declaration and its first usage is 6, but allowed 3. Consider making that variable final if you still need to store its value in advance (before method calls that might have side effects on the original value). [VariableDeclarationUsageDistance]

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Parser.java:85: Distance between variable 'time' declaration and its first usage is 6, but allowed 3. Consider making that variable final if you still need to store its value in advance (before method calls that might have side effects on the original value). [VariableDeclarationUsageDistance]

    These 2 methods look like they are doing almost the same thing. Can we combine them together?

    Need an empty line before method definition.

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/ListCommand.java:17: 'METHOD_DEF' should be separated from previous statement. [EmptyLineSeparator]

    Need a space before taskDuration.

    Need a space before taskDuration.

    Need a space before taskDuration.

    Need a space before taskDuration.

    Prof said cannot using * to import. Refer to https://github.com/nus-cs2113-AY2021S1/forum/issues/36

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Ui.java:37: Line is longer than 120 characters (found 132). [LineLength]

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Ui.java:39:91: WhitespaceAround: '+' is not followed by whitespace. Empty blocks may only be represented as {} when not part of a multi-block statement (4.1.3) [WhitespaceAround]

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Ui.java:63: First sentence of Javadoc is missing an ending period. [SummaryJavadoc]

    Error: eckstyle] [ERROR] /home/runner/work/tp/tp/src/main/java/athena/Ui.java:75: Line is longer than 120 characters (found 127). [LineLength]

    We should put these things in our JUnit tests. I think it's ok if you want to do it in a different pull request.

    Code here is the same as lines 15-17. We can do this(taskList) to avoid repetition.

    Space between =.

    Space between =.

    Just a nitpick: counter++ can ignore if you don't care lol

    Repeated code. Can do addTask(name, startTime, duration, deadline, recurrence, importance, notes, index).

    Would be nice to make this a test case.

    Would be nice to make this a test case.

    Wouldn't the index that we assign be different from its index in the list? tasks.remove(task) instead?

    Adding this parameter will cause the program to not compile. We can leave out this parameter for now.

    • execute has void return-type, doesn't return anything

    • Should be deleteCommand instead of DeleteCommand

    ui needs to be instantiated otherwise it will crash when execute tries to run it.

    Currently we don't return the printed message as a string so I think we can leave this line out for now. We should later think about how we want to return the printed string for testing purposes.

    Both tasks here are assigned the same index.

    deleteCommand.execute will call ui.printTaskDeleted, but ui is null so it will crash.

    taskFilter should now be importanceFilter

    Continuing the comment in TaskList about getFilteredList(TaskFilter taskFilter), we can do getFilteredList(importanceFilter).getFilteredList(forecastFilter).

    We can just do return true here. But I think this is fine too.

    I think we don't need to add another ForecastFilter parameter because ForecastFilter is a subclass of TaskFilter. In the Timetable class I elaborated on how this can be used.

    With this, it will be possible to use any type of filters as we add more in the future (for example minus importance filter).

    Was this for your own testing?

    I think it is more sustainable to generate a date for this test case.

    I think it is more sustainable to generate a date for this test case.

    We should generate a date for this test case.

    lol got this here

    We should remove these commented code since we are not using it anymore. If we wanna refer back we can find the old version here on GitHub.

    We shouldn't instantiate the Scanner in every iteration of the loop. From experience this causes problems with the IO redirection tests.

    taskList would be a better name than oldTask, I believe?

    reccurence spelt wrongly lol

    I think we can change Objects.equals(taskForecast, that.taskForecast) to taskForecast == that.taskForecast since we use the enum now instead of a String.

    Yea I think something like getTask would be nicer. Also there should be a JavaDoc comment.

    Lowercase L in List?

    will still execute in a default way.

    How about will execute using the default values for each parameter?

    the name of the task instead of Name of the task? And same for the other parameters.

    printed with an index

    How about printed with a number because index sounds a bit like jargon?

    the name of the task instead of Name? And same for the other parameters.

    Unnecessary empty lines

    Unnecessary empty line

    Empty lines

    Empty lines

    It would be better override equals in TaskList instead


    Empty lines

    Remember to add these files to the .gitignore

    I think expected vs actual would be a more consistent naming since this was used for our IO tests. But this is fine too.

    Other than that, since this is a BufferedReader object, it would be nice to have the variable name sound like it, for example answerFileReader or expectedFileReader? Same goes for attempt in this method.

    else is not needed since this will always be reached when the if condition is not satisfied.

    This shouldn't throw an AddException. Maybe a CommandException?

    getErrorMessage gives an impression that it is returning something. Perhaps printErrorMessage instead? Or return the error message as a string from this?

    Also remember to add Javadoc comments for this

    1 empty line should be enough?

    I feel that it would be better to have a more specific exception name.

    I feel that it would be better to have a more specific exception name.

    It is not clear what toggle does.

    Can we use TaskList instead? So that we can make use of methods from TaskList if needed.

    Can we call this TimeAllocator? A noun instead of a verb since it's an object.

    Ui the i is lowercase in our code.

    isFlexible according to coding standards






    isFlexible? The program still works when there is a method called isFlexible


    How about something like loadTaskListData_commaInTaskAttribute_commaIsReplaced so that it is more descriptive?

    and I think it is good enough to use "TODAY" instead of Recurrence.TODAY.toString()

    What does 5 refer to?

    I think it is better to override the clone method that is in Object.


    protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {

    return super.clone();


    getDatesAt instead? Date in plural.

    Also, should we be using getTaskFromNumber instead?

    getFirstDay is not so clear. Perhaps getFirstDateMatchingDay? Or something more clear?

    I think you can just do recurrenceDates.clear()

    removeDate instead?

    "dd-MM".length() instead? DATE_TIME_FORMAT sounds quite confusing.

    I suppose we should use the next year if the date has already passed. For example 1 Jan should be in year 2021.

    Unused import?

    I think can use task.isFlexible() here, which has clearer intention than task.getDates() == null.

    Can this be isDateIncluded instead?

    I think filterDates is not very clear. How about something like removeExcludedDates?

    The isFlexible attribute of this class is to determine whether to get flexible tasks or not flexible tasks. So, this needs to be task.isFlexible() ^ isFlexible. But anyways I think isFlexible is not very clear. How about something like filterFlexibleTask or doesIncludeFlexibleTask

    Change to isDateIncluded too?

    Remember to remove this because it's no longer used.

    I think it is unclear to say today, since today means only TODAY in our program? Something likethisDayOfWeek instead?

    Same as above for today.

    Slight nit: testRemove instead of testremove.

    I also think day could be more descriptive, so that from the name we can tell what the test case is testing. How about filterToday or something that shows it is testing for filtering based on TODAY?

    Also the method doesn't return true so this is not very precise. How about returnsOnlyTodayDate?

    Same goes for the methods below.

    Is this supposed to be Forecast.WEEK instead, according to the comment?

    Unused method? It doesn't seem to do exactly as the method name suggests too.

    Also remember to add a test for the exception.

    I think toStringDetails sounds weird. How about getDetails() or getDetailsAsString()?

    How about the name taskDetails instead of task? Because we always use task for Task objects.

    I think we should refactor this into another method.

    Should commandAndDetails just be commandType?

    parsedCorrectly should start with lowercase

    lowercase parsedCorrectly

    I think if the user inputs l3 f/WEEK, the shortcut won't be expanded, and then the command will fail. I think parseCommandType and parseShortcutCommand can be combined together since they look at the first word in the command.

    Need a space after the * for them to show as bullet points.

    Oh since we're not using it anymore let's remove it.

    Allocator should start with lowercase a

    Why does this throw an Exception?

    Since this is a class/object I think it would be better to name it with a noun. Something like TaskTimeComparator? I think that this also helps us immediately tell that it is a comparator when looking at the name.

    Was this for testing?

    Missed this out last time. Since fixedTask and flexibleTask are lists, their name should be in plural form as per the coding standards (fixedTasks and flexibleTasks).

    After #131 it will be in LogicManager.

    Lol you forgot to finish? Or we continue this next time?

    Strictly speaking this shouldn't be part of this PR. But this is good.

    the best theoretical timetable...

    I feel that theoretical will raise some questions from the reader (aka Aileen). I think we can remove this word.

    Wanna give example commands?

    theoretical same as other comment

    It splits the user input based on command type...

    based on the command type instead of based on command type?

    Just a suggestion: I think it is easier to read if we say "the user can provide the parameters in any order" in a separate sentence.

    I think it is not clear what It refers to. How about mentioning Parser, AddCommand and TaskList.

    calls the AddCommand class

    "creates an AddCommand object" would be more precise?

    Writes the current task into...

    Should be "Writes the current task list into"?

    The input will be parsed into LogicManager

    passed instead of parsed?

    which executes the AddCommand class

    creates an AddCommand object would be more precise

    returns a boolean value "false" to the active flag

    I think false can be written like false because it is code.

    And we got an active flag?

    What are these?

    I think we should name it as something that sounds like a Comparator, or at least a noun. Something like TaskImportanceComparator?

    Similar to the other comparator, something like TaskTimeComparator?

    How about

    if (taskFilter instanceof ForecastFilter) {



    else {



    since the other filters don't need to do anything.

    Unused import?

    flexibleTaskList and fixedTaskList since they are tasklists?

    Is this used?

    Can use assertEquals

    This sounds like it's for setting today's date. But I think the intention here is to change the date that is to be filtered? I think we should make a new Forecast value for this purpose instead of reusing TODAY because it can be quite confusing. In that case, I find filterDate to be clearer than todayDate too.

    I realized that when the Forecast is DAY then it must have a date. So, it would be good to have it part of the constructor. How about having a second constructor that takes in a LocalDate, which sets the forecast to be Forecast.DAY.

    Remember to remove this.

    Shouldn't it be timeInfo.getStartTime().getHour() in the set? Otherwise the loop seems to be pointless.

    It would be good to refactor this code segment into methods to maintain single level of abstraction.

    nit: int duration instead of Integer span to keep things consistent, since we normally use int for integers?

    temp as an argument name/being part of a method name is probably not a very good idea

    Remember to remove

    Why can't we just remove the task right here?

    Would be good to refactor this segment to maintain a single level of abstraction.

    Suggestion: Can do undefinedTimeTasks.isEmpty()

    I think it would be good to make a variable for end - space - pos otherwise it takes some brain power to know what this part does exactly.

    I thought that count would need to start at the starting hour that temp started at?

    Would be good to refactor this part into methods to maintain single level of abstraction.

    Is this supposed to throw a TaskNotFoundException? If this throws a TaskNotFoundException, the user will receive an error message saying the task cannot be found. I think this would be really confusing to the user.

    How about something like spaceSlots instead of temp?

    I think date is only meaningful when forecast == Forecast.DAY so it might be better that we don't accept a forecast argument.

    Is it supposed to be day > 31?

    Suggestion: How about nextVacantSlotStart or something that indicates that this finds the start of the next vacant time slot?

    Suggestion: How about nextVacantSlotEnd or something that indicates that this finds the end of the next vacant time slot?

    Remember to remove.

    I think it would be better to say that this method will store the tasks that did not get assigned yet into this parameter. Otherwise, it seems like the caller has to provide said tasks.

    Suggestion: active doesn't clearly describe why the loop has to continue running, a name that describes so would be nice

    taskNumber from line 161 is unused.

    I think that for this one, it would be good to catch the InvalidCommandException, to ensure it is this specific exception that is being thrown.

    I believe the test should fail if the this part fails, so we shouldn't catch and handle this exception.

    I believe the test should fail if the this part fails, so we shouldn't catch and handle this exception.

    I don't think we should print the stack trace to the user at all (as done by e.printStackTrace()) no matter what happens. We should give an error message saying the program failed to load the file. Perhaps we could make our own exception like StorageLoadFailedException so that we can customize its behaviour too?

    Actually, I realized ui.printInvalidTask is ambiguous to the user too. The user wouldn't know which task is disposed and this is not really a good thing. I think it would be good to change this in this PR too.


    Also it is not immediately obvious that ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException occurs when the save file is corrupted. Perhaps we should catch this exception in Storage and throw a custom exception like StorageCorruptedException.

    StorageException instead?

    Why so many empty lines?

    This should be a heading?

    Got an extra space in front of TaskList

    Suddenly there is a getLog that came out of nowhere. Would be good to explain it.

    Full stop at the end

    Do we need to check the existing tasks?

    Shouldn't existing tasks not go past the 12am mark? Wouldn't we have stopped that from happening when it was added/edited?

    Unused constant?


    If we do getDayOfWeek means it will occur every week right? Should it be just LocalDate.now()? Btw if we want to get the string representation of a LocalDate, remember to use DateUtils.formatDate because toString doesn't return the same format as what we mention in our user guide. This could also be a reason why we get the error message I don't know the date..., because I realized this kept getting printed in the tests when we use date.toString.


    ... in the parameters description

    Either "in a parameter" or "in a parameter's description"?

    I think nullDefault as a variable name isn't really clear. Maybe emptyString? Also it might be better to have this as a constant define at the top of the class. So maybe EMPTY_STRING?

    Change to "\\s\\w+\\/" to fix #199.

    Now it only detects one alphabet before the /. \\s\\w+\\/ will make it detect any number of alphanumeric characters before the /, in case the user provides an invalid parameter like abc/.

    Yea I think we shouldn't say "it cannot be a negative integer", because it also cannot be many other things. So better to say what it "must be".

    input by the user

    I feel that "entered by the user" sounds better

    unknown parameter type for add feature

    "add command" instead of "feature"?

    Will the reader read "TASKID" as one word "taskid" 🤔? Maybe "TASK_ID" or "TASK-ID" would be clearer.

    I think we shouldn't mention default values in basic usage? Later CELC ppl get confused.

    Why move this to after parameters?

    I think we can put a note to explain what are non-recurring tasks? In case the reader gets confused about this.

    Something like

    | 💡 Non-recurring tasks refer to tasks with the RECURRENCE parameter set to one of ... |


    Why move this to after parameters?

    [Intermediate Usage](intermediate-usage)

    I think should be [Intermediate Usage](#intermediate-usage) but maybe not important we can fix the links later when we finish everything.

    Before parameters instead?

    use [list feature](#list-tasks-list-or-l)

    Would calling it list command be better than feature?

    [Intermediate Usage](intermediate-usage)

    [Intermediate Usage](#intermediate-usage) instead

    I feel that advanced users already know to use list command so dont need this line ba

    I think should emphasize that the user can use e in place of edit.

    I think should emphasize that user can use a in place of add.


    Parameters shouldn't be optional in basic usage right?

    Hmm why would this place throw this exception?

    Ohh ok. I feel that we should have something like an assert(false) here because if the program does reach this line, it means we have done something wrong, since by right TaskIsDoneException shouldnt happen when loading from storage. But not really a big deal.

    Need to make sure Storage doesn't load in old tasks. I suppose it shouldn't be an issue because it looks like you're working on that.

    In the hypothetical situation when the user leaves ATHENA running for more than a day then this might crash lol.

    I think we can keep this. Then at the end we say "(Refer to the Intermediate Usage section of each guide for more information)".

    Maybe shldnt have this

    We use int normally instead of Integer, might be good to standardize. Same for everything else I guess. But not really important so up to you

    I think taskNumberList would be a better name

    use list command

    "use the list command" instead?

    task to be edited?

    to be viewed?

    prints a message for the user to type

    how about "prints the command to restore the task"



    wants to delete


    If recurrence is invalid then the storage is corrupted

    print statement

    extra space

    has to be in the valid format?

    this sounds a bit weird

    I think we don't need to load data from storage in every run of the loop

    Maybe we can have a private TimeAllocator timeAllocator and put this timeAllocator = new TimeAllocator(taskList) in the constructor, since the same TaskList object is used everytime? I think it looks nicer than initializing a TimeAllocator every time in the loop.

    Use .equals to compare strings

    Why you got a full stop after comma lol

    Missing participant ":Parser" as Parser


    participant "command:ViewCommand" as ViewCommand

    participant ":Task" as Task

    participant "taskList:TaskList" as Task

    participant ":Time" as Time

    participant ":AthenaUI" as AthenaUI

    participant "storage:Storage" as Storage

    participant ":TaskList" as TaskList

    participant ":File" as File

    participant "storage:Storage" as Storage

    participant ":Time" as Time

    participant ":Task" as Task

    participant ":TaskList" as TaskList

    participant ":File" as File

    Isn't list before mark as done

    This shouldn't be under Appendix: Requirements right?

    @alstontham I think it would be good to overload the toString method so that we can print the object directly. You can work on printing out a Date and TaskList on your side first then we can move that code here later.

    Or you can fetch this branch and modify it, then make a pull request to my branch.

    Yea I tried without and the program might crash if the user doesn't give it in upper case.

    I agree!

    Oh wait, one allows the programmer to choose the index while the other will automatically assign an index. But yea there's repeated code so I'll modify the second addTask to call the first addTask.

    Actually I wasn't sure should the number start from 0 or 1. I thought our first task would start from 1?

    This was taken from #55. Can you comment over there?

    How about moving number to the first argument for addTask as well?

    Oops thanks for noticing

    Oops thanks for noticing

    Oh right good catch

    I removed the runtest.sh from GitHub actions in 732c687 because I realized this is not practical.

    Oh I was planning to refactor ------- into a constant. Will do that tomorrow.

    It turns out that the one in 115 was looking for the first date that matches the day, e.g. given Wednesday return 21 Oct 2020. So it's different from this. But yea I agree it would be better for this to be somewhere else, so that it can also be commonly used by the date related tests.

    Nope since the checks passed

    At first I was thinking of putting it in Ui, and then I feel that eventually we would need to refactor them to somewhere more focussed. Then I realized the somewhere is Timetable, since it contains all the related attributes needed to draw the timetable. What do you think?

    Ok will leave this to you

    Oh thanks I forgot about that.

    @wish2023 Can check if the yyyy-MM-dd was a mistake?

    Oh yea maybe accidentally deleted that line. Nice catch

    Done in #4

    Done in #4

    Done in #4

    @Kafcis I think we don't need to store the timetable generated from the task list in a file, because the same timetable can always be generated from the same task list. Looking at the scale of this, there won't be much impact in performance if we generate the timetable when the program starts. But if you wanna do it, you can use getTimetable() to get the week's timetable.

    @alstontham The timetable given to the Ui will be a list of TimetableDay objects, each containing a date and a list of Tasks. So you can work on printing that now.

    Can you add a method to get the whole list without any filtering?

    Actually there's no checkstyle issues here lol

    I feel that this can be just a method inside Task. Have we discussed this?

    Done in #34

    Er this PR has error with checkstyle test after you merged master into it. We shouldn't have merged.

    Yea if main throws the exception it's the same as asking the program to crash because nobody is handling it.

    Done in #45

    Btw merge from master so that the checkstyle problems are fixed.

    Thanks. I agree it would be better to have a Recurrence class so that we can support different types of values.

    Also continuing the work in #59.

    I just tested and realized sending exit doesn't actually exit the program. You forgot to check for that.

    Continued in #61

    I merged #55 into this so that I can also catch exceptions. We can wait until that is merged before reviewing this if there are too many things.

    I think each change in the code should be accompanied with the test code so that we can merge with confidence that it works as intended.

    My bad now it is fine, not sure why it crashed just now. I should have checked what went wrong exactly.

    I think this would fix #73. Can confirm?

    Left with AddCommand

    Test is failing because of ForecastFilterTest. Should be ok once #78 is merged.

    Done in #79

    Also closes #69

    @wish2023 ForecastFilterTest dieded again

    We should eventually get rid of this sloppy exception handling.


    Did we fix this?

    There would be a problem when the task details contains a |. I think commareplacement is too long if we want the save file to be conveniently edited by the user.

    Fix #98

    @wish2023 I'm thinking of merging this first so that we can move on with the other PRs. Will open another issue to address the comments you left. Ok?

    We should also test that 7 days in the week (Monday to Sunday) are included when filtering by week. And address the comments left in #99.

    Can we close this? Done in #114

    No longer a problem

    Can close? Done in #96

    Some work done in #96 and #115

    Can be done together with #103

    Remember to fix the failing test too.

    This is done already?

    Good catch. Currently if there are overlapping tasks, the second task will not show up in the timetable. I think we should leave this to the TaskList and TimeAllocator to ensure this doesn't happen? Because I don't think we should allow this to happen at all.

    Btw for now, if the task duration exceeds the sleep time, it will be cut off at the sleep time. Perhaps we should push back the sleep time when this happens? We can open an issue for this if so.

    Ya it shows for the week for now. After this is merged I will let it be based on the ForecastFilter (#129).

    We might need to postpone to v2.1 because our OOP is not really good enough to allow us to store this information anywhere, since our Timetable is instantiated on the spot when list is called. We would need a Model class that interfaces to all our backend stuff like TaskList and Timetable before implementing this.

    Now we cannot do this because we are loading the Task attributes from the TaskList and filling them into the EditCommand. We can change Task.edit to instead check if the method arguments are null, and only modify the Task attributes if they are not null. By doing this, we can improve testability since EditCommand no longer needs to load the attributes from a Task.

    Resolved in #142

    In DG it says ColourManager but in code we have Color.

    Oh ok no prob

    Don't allow user to add tasks from 12am to 8am.

    Where are the diagrams lol? This PR only has the code for generating them.

    Combination of #169 #177

    Done in #178

    Done in #178

    Is this fixed?

    I think 0 and 1 are both fine. Your call?

    What does this mean?

    Oh ok thanks

    Same as #229

    Modify this command to omit dates without tasks

    Should update this to show 1 month starting from today instead.

    @wish2023 Can close this?

    Maybe it wasnt clear in UG or help output

    Can close?

    Is this done? From the meeting earlier it looks like it still prints "finish on No deadline"

    Actually I still don't know what to do here lol

    My bad it is fixed

    When does it crash?


    @wish2023 is this fixed?

    @wish2023 I think this is same as #207? Can confirm?


    @wish2023 haha confirm with you again if this is fixed

    Wow nice catch

    Ok will do this during our meeting tomorrow

    tests are probably failing because your code doesn't have the latest change from master

    I think you should move the command classes into a command package.

    Oh just realized that you said need to rename a few boxes

    public Resistor(double value) {


    * Returns String representation of Resistor.


    * @return String with value and SI unit of Resistor.


    public String toString() {

    Great photo!

    Nice work!

    If you look in the build error, it says 'METHOD_DEF' should be separated from previous statement. [EmptyLineSeparator]. So just have to add an empty line.


    Consider correcting the SI_UNIT?

    private static final String SI_UNIT = "Ω";

    Need to extend the super class.

    public class PowerSource extends Component {

    The JavaDoc should be with its method.


    * Returns String constituting value and unit of voltage source of circuit.


    * @return String representation of VoltageSource object.


    Consider JavaDoc here?

    Might be good to have getters for these.

    Later when the RTemplate is created this could instead inherit from that.

    Same, a getter for this could be used later?

    Consider moving the static constant to before the instance variables?


    Not needed since done in super() call.

    Consider removing the line between the JavaDoc and method? From the coding standard: https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#comments

    No blank line between the documentation block and the method/class

    Could consider having setters for these? @sevenseasofbri LrTemplate could use them as well?

    Can also add JavaDoc.

    public double getImpedance() {

    return angularFrequency * Math.abs(inductor.getValue() - (1 / capacitor.getValue()));


    You could consider to just return here and let the rest of the function get carried out instead of having else.



    Because of inheritance this is not needed.

    Maybe the assertion could be not throwing an exception? This would probably be better checked in the test for the LcTemplate.


    Ah ya that's what I meant.

    With the return, no need for the else here actually. So it can just be done after the first if statement.

    Consider updating the method name to be more specific? Like https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#naming


    Also can consider adding edge cases? Like 0 or negative values to make the tests more robust?

    Perhaps the addSeries() and addParallel() methods could be tested as well? They are specific to the LoadComponent subclasses.

    Oh that's a good point. No need to put them here then, you can just add test cases to LoadComponentTest?

    Could else throw new DukeException then?

    Yep looks good!

    Since execute() actually takes in a Ui object, you can consider using Ui.readline() instead.

    command = ui.readLine();

    Consider leaving System.out.println() in the Ui class?

    Consider leaving this in the Ui class?

    The help and summary command should probably have text-ui-test before merging.

    Oh this try-catch block is probably not needed since all DukeException are caught in the main Duke class right?

    Alright noted then, it's like a mini instance of Duke.


    if (numOfCommandsDone >= 6 || !command.matches(orderOfInstructions[numOfCommandsDone] + "(.*)")) {

    throw new DukeException("Bad Command! Please follow the instructions carefully."

    + "If you want to exit this mode, type 'exit' and press enter.");


    Command c = PARSER.parse(command);



    What's the reasoning for making this (as well as in the other classes) protected instead of private?

    Probably don't want to XOR here right?

    public static final double DELTA = 1e-15;

    Thinking the return toString methods could simply be tested in text-ui-test. Kind of odd that we just copy paste for JUnit.

    Consider changing all method names to include the test input/scenario.


    Consider adding edge cases? Like 0, or negative values, to make the code more robust - similar for all the methods.

    i.e. test scenario here could be noValue

    Ah okay, but I would say there is no need to access the TEMPLATE (see comment about the toString), and the components could be accessed by getters instead, so actually don't need to be protected?

    Trivial getters wouldn't really need testing in the end: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6197370/should-unit-tests-be-written-for-getter-and-setters

    Since the way we set values is calling Component.setValue(), these actually still work when they are final.

    In a sense, we are using the same LoadComponent object, just changing its value.

    Looking at https://github.com/se-edu/addressbook-level3/blob/master/src/main/java/seedu/address/logic/LogicManager.java, I think it is completely fine to have the Logger at the main Command class. It's just that we haven't thought of logging for the other commands, but I think this should be moved to the main class.

    Nice use of abstract!

    Any reason why the @param input here is of byte type when everything else is int? Including that of TwoInputGate.setSecondInput().

    Probably clear enough to return immediately.

    return input & secondInput;

    Should this check for isEmpty() first?

    Nice example!

    boolean hasNoChildren = isNullAtIndex(getLeftIndex(index)) && isNullAtIndex(getRightIndex(index));

    return !isNullAtIndex(index) && hasNoChildren;

    4 could be a constant defined above.

    I don't think we need that. Reason being we are not guaranteed the inputs are set when building the circuit. Might have to calculate every time, unless BooleanTemplate checks for if a new value is set or not.

    Any Gate would also need a default overloaded constructor in that case.

    Do remove the conflict markers.

    No need to remove.

    No need to remove.

    No need to remove.

    No need to remove.

    You feel that no need to put the User Profile and Value Proposition to the ToC?

    Consider using bullet points here? Possibly standardise the numbering/bulleting in this Appendix section?

    Nice diagram!


    `BooleanTemplate` uses this function to render the current configuration of the circuit in a String format. The method

    is also extensively used in other internal operations in `BinaryTree<t cwf="C:\repos\nus-cs2103\dashboards-base\contents\cs2113\tp-comments-panels.mbdf">` for checking whether a position in the tree has been set or not.

    Just realised this shouldn't have been deleted.

    Should be

    ## Appendix: Requirements

    ### Product scope

    #### Target user profile

    This has been changed to CLIrcuit Assistant right?

    Is this a copy of the main README?

    Currently broken.

    ## Appendix: Requirements

    The jar file is still duke.jar.

    2. Open a new terminal window and navigate to the same directory where your duke.jar is located

    3. Enter the command `java -jar duke.jar` into the terminal window to launch the application

    Just the link for changes in #73.

    * [Model component](#model-component)

    * [Implementation of Boolean Commands](#implementation-of-boolean-commands)

    * [Binary Tree](#binary-tree)

    [-> AddCommand: execute()

    RcTemplate calls getCapacitor() from itself.

    RcTemplate -&gt; RcTemplate : getCapacitor()

    activate RcTemplate

    RcTemplate <- RcTemplate : capacitor

    deactivate RcTemplate

    AddCommand -&gt; RcTemplate : rc.getComponent("c")

    I realise that we might need to change the actual Java code here so it doesn't need to call getComponent() twice.

    This whole part might actually be redundant in the code, we can remove the setComponent() call since it is already set when c.setValue() is called.

    I think you can just update the UML to this version, we can merge and create a new PR for the code later. Maybe can just add an issue right after merging this one.

    Yeah maybe can add to .gitignore.

    The code has been fixed as of #71 - you can update it to follow the current implementation.

    You can click delete file from the Files changed section.

    This would probably be better moved to its own section rather than being in the Architecture section.

    I'll have to update my diagram.

    Remember to update the ToC once you do so 💯



    Interface with only a constant?

    Why is this needed?


    Should not be invalid command, need to change input.txt to use tutorial circuit instead.

    Maybe can add JavaDoc here?

    I see, will have to change the class diagrams for this.

    Why is this necessary? Doesn't seem to be used outside of checkHasSetBothInput().

    JavaDoc here?

    Following CircuitCommand, what could be done instead is to put this in an overridden toString() method:



    public String toString() {

    return "The output of the current configuration is " + template.calculateOutput(0) + ".\n" + super.toString();


    Better yet, have a private int output variable in the class, and use .execute() to set it using output = template.calculateOutput(0). Then you could replace it with output in toString().

    Yep can remove.

    This is no longer necessary, along with the import.

    Consider initializing the Gate object before these if checks? Seems to be circuit.getT(idx) is accessed up to 3 times.

    This could be overloaded so that calculateOutput() will just give calculateOutput(0) when called from CalculateBooleanCommand. Then this method could also be private.

    No new Gate object is being created, you are accessing an existing one within BinaryTree. Plus you get much more clarity.

    On that note, you could also have a variable for the left and right index.

    return super.toString() + System.lineSeparator() + "The output of the current configuration is " + output + ".";

    Following the implementation this should above the template.

    Nice addition! 💯

    Any reason why this doesn't use the CLIrcuit Assistant logo? And Enjoy being on the same line? Consider using EXPECTED.txt and ACTUAL.txt, which you'll have to update, to check the formatting.

    Adding on to this, how come there are two sets of DukeException being thrown?

    Consider putting this in CircuitTemplate instead? Then subclasses can just call super.toString().

    Will be updated by @oasisbeatle



    | Command | Circuit | Boolean |


    | Tutorial | tutorial circuit | tutorial boolean |

    | Template | template TEMPLATE | template TEMPLATE |

    | Summary | summary | summary |



    | Calculate | calc EFF_VALUE | calc |

    | Exit | exit | exit |

    | Print | print | print |


    Here's a summary of the command parameters:


    | Parameter | Circuit Params | Boolean Params |


    | TEMPLATE | rc, rl, r, cl | boolean |

    | COMPONENT | r, c, l, v | N.A. |

    | CONFIG | parallel, series | N.A |

    | EFF_VALUE | reff, ceff, leff, current, power | N.A |

    | VALUE | any number of double datatype | N.A |

    | INPUT | N.A | A, B, C, D, E, F, G |

    | GATE | N.A | or, and, nor, nand, xor, xnor |

    | BOOLVALUE | N.A | 0, 1 |


    You have exited Tutorial Mode!

    Here's a summary of available commands:

    Why are the stars added?

    Do correct the name of the image file.

    #### `SetBooleanCommand`

    There are four Boolean commands that are used in the implementation of the logic gates: `TemplateBooleanCommand, SetBooleanCommand, AddBooleanCommand`, and `CalcBooleanCommand`.

    #### `AddBooleanCommand`

    #### `CalcBooleanCommand`

    Where is the PUML file for this? It seems like the TwoInputGate objects shouldn't know about it each other, rather it's BooleanTemplate that knows about all of them.

    Missing PUML file.

    Missing PUML file.

    Missing PUML file.

    Missing PUML file.

    Going into BooleanParser from Parser should be prepareBooleanTemplate().

    [->Parser: parse("template and")

    activate Parser

    Parser-> BooleanParser: prepareBooleanTemplate("and")

    BooleanParser --> BooleanParser: AndGate()

    BooleanParser --> BooleanParser: BooleanTemplate(AndGate())

    The BooleanParser is not deactivated.

    The control should be returned back to Parser, that's where it started from. We can just ignore the super() call, it's not so important.

    TemplateBooleanCommand --> BooleanParser

    deactivate TemplateBooleanCommand

    BooleanParser --> Parser

    deactivate BooleanParser

    [&gt;-- Parser

    deactivate Parser

    This is still not fixed. Do change the name of the image file to SetBooleanCommand.png.

    Do keep in mind the names of the image files.


    Please fix the activations, they should all be after the arrow ->.

    Index parsing is done in BooleanParser.

    BooleanTemplate -&gt; BinaryTree : insert(idx, and)

    activate BinaryTree

    BinaryTree --> BooleanTemplate

    deactivate BinaryTree

    BooleanTemplate -&gt; BooleanTemplate : buildTopDown()

    activate BooleanTemplate

    BooleanTemplate --> BooleanTemplate

    deactivate BooleanTemplate

    BooleanTemplate --> AddBooleanCommand

    deactivate BooleanTemplate

    &gt;-- AddBooleanCommand

    deactivate AddBooleanCommand

    This will need to be revised once @sevenseasofbri implements CalculateBooleanCommand.execute(). Consider revising the return of control of the sequence diagrams.

    Please fix the activation here as well.

    [-> SetBooleanCommand : execute()

    activate SetBooleanCommand

    SetBooleanCommand -&gt; BooleanTemplate : setInput(template, 2, 0)

    activate BooleanTemplate

    BooleanTemplate -&gt; BinaryTree : getT(2)

    activate BinaryTree

    BinaryTree --> BooleanTemplate : gate

    deactivate BinaryTree

    BooleanTemplate -&gt; TwoInputGate : setSecondInput(0)

    activate TwoInputGate

    TwoInputGate --> BooleanTemplate

    deactivate TwoInputGate

    BooleanTemplate -&gt; BooleanTemplate : buildTopDown()

    activate BooleanTemplate

    BooleanTemplate --> BooleanTemplate

    deactivate BooleanTemplate

    BooleanTemplate --> SetBooleanCommand

    deactivate BooleanTemplate

    [&gt;-- SetBooleanCommand

    deactivate SetBooleanCommand

    Needs revision - consider changing this to BooleanTemplate being associated with Gate objects, which all the other gates inherit from. Also, TwoInputGate only has input and secondInput, they do not know about other Gate objects. The logic is done from within BooleanTemplate.

    Maybe this can be better shown with a UML Class diagram?

    Maybe these steps here and the next command can just be shown by UML diagrams mostly? If the sequence diagram is very clear, the steps taken might even be redundant.

    The name of the actual file is still docs/diagrams/setBooleanCommand.png. It will not render properly if the case does not match.

    Any reason you name them States? Seems harder to deal with than just using their names.

    We no longer have the TwoInputGate, all are from Gate now.

    Consider revising these to show inheritance i.e. the &gt;|-- arrow.

    Arrow is in the wrong direction?

    State1 --> "1..7" State5

    The "1..7" shows the multiplicity.

    Already implemented - can be updated.

    No longer needed. Also States name could be changed?


    Nice, added a 500.0 µF


    import java.util.Scanner;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    actually this was the old tutorial commands, can remove these then

    lines 10 to 16 were the tutorial commands previously. see the exit command?

    yes I know. but we have 2 sets of tutorial commands for tutorial circuit now.

    Nice work! I admire the beauty of this change.

    Also returns it! Found this looking through older PRs and realised this was merged before this review. 😮

    Consider updating the Gate.getOutput() methods with better JavaDoc? Goes with #110 I suppose.

    These JavaDoc could be improved, since the boolean is returned also.

    Maybe say something like 'template lc' or 'template rl'?

    Yup try maybe add wrong commands not matching these in input.txt to see what happens.

    Maybe consider using \t similar to what @sevenseasofbri did for CIRCUIT_INSTRUCTIONS? To be consistent, \n can also be replaced with System.lineSeparator().

    😮 blank line

    Looking at #162 maybe a newline could be added before "In the app"?

    This is buggy, consider adding new lines after code, as well as using ''' instead of tabs.

    Since this is the user guide, you can consider changing the instances of "the user" to "you" instead. The rest of the document does not use "the user".

    Ah another thing, this looks like it is specific to tutorial circuit which is not mentioned anywhere.

    Since we have kramdown with {\:toc}, this isn't needed right?

    Adding an edge to an AM is O(1), checking if an edge exists is also O(1). Removing an edge is also O(1). The issue with the AM is the high space complexity.

    You can take a look at our current documentation page which already uses it: https://ay2021s1-cs2113t-w13-3.github.io/tp/DeveloperGuide.html

    If you want to see it on your own fork you can setup the docs as the site page in your settings: https://nus-cs2113-ay2021s1.github.io/website/schedule/week7/project.html#a-userguide

    I think we are all forgetting the GUI constraint here. Any dynamic visualisation would dangerously be part of GUI, and making everything static (similarly for Boolean) cuts that issue out. Maybe consider adding this consideration as well?

    This shouldn't be removed right?

    Should follow master branch here right?


    in the correct command in the terminal line as shown below.

    Why is this changed?


    For consistency.

    The image below shows an example of using the command `set r 500` on the template shown.

    The image below shows an example of using the command `set B 0` on the template shown.


    Broken. Also why not the same format as the other images? The colours and all.


    Yep image is ok, but formatting still broken. Commit the suggestion ⬆️

    For consistency.

    The image below shows an example when using the `template and` command.


    If you want the image you gotta put it after the ---.

    Pending right?

    Will be used when it's actually implemented. The Ui will need to print what happens with execution, something like my iP. i.e. the implementation here is not complete, and requires #3 to be completed.

    Hmm, I feel it's quite intuitive? What else would you do with the otherValue, with the method name and JavaDoc already given?

    Nope! In fact, it cannot compile if you add the break statements.

    We can consider adding more Exception classes and functionality later on.

    Good idea 👍

    Good point. Should there be an assertion in BooleanTemplate.setInput() as well? Though it does seem we are using DukeException for BinaryTree.insert(). Maybe all as exceptions?

    Yep yep, I basically left this whole part untouched since @PraveenElango should be solving it in #75.

    Same as above.

                String input = gate.getSecondInput() ? "1" : "0";

    😮You spotted a bug!

    #10 Inductor done.

    No need to link the issue #10 yet, else it will automatically close it when you merge. Can link when the last component is done.

    Closed as duplicate of #19.

    You don't need to close the PR and make a new one once you've made the changes. But it's okay, now that you've opened #19 we'll use that.

    • Inductor done in #11

    • Capacitor done in #16

    • Resistor done in #19

    • Voltage Source done in #21

    I think we can merge all and close this issue?


    • Take a look at Parser.prepareCalc().

    • Take a look at Command and other subclasses.

    • Create CalculateCommand class.

    • Implement CalculateCommand.execute() method.

    • Use Template calculate methods to get values.

    • UseUi to print result.

    • Add JUnit test(s) for CalculateCommand.

    Assigned JUnit Testing classes:

    | Class | Person |


    | Command | @sevenseasofbri will do HelpCommand subclass, @dorianfong98 the rest |

    | Component | @oasisbeatle |

    | Parser | @hughjazzman |

    | Template | @PraveenElango |

    | Ui | @sevenseasofbri |

    Being the last task of milestone v1.0, we can follow this after closing: https://nus-cs2113-ay2021s1.github.io/website/schedule/week9/project.html#using-milestones

    • A working product tagged.

    • CI passing.

    • Milestone updated to match the product.

    • Milestone closed.

    @dorianfong98 Command classes done?

    To be updated with #57 features, including the user stories addressed.

    @sevenseasofbri will update Glossary once everyone has updated the Dev Guide. #73

    Duplicate of #62.

    @dorianfong98 to do BinaryTree

    @sevenseasofbri to do BooleanTemplate

    Add a PrintCommand to print both CircuitTemplate and BooleanTemplate.

    @sevenseasofbri Add the parsing into Parser,BooleanParser and CircuitParser, to return TutorialBooleanCommand and TutorialCircuitCommand.

    On these two points:

    • Why it is implemented that way.

    • Alternatives considered.

    I believe we can add this for the CircuitTemplate as well as the BinaryTree.

    Can @oasisbeatle or @dorianfong98 do a short write-up for CircuitTemplate and @sevenseasofbri or @dorianfong98 do one for BinaryTree?

    We can also add future (hypothetical) features past v2.1.

    Not implemented in v2.0.

    Released: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/tp/releases/tag/v2.0

    Hi Nishanth, thanks for the review! Is it ok if you check out the current PR #119 DG to see if some of these issues are resolved?


    If the LrTemplate() call is a constructor, the arrow should point to the :LrTemplate object, and the activity bar should be connected to :LrTemplate. Please review the other sequence diagrams and constructors as well.

    @sevenseasofbri I looked through the plantUML docs, I think you can use the 'create' keyword for object creation

    @nishanthelango Ah I should've looked too, makes a lot of sense that constructors can be called that way within plantUML. Thanks!

    (Figure 16) Consider removing the parentheses in AndGate() to avoid confusion with methods

    @nishanthelango Is this perhaps clearer?

    Yep won't be added.

    Thanks for the feedback. Will fix, but will not appreciate the rudeness of this issue. Do provide feedback without sarcasm and more tact. @brandonywl

    The presence of a table to summarize keywords is great but other than code, the rest are only used 3 times or irrelevantly.

    I disagree. Dr Jane (CS2101 prof) has informed us that this is a good way to make sure there is no confusion when different types of formatting or icons turn up in the guide. Maybe you can explain the rationale as to why they are irrelevant?

    Irrelevant use of bolding. Provides no significant information to user.

    Would still disagree with this point though, since CLIrcuit Assistant is the name of the application. Maybe you can make your point with a proper explanation?

    For code, the bucket is too broad and confuses users as to what they should see and what they should type into the CLI. It is preferable to use screenshots instead for what they should see and that should reduce your issues by quite a fair bit.

    Fair enough, I suppose there should be differentiation between only user input and formatting command words.

    Unclear which should I actually put into my CLI or should I see. Surprise! It's none of the two. Only the last line follows the standardized guide. This is repeated consistently across the UG.

    It's unclear which two you are referring to here. The title/section headers are definitely not equivalent to the format, which admittedly could be explained more or with better formatting. As for the Tutorial commands, perhaps we could add a preface that the Tutorial commands should be followed to the T, and that the User Guide is only a general overview. Also, another preface to explain that all user input are under the Format: (maybe Format could be bolded or underlined) with the Expected Output being directly after could be placed before the commands.

    This change would be under the SetCircuitCommand#toString() method actually.

    It seems that following the original format given to us wasn't too useful. I suppose we could put the format in the section names themselves.

    Disagree here. Link is provided from the top for the summary of commands at the bottom. However, I do believe the Command Preface could include this fact.

    Similar to #129.

    @PraveenElango I think straight away can print the summary table, and have the parameter command stuff only in the DG.

    I realised I fixed it then tested it.

    Closed as duplicate of #136.

    Closed as duplicate of #148.

    Closed as duplicate of #148.

    Closed as duplicate of #151,

    Closed as duplicate of #151.

    (Figure 22) Can this be replaced with an opt block instead?

    @sevenseasofbri Is this one fixed yet?

    @brandonywl Thank you for the proper response, it's much appreciated. I would still go up and say nothing excuses rudeness, but we apologise for putting you through such a hassle.

    with no indication of when does it refer to expected CLI output, or what is an example input.

    On this note, I was wondering whether you caught that "Format:" showed the actual input that was supposed to be used? Genuinely wondering, otherwise we might just put all actual input in the titles (currently all input are under "Format:") instead of explaining that they are under "Format:". As for the tutorial's expected output, it seemed like we shouldn't need to explain the in-tutorial output since that should all be self-explanatory within the CLI, but I suppose we could add an expected first output when using the command.

    Closed as duplicate of #134.

    @oasisbeatle You can look at @sevenseasofbri for reference on the clarity for TutorialBooleanCommand.

    See here for explanation.

    Wira Azmoon - Project Portfolio Page

    @sevenseasofbri Initially you said @oasisbeatle right? Did @PraveenElango want to do it insteaed?


    Need to do JavaDoc for all classes also.

    Follow https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/index.html#comments.

    Can also follow https://www.oracle.com/technical-resources/articles/java/javadoc-tool.html#examples.

    Suggestions before LGTM:

    • Replace all the code with images

    • Just show the Tutorial logo instead of explaining both

    You have entered

    _______ _ _ _ __ __ _ _

    |__ __| | | (_) | | | \/ | | | | |

    | |_ _| |_ ___ _ __ _ __ _| | | \ / | ___ __| | ___| |

    | | | | | __/ _ \| '__| |/ _` | | | |\/| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ |

    | | |_| | || (_) | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_) | (_| | __/_|

    |_|\__,_|\__\___/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___(_)

    Type 'exit' if you want to leave this mode and go back to the application.

    • Say that the sentence after depends on whether using circuit or boolean

    • Rest is fine

    @PraveenElango will do this Introduce section

    Introduce: (one or 2 members can do this)

    • What is your product about?

    • Who is your target user?

    • What is the problem statement you are addressing?

    Details: (ideally everyone takes part in the demo)

    • As a courtesy, introduce yourself (though if you miss, it is OK!)

    • Which part of the problem is your feature/command addressing?

    • How to use your feature via what commands?

    • If commands have different variations, show a few variations, no need to show everything


    Images to be added assignment

    | Section | Assigned |


    |Tutorial | @oasisbeatle |

    |Template | @dorianfong98 |

    |Set | @PraveenElango |

    |Add | @hughjazzman |

    |Calc | @sevenseasofbri |

    |Summary | @hughjazzman |

    |Bye| @sevenseasofbri |

    Images to be added assignment #96

    | Section | Assigned |


    |Tutorial | @oasisbeatle |

    |Template | @dorianfong98 |

    |Set | @PraveenElango |

    |Add | @hughjazzman |

    |Calc | @sevenseasofbri |

    |Summary | @hughjazzman |

    |Bye| @sevenseasofbri |

    #166 and #172 to complete before closing.

    Merged in #116.


    Last chance for checks!

    Is it possible to catch the exception with this function and return a new IncorrectCommand("Missing info" or "No keyword") here

    I am thinking that the printFindNotesMessage in InterfaceManager can be a static function and it returns a string of the formatted note. This is to consolidate all the printing to be only done inside the main runLoop function

    Make this function return the string instead of printing them out directly

    Can use InterfaceManager.LS (line separator) for the \n to standardize all new line

    since you are using get function, maybe can change all the Strings to private type in the respective class

    I think you can import these from the tagManager.

    The person has to enter the prefix for every tag they want to add so I think can leave it as "TAG" to avoid confusion.

    Thats also viable, also can add in "TAG COLOR" too

    Don't have to make it static, each Command class have a TagManager object, can access the tagManager from there

    Get from the tagManager instead.

    the name of the variable can be COMMAND_WORD since now add event is split into another class

    Can replace the "Note deleted:" with your command successful message

    Violates coding standard

    Likewise violates coding standard

    Nice function here.

    Dont need to have this catch here. Make this function throw a SystemException, the parseCommand function will catch it.

    Should there be some error handling here? Like incase there are duplicate events.

    Can rename COMMAND_WORD_EVENT to COMMAND_WORD, previously used this to separate COMMAND_WORD_NOTE but since now this has it's own class can just shorten it.

    You are also missing the COMMAND_USAGE_MESSAGE

    I used the wrong "Boolean" when creating the class, can change it to "boolean"

    Makes sense.

    prepareAddNote (and the other prepare functions) do not have the catch block for SystemException. This catch will be handled inside parseCommand. The only exception to catch in prepare functions should only be NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and maybe date time related exception for this function.

    Can make this private and have a getter function for it to be used in HelpCommand

    Can replace the \n with InterfaceManager.LS for consistency.

    throw new SystemException instead of return a new IncorrectCommand. And can remove the catch for SystemException.

    There should be a catch for NullPointerException in the event that the user just enter the command only without any space after it. i.e. "add-e"

    This two should be private members.

    This function can be moved into Parser. The original intention of this class is to create a list of acceptable date time formats and returns date time info in a specific format.

    There should not be any return new IncorrectCommand here as well as the catch block for SystemException. Can change the catch block for ArrayIndexOutBoundsException and NullPointerException to throw a new SystemException.

    Suggest to split the catching of the two exceptions mentioned above to throw a more specific SystemException.

    Prepare functions should throw SystemException if necessary.

    The exception should be missing index prefix instead for your case.

    Would it ever reach this point? If so, can change it to throw SystemException instead of return new IncorrectCommand for consistency with other prepare functions.

    Actually you can return a new DeleteNoteCommand within the switch case. So it should return immediately after reading a title or an index. If it reaches the code after the switch case can throw a systemException, say missing title/index or missing description

    Is it necessary to create a new Note object here?

    Maybe can make this a static final string as COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE

    A space after the comma

    Have you tested listing notes with a non-existing tag? i.e. list notes with CS2113 tag, but there is no such tag in the map at all? getTag returns null for such case so I think you should only add those that are not null.

    Tag tag = tagManager.getTag(tag);

    if (tag != null) {



    Can do a check for the size of notes, if it has no element can return an unsuccessful message.

    This can be private since its only used within this class.

    Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think JavaDoc works inside function? Like it won't be displayed on the html.

    p.s. I am referring to Narzyl comment.

    Is there a need to append to the noteString or can you just return the unsuccessful message?

    I think it would look nicer if the tags are on the same line as the title. i.e.

    CS2113 Notes [CS2113] [Important] [School]

    Shld this comment be above? or somewhere in execute? Looks a little out of place

    private static final String INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE = "The index you specified is out of range. "

    + "Please specify the index that is indicated when you print the event list";

    For the "Year-Month(1-12)"

    Is the user suppose to enter the year followed by the month, 2020-1, or its just the month itself?

    I believe Ramana is renaming all the exception with "WRONG" to "INVALID", can follow that.

    Rename as event? Preferably not to use single letter for variables unless its for iterators.

    The parameter has to be an Object? Is there any instance that this will be used to compare non-Reminder objects?

    Not to sure about this, but is there a need to create a class for this? Does implementing to a class, say Event or DateTimeManager and then overriding in that class work? Like wise for the DateTimeComparator, since a class can implements multiple interfaces.

    Can declare these numbers as static final variables

    I'm not sure if I remember correctly but previously Ramana mentioned that can return a new RemindCommand() directly right, since you are not using userMessage

    Don't have to create new object for all. In your case can just create Timetable, and pass in null for the other parameters

    return Formatter.LS + COMMAND_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE + noteString.toString();



    return Formatter.LS + COMMAND_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE + noteString.toString();

    private static final String NOTUS_LOGO = Formatter.LS


            + Formatter.LS
            + "     .-') _               .-') _                 .-')    "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "    ( OO ) )             (  OO) )               ( OO ).  "
            + Formatter.LS
            + ",--./ ,--,'  .-'),-----. /     '._ ,--. ,--.   (_)---\\_) "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "|   \\ |  |\\ ( OO'  .-.  '|'--...__)|  | |  |   /    _ |  "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "|    \\|  | )/   |  | |  |'--.  .--'|  | | .-') \\  :' '.  "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "|  .     |/ \\_) |  | |  |   |  |   |  | |( OO ) '..'''.) "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "|  |\\    |    \\ |  | |  |   |  |   |  | | '-' /.-._)   \\ "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "|  | \\   |     ''  '-'  '   |  |  ('  '-'(_.-' \\       / "
            + Formatter.LS
            + "'--'  '--'       '-----'    '--'    '-----'     '-----'  "
            + Formatter.LS;


    + NOTUS_LOGO + Formatter.LS

    private static final String ENTER_COMMAND_MSG = Formatter.LS

    Can move this over to formatter class, and have a static function to get this.


    private static final String NOTUS_LOGO = LS
            + LS
            + "     .-') _               .-') _                 .-')    "
            + LS
            + "    ( OO ) )             (  OO) )               ( OO ).  "
            + LS
            + ",--./ ,--,'  .-'),-----. /     '._ ,--. ,--.   (_)---\\_) "
            + LS
            + "|   \\ |  |\\ ( OO'  .-.  '|'--...__)|  | |  |   /    _ |  "
            + LS
            + "|    \\|  | )/   |  | |  |'--.  .--'|  | | .-') \\  :' '.  "
            + LS
            + "|  .     |/ \\_) |  | |  |   |  |   |  | |( OO ) '..'''.) "
            + LS
            + "|  |\\    |    \\ |  | |  |   |  |   |  | | '-' /.-._)   \\ "
            + LS
            + "|  | \\   |     ''  '-'  '   |  |  ('  '-'(_.-' \\       / "
            + LS
            + "'--'  '--'       '-----'    '--'    '-----'     '-----'  "
            + LS;


    The message is from pin command

    💡 If no tag color is specified, the color of the tag will be that of the default white color.

    Are you moving all the message to a class? If so you can call the format function inside ExitCommand execute so that there is no need for an additional call here

    Want to move all the asci art and messages to another class?

    I dont think this class need a test since its just messages.

    Can this be a function in notebook, say getNote(String noteTitle) and return true/false or the Note object/null. There should not be an ArrayList needed.

    Is there a need to get the content first?

    Can refactor most of this into inputContent(), including the do while.

    Eventually it should just be:

    content = inputContent;

    if (content == null) {

    return Formatter.formatMessage(unsuccessful message);

    } else {





    return Formatter.formatMessage(successful message +...)


    No need to check if getTagsName is blank. Will do the fix on the formatter side.

    Is systemException thrown anywhere in Formatter?

    Make the function return the boolean instead of throwing exception? Also, should the equals be equalsIgnoreCase?

    No need for this exception since its the same as the COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE in your deleteCommand. I have added my comment on the function to return the boolean instead of throwing exception.

    Unused import package

    Catch the StringIndexOutOfBoundsException within the function and return null instead.

    Unused import package?

    There is a notebook.getNote(index) function, can use that instead for simplifcation

    Possible to let notebook.deleteNote(index) return a boolean as well. So that can move the isDeleted outside of the if else (titleIsBlank) and do a consolidated return..


    if (titleIsBlank) {

    title = getTitle()

    isDeleted = notebook.deleteNote(index)

    } else {

    isDeleted = notebook.deleteNote(title)


    if isDeleted

    return success else return unsuccessful

    Is there a need to new the array list here?

    No need to have this variable here. If title is blank, you can reuse the variable "title" and assign the title here. At the end you will only need 1 return Formatter.formatString(ARCHIVE_NOTE_MESSAGE + title);

    Why is there a need for archivedNotesList? Since all the note can only have unique names, wont it only return 1 note object? There is a getNote(title) function in notebook, you can use that instead.

    getNotes.get(i) can be replaced with getNote(i)

    Is there a need to new the arrayList here? Ideally, ListNoteCommand should just call a function in notebook, say getNotes(bool isSorted, arrayList>Tag>) (currently is only getNotes(), you can overload it). All logic handling should be within notebook class itself to sort and return the requested arraylist of note. This is also for reusability, having the function in the notebook instead in this ListNoteCommand Class. Do refer to the word doc I shared.

    All formatting should be inside formatter class. Can change the formatNotebook to formatNotes(arrayList Notes)

    Similar to my comment for archiveNoteCommand

    Unused import statement

    new in the constructor

    This function shld be split into 2. 1 is getArchivedNotes() where it just return the arrayList. Another function is archiveNote(int index), overloaded with archieveNote(string title). ArchiveNoteCommand will call this function and this function will handle will removing of note from the original list and adding into the archivedNotes arrayList

    Likwise there should be an function for unarchiveNote(int index), unarchiveNote(string title)

    Discussed that archiveNotes(title) should return a boolean to check if the notebook manage to archive the note successfully

    In what situation will this happen?

    Same comment as ArchiveNoteCommand

    I think @prachi2023 has this line to display the info for pin note command. Can have the function as getPinnedString()

    The Boolean notebookToggle can be renamed to isPinned or something similar to better identify its purpose.

    As discussed, change the parameter ArrayList>Note> to take in a boolean fromOriginalNoteList or something similar and do a if else statement to determine which arrayList to get the note from. Also, consider the case that the note does not exist, what will the stream return?

    No need for this 1 line function.

    Handle the case when the noteTitle does not exist.

    just do notes.remove(index) here




    Similar to archiveNote, handle if title does not exist.

    No need to have the formattedString if its just passing an empty string into the function.

    can remove the last parameter for the function. Suggested way:

    formattedString = getNoteString(pinnedHeader, pinned);

    formattedString = formattedString.concat(getNoteString(unpinnedHeader, unpinned)

    Change this to a local variable rather than pass in by parameter

    Why do you use LS? Wont the output have 2 empty lines? and the sides will be broken? i.e.

    || Title ....... ||

    >> LS here>>

    || Content...||

    >> LS here>>


    Looks clean now!

    Realise that this + note.getTagsName can be added when this function is called. i.e. in the command execute

    return formatNote(header + note.getTitle + note.getTagsName(), note)

    There is a formatEvent function in Formatter, use that to format an event object instead of calling event.toStringArray(). Overload it if necessary.

    Expected code:


    return Formatter.formatEvent(COMMAND_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, event), where formatEvent takes in a header and an event.

    There is no need for this function here, handle this in Formatter.

    Handles in formatter.

    This should be handled in formatter instead of splitting the content here. There is an empty function called formatEvent. Overload if necessary

    Suggested: formatEvent(event)

    encloseRow("Event: " + event.getTitle();

    encloseRow("Date: " + event.date.toString() + "\tTime: " + event.time.toString());

    encloseRow("Reminder: " + event.isToRemind);

    encloseRow("Repeating: " + isRecurring);

    As per previous, format in formatter. Can check if the event is an instance of RecurringEvent and enclose the necessary info.

    As per other comments.

    Can call formatter to get the expected output, do not have to manually type out. In the event that the format changes, you do not have to edit the format here.

    expected = Formatter.formatEvent(SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, event)

    Maybe can overload another formatEvent to take in Header as one of the parameter. That way, just have to call 1 format function.

    Likwise, same as above

    Do the enclosing here and just make it return the formatted string straightaway. Can overload it to take in a header for printing 1 event.

    Likewise, returns the formatted string

    Noted on this.


    3 MD

    2 MD

    Tag Notes


    5 MD


    5 MD

    2 MD

    2 MD

    2 MD

    2 MD

    Why did you remove this variable? I thought it is needed to differentiate the notes when saving to txt file? Or is the archived note list saved in a separate txt file?

    Ya, I am referring to loading from text file, what differentiates them to be loaded into respective array list?

    I have went through her code, the boolean is still needed. When loading from text file, it uses Parser to create a new AddNoteCommand, inside Notebook the addNote(note) function can have an if else, based on the boolean isArchive and then add into the respective arrayList.

    Is the boolean added back in? Looks like it's still removed.

    You may want to have an arraylist of note for the expected output and then use the Formatter.formatNotes. In the event that the format changes, you do not have to manually change the expected string again.

    All expected string can use the Formatter functions, for this case encloseString(title). Since the purpose of the command test are to compare the result and not the formatting, it is ok to just use those functions.


    He did that in the execute return, since this is a private static final, the time period cannot be added here.

    This should be formatEvents or formatTimetable. See suggestion for formatEvent(event) in the #108

    These functions can just sort and compare the events and eventually just return an arrayList of event.

    Possible to change the parameter such that it takes in an arrayList of events instead of HashMap>Month, HashMap>Integer, ArrayList>Event>>> timetable?

    In terms of reusability:

    for (Event event: events) {

    formattedString = formattedString.concat(formatEvent(event));


    There is not much difference, I use concat mainly because intellij will give warning for using += in loop, so I use concat for all cases.

    If thats the case, I think can leave it. The only concern is that the data struct looks complicated.

    Why does loadAll function takes in storageManager as one of the parameter?

    Why is there a getNoteContent here since it is adding a new note? I believe the line below that @Nazryl added is to pass his JUnit test.

    Would there be any difference if saveNote is not a static function? Since all command classes contains a storageManager object, all are able to access this function.

    Can use Formatter.LS if this is a line separator.

    I see the reason you pass in storageManager is only for setData. Can replace it with 'this' so that this function does not need the StorageManager parameter.

    command.setData(notebook, timetable, tagManager, this);

    @R-Ramana The boolean for isArchive is still needed for loading.

    Currently we have 2 arraylist, 1 for all the notes and 1 for archived notes. Need another loop for the getArchivedNotes()

    @R-Ramana Here is the saving part.

    This is a temporary suggestion I provided her. Attritbute.BRIGHT_COLOR_TEXT().toString cannot be used as case expression because they are not constant. There is another way to use switch, but since its related to color, I will edit on my side.

    What error? I tried and it works.

    Can declare this as a const?

    Can remove it since its not used anymore right?

    formattedString = formattedString.concat(encloseRow(EMPTY_SPACE + truncatedContent));

    int offsetSet = stringBeforeReset.indexOf(POSTFIX);

    This 2 can keep as well

    If there are no reminders, it will add a none, then would the output be: "None reminder"? Sounds a little weird.

    Why is there 2 notes of the same title? This shld not be accepted when adding note.

    Is this function called in other methods? Changing this boolean may affect the output of others. Also, from the parameter name, it sound logical that if it is not isArchive, it will search through the notes arrayList as described in the JavaDoc comment.

    Suggested change should be inside the archiveNotes(String noteTitle) under notebook.

    Note archivedNote = getNote(noteTitle, true); ----> Note toBeArchiveNote= getNote(noteTitle, false);

    Suggestion for the message to just displayed "pinned" or "unpinned" without the " | ISPIN: ". Likewise for archive, can display "Archived" for archive notes

    I feel that can return "" for unarchived, don't really need to state that a normal note is unarchived

    use equalsIgnoreCase instead?

    Miss out the "/

    FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(LOGS_DIR + "/HelpCommand.log");

    Use list of notes instead of notebook since there is only 1 notebook but 2 arraylist of notes. Using default/archive notebook may give a wrong idea.

    - getNote(`String`) checks if the note of the specified title exists in the notebook's default list of notes and returns a `boolean` value.

    - getNote(`String`, `boolean`) checks if the note of the specified title exists and returns a `boolean` value. The `boolean` acts as a flag to determine which of the list of notes (default/archived) in the notebook, will be streamed and filtered.

    Likewise for all the description below.

    This 2 should not be tested here as there is a function that checks for invalid string. You can move these 2 there. For the test here all command word, "archive-n", should be correct. It should be the parameter that varies which will result in the IncorrectCommand being return. Cases to consider:

    archive-n /i 0

    archive-n (no parameter)

    Likewise as above

    Is this the correct function name?

    The inputString is not changed? Likwise there are few calls but the inputString wasnt changed.

    Can link it to the specific segment in the UG and DG

    I think can exclude the default getters and setters keep the remaining logic functions

    Can link it to the UG and DG portion

    Can consider to link to the actual section of the UG

    Since this test is on archive note, there is no need to create file. It just need a storageManager object.

    Likewise, there is no need to create files here.

    Ah ok

    Note the Figure no.

    yup it should! I just generate a template test class therefore it consists of the execute function inside. All the test functions should be renamed accordingly.

    The intellji gave warning saying that the field may be final so I changed it. Will be reverting that since the int cannot be final. Likewise for the rest of the similar cases below

    For this, because the user can choose not to input the sort parameter, therefore the Boolean can hold a null value, which is used to check later

    Don't really think there is a need for a function because this help string will be a constant. Can actually merge with the declaration of the HELP_STRING. @R-Ramana your view?

    My intent is sort by usage. Noted on the separation.

    No worries

    This one is the ide auto ident to next line.

    This is for tag-e

    This is deleting of the tag and not untagging. Will update the content.

    Noted. Will edit it

    Currently adding of note doesn't check if the title match any archive notes. So I added this. Refer to my changes in AddNoteCommand

    Just for standardization since all are using '-'

    I updated this. Will ask for re-review when I complete all changes.




    Noted thanks!

    Failed CheckStyleTest

    Have you pulled the latest version? There seems to be conflict between the versions.

    Yup I will close it.

    Btw can we add the .log files into gitignore. Everyone can generate their .log file on their own local copy.

    Trying another fix for this

    I will leave this open until until I find a better fix.

    Will not close previously linked issue.

    This is not a bug. Intellji prints white font as black and vice versa. See attached image to change it such that it displays the correct color on intellji


    Yup yup

    Implements #98

    Closed by #136 and #117


    Suggested fix: remove the index-- after handling the PREFIX_INDEX because there is another check for the index value after the for loop. The check is needed in case the user did not enter "/i ...."

    return new EditNoteCommand(index - 1, note, addLists, editLists, deleteLists, isInput);

    @prachi2023 The step to reproduce the bug is wrong, it should be changing the title manually in notebook.txt. Thus, when loading, it attempts to read an non-existent txt file and the content is empty. Maybe can do an error handling. When loading, if it is unable to find the note txt file, skip it. Also do a save all at the exit of Notus.

    @prachi2023 Can change the message to be "title" pinned/unpinned.

    @R-Ramana likewise for archiveNote,

    unarchiveNotes function in notebook, the getNote(noteTitle, false) should be getNote(noteTitle, true)

    Unable to reproduce bug, more test required. Possible scenario is that there exist a "JavaDocs" note that is archived therefore list-n does not show that note. May have to modify the 1st error message to indicate that the note is archived or unarchived.

    User entered wrong command, should be "tag-n" instead of "tag"

    Requested clarification from user.

    See #168

    Suggest to remove the screenshot?

    Update UG

    Update UG

    Update UG

    Update UG

    Could be terminal issue.

    Unable to reproduce bug. Requested additional info from the user.



    Not sure if splitting the screenshots can help increase the font size, can try that first.

    Looks ok to me

    I think the message shown here is acceptable since the programme interprets the whole thing as the index.


    No reply.

    It's terminal issue, I have specified in the UG. I will close this once my PR merge.

    closes by #196

    If it is a test method should we not follow the following naming conventions?




    Maybe can update this to COMMAND_USAGE to be clearer on what this String is for 😃

    private static final String DELIMITER = "|";

    public int getSize() {



    return notes.get(index);

    Thanks for updating on my behalf 😃

    As mentioned above

    private final String COLOR;

    Private final right, so should be all CAPS? Can just commit directly from my suggestion 😄

    private final int INDEX;

    Same as above

    private final ArrayList<Tag> TAGS;

    Thought I made the same changes in my previous PR haha

    Should it be TAGMAP?

    private final Map<Tag, ArrayList<Note>> TAGMAP;

    Just a minor indentation issue. For all my suggestions, if you are okay with it, feel free to commit directly, using the "commit suggestion"! 😃

    public static final String COMMAND_WORD = "add-n";

    * @param note refers to the note to be added.

    Can we add some 1 line comments to explain what the if-else block is doing?

    I don't see the System Exception being thrown in the method?

    Remind the person who is working on AddEvent not to forget this part! 👍

    * @param userMessage Original string user inputs.

    * @throws SystemException if an error occurs.

    * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if an error occurs.

    * @return A string of converted content input

    * @throws SystemException if an error occurs.

    * @return Result of the delete note command

    Same as before, please remind the person for AddEventCommandTest

    Good call!

    This part is not yet completed?

    Made the code more concise. Feel free to commit the suggestion directly

    + "the index that is indicated when you print the event list"),

    Don't think the delimiter is necessary

    String dateString = "Date: " + date.toString() + "Time: " + time.toString();

    Use InterfaceManager.LS to standardize for new lines.

    return titleString + InterfaceManager.LS

    + dateString + InterfaceManager.LS

    + remindString + InterfaceManager.LS

    + repeatingString;

    Added a new line

    * @param input User input to be parsed

    InterfaceManager.LS to standardize new lines.

    return "Added the following!" + InterfaceManager.LS

    + InterfaceManager.LS + event.toString();

    Same as above.

    public static final String COMMAND_SUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE = "Event deleted:" + InterfaceManager.LS;

    Can include the system exception also

    * @param index Index to be removed.

    * @throws SystemException

    Added a line break

    * Gets the timetable for a specified month and year. Includes multiple recurrent events.

    Same as above + phrasing error.

    * Given an ArrayList of events, get all events that will occur during the specified time period.

    Added line break

    import seedu.duke.command.ViewNoteCommand;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.DailyEvent;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.Event;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.MonthlyEvent;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.RecurringEvent;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.WeeklyEvent;

    import seedu.duke.data.timetable.YearlyEvent;

    import java.time.LocalDateTime;

    Added a line break

    * string trimmed.

    Same as above

    * for it to be recurring and to set reminders of the event.

    Maybe can add this in the JavaDoc

    Added Line break

    * @param userMessage User Input without the action word

    Fair enough!

    Just minor phrasing

    * Provides a description of how the command should be used.


    * @return a string description of how the command should be used.

    Removed extra line

    If final I think it should be in caps

    private final LocalDate END_RECURRENCE;

    private final String RECURRENCE_TYPE;

    endRecurrence should be all caps right if this is for the final? Think got a few files to amend in that case

    Is the throws SystemException necessary here? I don't see it being thrown.

    public void deleteNote(int note) {

    Remove extra line

    Should we throw the SystemException here?

    private Command prepareViewNote(String userMessage) throws SystemException {

    Think maybe we can have this at the very beginning?

    private static final String WELCOME_MSG_STRING = "Welcome to NotUS! Type \"help\" if you need to see a list of commands and their usages.";

    I feel this breaks the flow.

    private static final String COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE = "There are no matching notes. "

    + "Please try another search query.";

    @brandonywl Yup, so when I was using Boolean it was because there are 3 cases. Default (which is chronological order), ascending or descending. Hence I wanted to use Boolean which can hold true, false and null! boolean on the other hand cannot hold the null value.

    Should we sort this by alphabetical order? I mean not a big issue, but if needed, I can do it in my next push? Or if you prefer to sort by usage, then maybe have a line break between each use group?

    If we are splitting by space, should we use a whitespace regex?

    String[] tagInfo = tagsInfo.split("\\s+", 2);

    title = checkBlank(infoDetails[1], exception);

    To standardize with the rest of the new lines

    String stringToPrint = note.getTitle() + InterfaceManager.LS;

    Same as above

    stringToPrint += tag.toString() + InterfaceManager.LS;

    To standardize with your other PR

    private static final String INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE = "Index is out of range.";

    Same as above

    Think you can make this statement clearer, and missing param

    Add @param for the javaDoc?

    Add @param for the javaDoc?

    Add @param for the javaDoc?

    Add @param for the javaDoc?

    Would this be possible?

    result += InterfaceManager.LS.repeat(2);

    I feel like there is arrow-head coding here. Would this work?

    if (reminders.size() == 0) {

    return result += "No reminders today!";


    boolean first = true;

    for (Reminder reminder : reminders) {

    if (!first) {

    result += InterfaceManager.LS;


    first = false;

    result += reminder.toString();


    EXCEPTION_INVALID_LIST_TIMING_FORMAT("Your input list timing query has a wrong format. "

    EXCEPTION_INVALID_TIMING("Your input has a wrong format for the date time input. "

    EXCEPTION_INVALID_REMINDER_FORMAT("Your input has a wrong format for the time before reminder. "

    EXCEPTION_INVALID_RECURRING_TYPE("There are only the following recurring types: "

    EXCEPTION_INVALID_TIME_UNIT("That time unit is not accepted!"),

    Do we assert here? I think assert at a Test Class right?



    * @param title Title of event.

    Added whitespace

    String dateString = "Date: " + date.toString() + "\t Time: " + time.toString();

    Again looks like arrow-head coding. Can we try this?


    comp = time.compareTo(o.time);

    if (comp != 0) {

    return comp;

    } else {

    return title.compareTo(o.title);


    * @param dateToRemind Date of reminder

    Seems like you are not using the userMessage

    return prepareRemind();

    Actually if you have nothing to prepare why don't you return this directly at the parser switch case above?

    private Command prepareRemind() {

    return new RemindCommand();

    Added Whitespace


    * @return Instantiated Timetable with 1 event.

    Added Whitespace


    * @return Instantiated Timetable with 4 default events.

    Added Whitespace

    * Wrapper around assertEquals for code readbility.


    For more clarity

    * @param tagName Name of the tag to be set.

    * @param tagColor Color of the tag to be set.

    Feels like a little bit of arrowhead coding. Jun Xiang has a good suggestion to reduce it.

    noOfChar feels a little hard on the eye. Can I suggest something else?

    public static void deleteLine(StringBuilder commandInput, String characters, int charCount) {

    * @param charCount Number of character. 0 to remove new line, 1 to resume typing on the same line.

    Easier to make changes if needed - using markdown syntax


    * JDK 11

    * IntelliJ IDE

    Import the project as a **Gradle project**.

    **NotUS** manages the flow of the application. On launch, it will create the necessary components, as listed above


    1. Receives the user input message as a whole.

    1. Interprets the type of command and splits the message to identify all the parameters provided.

    1. Creates and returns the Command class respectively.

    {insert Parser.puml here}

    **Command** classes

    All of our Javadocs was @param parameter definition. There was no additional whitespace to align the columns. If we are doing this, should we then standardize for all JavaDocs? Would it be easier to just have a single space?

    Same as in the previous PR, can consider concat for standardization

    Same as the previous PR, can consider the following

    result.set(result.size()--, result.get(lastIndex) + endRecurrenceString);

    I think this can come under the last subsection under section 2

    Don't think the PinCommand is created by the parser function right? Maybe can phrase it better?

    1. Toggles the pinned status of the specified note. 
    1. Returns the title as well as the pinned status of the note. 

    Yeap I guess! But this one can leave out for now. Jun Xiang will be modifying the Parser command to make our code reflect more OOP

    So when we used String in the formatter class, we have been using .concat(). Might want to consider doing these += as concats (in the Formatter class)

    If you are not using the lastIndex anywhere else maybe can consider

    result.set(result.size() - 1, result.get(lastIndex) + endRecurrenceString);

    Maybe can add the time period parameter?

    Not much as Jun Xiang mentioned, but I think it would be better if we can standardize the code 👍

    Would you be able to create a StorageManager storageManager variable and access storageManager.saveNote(note)?

    Put "unable to write file" as a COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL type variable. Then pass that variable instead

    EXCEPTION_FILE_CREATION_ERROR("Unable to create the file!"),

    EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR("Unable to find the file!"),

    EXCEPTION_FILE_DELETION_ERROR("Unable to delete the file");

    @prachi2023 FYI, have re-added it in the Note class. Please take a look if you need to use.

    Can we use a switch statement?

    INDEX STRING is not very clear on what it does. Do you think we can use something like Line number or something?

    As mentioned previously, I don't think the other JavaDoc comments had white space. Maybe we should standardize?

    Not 100% sure if a user will understand what exactly Missing line content is. maybe can phrase it better?

    As above for the whitespace

    As above for the whitespace

    //@@author prachi2023

    //@@author prachi2023

    The ParserManager manages the creation of specific parser objects based on the type of command. The parser then makes sense of the user input and calls the respective commands into action.

    1. Interprets the type of command and creates the respective parser for each command.

    1. `ParserManager`: Creates a suitable parser, based on the command, to make sense of user message. The respective parsers then make sense of the information and calls the respective commands.

    💡 Note that the alternate paths in the sequence diagram above are not exhaustive. There is an alternate path for each unique command. As there are too many paths, they are omitted from the diagram. The Command objects in the diagram are used to represent a generic Command object that is created through the Parser. Refer to the next figure for more details.

    Notes and Events inherit from the abstract class, TaggableObject, and TagManager contains a map of individual unique tags to an ArrayList of TaggableObjects. The TagManager handles the creation, deletion as well as the tagging and untagging of tags from notes or events.

    ### <a id="tag-n"><ins>3.13 Tag/Untag Notes:</ins> `tag-n`</a>

    💡 If the user tries to tag a non-existing tag to a note, the application will automatically create a new tag, and add the tag to the note.

    `tag-n /i 1 /tag CS2113`

    `tag-n /i 1 /tag CS2113 /tag important`

    ### <a id="tag-e"><ins>3.14 Tag/Untag Events:</ins> `tag-e`</a>

    💡 If the user tries to tag a non-existing tag to a note, the application will automatically create a new tag, and add the tag to the note.

    `tag-e /i 1 /tag CS2113`

    `tag-e /i 1 /tag CS2113 /tag important`

    Only tags? Can we do it for events as well?

    My apologies, I copy-pasted from the change I made for tag-n then forgot to update it.

    Since this is not part of the code and people refer to the diagram, not so much of this code, so I think can remove all the whitespace (extra lines) since it is inside the enum.

    💡 Each note has to have a **UNIQUE** title and it is **CASE-INSENSITIVE**.

    Not sure if the line break is necessary, don't think some of it has? Should probably standardize

    What is this used for?

    Yea I realized but I forgot to remove this comment! But yeap thanks!

    Why didn't you modify the getPinnedString to return this instead of Y/N?

    Great! Approved for merging

    💡 Set `ISPIN` to "true" if you want the note to be pinned. Any other input value will leave the note unpinned.

    💡 Set `ISARCHIVE` to "true" if you want the note to be archived. Any other input value will leave the note unarchived.

    colorize("This note can be found in the archived list! ", RED);

    Just to confirm, getPinnedString returns a string value and getIsArchived returns a boolean value. Just raising this to confirm your intention was to use getPinnedString and not getIsPinned? 👍

    💡 Note content must have at least 1 line.

    💡 Note content must have at least 1 line.<br>

    In that case, might be better to standardize to have both returning the boolean value.

    Command used to add notes.

    Command used to pin/unpin notes.

    💡 Each note has to have a **UNIQUE** title and it is **CASE-INSENSITIVE**. <br>

    💡 As an extension to the above point, new notes cannot have the same title as those archived. <br>

    💡 Each note has to have a **UNIQUE** title and it is **CASE-INSENSITIVE**. <br>

    💡 As an extension to the above point, new notes cannot have the same title as those archived. <br>

    If it is the exact same phrase, why do need two separate names for the variables?

    Feels like too many nested if block. Can you consider an alternative way to get the same output?

    There is a way to gitignore all the TagManager.log files


    Markdown does auto numbering 😃

    1. AddEventCommand Sequence Diagram

    1. RemindCommand Sequence Diagram

    1. Timetable and Event Class Diagram

    Look at my PPP to see how this is done. And look at the recommended roles & responsibilities all the way at the bottom of the link.

    Why was this change made ah? I don't think there is a difference to the output right?

    💡 Supported terminals are: Windows 10 Command Prompt, Windows Powershell, macOS and Linux Terminals. Other terminals, such as Cygwin may not support color display.

    💡 Supported terminals are: Windows 10 Command Prompt, Windows Powershell, macOS Terminal, and Linux Terminal. Other terminals, such as Cygwin may not support color display.

    Can verify this again? Looks off.

    - [TAG_COLOR] is an optional input to specify the tag color to display. The possible colors are red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, white. If no color is specified, or an invalid input is entered, the color of the tag will be set to the default white color. This applies to all other inputs that have `/tag TAG [TAG_COLOR]` as an optional field as well.

    Not the content haha, line 91 just ends with "due to the limitation of".

    Btw, can you add a picture of yourself? Also update the "??"

    ![](https://avatars3.githubusercontent.com/u/28587601?s=400&v=4) | Brandon Yeow | [Github](https://github.com/brandonywl) | [Portfolio](team/brandonywl.md) | ?? |

    Maybe can state what the five arrays are? I believe you will elaborate on them later in the doc right? So just list out the five?

    1. Set up and designed the architecture used for Event scheduling in the timetable.

    - Handled `Event`, `RecurringEvent`, `Timetable`, `Reminder` and other relevant `Command` subclasses for Event scheduling functionality.

    - Event functionality was designed with scalability in mind. Immutability was largely enforced to ensure consistency of Events even across re-occurrences.

    1. Implemented Single-Responsibility-Principle, Tell-Don't-Ask, and Liskov Substitution Principle in Designs.

    - Designed to reduce circular dependencies to reduce coupling.

    1. Assisted in the development of two common `Parser` methods.

    Maybe elaborate on the features. (Refer to Jun Xiang's md/PR - depending on the time you are looking at this comment)

    [Reposense Link](https://nus-cs2113-ay2021s1.github.io/tp-dashboard/#breakdown=true&search=&sort=groupTitle&sortWithin=title&since=2020-09-27&timeframe=commit&mergegroup=&groupSelect=groupByRepos&checkedFileTypes=docs~functional-code~test-code~other&tabOpen=true&tabType=authorship&tabAuthor=brandonywl&tabRepo=AY2021S1-CS2113-T13-1%2Ftp%5Bmaster%5D&authorshipIsMergeGroup=false&authorshipFileTypes=docs~functional-code~test-code~other)

    ### Contributions to User Guide

    1. Maintain portions on commands related to Events.

    - `add-e`

    - `edit-e`

    - `list-e`

    - `delete-e`

    - `remind-e`

    If no community involvement can remove. But IIRC, the code reviews should come under this section


    Not using anywhere?

    I don't think this is what the community is for. Can refer to the link to see how it is written.

    Need to elaborate on your functions. Look at my PPP or Jun Xiang's to get an idea (PPP or PR depending on what time you see it).

    Can include your storage as well! 😃

    Not very clear about I/O. Maybe you can elaborate?

    just throw the error message?

    Same as above

    Suggestion below.

    1. Implemented `TaggableObject` class which is inherited by `Note` and `Event`.

    - Taggable objects can have multiple tags and different Taggable objects can share same tag(s). They can also be filtered by their tags.

    1. Implemented `Tag` class which contains the name and of the tag and its color.

    - Added color support for user to better differentiate the tags.

    1. Implemented `TagManager` class which manages all the tags in application.

    - A hashmap is used where each unique tag are the keys and the arraylist of taggable objects that share the same tag are the mapped values.

    1. Implemented the functionality to create tag, delete tag, as well as tag or untag taggable objects.

    1. Implemented `ParserManager` class which manages the creation of different parser functions to parse the user input to the required parameters.

    1. Implemented `SystemException` class which extends from `Exception` class.

    - Within it, there is an enumeration for all possible types of exception that may occur and each enum value contains a unique string as its message.

    1. Implemented `Formatter` class which formats the different objects, such as Note, Event and String with a specified layout into a String to be printed.

    Could add v2.1 since you are most probably gonna do it anyways

    If you are using the GitHub stats for PRs reviewed by you. Some of these PRs are authored by you (because of your responses) so you might want to double-check and do a manual count.

    I haven't merged yet, you can look at my PR but I think we need to give a brief explanation of what each feature does, why, and how it helps the user.

    Can remove the link

    <p align="center">

    <p align="center">

    [Kanban boards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanban_board) are a feature used under the Projects section of each GitHub repository, and are extremely useful in providing an overview of the current state of the project. Additionally, it tracks the work at various stages of the project, giving the team a better sense of what was accomplished and what was left to be done.

    Addressed 👍

    Will not print, will return a String instead

    Because I fear if we do just "TAG" the person might assume it is only for 1 tag. What I can do is PREFIX_TAG + " TAG " + PREFIX_TAG + " TAG "... to show that they can add multiple tags? Would that be better?


    Yup, good point! Converted

    Okay, made the changes will push

    Yup doesn't work. So will not be making this change

    You are right, my bad! Thanks

    Could've just returned the string actually

    Already in the code

    Will do so with my next PR!

    Good idea. Will do so (referring to both of your suggestions)!

    getNotetitle() returned a boolean, I have changed it but I have decided to overload it.

    This function isn't for me/nor did I create it. Used in DeleteNoteCommand

    In that case, this function would actually be redundant, could just call the getNoteString directly

    Discussion taken off GitHub

    3 MD

    3 MD

    No need to check for is archived in my implementation. The note will either be in the archived notebook or in the main notebook. When archiving/unarchiving, the note will be removed and added to the respective notebooks.

    How is the files being loaded currently? It traverses notes (from notebook) right? Can just make it traverse both notes and archivedNotes?

    Will add it back in that case

    Updated, requesting for a final review prior to merging

    Could have but I just keep it, in case we need it. Can remove it during the code cleanup if confirm not needed

    Will do in the next round of changes

    Discussion taken out of GitHub

    A pull request was merged addressing this issue, but did not link the issue to the PR correctly. Hence a need for manual closing of the issue.

    A pull request was merged addressing this issue, but did not link the issue to the PR correctly. Hence a need for manual closing of the issue.

    I realized that the test methods did not follow the coding standards. Just make the changes in your next PR 😃

    Created PERT and Gantt charts.

    Btw can we add the .log files into gitignore. Everyone can generate their .log file on their own local copy.

    Can. will make the changes in my next commit.

    Closed as completed with PR #102

    Its fixed on my side. I havent commited.

    Noted! Feel free to close the issue when you make the PR.

    Greater clarity included in the User Guide to address this issue.

    Suggest to remove the screenshot?

    If we remove, should we remove from all? Doesn't make sense for one command not to have an expected output! Or maybe we split into two screenshots, half and half?

    Update UG

    This is Prachi's code. Can either update the UG or can modify the code to return a warning, when 2 parameters have been entered.

    Not sure if splitting the screenshots can help increase the font size, can try that first.

    I have increased the font size on the command line settings and also split the screenshots into 2. It should be much better now. Take a look at the document, let me know if any of the other images need similar replacement by replying to this message. Thanks. If no others, can help me close this issue 😃

    • #154
    • #167
    • #172

    If your intention was to close the issue this doesn't do it. You need to use the following format:

    Closes #num1

    Closes #num2

    For more examples and usage of other keywords refer to the following document.

    Unable to reproduce bug. Requested additional info from the user.

    Is there a response?

    Could be terminal issue.

    Is there a fix for this on our side, or can the issue be closed?

    @prachi2023 Can you see if you can replicate this? If cannot, just close this issue!

    Last feedback addressed with #210

    Will close this issue.

    LGTM, well done!

    Thanks for helping me to remove this, forget to do it on my side!

    Hey, I think we might as well just keep the interfaces for easy reference to the behaviors

    Looks good! Might be good to add some JUnit tests for this class now even if they just assert true for now, just to keep in mind our desired behavior for each method

    Good use of packages

    Good catch, forgot to include this.

    I think this one may have to be "options" as it is a collection. When we call an instance of the OptionList we can probably call that optionList

    Good idea but may be redundant as we can call "length()" on the ArrayList

    Thanks for adding this for me

    Thanks for changing this LGTM

    Thanks for moving this for me

    Maybe we can move this into the "quiz" case next time so we don't check for the command twice

    Remember to initialize this next time as well

    sorry I mean to comment on ui, didn't know the top part got included

    Thanks for adding this but would be good to use a separate branch next time

    Good idea to separate these responsibilities to two different classes

    I see what you are trying to do here but is there a reason for this class to be different from the other displayables and do we need this extra method?

    I think you should try not to depend on this class in to create the QuizQuestionList object as this violates SRP

    Why does this not implement DisplayableList, maybe can change the way we think of and name this class?

    Good update! Did you managed to test the other commands with IO testing also?

    Looks good!

    Will try to abstract this into another class, thanks for implementing with this for now

    You can load from the test storage data/test/example.json if you do not want to create the topic for this test

    Thanks for changing this, forgot to account for wrong commands

    Good use of assertions

    Good SRP

    Good idea maybe we can add this to the other DisplayableList classes

    Sorry need this to be one word something like Java_Basics for the parser

    Thanks for changing this

    Cool idea to add the number of questions

    Nice, good to check our exceptions

    Good use of assertions

    Useful warning log, great!

    Good idea to log this but maybe using constants can help since most of the words in these strings are the same. Will open an issue to use more OOP for v2

    good idea to protect this

    good slap

    Good placeholder

    Thanks for changing this

    Good use of the interface

    Nice description of the implementation for the parsing

    May have to standardise our headers later

    Good work on this class diagram

    good work on this sequence diagram

    I think the first one is repeated now because I added it previously but thanks for adding all of the rest

    You can take out add, delete and the empty constructor as I think @joelngyx is working on removing them from our code

    This header isn't showing up properly I think you need to add a space after the # , noticed this in a few other places as well

    I think you are missing the interface label for DisplayableList and Displayable. Some of the arrows are also out of place and arrowheads missing so you might want to check the diagram again.

    Might want to split this as it may be confusing. Also not sure if you should be returning control to each class instead?

    nice javadocs

    Nice solution to allowing the number of questions and topic name to be swapped.

    Thanks for putting this placeholder, will try to get it done soon

    Nice formatting

    Good idea to make the usage clearer

    I think this is ok for now, i will add in a storage system to load the bookmarks along with notes

    this one as well may have to create a User class to include notes next time but for now it seems fine

    I think for this you can call execute on the command and then just assertTrue(true) which represents that the the execute doesn't enter a loop since a bad topic was given

    same as above

    Nice! Thanks for changing this

    Good idea to abstract this

    I know this is a draft but you should probably be taking the TopicList in the constructor

    Nice, good implementation of this feature

    Looks good but there seems to be a random * in the top right area of the diagram

    Nice diagram

    Good explanation of the implementation

    Good use of visual aids

    Thanks for rewording this, alot clearer

    Well done updating the UserStorage to match your Note changes

    Nice use of constants

    Good update to the user guide, not sure if these sections should be nested under a notes feature

    Good idea to let users choose their timing but I think you need to update this message to match and change the input file to start up the quiz correctly

    good idea to make this new command for timer timeout

    Good idea, will have to change userstorage a bit to accomodate this as well

    looks good, nice formatting

    Nice, makes it alot clearer

    Nice improvement to code coverage

    Good addition to the junits

    Good use of javadocs to make the method purpose clear

    Nice addition to the code coverage

    Good change

    Nice javadocs

    Good catch about the timer

    I think the method calls a bit wrong as you should point to the object that is called. Liked question.getInnerList() should call on a question object and getInnerList() should call on a questionList object

    Good catching of this error

    Nice fix to make sure the timer continues after every command

    Good implementation to switch the method based on the operating system

    Great job making the message more user friendly

    Good catch on the missing space

    Good abstraction

    cool change, no need to update this everytime anymore

    would be good to add some screenshots here

    Thanks for catching this for me!! Will try to be more careful in future

    Well done I like your detailed explanations here

    Hi same as joseph you need to change the file name to your github username and update the aboutus

    Sorry just need to change this back to without the docs and need to change your own file name to be your github username

    Hey I think you accidentally removed some explanations here and some other places

    Looks good. I believe you also worked on Ui and some parts of the Model, do you want to mention those as well?

    Feel free to write more detail for this as well!

    Good effort with adding the implementation of timer feature. However, I think rather than constructing the SingleTopicQuiz object here you should be calling the startQuiz() method on an existing one instead. Also I noticed the Question object is not being used so it should be taken out. Furthermore I think if QuizParser is not an important part of the implementation of the timer it may also be excluded for brevity.

    Good catch in updating the UG

    Looks good

    Good idea to ignore extra whitespace

    Looks good

    Seems like good coverage here

    I think you are missing the return here

    Good additions to the DG

    Looks good

    Good formatting

    Would be good to add some highlights to know which areas were challenging

    Good change

    Good renaming to match the DG

    Just need to abstract this magic string and should be good

    Remember to add the junits for this as well

    I am not sure we use brackets when referring to constructors and methods in the text

    Remember to standardise the way you mention methods

    Good changes

    Good job following the coding standard

    Good update for help

    Thanks for moving these

    Good update

    Good catch for glossary

    I think you have to use >br> before every "Expected" so that its on the next line

    Looks good

    Thank you for fixing this for everyone

    Excellent, love this edit

    Done thanks

    Yes sorry thanks, need to get out tests up quickly to catch these mistakes

    Implemented this as well

    Sorry I implemented this in #13 as it will load and parse the JSON from the file before passing everything as our own objects

    Did you finish this in your pull request #34 or are there still more methods you are implementing? Remember to add your Junit tests also

    Was this done in your pull request #22 ?

    Need to make sure it works with a hintCommand

    Good idea to maintain SRP

    Done in #53

    Done in #59

    Done in #71

    Done in #71

    Done in #71

    remember to update storage and the json

    Forget this, dw do alr

    For easy reference to first version:

    Class diagram:

    Sequence diagram:

    remove from functionalities

    remove functionality

    Saw that removing these methods disrupts some Junit tests, you can either construct using an arraylist for those tests or load from the test json. If this takes too long work on the ugdg first and we can get this up a bit later!

    I think you should move the exceptions higher up so it doesn't reach this assertion

    Done in #126

    Decided to keep IO testing as backup

    Being done as UG is updated

    done in #136

    closed by #121

    same as #176

    for this one maybe must make it clear that once u use a hint u can never score 100%?

    same as #189

    same as #188

    How did they select 6 questions for this? @Zhi-You

    done in #159

    Looks good, can you help add some screenshots to the UG as well as placeholders before the final ones?

    Assigned to the wrong project

    Assigned to the wrong project

    Assigned to the wrong project

    solved in #227

    Fixed in #247

    Consider removing this.

    public String toString() {

    public Resistor(double value) {

    Consider changing this to Resistor object

    package seedu.duke.component;

    public class PowerSource {

    private static final String SI_UNIT = "V";

    public PowerSource(double value) {




    * Returns the value and unit of PowerSource object.


    * @return String of Power Source value



    public String toString() {

    return (value) + SI_UNIT;



    The lack of a newline is causing checkStyle error

    Perhaps the name otherValue is a little less intuitive? Consider naming it valueToBeAdded or something along those lines.

    Unsure of the purpose of the ui object in this function

    I see. Okay it's alright then

    Ohh okie alright gotcha

    Yup was thinking of setters, wasn't sure whether I should add. Will add after tdys meeting!

    While I know having break statements out here is kind of useless but does this violate coding standard? https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#layout

    Was going to ask about if the current template wasn't set, but saw this. This makes sense!

    Oh wow that's...interesting

    Quite interesting that you added this to gradle properties to be able to render Ω, μ. Hadn't thought of this before!

    Consider changing the array name to a plural like templates? https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#naming

    String[] templates = {"r", "rl", "rc", "lc"};

    If you commit the previous suggestion you'll have to change this too:

    for (String s : templates) {

    Same with this collection of values:

    String[] effValues = {"reff", "leff", "current", "power"};

    for (String s : effValues) {


    Great description!


    Any particular reason as to why you declared these as final? Because when a variable is declared with final keyword, its value can’t be modified, essentially, a constant.

    Here as well.

    Yup it will work, but the point of declaring it as final is sort of nullified

    The test for this method in the RcTemplate_Test will not run because it tries to catch DukeException but the assert keyword throws a different kind of execption.

    Might consider removing this, since it is already tested by JUnit?

    Fair, then might have to make the names capitalized right

    Nice! Might have to add rigorous tests for this later on.


    Good use of generics!

    Seems to be an unresolved merge conflict in this file. Might want to edit this file.

    This is already tested in a JUnit test under AddCommand test, hence will cause a build gradle error. Consider removing this.

    Not sure if tested through JUnit, but if build gradle fails checks again after removing the other statement, then this is likely causing the issue too.

    Any particular reason for including so many blank newlines haahaha

    Same with this statement. I think avoid asserting in this function (even in the other classes) since it is kind of already taken care of by exception handling. The program will terminate in case the user enters an incorrect component

    Update: Consider removing this

    Hmm consider naming it SPACES? Since we could change the number of spaces if required later on without having the name become obsolete

    Interesting, what does this dependency do?

    :0 gotta remove lah

    Will have to change the gates to this kind of structure


    What is this file for?

    We could assert that the logic will not call anything out of bounds?

    Yup, sounds good!

    Good eye

    What is xand? Isn't it called xnor..? (・–・;)ゞ

    Idk if this matters but there's a typo in sequence

    Ohh lol I see

    The CLIrcuit Assistant thing, I had removed the logo because of runtest. However, forgot to put it back..

    Err I'm not sure but why is this summary table in TutorialCircuitCommand?

    Can use the summary table from SummaryCommand, perhaps create an object of SummaryCommand and print it?

    Wait.. this will print once the person goes through 8 commands, and then print again because 8 > 6 commands done

    Perhaps could have added Current Voltage printed after the template?

    I don't think we need to instantiate anymore since we are inheriting SummaryCommand here

    Can remove this also

    BTW should we add this before the binarytree part? Because I've referenced Gates and all in that section


    So many spaces :0

    String input = gate.getInput() ? "1" : "0"; can be extracted out and placed before the if-else block?

    OOf this was not so trivial after all hahaha

    omg hahahaha unbeknownst to me


    Should use System.lineSeparator() here? Idk we have \n in a lot of places tho..

    super("Invalid position chosen! Make sure the single letter position specified is depicted in the current logic diagram.");

    Cos we don't want them to be confused by calling it a tree?


    Everything seems fine and LGTM. However could you try putting this in the block at the top and see if it works? (unless of course if you have tried it out already)

    @media print {

    div, image, svg {

    break-inside: avoid;


    What is the purpose of this file?

    Ohh I see I see

    BTW did you test how the commands for boolean look with the jar file in a terminal

    Longer lines are generally pushed to the next line thereby resulting in inconsistent tabs. So consider adding tabs and newline wherever necessary after checking. I made changes for circuit already (probably going to have merge conflict with your current changes of circuit commands lol)

    Made this change yest in my system on a branch i'm currently working on for the PPP


    However, such an approach allows users to add...

    I'm not quite sure whether this would be an issue since we could constrain the user from adding certain components to the circuit. Perhaps you could say that a Linked List would not be able to simulate a proper closed circuit-like system, therefore was not chosen...?

    Lol the random π at the end

    Also, since we talk about adjacency matrix here, consider calling the implementation "Graph with Adj Matrix" or something since an adj matrix is a way to rep a graph.

    Also will have to add the term Adjacency Matrix to the glossary.

    The glossary is in alphabetical , so might want to add the terms to the respective positions in the list. Moreover, remove the head >>>> merge conflict markers

    This section illustrates the alternatives considered for implementing the Circuit Template.

    * Adjacency Matrix: The Adjacency matrix representation of a graph data structure is also considered as it allows connections between nodes.

    the column of the same element. This approach is rejected due to high space complexity. For example, adding a component

    Adding and removing a component to the matrix takes O(1) time.

    For this image could you change the green arrow to point at "the resistor was set to 500" instead of total resistance:

    Perhaps instead of having example of usage + expected output, could you combine it into 1 sentence that reads something like: "the following diagram is an example of when set r 500 command is used in a valid template"

    Same for this

    Yup! Good idea

    Okay will do!

    Yup I'll add it

    Noted! Will add in all getters.

    So, remove the else and break; in the if block? Will break work for a method to return to call.. or should I just empty return;?

    Yup noted. I didn't see that before.

    I see. Yup, that makes sense!

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertDoesNotThrow;

    CalculateCommand c = new CalculateCommand(LC_TEMPLATE, CAPACITANCE);

    assertDoesNotThrow​(() -&gt; c.execute(UI));

    assertDoesNotThrow(() -&gt; c.execute(UI));

    CalculateCommand c = new CalculateCommand(LC_TEMPLATE, CAPACITANCE);

    assertDoesNotThrow(() -&gt; c.execute(UI));

    Good idea, will do

    Yup alright

    Will try, was getting errors with the fancy fonts (tutorial mode) and table for command summary

    Then this thread will terminate execution and jump out of the help mode. _'

    Okay fair, I'll move it

    Oops I had initially made it byte then changed everything else to int. Seemed to have missed this one out. Thanks for pointing out!

    Actually, the list is initally populated with 16 null values, so technically we gotta check for if the 1st value is null. Might have to change the isEmpty() function.

    Noted. So I add set output as a separate fn right?

    Good idea, will do.

    Hmm, makes sense

    Oh no oops, perhaps I'll add it in a next PR?

    Accidently got added cuz intellij optimised the imports lol

    Yup yup had mentioned when i created the PR:

    Have to update runtest.bat with apt commands.

    Lol didn't notice this. Good eye

    Couldn't think of a good way to generalise the tutorial command whilst also splitting between the two kinds of circuits. Since the both the classes already inherited from BooleanCommand/CircuitCommand I thought the only way we could define the characteristics of a TutorialCommand and implement was through an interface (oof)

    @hughjazzman I might be able to add a function declaration here (startTutorial()), I guess I add it in another PR, or ?

    Okie sure

    Oof sozz should've informed you

    You're right! And I was thinking the same, just kept it in case it would be used somewhere else...should I remove it?

    Okay yep

    Good idea! Will do that.


    I see, however since this is recursive, the Gate object will continuously be created again and again right...not sure if that's entirely a bad thing

    Okay I'll change and see

    okay noted

    OH NO i put it after lmao



    we need to check the circuit tutorial right


    oh! thanks for pointing out

    ah okay

    Okie cool


    applied the changes thanks!

    Perhaps JavaDoc to be added, but other than that LGTM.

    Ohh right I forgot. I'll do it.

    Ok will add this

    Finally -_-

    Okay sounds good!


    Task Assignment:

    Package | Person

    -- | --

    Command | @sevenseasofbri HelpCommand, CalculateCommand, AddCommand, SummaryCommand

    Command |  @dorianfong98 ExitCommand, SetCommand, Command, TemplateCommand

    Component | @oasisbeatle

    Parser | @hughjazzman

    Template | @PraveenElango


    LGTM, will need JavaDoc and maybe a comment showing the format of the printTree?

    Yup can, I'll do that

    Just realised the name printTree is sort of misleading since the function really just modifies the 'tree' variable and really doesn't print the tree. Will change the name.

    Sexy UML diagrams.


    BTW I'll add the glossary after everyone has added their parts to the dev guide!

    Will be done through CalculateCommand

    • With HelpCommandParser

    Can @oasisbeatle or @dorianfong98 do a short write-up for CircuitTemplate and @sevenseasofbri or @dorianfong98 do one for BinaryTree?

    Okie I'll do it

    Also you gotta update expected and unix expected files so that the runtests pass

    Yo I'll add this soon before class perhaps




    • Add Introduction to concepts.

    • Add label for images.

    • Explain bullet points used at each command.

    • Add numberings for section headers.

    • Add clear instructional steps for each command.

    • Add diagrams/formatting/colours/arrows/tips for each command.

    • Add glossary (optional).

    LGTM, should we use the {\:toc} mentioned here: nus-cs2113-AY2021S1/forum#108 (comment)

    Yeah I think we should try it out. I'll try add it now.

    Lol I don't think I'm doing this properly

    Hi @nishanthelango thanks for the review! 😄 About this diagram:

    Yup it's supposed to be a solid line, thanks for pointing out! I just wanted to ask if this notation is ok for object creation in sequence diagrams, because I can't seem to find a way to do it the way it's been specified in the textbook when I use PlantUML.

    (Update: I'll still look around though, I'm kinda new to PUML lol)

    @nishanthelango OHH thank you so much! (I should've looked at the docs better oof) 😄

    Yo we gotta do this too I forgot abt this

    @PraveenElango could you add in printing the voltage + circuit since you worked on UI last iter

    There is no series parallel V - must put in UG documentation. As for L- i think it is working fine. @hughjazzman you're doing add command for the UG so probably mention that

    GUI Constraint gotta mention that the simplified circuit is shown in the UG. @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Must be clearer in the Docs I suppose @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Not a functionality bug. But must specify what can be added to a template in the UG. @hughjazzman @dorianfong98 since you guys are doing add and template command respectively

    UG error:

    @hughjazzman u taking care of add component so perhaps change this

    Update instructions on how to use tutorial command, explain how it will remain in a loop unless you decide to exit. @oasisbeatle

    Summary command is literally the 1st thing in the UG. But might have to include diagrams I suppose. @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Need to remove help from quickstart and other places:


    No additional functionalities will be added post v2.0 right. @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    @oasisbeatle we need to make the UI for the tutorial commands more intuitive. And also add that to the documentation.

    Need to improve UG section on tutorial command. @oasisbeatle

    Yo this is a good suggestion. @hughjazzman might wanna change it to this?

    Don't think this should be too much of an issue? Because the template command needn't care about the parts after. @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    No features to be added after v2.0. Man, what's the deal with people wanting to store circuits lol. @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Ok gotta improve the tutorial commands @oasisbeatle and I

    Improve tutorial to produce apt error messages @oasisbeatle and I

    Summary diagram can have better examples rather than parameter table and command table @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Need to document the templates better @dorianfong98 since you doing template command for UG

    Err might have to make the tutorial instruction clear.

    Lol gotta add a space at the top @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    Right same as #136

    UG had mentioned this right? Might have to update the add command to show relevant error @hughjazzman

    Customise exceptions for our respective commands @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers

    This is a bit concerning. Might have to add a check @hughjazzman



    This is concerning and I will look into this.

    This is concerning, I'll look into this

    @hughjazzman agreed


    @hughjazzman yup

    @hughjazzman is @PraveenElango doing the additions for the tutorialbooleancommand or @oasisbeatle ?

    @AY2021S1-CS2113T-W13-3/developers halp who does what

    @hughjazzman lol i forgot

    @hughjazzman yup! i had thought since @oasisbeatle had done the tutorial command in the first place he could make changes. However i think @PraveenElango offered to do it today

    General Structure of Video -> UG

    Intro -> General -> Circuit -> Boolean -> End

    Ideally, these are the parts each of us could do:

    • Prepare intro part of the video @PraveenElango

    • Summary and Bye Command Demo and Voiceover

    • Tutorial Command Demo and Voiceover @oasisbeatle

    • Template Command Demo and Voiceover @dorianfong98

    • Set Command Demo and Voiceover @PraveenElango

    • Add Command Demo and Voiceover @hughjazzman

    • Calc Command Demo and Voiceover @sevenseasofbri

    • Any notable features at implementation level? or at documentation level? or feature level?

    Preferably go through most permutations of possible commands and also include erroneous commands too. Try and keep the parts > 3.5 mins long

    Great job!

    Oh this is a nice addition!

    Good way to avoid magic literals!

    Thanks for this! I think this implementation makes more sense!

    Oh right! My mistake on the primitive versus object type for the boolean variable! Thanks for helping me edit that!

    I think the new naming you have here is much clearer too!

    Great work! I think the logic is fine for the quiz implementation!

    I think we can implement the parseAnswer that we currently have in the Quiz class into here in future! But this will work for v1.0.

    Quiz object should be constructed in future but this will work for v1.0!

    I think it is better if the parser class and its interface could be packaged into their own package, which can be called parser

    Great implementation for v1.0! Do take note that we have to handle the case where the input provided by the user is unfavorable though, such as if the input length is not 3.

    Wow! This looks great!

    Do you think making this into an abstract class would be better than an interface because other command classes will eventually inherit from it instead of just specifying the behaviour?

    Nice! I think this implementation is great!

    Thanks for this! It enhances cohesion between hint and question!

    Thanks for this too! The flag will now correspond to whether the question was shown to the user or not.

    Understand the reason for this! For future versions we will be able to handle multiple-topic quiz.

    I think this should be add instead too!

    Since optionList is unused here, do you think the execute method's parameters in the Command abstract class can be changed?

    I understand that you have incorporated question.markAsShown() function into the getDescription method of question now, however I feel that we should separate them out to enhance SoC and cohesiveness for the method. Will be doing that and hence for this part over here, the questions will have to be marked as shown separately.

    Just a suggestion, but I think what you have now works too! The suggestion is just something to think about for future implementations!

    Remember to remind @anqi20 about this again @josephhhhhhhhh !

    Great! Looks like a working product is right on the way!

    Logic seems great for this class!

    Naming of tests are great!

    Thanks for helping the team with this change!

    Thanks for this! Careless mistake on my part haha.

    Do you think this might be better if phrased as "Please enter in 'help' to get the list of available commands." ?

    I think for all new lines we should use System.lineSeparator() instead as it will ensure that it works for any OS.

    Great job!

    Can add a new line between the two parts but great job nonetheless!

    I think these should not be returning new IncorrectCommands but should be using the ui to print the error instead. the IncorrectCommand will not be executed too.

    Great job! Thanks for changing this!

    Thanks for changing this too!

    Great work! Logic seems fine to me!

    Yup, I agree! I think most of us will have to do that too and that could fall under an issue for v2.0.

    Great job chaining the exceptions!

    Looks good with the naming!

    Thanks for adding this in! Looks good!

    Not very sure if you need the arrows that do not correspond to a method call or not. Also, the return values should be dashed lines.

    Looks good! However, should the multiplicity for the association between OptionList and Displayable be 4 instead of *?

    This is a great idea! Thanks! Now our code looks way cleaner

    Great use of constants to avoid magic literals!

    Looks like you have tried to cover as many possible scenarios as you can in these tests! Nice!

    This is much clearer now! Great!

    Great use of System.lineSeparator() !

    Great change! We should have just use the method to print out messages as it already exists.

    Thanks for making this clear that it uses a different construction from the rest!

    Thanks for abstracting out the construction here so that it is not repeated elsewhere in the code!

    Thanks for abstracting this out again!

    Great addition! Now our table of contents can be updated automatically.

    Great use of the glossary section!

    Great explanation given for developers who will use this information to maintain or improve our product!

    Great catch to spell out the entire name first.

    This part might have to be updated to allow users to better understand how they can start using the app. I will handle this!

    Great explanation for how users can edit the data for their quiz.

    Nice improvements in naming.

    Nice! Believe it will be great if the whole team do so as well!

    Naming of the file should be that of your github username. After changing that i think it will be good to be merged!

    Great organisation and clarity! Thanks for doing this !

    Clearly stated which question in FAQ this problem refers to! Nicely done thanks!

    Diagram looks good and simple enough to easily understand it!

    Thanks for adding this back! 👍

    Thanks for adding the page breaks for us!

    Nice catch!

    Great change too, this is much clearer now for the users!

    Great implementation to check for duplicated topics! Do you think the same should be done for questions?

    Great that you are checking for empty titles and throwing an exception error to the user!


    Should the e be a capital letter E here?

    Think you are missing a @throw here

    Good job maintaining these!

    Nice work!

    Should this be a System.lineSeparator() instead?

    Great change to capture edge cases.

    Looks good!

    Nice update!

    Hey! Thanks for the quick response! Able to make timely adjustments because of that. Have made a new commit with the necessary changes! Do check it out if you are free!

    Sure! Working on it!

    Alright noted, happen to have it here because it is linked to the QuizQuestion class.

    Alright I think a better fitting name would be QuizQuestionsManager as it manages the quiz questions instead of simply being a list.

    Initially I wanted the getDescription method to only be getting the description of the question, but it is also indeed true that once getDescription method is called it is clear that the question is shown too. Will be changing this! Thanks!

    Working on it!

    Oh! Sorry! This comment is supposed to be deleted from the commit as it was from a previous version! I will change it now.

    @kstonekuan has pointed out the mistakes with these lines of code. Thanks!

    Alright! Thanks! I will change accordingly!

    Yep, thanks! It is now updated as such in the new pull request.

    Alright! Fixed, thanks!

    LGTM! Good job overall!

    Working on it!

    Yup! @anqi20 I think you will have to take a look at how hint is implemented and related to the storage class and copy that logic into the explanations class.

    @kstonekuan Yeah I believe we will have to add that in for v2.1 to let them understand the consequences, but in that sense our team have to explore if we should clear their stats score everytime they start a new quiz for that topic, as pointed out in issue #179

    @kstonekuan I believe he added in the same question to test if the duplicate question will be shown. Our current algorithm doesn't catch this and I am not sure if we have to. This seems like a case we should point out to the user and ask them to not input the same question into the topics.json list of questions as it might not be meaningful to them as well. We can further discuss this.

    In addition to screenshots in UG, I believe a Parser diagram's link is broken in DG too. Could you check what is wrong with that too? Thanks!

    Fixed in #213.

    Fixed in #213.

    Fixed in #213.

    Hahaha no worries! Let's just make sure the quiz ends immediately when all questions are answered 👍

    I think this can be removed?


    I could do that next time if you want? xD

    Okay, sure!

    I think imports should be listed explicitly, as stated in https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html

    Sooooooo much neater omg, thank you.

    Good effort in making this section neater xD

    Probably should not have wildcard imports...

    argument* , same for the others

    Trivial, but you may want to use NOTEBOOK_DELIMITER, SECTION_DELIMITER and PAGE_DELIMITER respectively for this.

    oh yes hehehe that's a better description than mine xD

    missing the link to the delete function!

    oh yes separating the commands for the different modes seems like a good idea! 😀

    I'm not sure if we should leave this as planner mode.. I think we should standardise what we call it since it's called timetable mode in our code.

    hehehe thank you for helping me fix this

    btw, I think you need a gap between the # and the words, i.e. "### Listing tasks: list" instead of "###Listing tasks: list", in order to make that a header.

    oh yay

    I think you should remove this line...

    I think this should be removed ?

    Good job!

    it's intended. xD

    nope, you can select a notebook anywhere.

    not sure if you wanna add select /nCS2113T /sChapter1 /p1 into this section because you can actually do that in our app...

    also not sure if you noticed but it's prerequisites... HAHAHAH I think you just copied and pasted for all the prerequisites part so it's just prerequistes..hehe

    oh wait as in the date format must be dd-MM-yyyy. It's just that both 1) add /t test task /by 2020-10-10 2000 and 2) add /ttest task /by2020-10-10 2000 will work! notice how there's a space between the delimiter and user input in 1).

    OHOH I SEE WHAT YOU MEAN NOW YOU'RE CORRECT. sorry for the confusion xD


    It still works actually xD

    some are non-academic related * ?

    wait i catch it somewhere else actually o.o but okay

    do we still need this, now that we're using page title?

    wait, I'm not sure if the user has access to src... o.o I thought they just download the jar?

    Same as the previous


    since we're checking for whether the length is greater than 10, why do we make a substring that ends at 7 o.o


    okay ye then maybe we should do it during the meeting on Monday.

    yes, haha major contribution!!!!

    actually can just use long's variable, he made one.

    actually can just use long's variable, he made one for this.

    hehe lusi it's supposed to be @@author Lusi711 xD I MADE A MISTAKE.

    @@author Lusi711 same as the others xD


    Nicely done!

    Nice! more specific now. 😃

    wait, is messages an object of type CliMessages? I think the English is a bit confusing here. xD

    wait so did you fix the image?

    It displays even up to N/[NOTEBOOK NAME]/[SECTION NAME]/[PAGE NAME] actually...


    Nice 😛

    After taskDone is initialised, messages an object of type CliMessages calls a method printMarkDone(taskDone) with the variable taskDone as the argument, which in turn prints a success message with the respective task to the user. ** ?

    nice haha

    Maybe you could add more details? like the example PPP, you can justify why there's a need for these ? https://se-education.org/addressbook-level3/team/johndoe.html


    oooooh nice catch!

    This section may seem a bit confusing? I think putting a screenshot here would be better.

    Less technical now, yay.

    Better than before. 😃

    Is this meant to be a divider? xD

    oh nice!

    ? I think that's me but idk

    haha it's okay xD just do as you see fit xD

    Nice! But I think "Personalised messages will include a random generated encouraging message followed by the name provided by you upon launching Zer0Note."/"Personalised messages will include a random generated encouraging message followed by the name provided by you upon the launch of Zer0Note." is more accurate?


    Hmm, I initially didn't have that there but IntelliJ threw me an error. xD I clicked on whatever they suggested (which is return null;). No worries, I'll go have a look at it again 😄

    Yea, sure. That can be done. 👍🏼

    ... Omg that is true HAHAHA okay, I'll change that.

    Yea sure, that would be nice.

    ...Right. I'll delete that line.

    ah, definitely not. I'll go change that.

    I did something similar in my own ip as well. xD See if the others have anything to say about it then?

    I'll add this as a //TODO for now

    I'll just add this as a //TODO for now

    added as a //TODO

    What do you suggest changing it to? xD Or you mean I should just replace that line with sth like if (notebookIndex &gt; 0) ?

    ooooooh the -1 is thrown when the notebook/section/page cannot be found (when the user selects a notebook/section/page that doesn't exist)... so you don't like that the -1 is being thrown is it ?

    Sure, I'll edit that before merging.

    Do you think it sounds better if i add "Having all your notebooks in one place can help organise your notes and thoughts better! " right after that?

    honestly, not sure if i should put it there when we haven't used the mascot anywhere else... and it's not like the mascot is even necessary

    honestly yea, the &gt;br> is doing the magic xD

    I just thought that returning -1 just like that would be an example of a magic literal xD that's why haha. so you mean I should initialise it right at the top, as a static final variable?

    okay, will do xD

    heheheh.... I will craft something... thanks xD

    Yayyyyyy thank you.

    should fix #62

    Fixed by #91

    if you think it's good enough then merge it please 😛

    Should fix #119, #120, #121.

    The IO test will fail now since there's a welcome message right? Or is there something wrong with my code HMM

    I don't think it has anything to do with the IO part?

    I updated the IO part after adding the welcome bit... haha maybe you're missing an import statement somewhere?

    Ready for review pt2 xD

    Fixes #112, #116

    newer functions not in CliCommands diagram

    utterly confused and unable to reproduce the same error.. o.o

    The expected format is actually delete /nCS2113T /sTesting /p3 . . . I guess we can change the format then. xD

    The expected format is select /pnumber e.g. select /p2. It is also stated in the error message. but it's okay xD

    @yAOwzers in the group, they mentioned that maybe we should just change the whole format for calling the command.. like just type in the page title instead of the page number ...

    should close #153 , #155 , #158 , #163 , #164 , #165 , #166 , #167 , #169 , #171 , #172 and #178

    @yAOwzers ikr, there's a similar issue. see #164 ;-; we just call our final jar Zer0Note.jar ah, quick fix 😛

    Not sure if this is an enhancement suitable for v2.1

    similar to #176

    Closed by #152 , #180

    similar to #157

    Unfortunately, I don't think this is within the scope of 2.1. Maybe beyond it! 😄

    For the DG:

    Added 2 horizontal lines to separate sections.

    For the design and implementation headers, the following changes were made:

    5# (design and implementation headers) => bold text

    6# (aspect of design)=> italicised text

    For Neil's part on storage, I removed 1# from every header.

    If you want to see what the dg will look like, you can see a preview at: https://chuckiex3.github.io/tp/DeveloperGuide.html

    oops, checkstyle issues...

    Nope @NeilBaner , it still looks like this

    Yes it was the content, but the content also has not changed.

    Closed by #211

    heh, Lusi there are checkstyle issues xD

    Regarding InvalidModeException:

    As mentioned in the group, I think we should stick to throwing InvalidAppModeException. Both exceptions are thrown for the same reason (that the user is in the wrong mode). hehe, could you make that change please?

    omg, I just realised but @yAOwzers , your ppp should be called yAOwzers.md I think...

    Closed by #228

    Closed by #213


    Don't have anything else to add

    Violates coding standard due to *

    This method seems a bit long, maybe do more abstraction

    Need to remove the null due to updated constructor for DeleteCommand. 1 more occurence below.

    Violates coding standard for ternary expressions

    Unsure why the spaces?

    Not sure about the readability of this line

    Need to add a space between ) and { to prevent checkstyle violation

    There are syntax errors here, see the checks tab for more info

    Not sure if this is magic number?

    Maybe use .isEmpty()?

    I believe the command should be changed to "edit -t"

    Maybe append with COMMAND_WORD here instead

    Curious why javadoc deleted? 1 more occurence below

    I think the COMMAND_WORD should exist in the parent class EditCommand instead

    Same concern that COMMAND_WORD should exist in the parent class EditCommand instead

    Now the manager is able to take values from Mon to Fri. Will attempt to update it to be more date specific.

    Maybe set a variable to the set so that you do not have to keep repeating the getModulesMap()

    Maybe assign a value to moduleCode.getModuleCode() so that you do not keep calling it

    I think I have seen this method appear multiple times in many parsers, could we extract it to a method?

    Is there a reason why this is protected rather than private?

    Format for the deadline is d-M-yyyy HHmm\

    e.g. add -t read chapter 1 -by 12-9-2020 1400

    Agreed, because the task index can only be found through list

    Maybe try to use enums instead to improve readability?

    Same comment as above, I do see the explanation in the javadoc but it might be better to change to enums

    Maybe move this section to line 182 with the other if statements

    Maybe rename to InvalidCapCalculatedException?

    Application name should be ra.VI

    Typo of "week"

    Capital letter after comma not recommended

    Singlish not recommended

    Capital letter after comma not recommended

    Line 53, singlish not recommended

    Try to replace line 79 with

    "{abstract} \n TimeTableCommand" &gt;|-- TimeTableDeleteCommand

    and 81 with

    "{abstract} \n TimeTableCommand" &gt;|-- TimeTableResetCommand

    to make the diagram look nicer

    Maybe explain what reset means

    Maybe change to something like

    String message = String.format(MESSAGE_EDIT_MODULE_SUCCESS, oldModuleCode, newModuleCode);


    public static final String MESSAGE_EDIT_TASK_SUCCESS = "Your module has been edited successfully.\n"

    + "Your module has been changed from\n'%s'\nto\n'%s'\n";

    Maybe change to something like

    String oldTask = TaskManager.getTask(taskId).toString();

    String editedTask = edit().toString();

    return new CommandResult(String.format(MESSAGE_EDIT_TASK_SUCCESS, oldTask, editedTask));


    public static final String MESSAGE_EDIT_TASK_SUCCESS = "Your task has been edited successfully.\n"

    + "Your task has been changed from\n'%s'\nto\n'%s'\n";

    Maybe show the output of instead

    1. add -m CS2113T

    2. list -m

    3. undo

    4. list -m

    Or it would be wise to show the exact command the undo reverted

    Maybe show the output of

    1. list -t

    2. done 1

    3. list -t

    Or it would be wise to show the task instead of The task has been successfully marked as complete.

    Maybe show the output of

    1. list -t

    2. edit -t 1 buy stuff

    3. list -t

    Or it would be wise to show the new edited task in the output rather than just Your task has been edited successfully.

    Would be wise to show the Lesson that has been removed

    Need to update the output

    Same comment as above

    Same comment as above

    Maybe you should show the module and its grade here

    Need to update the output

    Need to update the output

    Need to update

    Not too sure about this user story.\

    Maybe something like receive help easily so that I know how to use ravi efficiently

    Maybe instead of saying add, say that these tasks are in the task list, because it might be possible the task list is already in the json

    Same comment as above

    Same comment as above

    Rather than input, maybe say these tasks are in the task list, e.g. show what is in the task list

    The entire document uses module list rather than Module List

    Extra whitespace

    Jansi is not closed with |@

    Grammer, they inputs

    Grammer, they inputs

    Pull request is failing due to enabling of the gradle checkstyle. This means there are files that are failing the checkstyle, please check the checks tab and amend the files thanks

    Thanks, added

    Unintended edits

    Ok, will make amends

    Ok, amended




    I realise now that if one were to enter bye into the prompt, it will cause MESSAGE_GOODBYE to be printed twice, once in the execution of the ExitCommand and once here. This is because Java cannot differentiate between a normal System.exit and CTRL-C.

    Any suggestions on what to do? I was thinking of removing this shutdownhook and printing the bye in the NoSuchElement exception caught. Or removing the exitcommand and use this as an exit.

    I moved it here because it was stated in this guide that the shutdown hook should be fast. So I decided to move it to PromptType.Edit commands.


    Changed the message to be printed in shutdown hook

    I think the commented code can be removed. But otherwise, looks good to merge.

    Amended the AddCommand, DeleteCommand, enum in Parser. Checks are failing due to the functions it requires from other classes.


    testDeadline(String deadline)

    addTask(String desc, LocalDateTime dateTimeOfDeadline)

    addModule(String desc)



    deleteTask(int taskId)

    deleteModule(String moduleCode)


    Looks good to merge

    Looks ok, but the Parser needs more prepare commands (delete, list, done)

    could u add, a AddCommand.FORMAT

    a constant that outputs the correct format on how a addcommand will be read

    Ok, added

    Implemented on purpose, but has been amended.

    There is some bug with this PR, checks are running forever.

    What's the bug?

    Used to be a bug with the JUnit tests, but it has been fixed.

    Accidentally closed this PR, reopening

    New unicode character fixes the cross and tick

    Can't seem to replicate this one. How about you guys? @Aseanseen @amalinasani @tobiasceg @wangqinNick

    Upon googling, I think the error is from JDK 9, so the user must have been using the wrong java version

    Reopen for the team's amends


    To add on,

    Is there a reason why a new scanner is being declared every time a command is taken in? I believe this works the same way as our previous approach right?

    Is it necessary to have such a test? 🤔 getCommand() just calls the nextLine() function of scanner class. So by writing this test, we are essentially testing the nextLine() function which has not been written by us.

    Is this package being imported because of the BusStops being set in the array?

    Can this be removed?

    Nice to have this getter here! Ensures that only minor changes will be needed for other features that made use of the route arrays. (hopefully 🤞 )

    Maybe you can print out only the 1st and the last stop of the buses here with a "..." in the middle.

    Oh yah! Okie!

    Is this for future changes? Will the current program work without this?

    I was wondering if the getCommand() of Ui can be used here. Just to avoid declaring a separate Scanner.

    String userBusRouteSelection = Ui.getCommand().trim().toLowerCase();

    public class RouteMapCommand extends Command{

    This class was removed in a previous commit. You might have to update your PR to reflect the new code and make changes accordingly.

    PS: There will be more changes required once #28 is merged but those should be minor

    Once you change the code according to the new classes handling bus data, you would still have a similar function that returns the bus route. I suggest you shift the printing to Ui class. See #26 for an example.

    You may want to remove this class since it is not being used.

    Since you have just one test, using createBusList() here is ok. If you have more than one tests for BusData, remember that calling it again might cause duplicate entries in the list.

    A possible way to do such initialization is using a @BeforeAll method.

    This is something I found from my research. Do let me know if there is a better alternative!

    Nice! Using for loop makes the code look neater.

    Another way to do this would be to store lower case names in stopNames and then use contains() and getIndexOf() functions.

    Nice function you have there! Can be implemented in the code for other features as well.

    can this import be removed?

    Okie! Yah, I realized it wasn't running!

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.BusCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.Command;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.RouteCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.RouteMapCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.ExitCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.HelpCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.AllBusCommand;

    import seedu.duke.logic.commands.ListStopsCommand;

    public class ListStopsCommand extends Command {

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

    import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;

    no tab here

    Kent Ridge MRT Station-> Opp University Health Centre-> University Town

    PGP-> Kent Ridge MRT Station-> Opp University Health Centre-> Yusof Ishak House-> Central Library-> Kent Ridge-> Museum-> University Town-> University Health Centre-> Opp Kent Ridge MRT station-> PGPR

    PGP-> Kent Ridge MRT Station-> Opp University Health Centre-> Yusof Ishak House-> Central Library-> Kent Ridge-> Museum-> University Town-> University Health Centre-> Opp Kent Ridge MRT station-> PGPR

    PGP-> Kent Ridge MRT Station-> Opp University Health Centre-> University Town-> Raffles Hall-> Kent Vale-> EA-> NUS IT-> University Health Centre-> Opp Kent Ridge MRT station-> PGPR

    Might not want to add assertions to a public method

    Wondering if we want to move it to a different class like #57

    Can this be refactored into another function or maybe a function in Ui?





    * [3.3.Check for buses at a bus stop: ```/bus```](#33-check-for-buses-at-a-bus-stop)

    Would it be better to call the Ui method to print the message here instead?

    I see, okie!

    Can you push this to above /descfav?

    Introducing **Nav@NUS**, your new navigation assistant!

    I think the bus routes have BTC bus stops oso?


    where you have to type in commands.<br>

    Maybe remove the figure numbers for now, since we removed it from other places also, if the figure is right below the content

    shown in the figure, the home folder is found in the address path of "C:\Users...\CS2113T Empty folder".<br>

    6. Your screen should show the start screen of Nav@NUS as seen in the following figure.<br>

    System.out.println("Oh no! Some of the data in FavList.txt seems to have been corrupted.\n"

    + "Most corrupted data has been removed :)");

    Should we allow users to add any fav commands to the favorite list? I have assigned isValid to false for the /descfav command

    Why is this an exception?

    I think this section is still incomplete?

    + [3.11.1 Resetting all search frequencies](#3111-resetting-search-frequencies-of-bus-stops-reset-feature)

    - [4. Appendix A: Requirements](#4-appendix-a-requirements)

    Was this when I committed, I don't know how it got changed. Can you please change the corresponding header as well.

    Remember to add 3.12!

    - [4. Appendix A: Product Scope](#4-appendix-a-product-scope)

    Sorry! I just saw the CS2113T website and it says this.

    ## 4. Appendix A: Product Scope

    Simply run Nav@NUS and the program will automatically delete most of the corrupted data.

    Should it be this?

    #### 3.3.7. Storage of favourite commands - Wong Heng Chin

    Great catch!


    Oh no! We missed that

    Comment not required

    Hahah, okie! I will push these changes in a new commit!

    Okie! I will follow that approach.

    Thank you for the feedback!

    Oh yes! That's a better way to do it.

    Sure! I was wondering if those should be added if and when they are being used...












    isValidBusStop accounts for it. So this is redundant

    The different command classes (ABC, XYZ, PQR) have been explained in individual notes beside the classes. As for commons component...I believe help and exit will be too trivial to mention

    Yep! doing that in a different pull request

    Okie, I'll add that in!

    Minor change needed for parser class so that the child classes can make use of splitCommand() method

    I realized that this will effect other features involving the use of the bus route array in main. We should remember to make appropriate changes in other pull requests that are open

    Since #13 is linked to a different feature, you might want to create a new issue solving a different user story. For example, "As a forgetful person, I would like to know which buses are available in my zone, so that I can avoid entering the wrong bus."

    Need to add more tests to account for the new command classes added.

    Is this supposed to fix the issue #18 ?

    Seems that this issue should have been closed already!

    This issue has be resolved.

    Issue can be closed now!

    Also contributes to #54

    Fixed by #59

    Fixed by #52

    Fixed by #69

    working towards issue #55

    fixed by #122

    Can we close this issue now?


    fixed by #136 #137

    Might have to pull from master 1st. I have updated /descfav. Not reflected here

    Thank you for the feedback! Will work on these soon!

    All diagrams have been drawn using plantUML. The .puml files are all stored in docs/DG_Figures/

    Your most frequently typed bus stop name is displayed when you restart the application

    But it is a good point, we must make a clearer mention of it in the user guide. @Johnson-Yee

    I think we have this exception handling issue open for freqList.txt.

    Need to add this for favList.txt as well! @EthanWong2212

    This command is meant to be like a search filter (the way you would search for documents in your folder), so that users do not have to look around for correct faculty names. But this may get a bit confusing for a few users. @mrwsy1 what is your take on this?

    Will consider adding that in! Requires a bit of thought as some stops have a few common names which would have to be accounted for.

    parameters "only" was not mentioned. This was a statement catering to notes about parameters. But we should consider including the same for commands as well since some users may find it confusing.

    Same as #175

    Good point!

    To be changed!

    Same as #175 and #169

    work in progress

    Good point!

    I think we can leave such prompts out of the output of commands?

    ahaha sure! the easier way out 😉

    same as #173

    we might have to implement our previous idea (isValid) @Lezn0 your thoughts?

    Same as #162

    Was changed a few hours before the PED. refer to this link

    Reopening the issue as some tasks are yet to be done.

    Regrading #149

    To be pushed to a later version.




    Perhaps you could refer to the MESSAGE_USAGE in ReviseCommand?

    Could perhaps separate these into its respective command files like what was done for revise.

    Would it be better to include "edit" inside the method name? (e.g. showCardContentBeforeEdit) as it is only for the edit command

    Perhaps the MESSAGE_USAGE could be included after the error message?

    Perhaps the MESSAGE_USAGE could be included after the error message?

    Not necessary to specify date when adding cards

    Date parameter is not needed as it will be initialised in Card class

    Not necessary to specify date.

    Not necessary to specify date

    Perhaps this is not needed?

    Maybe you could add a separate function which is similar to this and call it for saving of tasks into file.

    Perhaps could also include previous interval too when loading from file

    Perhaps MESSAGE_USAGE could be removed as the command is correct but chapter is not found?

    Would it be better to have a general method for the chapter and module each, then pass the message to that method?

    Should this be done in Storage?

    Should this be done in storage?

    Need this to be int for assertion

    Need this for assertion

    Perhaps could also add MESSAGE_USAGE like other commands?

    Perhaps could use ui.showToUser as well. And could maybe change to "Command entered: " instead? As some commands may be invalid.

    Perhaps could close scanner here?

    Perhaps could use ui.showToUser or create a method specifically for printing these in Ui?

    Perhaps "Lists the revision completed in ..." would be better?

    Perhaps you could include a message for the exception?

    Could include error message for exception here

    Could include error message for exception here

    Perhaps you could pass ui from Kaji to this method and call ui.showToUser and ui.showError instead of using System.out.println?

    Maybe could refer to the constants EASY/MEDIUM/HARD instead of using integers for the switch case?

    Perhaps could change this into one message and denote easy/medium/hard with %1$s and pass the type of difficulty into string format

    Perhaps could use "Shows" to standardise with the message usage of other commands

    May consider changing this to toLowerCase and use the constants instead of string literals for switch case or changing the constants to uppercase.

    Could change this to "Rates" to standardise with other commands

    Is it possible to throw exception or return this message to execute so that System.out.println is not called at other places other than execute function?

    Perhaps could return this to execute and do ui.showToUser there

    Is there a reason why "this" needs to be used? Or setRating is sufficient?

    Perhaps return rating would be sufficient?

    Perhaps could use caps for parameters

    Perhaps could refactor these into constants?

    Could include message usage here also

    Could include message usage here

    is it possible to return the thing you want to print to the execute method and call ui from there? For the methods below as well.

    Could change to use of out.print

    Perhaps could refactor these as constants?

    Maybe can use Messages.CHAPTER instead?

    Would this not be needed since it is already checked in parser?

    Would this not be needed since it is already checked in the parser?

    Would this not be needed since it is already checked in parser?

    Perhaps this may not be needed?

    Perhaps can just use the COMMAND_WORD from ListCommand

    Perhaps can just use the COMMAND_WORD from ListCommand

    Perhaps can just use the COMMAND_WORD from ListCommand

    Perhaps can change flashcards to %ss (extra s for the word) in ListCommand and when you use this message, Stringformat with the type Messages.CARD

    Perhaps can change chapters to %ss in ListCommand and when you use this message, Stringformat with the type Messages.CHAPTER

    Perhaps can change chapters to %ss in ListCommand and when you use this message, Stringformat with the type Messages.CHAPTER

    if the list command is already separated out, are these two methods still needed?

    Already implemented

    The issue is resolved when duplicates were checked when adding module.

    Unable to replicate issue

    Issue resolved when duplicate module/chapter names were checked before adding it.


    Is this supposed to be inputChecker(userInput) and not !inputChecker(userInput)? If the user command is valid then it will continue asking for user input?

    Is HelpCommand supposed to be the only one in Pascal case?

    If removing getter function, then the feedbackToUser attribute should not be private.

    Should be output == null because TaskManager/ModuleManager returns null if the respective lists are empty.

    TaskManager's edit function takes a new Task object to get around needing an edit function for each property of task, especially when we will be adding new task properties in the future. Is it possible to reverse this change here?

    What are these edits for?

    Command classes should only call methods or store and pass information, and should not have standalone methods. Ideally, your timetable command would call 'TimeTable.generateWeekTable()' (and others) and not have its own method for doing so.

    Will roll these methods into the new Lesson class

    The logic in this method (and the next method below) will be moved to the new TimeTable class

    Do we actually need quotes around the old and new module codes?

    Can we actually use this format for date?

    Missing a space between opt and args

    Download instead of down?

    Space after colon. Also, the command is bye instead of exit no?

    Should add an explanation here that the task_index can be found from list -t

    Should be bye?

    The "Add a module to the timetable" line should be removed since this command is continued on the next line.

    Just checking - I thought we implemented timetable commands already?

    An example like 30-12-2020 will probably be better since 2-2 is a bit ambiguous about month and day.

    Inaccurate deadline format here

    Should give a short explanation of task_index and how to find it

    Space between &gt;opt> and &gt;args>

    Should be delete -t 1

    Should be delete -m CS2113T

    edit -m CS2113 CS2113T

    Should also add context that only mods that can be found on NUSMods can be added here

    Should be &gt;task_index>

    Should be &gt;task_index>

    Should be edit -m &gt;module_code> &gt;new_module_code> to stay consistent with UG

    Space between &gt;opt> and &gt;args>

    &gt;task_name> instead of &gt;args>?


    Space between &gt;opt> and &gt;args>

    &gt;task_index> &gt;task_name>

    Why is "Undo" help inside TimeTableCommand?

    All the &gt;...> fields should be named the same way as in the UG. Refer to the above comments to see examples.

    As mentioned before, please use ModuleManager.getModCodeList() instead of directly accessing the modulesMap object.

    Same here for line 105 and 106 regarding ModuleManager.

    Same here for line 110 and 111 regarding ModuleManager.

    Uh... this.cap != cap?

    Okay that doesn't make sense too... can you explain this part?

    Nice that you're using centerString, but generally all CommandResult messages don't use centerString I think, except for the error messages. Possible to remove to standardise?

    Can I check how you're handling SUs? SUs should be worth 0 "grade points" no?


    Insert space after comma.

    "...time at NUS" will probably be better rather than "stint"

    Add that if you force close, your latest changes will not be saved.

    Not a comment per se but I'm making a shell script (one for Windows, one for Unix) to check Java version and run ra.VI so this might need to be updated next time.

    I couldn't find an installation process section in this whole doc?

    What's this for?

    Possible to turn user input into uppercase automatically?

    This one will need to be changed in the program itself too @Aseanseen

    We can just remove the printing of MESSAGE_GOODBYE in ExitCommand because whenever the shutdown occurs it will print the message anyways

    Why is the saving moved to the executor?

    Okay, I will add that in a later PR

    There will be a total of 27 enums which will have names like MOD_SUCCESS_TASK_FAILURE_TIMETABLE_SKIP which I think is less readable than this. I think this is an acceptable loss in readability since it's only being passed between 2 functions.

    Also I'll need 27 conditional branches in order to return the right enum 😨

    @Aseanseen Can't because it needs to check whether the current week (i.e. the only week it will be added to) has any overlaps.

    Because I haven't actually done anything for UG :x

    Seems like there's a lot of changes made... Can we get a more detailed description?

    Checks seem to be failing due to missing portions from other parts of the code base. Parser code seems good to me.

    Please update branch

    Update branch please

    Please update branch

    #70 WIP

    Seems like UG updates are included in the other PR? Closing this one.

    What's the bug?

    Try using this in Message.java instead

    public static final String ICON_DONE = "\u221A";

    public static final String ICON_NOT_DONE = "\u0078";

    What's with the build.gradle update?

    Fixed by #150

    Nice catch, fixed by #152

    Can't seem to replicate this one. How about you guys? @Aseanseen @amalinasani @tobiasceg @wangqinNick

    Fixed by #153, thank you

    Fixed by #153

    Fixed by #228

    Fixed by #228

    Fixed by #228

    Fixed by #228

    Fixed by #227

    Fixed by #228

    Fixed by #228

    Documentation error I think. 0800 works fine.

    Need to change parser in this part

    Fixed by #228

    @tobiasceg I just did task.toString() to get that output : - ) I don't feel like it's worth more effort

    We can close this then.

    Fixed by @Aseanseen

    Will fix next release

    All addressed, thanks Prof


    Maybe in the while loop you can switch it to a variable called: isEmpty or something instead, then you update that variable through a method which returns true when noteTitle.trim().length() == 0

    These 2 lines can be abstracted out into a single method for better SLAP

    Can extract into a method named "isValidTitle" or something

    This can be extracted into a method as well, the contents in the brackets of the "if condition"

    Can be extracted into a single method to improve SLAP

    Same thing, can be extracted into a single method

    Extract into single method called "checkForOutOfBounds" or something

    Your test names I think you can look at the naming scheme on the module website - SUT name_Inputs_Expected outcome - style

    Maybe you can try breaking this part up so that its abit easier to read

    Maybe each if statement can be put into its own method

    The contents in the if statement can be simplified into a nicer name I think, like "isEqualToDate"

    This command can be put into a separate class for reuse by the delete class

    Same as above, can be put into another class to be shared

    This as well

    Can split into a few smaller methods

    Repeated in 2 classes, can be shared also

    I think you missing a word here

    Maybe can simplify the condition into another method that returns true false to make it a bit more readable.

    Same here for the JavaDoc comment

    Should the logic for like determining which messages to print be done not in the Ui class? I'm not very sure also, want to know your opinion

    This line can be sent to Ui class - Pass in the "i" and the "note title" into a Ui method to print for you

    Same as above

    Can simplify the while loop conditionals

    while (!isEqualY && !isEqualN)

    Same as the above

    Simplify this also

    Simplify this conditional

    Check for the extra white space

    Maybe can just add some white spaces to separate the different logic to improve the code readability/aesthetics abit! Same for the other edit commands below.

    Contents of if conditional may be extracted into another method to return true or false

    Same for this if conditional statement. Can be extracted into a method if you can find a name for it

    Same here, for the if conditional

    Maybe this method can go into Ui, will need to check with the rest

    Actually, maybe we could have a class accessible variable for NoteHistory so that any method can access it at any point. When the execute is run, we set the class variable as the passed in noteHistory, this way we do not need to pass the noteHistory object down through multiple methods.

    Help move the storage.saveTasks() from after all the catch blocks to after when the taskHistory.pushOldCopy() method is called - (Line 74 in this case) for the event and lesson edit classes also.

    Move the storage.saveTask() method to the line below this.

    Move the storage.saveTask() method to the line below this.

    Can we make this a Ui method

    Maybe instead of setting the editNumber through the constructor, set a method called setEditNumber() in the Task class itself instead.

    Hmm yea good point. But I think what Johannine is trying to get here is separation of concerns, where we have a class that just deals with the tracking and updating of the history of tasks. I guess this is up is really up to choice, which way do we want to push towards more.

    Actually is there any case where we will not decrement the recurrence by 1

    Can rename this to match Daniel's naming style


    You might want to consider a new name for the array. Maybe something like "noteMatches"?

    Maybe you can try revamp this to use an ArrayList instead of Array. If it's too much then it's ok

    Maybe something like taskMap

    Random white space

    Maybe we can focus on readability more for this part instead of valuing performance, so we can change this to a boolean value and return it instead.

    boolean isDuplicate = (this.description.equals(description)

    && existingBy == newBy

    && existingDay == newDay

    && ((this.recurrences > 0 && recurrences > 0) || this.by.equals(by)));

    return isDuplicate;

    Since this whole part is similar to lesson, maybe it can be factored out to be a common method to reduce duplicated code.

    You might want to color these red

    Maybe this would sound nicer, but i'm not sure if it will fit the current style you are going for.


    Thanks for the catch, I am going to change this issue.

    Possible, I realised the name for this method may not have been the best, the idea was that I have a method that checks if both files exist - If they do, we will skip straight to file reading. If any of the files do not exist, we will proceed with save creation.

    I have updated the method name to "checkIfBothFilesExists" to better reflect this.

    Alright, I have refactored the entire method into individual methods to improve the SLAP

    Alright, ive tried my best to refactor the function into a single method

    Alright, I've changed this, thanks for the suggestion

    Yep, definitely, but idk where to put it for now, so I wont move it yet

    Alright, changed it, thanks

    Alright, updated the code accordingly

    Thanks for the tip, will change

    Good suggestion, will change the one for letter count as well.

    Alright, noted, will change

    Will change

    Closed by #75

    1. Point 5.0 Product Scope in Developer Guide missing preface

    2. Add new Undo function into Guidelines for Manual Testing

    3. Fix typos in section 3.2.2 UI Component

    Perhaps you can consider changing the method name to getPortionSize.

    Perhaps you might want to leave a blank line at the end of the file.

    Maybe you can consider adding JavaDoc comments to some of the methods in this class.

    Perhaps you would like to split them into different tests using assertEquals, assertTrue, etc for testing and using a three-part naming style for each method e.g. methodUnderTest_inputGiven_expectedOutput

    Perhaps you would like to leave a blank line at the end.

    Maybe you can consider using a specific import rather than a wildcard import.

    Also perhaps you can consider using the three-part name format for the naming the testing methods: methodUnderTest_inputGiven_expectedOutput

    Perhaps you would like to consider this for the other files as well.

    Perhaps you can consider splitting them into individual tests and the consider naming each test in the following three-part format: methodUnderTest_inputGiven_expectedOutput



    public void getCalorie_food_returnsCalorie() {

    assertEquals(480, testFood.getCalorie);


    Also, for the assertEquals method, I think the parameters are (expected, actual) so you might also want to consider switching the variables around.

    Perhaps you would like to import specific methods rather than using wildcard import.

    Perhaps you can consider splitting them up into different tests using assertEquals and assertThrows for tests that throw exceptions.

    Perhaps you can consider leaving a new line at the end.

    Consider breaking this up into different methods.

    Maybe consider adding a semicolon at the end of this line.

    Perhaps consider adding () after clear so .clear()

    Maybe you can consider using ui.printDatabase(manager.getDatabase.getFoodList) because I think printAllData method is used mainly for debugging purposes.

    Hi! Perhaps you would like to add in the name parameter when constructing the person class as well as currently the first input parameter of a person is actually their name.

    Perhaps consider using break instead of return after each case switch.

    I am not sure if this will be an error, however, I have changed my printFoodList input parameter to a String instead of a FoodList, maybe you would like to add in .toString() behind the getFoodLis()

    Sorry for informing you late, last night I decided to change the method name to ui.printPersonInfo(String personInformation) to keep things consistent and shorten the method name, so perhaps you would like to make an edit as well. Also, I can't seem to find the variable personInformation that you passed in as a parameter maybe you would like to input getPerson.toString() instead as the method takes in a String.

    I think foodList might not have a get method so maybe you can consider shifting line 114 up as line 114 returns a String representation of the deleted item and you can just pass this String into the ui's printDeletedFood method.

    Perhaps you may want to change this as Ui does not have a divider method.

    Perhaps consider changing female to an if-else case and the else case can throw an exception. Maybe you would like to consider this for activity level as well.

    I am not very sure if an update would be good/necessary for this file but perhaps you can consider.

    Perhaps you might want to make a specific imports rather than wildcard imports.

    Perhaps you would like to consider using the three part naming style.

    Perhaps you would like to handle cases where the activity level is high or extreme and code an assertion for the default case.

    Perhaps you would like to use an assertion for the default case.

    Maybe you can consider using current weight instead of original weight for the calculations.

    Perhaps you can consider adding a blank line at the end. Same for the other files.

    Perhaps consider leaving a blank line between headers and content.

    Perhaps consider using the three-part naming style for the tests.

    Perhaps consider adding a case for male gender.

    Perhaps consider changing to a more generic message.

    Perhaps consider changing 125 to AGE_CAP or 150. You might like to consider this suggestion for the other methods as well.

    I see. I was thinking that since all the exceptions are being caught here it could also possibly be catching an error from elsewhere in the system other than the command input. However, if you think that only the command input is likely to result in an exception that is caught here I think you can leave it as such.

    Perhaps you can consider catching other possible generic exceptions that may be thrown like NumberFormatException, StringIndexOutOfBound, IOException before catching Exception so that more specific error messages can be output.

    Perhaps consider leaving a new line at the end of this file.

    Perhaps consider refactoring to avoid long methods.

    Perhaps you might need to pull in the new merge and update this file. When docs/team/filename.md is used the website cannot be published. Therefore consider changing it to team/filename.md.

    Perhaps consider refactoring to avoid long methods if time permits. Similarly, consider this for other long methods.

    Perhaps missing a D in front?

    Perhaps include links to some PRs which has codes related to this.

    Perhaps you would like to document that you created the Food class as well?

    You can consider having a section on contributions beyond the team project where you can document the bugs you caught from another team.

    Perhaps consider changing diaghram to diagram.

    Perhaps you would like to include which portions of the UG you worked on as well.

    Consider changing to another header as it might be confusing to readers if there are two design headings(one of which is near the top of the documentation and is used as the heading for the section describing the components).

    These are actually images rather than links and they seem to be displayed as expected on the website but perhaps I’ll remove the spaces in the file name for standardisation. The URL links were indeed broken in the previous PR, I will fix them in this PR.

    I have renamed the files. Do let me know if there are any other errors.

    I believe it should. However, I am unable to confirm without merging and checking the website.

    Thank you for reviewing!

    • Reasons behind the implementation of setter methods: Possible future extensions that enable users to make edits to their information in case they have inputted it wrongly or if the information has changed over time. (Editing function is not currently available in this iteration as the user can restart the program to reinput the information but this function could be considered in the next when user data is saved and cannot be edited otherwise). However, if this is not implemented in the next iteration and is unnecessary, it will be removed.

    • Will add current weight field next iteration

    As the Food class (functional but without JavaDoc comments) are already merged into the master branch of the team repo, maybe you can consider pulling the team repo into you local repo and merging the master branch to your branch (take note not to do it the other way around) so that your branch is up to date with the team repo and this would also likely minimise any possible merge conflicts.

    Merging of Calculator was done in another PR #19.

    Satisfied by #42

    Satisfied by #42

    Satisfied by #42

    Merging of Main. Parser and Manager done in #44

    Satisfied by #104

    I/O testing will not be used.

    I/O testing will not be used.

    Satisfied by #170

    Noted! Thank you for the feedback!

    Satisfied in another PR.

    Satisfied by #182.

    I am able to run the JAR file successfully now! All the best!

    Not necessary as it's not used.

    Good idea to save all white-spaced separated characters into inputs array.

    Should throw an error.

    Should throw an error.

    @samuelchristopher consider what happens to projectIndex pointer if project gets deleted.

    Not sure whether should throw an error for this.

    Should be printing error messages.

    Do we need getter when we can access class property directly?

    Will this error ever be triggered?

    Can add some further testing to check task list after adding and deleting of tasks. Also check that switching to another project changes the list of tasks.

    Should use the inputs array that Riaz implemented where he split the inputCommand into multiple words already.

    Should use the inputs array that Riaz implemented where he split the inputCommand into multiple words already.

    How do we handle deletion of members with duplicate names? One way could be not to allow duplicate members with same name to be created.

    Consider making message type more descriptive perhaps by naming the error(See below). Error messages are clear.

    It is hard to tell from the messageType the error. Example Naming: AddTaskWrongView

    I feel like we shouldn't use variable "description" for both project name and description as it will be confusing to use one variable for two different purposes.

    Same here. I feel like we shouldn't use variable "description" for both name and description as it will be confusing to use one variable for two different purposes.

    Should not be "Task View"?

    I feel to make it more convenient you can return name, description and deadline here.

    Then, here just call toString to return name, description and deadline here.

    Ya Ive left similar comments in your previous pull request, do check it out.

    Same point as Shreyas mentioned...members should not be access directly.

    isNamePresent should be renamed. It's to serve as an output.



    Good renaming of variable

    I don't think this should be private too

    Can be simplified to project.getTask(taskIndex)

    No need for this function after above comment.

    I feel that selectTask is just retrieving task using project.getTask() followed by an output message. There's no need for this function as output is handled in Command class

    But parse() only throws DukeExceptions and not NumberFormatException?

    How does it catch Integer.parseInt?

    iirc prof mentioned we are not supposed to catch NullPointerException. Checked online and seem to be the case as well.

    Not urgent but for consistency are we supposed to use the Ui class you implemented?

    Hmm what is switchViewModes for? There's already home command to switch to home.

    Consider assigning tasks to TeamMember here

    It becomes important for members to keep track of tasks so deleted members will no longer be attached to tasks.

    Are we printing lists here or in Ui? I actually don't mind either but should be standardised. Not a high priority as of now though.

    Just to clarify, this command activates the Project View both Samuels are doing right?

    Why is the try catch shifted from parse to executeCommand?

    Shreyas says in another pull req "as riaz mentioned I think we don't need to put a try-catch block over here since we catching it in the main class, we just throw the exception in that method"

    But parse() only throws DukeExceptions and not NumberFormatException?

    Agree with this

    I feel this is confusing. What is the difference between isDone and getStatus?

    This should be priority instead of deadline.

    This should be priority too.

    It's good how you showed you enhanced existing features

    Hi Sam I think this should be EZLogger Level.warning as it is in exception clause.


    Yup thanks Sam

    The user guide has no deadline for projects. But if simple, can just do

    Yup done!

    My thinking is it would be clear where this method is called ie. project.getTask().

    What do the rest think?

    No it can accept more than one parameter. The split here is to separate commandType from the parameters. Inputs[1] contains the whole string beside the first word.

    As of now, the function already loops through and extracts all params.

    Yeah I think it'll be good!

    Thanks Samuel! I'll change it

    Good Catch! Thanks

    Hi Sean @thatseant , let me answer the points:

    1. There's no way to display project view other than selecting project.

    Is there a need to display project view other than selecting the project?

    1. Multiple members are not shown.

    Currently, each task can be assigned on member.

    1. Tasks are not numbered so it is hard for user to see index of tasks.

    Oh okay! I have built this from the mock-up that we approved and I did not include the index at that point. Maybe for the next iteration we can add an index column? For now, users can use the list command?

    Hmm Sam regarding point 1 and 3 yes effectively the project view replaces the list command which doesn't show anything useful.

    If not lets say in my program i made a few changes such as adding deadlines to my tasks. In order to view the updated changes:

    1. I have to return to home via home command

    2. then select the project again via select just to view the changes

    I propose just showing the project view when user types list command

    Do let me know before this is approved and merge, so I can edit the User Guide as well:)

    Ah ok! Thanks Sam clear reasoning fully agree!

    Hey sean, I think the implementation looks great. But do you think we should use the keyword "display" instead of "list" because you will be giving info about the all the projects and members associated to them when you are in home view right ?

    Hmm in the user guide it's list though. If I rmb correctly its because users might be familiar with list from iP and it would be good if it shows the full list instead of a partial list if they execute the list command.

    What is the logger used for sean??

    It's for code quality. Need to add log statements in our code.

    Would be good if an extra line is added after EOF.

    All good now!

    Perhaps we could standardize our logger to be something along the lines of private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger("&gt;CLASS>.class.getName()");

    Remember to add a new line for EOF, otherwise, LGTM!

    Perhaps use of a constant would provide more clarity.

    Good use of logger!

    Perhaps a constant would provide better clarity?

    Introducing a constant here would be good?

    Might want to add a new line to EOF here.

    How about a new line here?

    Would it be better to just gitignore the entire folder rather than individual sub-folders?

    Perhaps some meaning could be added to those numbers.

    Perhaps the phrasing for this message could be simpler

    Perhaps add a new line before EOF.

    Great work extracting datetime class!

    Perhaps we could standardize the amount of periods we use for logs, and when to use them?

    Great work on updating the runtest file!

    Alright sounds good!

    Perhaps you could standardize params naming to be PARAMETER_NAME?

    Great work in writing tests!

    Great work separating long strings into multi lines.

    Is it good practice to print test results?

    Great work refactoring them1

    Good tests!

    Great addition!

    Perhaps add a new line here

    Would a new line here be good?

    Good work with refactoring!

    Great work explaining!

    I like your example

    Perhaps you want to avoid combining 2 method calls in 1 line?

    Good work refactoring here!

    Would it be better to use regex here?

    Good use of assertion here!

    Looks good, but I noticed some characters were refactored as constants while this SPACE weren't.

    Great work refactoring numbers!

    Thanks for adding the guide!

    Could it be confusing to mention 2 prompts when line 79 states a prompt?

    Great work refactoring!

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm looks good, maybe.

    Good use of offset

    Thanks for spotting this 😛

    Good work adding this!



    Looks great! But could the image be resized smaller?

    Updated, thanks!

    Fixed that, good catch.

    Thanks for the reminder!

    You're right, shall leave the fix for the next update!

    Good catch, removed them!

    I switched this to public so I could access the regex from the human package. Should I have made a duplicate regex there instead?

    Thanks for the alert, shall fix these!

    Thanks for the alert, shall fix these!

    Alright I have separated them!

    Alright thank you, I have updated accordingly!

    No problem!

    I've moved into StorageManager to avoid cluttering Main(). Is that better now?


    I apologise for the delay in the review. Thanks for working on the UG!

    No worries, have a good weekend!


    This was actually intended as workspace is meant to only include alphanumeric characters and or spaces.

    I will take note to update the guide instead.

    Thank you.

    Indeed, this might be something we can consider adding in future versions.

    @OngDeZhi what do you think?

    How should we fix this, team? In my opinion this is a font issue but perhaps we could provide more clarity on our end.


    @AY2021S1-CS2113T-F12-2/developers Any ideas? We already have the console-like information on the left showing workspace and watchlist. I suppose we could add lines too.

    Looks amazing, thank you @EyoWeiChin!

    Realised this was a miscommunication and there is no bug, hence closing.

    Perhaps you can explicitly list out all the imports instead of using * to pass checkstyle

    maybe remove unused code?

    whitespace after while

    whitespace before { ?

    Maybe this method should be Storage class since the Create Command should be focusing on dealing with the creation diet session

    perhaps this can be extracted out to the printResponse() method

    Printing help in workout session search does not seem so right 😅

    Perhaps can implement the UI printing here also

    Should the name of array type variable in plural form (i.e. inputs, exercises)?

    Should the boolean array name sounds more boolean (i.e. hasEndedWorkoutSessions)?

    Workout Session is under Workout Menu, so is it clearer if we show "Workout Menu > Workout Session >>>>>" ?

    This Confirmation method is duplicated in multiple places, so maybe we can extract them out into utils?

    Should we delete those commented out lines?

    For consistency in printing, can change here to "delete [MOVE_ID]"

    And also here to "search [NAME_OF_MOVE]"

    Actually, it's used in workout manager and workout session as well. So can merge this PR first then I'll create a util method for that and you guys refactor your code accordingly

    Since they are final variable, should they be in all uppercase form? Or just remove the word "final"?

    The command words can change to the constants created

    For consistency, should it be "Workout Menu"?

    And "Main Menu" here?


    an integer index?

    can consider adding a blank line between description and @param to follow coding standards? And add punctuation behind each parameter description also. It's in the "note in particular" session.

    This format is also repeated in WorkoutSessionList, so you can consider refactoring it to a constant.

    Should this be "Please make sure ... are non-negative numbers" since move like push-up can have weight of 0?

    The FILEPATH can consider using the path constants created in seedu.duke.Constant

    Should this comment be updated also?

    And also is the "wrong format, please enter ... [command format]" part a bit redundant in the message?

    Since WorkoutSessionUi extends CommonUi already, should the line "private static CommonUi printer = new CommonUi();" be removed and use the "showToUser" method of CommonUi?

    You can make use of "showUser" method in CommonUi. It's also static.

    Can consider shortening this part to this.calories = Math.min(calories, 200000);

    Should the title be "Searching for a Move from the Current Workout Session"?

    Change this title to sync with the title in table of contents

    and change the anchor to &gt;a id="ws-search">

    The feature description does not match

    Perhaps you can help me keep these lines so that the diagrams have consistent format?

    These lines can be shortened by changing to

    catch (SchwarzeneggerException e) {



    Should the variable name be a noun (ie. "result" or "message") instead of a verb?

    For the methods in this Ui class, you can consider making them static variable

    You can import the created empty string instead of initializing new one here

    Also here and some other test files

    Fixes #62

    Great work in refactoring! 👍

    Great enhancement!

    I think this part may throw an exception when the user doesn't enter an integer input.

    Otherwise I think it looks good to merge 👍

    I only used this line to check if the user entered valid arguments but can be removed for your part of the code if needed.

    Same for this as other comment.

    Typo here

    I was thinking that if we only print a new sorted list using the "list" command, the users will never know which task they are setting as "done" or "deleted".

    Yea that makes sense.

    I was wondering if these fields should be part of Item or they should be part of Task because not all items we're adding might have these fields? For example if new classes like Expenses extends Item then it may not need all these fields, or let the fields be set.

    Similarly not every item is going to save in the same format so maybe it might be better to override this in each subclass instead of putting them in the Item superclass.

    Maybe having the fields in Item is okay, but it's to put the getters/setters in Tasks or related subclasses so not every Item has access to it?

    This file can be deleted since it was added to .gitignore

    Maybe it will be better to move this to a new method called CommandCreator.parseAddCommand that returns a Command. Then put the rest of these code inside the method that will call either of the two createAddCommands.

    Consider removing this file because other users may not use it (add to .gitignore)

    Maybe it would be better if "isReturn" and "futureDate" is in Book.java (not a feature of the Item but of Book)

    Maybe all the book related functionality should be in Book

    Same as previous


    Maybe BookList related functionality should be in BookList



    Yup I think it LGTM except that Book related functionality should be moved from Item to Book and same for BookList related functionality from Item.

    what's this

    maybe this whitespace isn't needed

    Consider removing this unnecessary comment

    Is it possible that a single method is created in ItemList which is called clear() so we don't have to duplicate this code in every ItemList subclass?

    Why is there so much random whitespace



    Random whitespace


    Consider using the static constant from Module class instead of rewriting the code here, so that this code doesn't need to be duplicated and can be changed from 1 single place.

    Consider using Module.MODULE_CODE_PATTERN.matcher(module) as per previous suggestion.

    Good use of streams!

    Typo in JavaDoc

    Consider creating the variable here and setting it in the constructor instead.

    Maybe putting these 3 checks in SpendCommand's constructor or execute method would be better, since CommandCreator deals with creating Commands. Checking argumentsMap would be done by the Command itself.

    I think I also changed this in my other PR might have merge conflicts here later. Oops.

    I renamed mine to addTaskFromString and I put it in TaskList instead.

    Hmm why is this changed, I thought @MuhammadHoze updated it and this is now the intended behaviour.

    I was thinking maybe declare the variable now in this scope, but put now = LocalDate.now() in the constructor. But this seems fine too.

    Maybe it's fine because it finds the nearest wednesday so that the user can just enter a date range without worrying about the actual starting date.

    Yea sure

    Still looking for the perfect pic

    Alright, updated 👍

    This is fine, IntelliJ splits up normal imports from other classes, exception imports and Java classes imports.


    Ohh I took this change when there was a merge conflict haha.



    Add EXPECTED.TXT and input.txt IO redirection tests from the iP

    oops checkstyle failed

    Adding a task


    Adds a task with a given task name.

    Example: add tP meeting,

    add tP meeting by/16-09-23:59 at/15-09-2020-11:00,

    add tP meeting by/16-09-23:59 at/15-09-2020-11:00 p/1

    add tP meeting by/16-09-23:59 at/15-09-2020-11:00 p/1 class/project

    Expected output:

    Noted. I’ve added this task.

    tP meeting by: 16-09-2020-23:59 @ 15-09-2020-11:00




    It seems to be failing I/O redirection tests, try modifying EXPECTED.TXT with the new contents of ACTUAL.TXT and verify if it's the intended behaviour.

    Might have to change input.txt too since some of the commands are changed.

    Consider refactoring creating the command as a new method in CommandCreator class using the design patterns. You can pass in the full command or parsed command as an argument for the method. Check the add command and set command for an example. I didn't move everyone's commands because I didn't want to claim credit for the code.

    There's so many constructors to ListCommand now, I wonder if we can actually pass in an enum to the ListCommand instead and use a switch statement in the execute method. But that will be for another time I guess (maybe v2.1 or another PR sometime later).

    But then with enums we'd have to pass in blank arguments for "category" when listing category, so another point to consider.

    Other than the minor refactoring I think its LGTM!

    This should be ready to merge.

    Can add the sequence diagram to the DG


    There is no c/ tag here. It is explicitly stated in the UG that optional arguments take the form of &gt;key>/&gt;argument>. There is no argument, hence the "c/" forms part of the description for the task.

    However I will make sure that / does not appear in the description and make sure it throws a DukeException.

    Hi, actually if you do not input a priority, the default value of any task will be set as p:0. We will include this in the User guide so it will be clearer for users.

    Yes, the form of an argument is stated to be &gt;key>/&gt;argument>, thus p/ is treated to be part of the description, as there is no &gt;argument>.

    can i merge this

    This is not a Parser bug, there is simply no saturday between 30 oct and 30 oct. The bug here is a wrong error message.


    I'm gonna merge this.

    Is this really an issue? It's already quite explicitly spelled out that those arguments are compulsory.

    Might have people complaining that they can put optional arguments after compulsory arguments, or mix them together etc, but that's not the point of the arguments too.

    Close this when everyone is done with it


    What was this for

    Merge when the CI is done.

    User stories are possibly broken because there needs to be a space for the table cells. (eg. | v2.0 | instead of |v2.0|, but I could be wrong)

    Fixes #135

    I don't think this is needed.

    Outside the scope of our project.

    Oops I think when they tried to merge the user stories section got added back I'm so sorry.

    Why is the status stuck...

    This has the same first few commits as #202 so can probably close that PR.

    Could this method be generalised? It doesn't necessarily have to be a command specifically used when saving and loading files.

    I think some quotation marks could make this clearer, and in the end of the sentence, I think you might mean all other cases.

    * @return Boolean true if string is "true" (ignoring case), and false for all other cases.

    Should this be split into two methods, one for each save file? Might make it clearer.

    Same as above, this could be split further into 3 methods, if it makes it clearer.

    I think the JavaDoc comment for this function, and the variable's descriptive names, make this comment a bit unnecessary.

    Similar to a previous comment, the JavaDoc comment and good variable naming makes this comment seem unnecessary.

    I think these functions only differ in the parameter you are passing in. You could consider making it one function?

    Could the method be renamed to better reflect the variable you are creating?

    String noteToSave = convertNoteToString(note);

    Same comment, you could consider changing the method name to better fit what it does.

    dataToSave = convertDeadlineToString(task, taskType);

    You could consider this for the methods below too.

    Consider changing these to non-static variables. Such that we would be accessing the object for the getType() method instead of accessing the class.

    Could consider using the DATE_TIME_FORMATTER from the FileCommand class.

    There's no need for constants to be private, and if we ever decide to change the DATE_TIME_FORMATTER there would be less stuff to change.

    Could be renamed to make it consistent with checkForNotesSaveFile and other variables

    private void checkForTasksSaveFile(File saveFileTasks) {

    Since the LifEasier class already instantiates a TimetableUi, could consider just passing that object into the execute command instead of instantiating a new one.

    Could consider putting this into the seedu.lifeasier.ui package with the rest of the ui classes.

    You could also consider leaving it like this, and in LifEasier creating a new DisplayScheduleCommand and calling the method from that object. I'm honestly not too sure!

    You could consider placing this section before the case for when there are no tasks in the day. Something to do with making the happy path prominent:


    Should this import be removed if we are no longer using the Ui class?

    Oh yes I forgot about that. My bad!

    You could add the "-1" logic in this line, so you don't need to keep typing it afterwards

    noteNumber = Integer.parseInt(ui.readCommand()) - 1;

    You could consider refactoring this into the Parser class, and passing the parser object into the execute method too.

    Doing this could help in ensuring SRP.

    Consider adding a line in between to ensure the JavaDoc standard is adhered to.

    * Parses the deleteNotes command that the user inputs.


    * @param input String containing the user's input.

    Same for a few of the other JavaDoc comments!

    Could consider using constants for these:

    times[INDEX_START] = start;

    times[INDEX_END] = end;

    where INDEX_START = 0 and INDEX_END = 1

    same for getting the "by" of the deadline as well!

    Same comment as the earlier one!

    Could you consider renaming this to include "Message" for consistency?

    public void showEditableParametersMessage(String type) {

    This might make it less object oriented though! I'm not too sure what is the best way also though.

    Can I suggest that maybe one way to do this would be to put the methods and variables in the NoteHistory and TaskHistory classes within the TaskList and NoteList class instead? This way we don't need to pass another class into every method, and instead everything is nicely contained within the TaskList and NoteList classes.

    I think you can consider renaming this to suffix!

    public static final int MAXIMUM_SUFFIX_CHARACTER = 1;

    You could consider renaming this such that the comment is not necessary.

    int consecutiveNumberCount = getConsecutiveNumberCount(moduleCodeElements, letterCount);

    Maybe we could find a way to do this that doesn't involve instantiating another Ui object?

    I believe a ui object is already passed into parser when we call parseCommand.

    Could this be refactored into a do while loop?

    Could this be simplified? It's a double negative.

    } while (isCommandWithDelimiter);

    Can we find a way to do it without instantiating another Ui object? I think that when we call parseCommand from LifEasier, we already pass in a Ui object.

    I think that since it is an error, you could consider naming it as such, and printing it in red.


    public void showInvalidDisplayKeywordError() {
        System.out.println(colourTextRed("Invalid display parameter! Try 'week', 'today' or 'tomorrow' instead!"));

    Would you consider adding the "-1" logic in this line instead of in all the other times you use noteNumber?

    noteNumber = Integer.parseInt(ui.readCommand()) - 1;

    Same comment about the "-1" logic. I'm not sure if that'll help to make it clearer!

    Could you consider renaming the parameter too?

    public static final String PARAM_FROM = "/from";

    Wow nice use of a hashmap. However, could the name be made more descriptive?

    Good point, I'll change it and see how it looks!

    The reason why I left it like this for now was because I found it difficult to have descriptive meaningful method names if I were to split it up.

    I wanted to wait until we merged my other commits, so that I can add the blank lines and separators too. Thanks for pointing it out though!

    I was thinking the same, but I was worried it would reduce the OOP aspect. I wanted to make this method inherit from Task, but couldn't because Deadlines don't store both the start and end times, but only the by.

    Doing that causes IntelliJ to give me a warning that the boolean is unnecessary. I'll add a Javadoc comment instead to better explain what is happening. I hope that's sufficient!

    I guess it's fine! Help is kind of an exception to the normal messages anyway.

    Fixes #5

    Closed by merging pull request #13

    Closed in pull request #15

    Closing pull request as the build tests fail.

    Trying again in another branch.

    Fixed in pull request #28

    Fixed by pull requests #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41

    Fixed by pull requests #35 #36 #37 #38 #39 #40 #41

    Closed by #74

    Closed by pull requests #79 #81 #82 #83 #84 #90 #91 #92

    Close by pull request #86

    Closed by various pull requests in v2.0

    Some deadlines might happen repeatedly. e.g. A weekly homework submission, or a weekly post-lecture quiz.

    Just like in our current CS2113T module, the lecture quizzes might be a good example.

    Date is in the incorrect format, as specified in both User Guide and help command.

    As explained in the User Guide and help command, words in upper case are parameters to be supplied by the user.

    As explained in User Guide, command only shows longest block of free time.

    Coloured teal to indicate current timeslot. Will be updated in User Guide.

    Some deadlines recur, like a weekly homework submission.

    Our module's post lecture quizzes are a good example of this as they have a fixed deadline of before the next lecture.

    Archived data is not made available in the program. As described in User Guide.

    Data is saved automatically.

    As explained in UG and help command, words in upper case are parameters to be supplied by the user

    As explained in the User Guide, LifEasier accounts for some time for the user to get up and get ready.

    Use the showNotes command to view notes.

    The input date is also incorrect. In this case the program has flagged this out first.

    As explained in the User Guide, the sleepTime command allocates one hour for the user to get up and get ready. As such, 16:00 is the intended behaviour.

    This functionality is provided under the deleteTask command.

    Repeats issue #144 . Will close this while leaving #144 open.

    Repeats issue #144 . Will be closing this while leaving #144 open.

    Similar to issue #139 . Will be closing this while leaving #139 open.

    Similar to issue #139 . Will be closing this while leaving #139 open.

    Similar to issue #139 . Will be closing this while leaving #139 open.

    This problem extends to all delete and edit functionalities concerning tasks.

    Similar to issue #139 . Will be closing this while leaving #139 open.

    Similar to issue #122 . Will be closing this and leaving #122 open.


    How many times do you want this to repeat? Enter a number:

    Add defensiveness to parsing moduleCode. Deny anything more than 7 chars

    Instead of fixing the display, update UG to say that LifEasier will not warn you if there are clashing tasks.

    Check everytime any task is added that it does not already exist.

    Update in UG too.

    The user input the wrong thing. The repeats is missing the "/"

    Similar to #144 . Will close this while leaving #144 open.

    Prompt in UG and check when they input as well

    Standardise error message printing.

    LifEasier allows partial commands for slow typists and beginners.

    Edit in UG

    No. This will be a feature added beyond v2.1.

    Add to UG

    Change all /time to /from.

    Update UG and DG too please

    Change parser. If it includes delimiter, ask to change content.

    Adding line spaces and separators will help this.

    Do this after we add icons and stuff

    Extends to all tasks

    No. This will be implemented after v2.1

    Closed by PRs #180, #177, #176, #173 and #172

    Closed by PR #182

    Closed by PR #182

    During team meeting

    Miscommunication, no need to change Ui outputs

    Closed through consistent effort 😃

    All fixed in various pull requests

    Should the creating of a new instance be inside this function instead?

    public TeamMemberList() {

     members = new ArrayList&gt;>();


    Should we account for zero team members? Catch an error?

    Good implementation to switch between different views

    Would extracting to the UI class be neater?

    So everything related to printing will be under user interface.

    Similar case here, would extracting the printing function to UI class be neater?

    Similar case here, would extracting the printing function to UI class be neater?

    Would it be clearer if the name of the variable is changed to secondProjectIndex.

    Would combining these statements into one single command be neater. Use line wrapping for the different lines of output.

    I think that output-ing a warning for the user and ask them to provide a full name or have them provide a specific index would be better.

    Can consider changing the exception name to something else other than Duke, unless we are still naming our program Duke. (small issue)

    I feel that this part is confusing. I understand that it is supposed to throw an error, however the exception message is "add task", maybe change it to "add task error"?

    similar case here, would changing it to "add project error" be clearer?

    similar case here, would changing it to "switch error" be clearer?

    You can check my implementation for this variable so that when we print out the description, there will be spacing in between the words.

    require an else statement? We can implement the "deadline" function for projects as well.

    I would be able to do that since I need to combine it with printing out the statement during the "select" function.

    If approved, I will create an issue for it and start working on it.

    Im not sure about the rest, but I got confused when i first read the code.

    Maybe we can change the name to getTaskInsideAProject()?

    same here, would changing to createTaskInsideAProject be better?

    same here, would changing to deleteTaskInsideAProject be better?

    same here, would changing to getNumberTaskInsideAProject be better?

    Should we extract this to Ui class or Exception class??

    Should we extract this to Ui class?

    For future reference, should we remove this as the task does not require multiple inputs.

    For future references, should we remove this??

    I don't think there is a need for IndexOutOfBoundsException here.

    I think we should add a try catch statement here, seems like there is a need to catch an error here if the ID provided by the user might not be within the range of the task arraylist

    spelling error here, should be "integer"

    Good use of assertions.

    Maybe the error could be clearer?? as seen above

    similar comments here.

    Errors could be clearer??

    Should we change everything in the Exception class then??

    Nice!! Now it tallies with the user guide

    Now it follows the User Guide:)

    Nice implementation to ensure the table does not go haywire.


    I believe you can still break it down into even smaller functions.

    here could be descriptionOfTask()

    here could be deadlineOfTask()

    here could be priorityOfTask()

    here could be estimateTimeOfTask()

    here could be actualTimeOfTask()

    here could me memberNamesInEachTask()

    hmmm, you are right I can combine it together with the toString() function




    The bug I am trying to solve over here is that, users can enter "list hello everybody" or "list p//" and it still works.

    Since our list command does not require any params to execute, there is a need to check for any words behind "list".

    inputWords is used in the function before calling getCommand() which checks if there are more than 1 word input.




    I feel that we need to be clearer in both the implementation and the User Guide.

    Currently, the "description" command takes in 2 params, p/ and d/, if description is entered in project view, there is technically no need for user to type in p/ something since the projectIndex has accounted for the index number when you "select" the project. We are just inviting people to find this bug, because if you are already in a particular project view, we cannot change the description of other projects

    Since "deadline" for a project can only be entered in homeview, i think "description" should do the same as well.

    Do let me know before this is approved and merge, so I can edit the User Guide as well:)

    I have tried that and it doesnt work, because if you type in "list blah blah blah" it will still read the command as a list command. The only way is to check the whole string of words.

    One project deleted at a time, after ending program and opening up program again

    so what i did:

    added two projects at the start

    added 3 members at the start


    java -jar duke.jar


    first project missing


    java -jar duke.jar


    second project missing (empty project list now)

    havent edit aboutUs document

    What is the logger used for sean??

    Once we have Ui class we can consider moving these lines of code there instead, and call the required methods. Same for viewProfile().

    Try to be consistent with the spacing between methods? And add the whitespaces in the method names, eg

    public Exercise(String name, Calorie caloriesBurnt) {

    For this class and the other classes as well.

    I think you haven't deal with the case when the user enters bye. Maybe use a boolean isExit, equal to c.isExit() and use that as the condition for the while loop so that the loop can be terminated?

    Remove the whitespace between Fitr and the open bracket, i.e. public Fitr(...) {

    I believe the exception class is not yet created, when it's created it should be FitrException (follow camelcase)

    Need to override isExit() method

    Run the checkstyleMain and fix the coding standard violations

    Use getBmi instead of getBMI

    Maybe consider using primitive types instead.

    Would it be possible to put this in a new class? Something like a DateTimeManager class?

    Need a fullstop at the end of the sentence, otherwise the checkstyle will complain.

    Need to change the text - you're reading the tips file.

    If we move the tips.txt file into a resources folder, then I think there isn't a need to pass the path of the file to the constructor since the location of the text file would be fixed. Can consider removing it from constructor and just define src/main/resources/tips.txt above.

    Wouldn't be necessary - the file is not user generated, and it would have been packaged with the JAR file already.

    Check indentation

    Will the user be entering a command to get tips? If not I don't think it should be a Command class... looking at the main class it seems like it's not, it shows up whenever the program first runs. I think can consider not extending Command and just use a standalone class, maybe something like TipManager?

    Feels like this can be simplified, since the tips will be shown when the program first runs, and the user isn't going to be typing a command for tips. See the comment in the TipCommand class..

    See the comments in the Storage class - I don't think its necessary to include a file path of the tips file since it's going to be included inside the JAR file, so can consider removing it from the constructor here..

    I think should put in a single line, not separate

    Since the class is not a command anymore, maybe can consider putting it in another package? Maybe a tip package?

    Got two different caloriesInFood here...

    Isn't the return type of calories an int?

    Are these commented lines still needed? If not needed then maybe can consider removing them?

    Same here - maybe consider removing them if not needed?

    Need to add public in front

    Need add public in front also

    I think using assert like this is abit dangerous?

    I think its printCustomMessage right? Not error

    Can consider extracting this out as a method?

    Can consider extracting this out as a method?

    Can consider extracting this out as a method?

    Can consider extracting this out as a method?

    I think this JUnit test is quite trivial?

    The commands are all static final already

    The comment should change from yellow to blue.

    This one fixed already, need merge the latest changes

    I think should avoid using \n, and use System.lineSeparator() instead

    Need update the .gitignore file also

    Change caption to sequence diagram

    Can provide any sample input that causes that?

    Its larger than the range of values of int so wouldn't it be considered invalid?

    Fixed in #24

    Finished implementing the loading and saving of files for user's profile, food and exercise lists.

    Checks failing because of the AddCommand class.

    Already implemented, thanks

    See #167

    @gohsonghan98 can consider one-shot commands, eg edit name &gt;name>

    The numbering works as expected. Might need to emphasise this in the UG.

    More of a documentation bug instead, that's why entering the commands in the right column results in it being invalid. Left column is the right format. Fixed in UG.

    Could have a final static for this magic number

    alist should be in camelCase

    adatetime should be in camelCase

    this comment could be added into the ui

    can refactor this into ExceptionMessages class

    magic number here, perhaps can make it as a final variable

    magic number present here

    naming should be InitialiseUser instead of Initialiseuser

    the naming of this should be activityMultiple instead

    presence of magic numbers

    presence of magic numbers

    perhaps naming of firstString and secondString would be more appropriate?

    these variables should be in caps

    this should be in caps

    perhaps a better naming could be done for this?

    same issue for this, perhaps a better naming could be done for this?

    can consider making " " final

    can consider making "|" final

    would be better if this is renamed to e.g. previousInput

    magic numbers present here, do consider making some final

    magic number present here, do consider making 7 final

    magic number present here also

    magic number present here also

    magic number here, do consider making it final

    able to use print() instead

    able to use print() for this instead

    magic number present here, can consider making it final

    I have made a final variable SPACE in place of " ", you can use it in the code instead

    same issue as above

    can consider making these magic numbers final and if i recall correctly i have defined this as CALORIE_TAG

    same issue as above. can use DATE_TAG to replace this

    same issue. magic numbers present.

    presence of magic number. consider making it final

    can consider making " " & "" final

    can consider making this final e.g. GENDER_TAG

    similar issue, can consider making tags final

    can consider making 7 final

    can consider making this magic number final



    HAHAHA oops thanks

    fixes #41 , #27 , #45

    fixes #18 , #19 , #21 , #22 , #23

    fixes #18 , #19 , #21 , #22 , #23

    fixes #88

    fixes #88

    Nice job on creating the package early

    Yup we don't need this anymore!

    Make sure to have this on two seperate lines


    Well organised the code looks really neat!

    Maybe consider renaming the "time" parameter to "startTime" to avoid confusion

    Consider renaming the "time" parameter to "startTime" here too as this is the time the task should task.

    Consider renaming the "Commands" class to "Command" as this relates to a single command.

    Yup good naming!

    This looks good!

    It may be better to leave this in lowercase, as this is what our user guide says. We can convert this into an enum in our next version?

    Consider renaming "c" to "command"

    Renaming this to taskList.addTask would be great 😃

    Good that the importance is being converted to upper case here!

    Remember that the user will type "high" instead of "HIGH"

    I think we can remove the first addTask() . The method right below this seems to have the same functionality in addition to assigning a unique index value

    Noted that the user will now see the list from the timetable class only

    Looks great!

    This test will return true once 23-10-2020 is in the same week as the current date. Perhaps there's a better way to generate a false case. Maybe the recurrence can be (LocalDate.now() + 7 days).toString()

    This test is exactly the same as testIsTaskIncluded_filterByToday_returnsTrue(). Perhaps a better input could be a day that lies in the same week as LocalDate.now and adding this as a parameter.

    Good idea to simplify the code

    Will we have to change the dates EXPECTED.TXT everytime we test?

    Remember to update this new default value in user guide

    Seems like you have a getDurationString() it may be easier to use that?

    Perhaps say "It must be a non-negative integer". Also we should changeINDEX to Task ID soon

    Maybe say this in a more formal manner? Something like Ensure your parameter cannot contain /. Maybe we should rename "parameter" to a simpler word like "detail" later on

    Nice haha so should work for another month

    Remember to remove the case "TODAY" when we check for switch (recurrence) in setRecurrence() in the Time class

    Hmmm why is sleep 22 here

    Our sleep time is 12am so should it be 24 instead of 22?

    Empty line here

    You can remove this since it's not being used

    Could you shift this into the isClashWithSleep method so it looks cleaner?

    if (duration > 16 && isFlexible) throw new TaskTooLongException(duration)



    Any reason why you changed this? I think it'd be better to call the set methods as it all follows a similar level of abstraction

    Noted! Has been changed to edit

    @amanda-chua take note method name has been changed to addTask

    Whoops forgot to remove this

    ooh good spot

    I just implemented this for debugging purposes I have removed it now

    Whoops forgot to delete

    Yup let's change it to logicManager once that's merged

    Oh whoops

    Okay I'll delete this and add it in another branch

    This gives me a syntax error for some reason

    Oh hmmm I thought it may be better to include the actor for the parser?

    Yup for isMidnightClash the algo basically checks if both the end times are less than their respective start times. If so, both tasks go past 12am which means there's a clash at the 12am mark.

    As in ATHENA still alows task to be added provided they end at 12am but not past that

    okayy thanks! will make the change

    Because line 104 uses markTaskAsDone() so I need to catch this exception otherwise there'll be error

    Okay I've made the change

    I think it might make more sense to self destruct tasks when you catch this error, but then we will have to have another self destruct for repeating tasks

    Left some comments about some parts of the code, some are just suggestions, the important thing is the main function inside ForecastFilter. I think you forgot to remove it?

    Also, can you add Junit test cases for ForecastFilter? Or since we are down on time we can also merge this pr first and add that later.

    Noted, will add Junit test cases for ForecastFilter tomorrow

    Junit test cases are now created for ForecastFilter

    Note recurrence will still be "today", I have just created a recurrenceDate attribute. This is to make it easier future versions when recurrence will be a day of the week, so it'll be good to leave that as a string.

    Supposed to be like this. Other members please confirm and close this issue.

    I believe this can be done using r/DATE where DATE is any date you intend to add the task.

    I believe this is actually #200. The assignments are being successfully added as ATHENA mentions but there may be a prior invalid recurrence.

    This issue doesn't seem to exist on my side. Other members please help to confirm

    I think we should leave the start ID as 0? As it is a task ID not really a number in a list. Other members, what do y'all think?

    @Kafcis the student encountered this using a flexible task.

    Cannot. My fix clash bug was due to some issue with the method. But for this issue, it's got something to do with the TimeAllocater. Like we should have an exception if the task goes past 12am right? But the program just crashes.

    Yup I believe so

    Sure @Kafcis I'll check for date in AddCommand and EditCommand

    I think can close now

    I think can close now

    Yup so iirc users cannot set a recurrence for flexible tasks too

    Can close?

    I think this should fall under flexible tasks because the sleeping exception is thrown only for non flexible tasks which provide a start time. @Kafcis what should the intended output be for such an input?

    It would be better if "commandArgs" is used instead of "arg" to standardize with the rest

    It would be better if you initialise the Chapter object in the ReviseCommand

    follow the format of methodUnderTest_inputGiven_expectedOutput for test methods

    out.println will do for this line

    It would be better to use .equals instead of == and != for comparing the string

    instead of checking if (access.getModuleLevel() != "") first, you can do something like this:

    if (access.getModuleLevel().equals("")) {

    // print error message


    // rest of the code that should be executed

    instead of checking if (access.getChapterLevel() != "") first, you can do something like this:

    if (access.getChapterLevel().equals("")) {

    // print error message



    // rest of the code that should be executed

    instead of checking if (access.getModuleLevel() == "") first, you can do something like this:

    if (!(access.getModuleLevel().equals(""))) {

    // print error message



    // rest of the code that should be executed

    will getting the chapter in ReviseCommand be better? means you pass the chapterIndex in the ReviseCommand()

    This method is not needed, it has been changed to loadCard

    Would the original way be better?

    Admin admin = new Admin(storage.loadModule());

    Then don't need to import the ModuleList class

    Should all these be under Ui class instead?

    Should return ListDueCommand()?

    This method not needed as well

    Do not need to pass in Storage object

    Do not need to pass in Storage object


    I think for this, you can have a return after line 41 so that you would not need the else part. Then the rest of the code will follow. Something like this:

    if (dueChapters.size() == 0) {

    ui.showToUser("You have no tasks due today! Please check back again tomorrow!");


    // rest of the code

    you can use ui.showToUser

    you can use ui.showToUser

    you can use ui.showToUser

    maybe you should check if the user entered a valid argument? for example you can check if the user entered a valid date, and if the user user entered 'history', you can pass today's date as the argument

    Maybe you call createHistoryDir in the method createAdmin in storage.

    And for createHistory, you can call it in the method saveHistory

    instead of checking for history here, you can check in loadModule in storage instead. so that it wont add the history folder as a module object

    instead of checking for dues here, you can check in loadChapter in storage instead. so that it wont add the due folder as a chapter object

    if the due date is null, you can show something like "No due date" instead of "due by null"

    if the due date is null, you can show something like "No due date" instead of "due by null"

    you can use setIsModuleLevel() to do this

    you can use setIsAdminLevel() to do this

    you can use setIsModuleLevel() to do this

    you can use setIsChaptereLevel() to do this

    these 2 methods not needed anymore

    maybe you can do throw new FileNotFoundException(message) then it will show the error at Kaji.java

    this line can be shift to after line 54: access.setChapter(chapter)

    so you load the cards first. and if the chapter file cannot be found then access wont set anything yet

    so access.setChapterLevel should be after loading the cards

    this line can be shift to after line 56: access.setModule(module)

    so you load the chapters first. and if the module cannot be found then access wont set anything yet

    so access.setModuleLevel should be after loading the chapters

    i think you can leave GoCommand as Command. but if its working then its fine

    Do you think this is better here, or in the CliUserInterface class? I did do it this way in my iP, but I'm not sure this is necessarily the better way to do it.

    Does this ever get executed? I thought if there's an exception it will only execute the catch block.

    This is probably ok for now, but we should really do something a bit more useful to the user than just printing the stack trace, perhaps throw a custom exception.

    Maybe later we should create a ZeroNoteException class that all the regular exceptions will inherit from? For now this should be fine though.

    Should this really be static?

    We should probably implement a custom exception for this, but it's probably fine for now...

    The whole thing inside the print statement could be refactored into the TaskList class, as a toString() method or something, do you agree?

    This should probably be changed in the future to include a logo for Zer0Note.

    Could we just use input[1] for this?

    We could also potentially add this as a field in CliCommand, do you think that might be a good idea? Since every command will have a command word.

    We could have subclasses of CliCommand for commands with and without arguments, and the subclass with arguments could contain these fields to be overridden. Do you think that might work?

    We should add custom exceptions for all of these, catch those in CliUserInterface, and use an inherited printErrorMessage() method or something right?

    The function doesn't actually throw any exceptions though, as confirmed by the method signature, right?

    I could be wrong here, I'm sure the creators of IntelliJ know more about Java than me 😛

    Potentially put the title and the content on separate lines?

    Should we add a setTitle() as well?

    I think execute() should call the methods below as necessary, shouldn't it?

    So when you want to list the notebooks, the CliUserInterface can do something like:

    CliCommand command;


    command = new List(commandArgs, noteBookList);




    And then in the execute method:

    public void execute() {

    switch(commandArguments) {

    case "nsp":






    Not particularly good code up here, but I think you get the idea of what I meant, right?

    Do you think something like ApplicationState would be a more appropriate name, since this class encapsulates more than just the mode?

    We only ever have one NotebookShelf per instance, so perhaps this should be renamed to notebookShelf instead of currentBookShelf?

    This should probably be renamed to match the field name, no?

    We should move this to a setter as discussed in the meeting right? Or am I remembering incorrectly?

    This could potentially be replaced by throwing new exception, couldn't it?

    Nice use of exceptions here 👍

    Image link appears to be dead, perhaps merge first and then fix to get the final URL

    Do you think this sentence could be linked a bit better to the rest of the text? As it stands, it seems a bit random to me.

    I think it's easier to do it the way we were doing it before, but just print the message after the output instead of before, this way we can easily not print it when there's an exception.

    We can just mark as @Deprecated

    To mark as @Deprecated.

    Not sure this is necessary, but if at all, it should be a final, class-level field right?


    I fixed a few in my PR but others might still be wrong.


    I decided to not worry about exceptions too much at this stage. There is a better way to do exceptions that I want to discuss later. For now this should be ok as it causes the program to not crash.

    If you feel like it sure!

    Thanks, it was one press of Ctrl-Alt-L a lot of hard work and software engineering, yes, that's definitely what that was...

    I blame IntelliJ for automatically "optimising" that


    Because we add ... which makes it 10. If we check for length greater than, say, 7, and then take the substring from 0 to 7, then if the title were something like Buoyancy, it would be turned into Buoyanc... which is actually more characters. I've seen this UI glitch before in actual, production software...

    phew thank you

    I'll see what I can come up with.

    Duplicate of #7

    Duplicate of #8

    Duplicate of #10

    This should solve #18 as well.

    We could pass the input arguments, as well as the notebook list, in the constructor perhaps?Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone. -------- Original message --------From: Long Nguyen >notifications@github.com> Date: 11/10/20 21:48 (GMT+08:00) To: AY2021S1-CS2113T-T12-3/tp >tp@noreply.github.com> Cc: Neil Banerjee >neilb5400@gmail.com>, Comment >comment@noreply.github.com> Subject: Re: [AY2021S1-CS2113T-T12-3/tp] Add list() function in notebook mode (#42) @longngng commented on this pull request.

    In src/main/java/seedu/duke/userinterface/command/List.java:

    public class List extends CliCommand {

    • @Override public void execute() {

    But the list() function needs the object as well, like listNotebooks_nsp(Notebook sampleNotebook), so I'm not sure how to code it. Also, should the List class handle input arguments like "nsp"? That doesn't seem follow the principle right?

    —You are receiving this because you commented.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.

    I think this PR would take care of #32 and #8 as well.

    Looks like there's probably some missing imports for exceptions.

    Functionality of this code has been verified to be correct. I/O redirection tests have not yet been rewritten. Merging so I can fix the style to be more consistent.

    I'll try to finish as much as I can by 2100 today, after which you guys can review, merge and work on it further. Please do try to follow the style, and OOP conventions, I used as much as possible for the sake of consistency. Thanks all!

    We really need to rewrite the IO redirection tests...

    I believe this solves #13 and #16.

    Thanks for the fixes @chuckiex3! Since you requested review from everyone else too, should I wait for more people to review before merging? I think it should be fine though.

    Your wish is my seedu.Duke.userinterface.Command 😃

    Implemented saving for notebooks. Loading to come soon.

    Loading has now been implemented! The PR is ready for review 😄

    Plan to store the name of user

    How do you think we should do this? Perhaps modify the Storage class to save a file like preferences.txt or something?

    I suppose this can be marked as done for now?

    I don't think this is particularly suited for Junit testing.

    Is Storage something we should be testing with JUnit? I guess we could test the serialization and deserialization (especially with edge cases).

    Ready for review and merge for now.

    Marked as draft since it doesn't seem to be done quite yet.

    Added Architecture Diagram

    Noted in TODO near it.

    Pushing this to v2.1 (the bugfix release) so we can have more time to discuss the appropriate approach.

    Pushing to v2.1.

    Pushing to v2.1.

    Pushing to v2.1.

    Pushing to v2.1.

    Not intentionally probably committed the copy on my machine which hadn't been updated lol. Oops.

    please change the theme back to cayman, thank you HAHAHA


    Fixed by #195 not sure why that didn't close this issue.

    Once my previous PR is merged, I'll fix this with a command prompt.

    Duplicate of #157

    Determined that JUnit tests are not needed for this component.

    I think that would be better, yes.


    @Lusi711 I modified some of your tests, hopefully this is ok. This is because of the changes I made to the way exceptions are thrown.

    @Lusi711 Once you resolve the merge conflicts, I think this PR is ready to be merged.

    Duplicate of #159

    @yAOwzers Are we still going to do this?

    Related to #174

    I believe this was fixed somewhere as the section seems to have been updated.

    Fixed #188 while I was at it...

    Why thank you!

    Oh is it the formatting that was the problem? I thought it was the content.


    Wouldn't mind tbh...

    And I see you're on it already 😛

    Not happening realistically in the time we have. We should add notes in the UG and DG to note that tags are not currently saved.

    According to the UG, the file should be data.csv. This was my mistake that I did not fix because it was temporary test code.

    the correct name here according to the user guide is load.csv. This was my mistake, eventually we should allow the user to change what file they are loading

    There is a possibility of an empty save file, should initialise maxNumber to the default of -1?

    Much cleaner code than the original

    found it a bit weird that the argument order is not the same as add task, I know that the number is a required argument so its in the front, but it might look a bit messy to others.

    I would have done the same, but am also not too sure about the correctness


    Sounds good!

    The TaskList initialises the maxNumber as -1. We can either change it here or there as long as its standardised. I suggest changing it here because I used this in some of the test code and allows us to check fo rpotentially unused TaskLists

    This if else block can be replaced with a switch block to improve readability

    This is a good idea

    small nitpick, i can start from 0 then go to i>6, functionality wise is the same but might be more readable for others

    not sure if we should support having tasks with the same task number, as long as the cloned tasks are not saved should be ok.

    Nice cleanup here, eventually should be moved to Time class

    need more parser code to change this later

    maybe can use the string "+-------"?

    same thing as line 104, maybe can use only 1 string

    not sure if this is going to be flagged in the checkstyle

    Something similar is in 115, could consider making it an attribute or a method call from the Task/Time class

    I think that keeping these this here is better, it keeps calling bits and pieces all the time. If we do eventually do refactor it, the class needs to put the entire timetable in one shot

    we can just throw an error that says that the tasknumber is conflict with another, I'll handle this in the allocator PR


    Add a check if the taskRecurrence is Today or a particular date, probably don't need "every today" to be printed out

    Basic functions are covered that's good. Cleaned up the diagram a little bit, check it out and tell me what you think

    title List

    actor ATHENA

    ATHENA->ListCommand: execute()

    activate ListCommand


    activate ImportanceFilter


    destroy ImportanceFilter


    activate ForecastFilter


    deactivate ForecastFilter


    activate Timetable

    Timetable->+TaskList: getFilteredList()

    TaskList->+TaskFilter: isTaskIncluded()


    TaskList->+ForecastFilter: removeExcludedDates()


    destroy ForecastFilter

    destroy TaskFilter


    Timetable->Timetable: populateTimetable()

    activate Timetable

    deactivate Timetable



    Rest of this looks good, one small suggestion to change this to TaskList->*Task: , it makes the arrow point directly to the block at the top.

    Might want to include the actor here

    need an activation bar here

    activate AddCommand

    Cleaned up the diagram a bit

    title Edit

    EditCommand->+TaskList: editTask()

    activate EditCommand

    TaskList->TaskList: getTaskFromNumber()

    activate TaskList

    deactivate TaskList

    TaskList->-TaskList: createTask()

    activate TaskList


    activate Task

    deactivate Task

    TaskList->TaskList: checkClash(possibleEditedTask)

    activate TaskList

    deactivate TaskList

    TaskList->+Task: edit()



    deactivate TaskList

    Nicely done. one small edit will be making the activation bar for the ListCommand

    avtivate ListCommand

    Maybe we should clean up the spaces

    might want to get rid of spaces


    Add your role as Technical advisor here

    I gladly accept this nitpick

    I refactored this part and deleted the overloading because it was not being used

    It deletes the correct thing, but I have to agree that the naming is a bit off

    The overloaded method is to distinguish tasks that require a new index vs a preloaded task with its own assigned index

    I'll just keep it in for now until Alston is done with the main Athena

    I'll just keep it in for now until Alston is done with the main Athena

    I'll change it to isFlexible

    I need the sorting according to time so ArrayList is actually a bit better for this scenario, I might need a bit of help with the time sorting, not very clear how to do it

    Ok will change soon

    Its the code coverage report files, they might appear again so I put it here so it won't be added accidentally

    That works too

    I changed it to DAY so we do not need to make a new Forecast value

    Eventually we can assign it in the settings, its a magic number for now

    It actually quits if it hits this part so the user would not notice

    It's a magic number, need to sync up with the timetable. It's to tell what is a valid time slot. If it goes over this number then it stops

    Yup, it was that originally. I think I changed it because of the demo

    I was thinking the same thing actually, it is a bit difficult to store 2 separate sets of data in one csv

    On Sun, 4 Oct 2020 at 10:05 PM, Daniel Lim Wee Soong > notifications@github.com> wrote:

    @Kafcis >https://github.com/Kafcis> I think we don't need to store the timetable generated from the task list in a file, because the same timetable can always be generated from the same task list. Looking at the scale of this, there won't be much impact in performance if we generate the timetable when the program starts. But if you wanna do it, you can use getTimetable() to get the week's timetable.

    @alstontham >https://github.com/alstontham> The timetable given to the Ui will be a list of TimetableDay objects, each containing a date and a list of Tasks. So you can work on printing that now.

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    I wanted to avoid changing Amanda's code, but I can do it as a method

    I think this is safe to merge, most of the checkstyle problems are addressed in the next PR


    That sounds logical, I will do that as well for the subsequent PRs too

    we did a quick fix before v1, I'll settle this in another PR

    Yeah it's done

    It actually goes to that part because I don't want to keep checking if the task exists before I delete it. I think its bad form but it prevents the code from having too many layers. At the moment it is already like 3 layers of nesting at some parts. The comment is just to make sure it doesn't trip the checkstyle

    The format of the sequence diagram can be changed and I don't know which one we want to use. I can put them in quite fast

    The time allocator test has to be completely redone, I'll pull from your branch and work it out

    I can't replicate this either

    Confirm, might need to update UG to clarify

    If it's a flexible task then the user implies that they let athena control the time, I will make it clear in the UG

    I think its all good, can merge anytime

    It is failing a filter test for one of the TaskListTests, I don't think I did anything to break it

    Yeah I wanted to put this here before I passed out

    Good Job!

    I think a better naming for this would be "questions"

    I think we should all following this naming convention of "all...".

    All these naming makes it easier to understand!

    The JUnit test looks good!

    The naming of the method is accurate as well.

    Would "chosenOption" be a better way to name it?

    Nice, using the common interface makes everything easier and neater!

    I'm a bit confused with this. It's a add method but it removes the option...

    Nice catch on the accessibility

    Maybe we could add something here for users who had wrote commands not in our list. I can create something in Ui

    Awesome refactoring!

    Just some minor details, would the first part of the naming be better to follow the naming in Topic? getDescription_... Similar to getsQuestionList_questionList_returnsQuestionList( )

    Oh thank you for adjusting the formatting!

    Oh sorry I missed this out!

    Oh, it sounds a lot nicer!

    Nice catch! Sorry for that error!

    Would it be better if we have a few words to introduce the diagram first?

    Nice catch on removing the empty constructor too!

    Ah this makes it look a lot cleaner and easier to understand! Thanks!

    Thank you for doing up the table of contents! It looks neater and easier to understand now!

    Thanks for removing the magic literals!

    Nice catch!

    This makes it a lot clearer!

    "It requires altering of the code"?

    Sorry correct me if I'm wrong but it's supposed to be "E-Duke-8" right

    Take note of the magic number!

    Great catch!

    Is it good to put a .trim() here?

    Yep! Just as what we discussed

    Does this require @params

    I think this method returns Displayable

    Sorry Joel, what I meant was should there be a @return here?

    Ok, I will take note of this and change them. Thanks for the explanation!


    Ahh, slipped my mind! Thank you for pointing it out!

    Ok done!

    Ok, will look out for it. Thank you!


    Oh ok, I think it's 4! Thank you for spotting it!

    Okie, I will look into this. Thank you!

    Updated! Thank you!

    Oh ok, I have changed this too! Thank you!

    Yep, I have updated the PPP as well. Thank you for the comments.

    Thank you for spotting! I have updated the diagram already

    We have decided that the users can just change the database via the Json files

    Fixes #119

    The user guide has already been updated.

    User guide has been updated

    Looked through this together as a team during the buggy check

    It would be better to change to getProductName();

    I think it is okay to put it here since this comment is command-specific.

    I think it is okay to call it here since it is command-specific

    It would be better to mention specifically what are being imported instead of using wildcard *

    Good job on coming up with the sort algorithm, Kian En! I would move this to AddPlaceCommand.java so that it sort only if the user added a new place.

    It supposed to be userInput.startsWith("search "). If not, input like searchex will be detected as valid command.

    Yep, this has been resolved.

    It is preferred to mention explicitly which packages are imported

    What is the difference between this and line 33?

    No newline here

    This supposed to be rmdir /s /q trippie_data

    del is used to delete file. Based on runtest.sh looks like you wanted to delete a directory and its content, right? Use rmdir /q /s trippie_data instead, it is equivalent to rm -rf

    Since your PC OS is macOS and mine is Windows (Error is in .bat file which is executable in Windows). I will take-over this error.

    Isn't this deleteExpenseCommand?

    Add newline here

    Another newline here

    An alternative way is to use .isEmpty() method

    Please add newline here

    Perhaps deleting this method as we aren't going to perform any test?

    Great implementation of regex

    Good, this way the sorting algorithm will terminate early 😄

    Good job in completing the testing guide!

    | is bitwise or, can you explain why you choose this approach? Sorry, after checking it, I think both of the approaches will lead to same result 😄

    Good catch!

    Perhaps name the variable to isSwapped ?

    Great message

    This will affect the old test case

    Nice! You updated the test-case

    I like how you abstract this method!

    Great! this solves the file deletion problem on Windows!

    Thank you for pointing that out 👍

    This is just a test

    Please review #22

    Apparently Java has a problem with a dash. So, I suggest implementing / (slash) instead of - (dash) for the command format. @ShawnTanzc need to adjust accordingly.

    Apparently Java has a problem with a dash. So, I suggest implementing / (slash) instead of - (dash) for the command format. @ShawnTanzc need to adjust accordingly.

    It doesn't pass Gradle check

    remember to update the help stuff

    Do you mean on the HelpCommand.java?

    This is fixed in #75, right?

    This is for About-us.md

    Javadoc is still on progress

    Thank you, we will consider this in future development 👍

    Video is uploaded to LumiNUS at 10.52 a.m. today by @ivanderjmw

    good job!

    Ah yes, this makes sense. We can cut down on unnecessary variables this way!

    The DisplayableList class seems a bit redundant at the moment as its functions are very similar to an actual ArrayList. We should look into developing this class more to better manipulate the lists in our program.

    The coding logic here looks really good! Nice work!

    Since you're getting QuizQuestionList with this function, would calling the new QuizQuestionsManager object quizQuestionList instead of quizQuestionsManager?

    The diagrams all look really good! Nice.

    Looks really good, the explanation is methodical, while using concise language. Nice job!

    Thank you for helping me replace my magic literals as well! All of it looks good to me. Will merge it in!!

    Nice, you remembered to use System.lineSeparator() instead of "\n"!

    Good thinking, this interface will allow us to differentiate functionality more cleanly between certain lists that are purely for display/access, vs others that the users might wish to affect. Nice implementation!

    Nice removal of magic literals.

    LGTM, now bookmarks can be saved across multiple uses of the program.

    Looks way neater, nice!

    This looks really good! Thank you for settling this!!

    Well implemented!

    Nice, this covers a lot of ground.

    Alot of coverage here as well, great implementation of the Junit test!

    This is really well-phrased, really hand-holds the user in using the program.

    This is really detailed, and addresses very realistic issues! Thanks for doing this!!

    Maybe it would be better to refer to them as objects as opposed to their abstract meaning? For example instead of " Note objects in a NoteList from a specified Topic. " you can say "Note objects stored in a NoteList object that share the same Topic parameter."

    Would it be possible to use String constants to remove the magic literals?

    Take note the magic literal here, might want to replace it with a String constant!

    Would it be possible to use purely the UI Class to output messages?

    Would it be possible to use purely the UI Class to output messages?

    Good idea to make these conditionals the criteria to move forward with the quiz command parsing.

    Well thought out! Nice implementation which integrates the conditionals from before.

    Good catch.

    As discussed, this will be important to check whether an error needs to thrown or not.

    Looks good!

    Good point! Will make the recommended alteration right away.

    Ah yes, pardon my folly, will adjust it in future. Thank you!

    It was initialised above the if loop.

    Alright, noted! Will look into how to make the implementation better in future!

    Roger, this makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

    Understood! And done!!

    Understood! And done!!

    Excellent idea, I shall get on it right away. Hold off on merging this branch.

    Roger, thank you!


    Oh yeah you're right, will make adjustments to it in a future update! Thanks for pointing it out!

    This one I'm not too sure, I noticed other classes with blank strings as well, figured we were leaving empty strings as empty strings.

    Done. Thanks!


    Good catch, will do so right away.

    Roger, will settle this, thank you.

    Overall, well done changing your name.

    This feature has been added into the UG.

    I have added the correct answer indicator, however I think the hints should be left for the actual quiz. @anqi20 @kstonekuan @Zhi-You @joelngyx What do you all think?

    For this issue, does everyone think we should just make this case error handle with invalid format? @joelngyx @kstonekuan @Zhi-You @anqi20

    For this i will be parsing in an integer alr so i think can remove the getTaskNumber method.

    For this i will be parsing in an integer alr so i think can remove the getTaskNumber method.

    Can replace all the println to UI methods.

    Remove one empty line from here.

    Remove empty lines from here.

    Remove one empty line from here.

    Remove one empty line from here.

    Remove one empty line from here.

    Change the importance to notes

    Remove extra line

    add space before String

    remove the empty lines

    remove the empty line

    I think taskListWithoutTask should be editedTaskList

    I think taskListWithoutTask should be taskListWithDone

    Change taskListWithoutTask to taskListWithDone

    Might want to change the method name to smt like deleteTask_successfully?

    Maybe can give examples of ABC

    List out the commands individually instead of the *

    Is it missing the high importance shortcut?

    TASK-ID instead of TASK_ID

    TASK-ID instead of TASK_ID

    TASK-ID instead of TASK_ID

    AthenaUi instead of ATHENAUI

    missing AthenaUi

    AthenaUi instead of ATHENAUI

    missing AthenaUi

    Not sure if the hyperlink will work cus it didnt work in mine.

    Try using team/vishesh-arora.jpg instead of docs/team/vishesh-arora.jpg

    And also the file name should be your github name not vishesh-arora

    Try using docs/team/alstontham.md instead of team/alstontham.md

    Change the file name to your github username

    For add command: throw exception when name or time of task is not in the user input.


    I think is write the shortcut format in oso?

    I think its to add l [f/FORECAST] [i/IMPORTANCE] under the command format in the user guide. But since we changed the style of the user guide already, I think this issue can be closed.

    Removed the description for the optional parameters at the description of command format at the top. Shifted down to the respective command's Intermediate feature.


    this naming brings clarity! good job sam

    why printing and returning a string? doesnt the return string from executeCommand in every command get printed?

    nice :^)

    nice job on including the id here shreyas

    we will need to change this to "n" soon!

    nice job on this sean! thanks so much

    oh sean, this was added for the Project View. but its ok! i can modify project view to take care of this case when the priority is not set

    in summary; no changes required for this on your end

    is there a reason why we need this?

    nice job in initialising!

    hi sam, what is inputWords


    thanks for customising this error!

    well done on making this more concise

    thanks for resolving this! this line caused some errors in my code

    interesting, nice adoption of the use of collections


    so nice!

    would writing it like this making it easier to understand?


    * Assign specified member to specified project. The sequence of steps executed are:

    * 1. Add TeamMember object to ArrayList of TeamMember in specified Project.

    * 2. Add Project object to ArrayList of Project in specified TeamMember.

    * 3. Prints member assigned to project message.


    * @param projects ArrayList of Projects.

    * @param teamMembers ArrayList of TeamMembers in the program.

    * @return Print member assigned to project message.

    * @throws EzExceptions Invalid TeamMember ID if when parameter values provided is outside

    * the range of the TeamMember list.


    should we follow the way i suggested above?

    should we specify exactly what error it throws?

    would it be better to specify what error is thrown?

    nice job on the logging

    should it be "that was passed to it"?

    should be "deadline added UI message"?

    should be "priority added UI message"?

    thanks for the change!

    should it be "updates"?

    dont need cause the variable is already initialised on this line

    thanks for pointing that out sam ! fixed here 7cd85a2268c4e2eeb93a769ebcb82c17dd9f30f9

    ok! thanks man

    thanks sean!

    @riazaham the else block would be blank though right?

    can extract this portion into its own function

    refine this comment

    refine this comment

    progress as of 19 october 2020, 7:30 pm

    moving on to extend task functionality first

    Hi Sean @thatseant , let me answer the points:

    1. There's no way to display project view other than selecting project.

    Is there a need to display project view other than selecting the project?

    1. Multiple members are not shown.

    Currently, each task can be assigned on member.

    1. Tasks are not numbered so it is hard for user to see index of tasks.

    Oh okay! I have built this from the mock-up that we approved and I did not include the index at that point. Maybe for the next iteration we can add an index column? For now, users can use the list command?

    perhaps remove some of the old Duke descriptions

    perhaps a more apt name than executeFunction(), idk

    maybe remove the spacing between first line of the method and the next, for consistency

    er like the line i commented on said duke.txt and list of tasks

    i'll probably try to move this to cheat sheet class

    Not really sure about the use of super here since DirectoryIsEmptyException didn't do it

    to keep consistent with other if statements, might wanna do a .trim() here

    not sure if line 62 to 67 is needed. line 65-67 seems like it can go into 69.5

    A few of the class names sound more like method names. Perhaps instead of ParseDataFIle, DataFileParser

    perhaps parse execution can be renamed it took me a while to understand 94 - 97. perhaps it could be renamed to parsedData or something

    it seems like for both read and write classes will create Files if not present already, perhaps make It only the job of write to create both the folders and files

    perhaps this could be aptly named as my understanding is that it points to an actual file and not a directory.

    clean code makes me go yes

    good method namings

    big brain

    probably can use getCheatSheet(name) instead

    I'm not really sure if they would be nitpicky on the use of '*', I've been trying to avoid it because of that.

    Code looks clean, LGTM!

    i think so but it's really ugly and I hate it

    perhaps cheatSheetList can be moved to the parent class Command

    Hm, can i ask why this was repeated perhaps this was a mistake?

    perhaps use the word mode here instead of command

    there seems to be some line break error here

    could perhaps indent this format and flag lines to be consistent with other commands

    Nice enhancement

    I feel that this variable should not be in the Printer class, and that it should be a variable in the command class which is supposed to encapsulate all info relevant to command execution.

    then in Parser you could set this variable which is now inside the command object.

    fixed for u

    image background is blue here weird

    alright fixed!


    alright! done

    Alright done!


    Ops i merged forgetting to check the tests LOL Brandon has fixed the tests

    Done for view command

    alright, will do

    Fixes #97

    Fixes in #237

    Is it perhaps better in the long run if we do it via a ArrayList?

    ArrayList<String> commandHelpList = new ArrayList<String>();












    int i = 0;

    resultString = "";

    for (String command : commandHelpList) {

    String color = (i % 2 == 0) ? COLOR_CYAN_STRING : COLOR_WHITE_STRING;


    resultString += command + InterfaceManager.LS + color;


    return resultString;

    Naming issue on the getCommandUsage

    Should we standardize using pointer Boolean or primitive boolean?

    Similarly, perhaps we should change to boolean if the parameter is not necessary in defining generics.

    Need to rename this as well as COMMAND_USAGE_NOTE

    Small error on my PR that wasn't caught. Should add full stop.

    Should also rename this. Apologies for the sloppy naming.

    Good catch on standardizing this so it's easier to read across the board

    I'm just afraid if we add more commands down the line we need human intervention to always check if the colour ordering is correct. Doesn't affect any functionality so it's not important.

    Will clean up naming after 1.0

    Perhaps follow standardization after Code Review 1.0, put an empty line between group of imports. Group the import by usage/type.

    You should swap the two. assertEquals method arguments are expected and actual. For the sake of debugging in the future it would be better if we caught it now

    assertEquals(NOTE1_TITLE + " pinned: " + 'N', getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 0));

    assertEquals(NOTE2_TITLE + " pinned: " + 'Y', getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 1));

    assertEquals(NOTE1_TITLE + " pinned: " + 'N', getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, NOTE1_TITLE));

    assertEquals(NOTE2_TITLE + " pinned: " + 'Y', getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, NOTE2_TITLE));

    assertEquals(PinCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 5));

    assertEquals(PinCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 3));

    assertEquals(PinCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, "Title"));

    assertEquals(PinCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, "Random"));

    assertEquals(note1ExpectedOutput, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 0));

    assertEquals(note2ExpectedOutput, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 1));

    assertEquals(note1ExpectedOutput, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, NOTE1_TITLE));

    assertEquals(note2ExpectedOutput, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, NOTE2_TITLE));

    assertEquals(ViewNoteCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 5));

    assertEquals(ViewNoteCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputIndex(notebook, 3));

    assertEquals(ViewNoteCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, "Title"));

    assertEquals(ViewNoteCommand.COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE, getExecutionStringInputTitle(notebook, "Random"));

    So it's basically to convert the event back to it's input line and stored right? E.g. add-e /t Tutorial /timing 2020-10-29 13:00 /repeat weekly /reminder 1-day. Looks great!

    I feel this is a great way to save and load!

    Was implementing this on my branch but since it's here it's great!

    Actually for reminder, it accepts the inputs as /remind 1-day 2-day 3-day. Not just /remind 1-day /remind 2-day

    eventDetails += (reminderPeriods.size() > 0) ? PrefixSyntax.PREFIX_DELIMITER + PrefixSyntax.PREFIX_REMIND : "";

    for (String reminderPeriod : reminderPeriods) {

    eventDetails += " " + reminderPeriod;


    Actually, what would happen if reminderPeriods that is stored was null? Should have a checker here if not a empty arraylist will be given

    Apologies. Automatically did it while importing through Intellij.

    I was considering that there should be no issues with duplicate events as they may be for future events that are named similarly. E.g I set an event but didn't know about recurring function so I created an event for every week.

    Noted on this point. Will make necessary changes.


    Noted, will change. But it won't cause an error as JRE handles boxing and unboxing of the non-primitive types in the background.

    On this point, I was following the structure of prepareAddNote and how error handling was taken care of (Level of throw or at a higher level). Can confirm again if I should just throw the exception?

    My bad. Didn't pull a new copy yet with the changed error handling format. Mine had error handled at the problem level.

    Sorry! I didn't merge this branch with the upstream master. Done in the next commit.

    Good catch! Didn't see this

    Done. Thanks!

    I considered having a optional tag that allows to list by a certain search criteria, but I felt that in the interest of breadth-iterative development, this wasn't as key to developing recurring events as it is so I comment it out first.

    Done already. Thanks!

    Yes but in this case these are parameters not the constant so I don't think there's any coding standard violations.

    Apologies, forgot to refactor the names after changing it to final.

    Alright. I moved them from parser over to here because I thought it would be a central location + parser was getting very bulky already

    Alright. Apologies for the mistake. Was referring to an older version of the code base for styling and didn't change this part.

    I placed it here because following the rest I thought we would expect a COMMAND_UNSUCCESSFUL_MESSAGE. Can remove comment as well.

    I've re-worded the comment to be clearer as to what it means so it doesn't look as weird

    Ah didn't know this was possible!

    Why the whitespace? The tab itself is a whitespace

    I just left it in because in the future there might be need to develop looking at future reminders. But then again in the current iteration I saw no need for it / we may not develop it at all cause of limited use cases.

    I guess I was unclear. The input formats should be YYYY or YYYY-MM

    I used Object cause it was more type-safe. I was considering that when the timetable expands and has multi-year usage, we may have issues with recurring events and their reminders so I was implementing the equals function to be able to compare reminders. However, I revamped how the recurring events are displayed so this function actually has no more use.

    Er actually theres no significant need to do this as a class anymore. I was still learning on functional programming and functional interfaces in Java and their syntaxes so I implemented this as a stop-gap measure. Will update it.

    I think it's fine because even in the lecture notes they talk about assert as a error handling as well as a JUnit. It can be used for both. I implemented it here as an assert because if its not the same then there would be big problems with the entire remind functionality.

    Also, if there is difference in the two, it would indicate issues in the parser or implementation of the code, nothing on the user, hence exception is a less viable option.

    Was causing a bug with recurring values

    I did it this way initially but my concern with handling it in the formatter is that it breaks encapsulation and increases coupling. Violates the "tell-don't-ask" principle, but handing it to the formatter improves single-responsibility principle.

    What do you mean?

    Oh I did it as a separate function for compatability to other PR where I do listing. No point re-writing code just to iterate the same lines.

    My considerations are formatEvent would be heavily utilized when listing events. When listing multiple events we would most likely be listing them in the same box so it would make sense to have a separate function that formats them as a string.

    See above regarding formatEvent

    Tried this and the line got too long and unreadable.

    Sorry but what's the significance of doing that as opposed to +=?

    While possible, I'd lose the information on the name of the month and at each event, I'll have to check the month and see if it's different at each step. I'll basically be shifting the processing of each event from Event to here. Is there any significant reason why? If not I feel there's no added benefit to doing so.

    I'll see what I can do as I am already currently pushing in the year and month already. May be able to cut down the data struct shape

    Done from earlier PR

    Will resolve convo when confirmed after merging.

    I was thinking of doing this because it may have edited the data but failed the saving

    Nope! It'll display as Reminder: None

    Apologies. Didn't catch this mistake. I thought the error would be clearer because end time is not necessary by default. I wanted to have the error message to be missing end timing

    @R-Ramana can you check it now?

    Noted will do.

    I know just habitually typed it myself. No big issue here

    Oh I didn't see this. Thanks for pointing it out!

    Are we done with this issue or do we close it?

    Noted. So for this we should highlight it in the developer guide right?

    Able to recreate bug when doing [list-e] vs [list-e ]. Spaces after list-e causes this issue.

    Okay thanks for the clarification! Closing this.


    Resolved. Will push branch together with refactor of listEventCommand.

    Was not tagged with the PR that added tags on event. #136

    Linked with Issue #95

    Issue here is no / was provided, so the programme took the entire thing as it's infoDetails[1], thus throwing NumberFormatException and the index format error is shown.

    Timetable should not be mutated in this fashion. I suspect that this is due to timetable and ListEventCommand or how StorageManager calls/saves the events.

    Identified the issue to be when events are loaded. Only some of them are sorted or shifted in index.

    Identified it to be loading non-recurring event first, then recurring event. Thus order will be shifted around and all recurring events will be placed last.

    Waiting for PR #189 to merge first with all changes approved before this will merge.

    Similarity detection was change from only same start time to when there is a clash in timing.

    Ok, then I'll just close this issue

    Will update Timetable class diagram to include leowxiang comments on using appendix to hide the large amount of commands, allowing the class diagram to be viewable when I have time.

    Closed with PR #200

    Sadly you did not face what I did which was 10-15 minutes of trying to use your User Guide on tutorial and it not working. It was phrased as a functionality bug initially before I looked at your code and found out it was a big issue in interpretation by the user using your UG.

    1. I did say it's great, I just felt the consistency of usage was lacking. I found the three uses of information and warning to be good. I think the main issue I had with this was with reference to bolded. My understanding of keyword is that it is key to understand what that statement, command or relevant information meant. As a user I would already know what this app is and I don't view it as a keyword at all. There are much more important things to highlight. For example, in that exact same paragraph, bolding what type of simple circuits this programme solves goes a long way.


    CLIrcuit Assistant is a Desktop App to implement and solve simple boolean and ?circuit circuits.

    On the point of code. I understand when explaining your Interactive Tutorial, you meant to say tutorial type commands (tutorial circuit tutorial boolean). Like I said, it was a very large bucket where you used it to describe the first half of the command, with no indication of when does it refer to expected CLI output, or what is an example input.

    Your usage of itallics on circuit tells me that it was something I should be looking out for, something technical. So when I saw the word technical in your format, I implied from your guide that I was to use that format but not that code. I implied what to be replaced with circuit was all the usage of code before this.

    I think it would be better if you change this to plural form since it contains a list of members. Likewise for the class name.

    I agree, we should split them into subclasses, inheriting MemberCommand for example. It's what the TA suggested.

    Yeap, Haoxiang, remove this file then commit again to the same branch, then we will merge this pull request

    I think it is ok, we can leave it as it is now and we will settle the package names later on

    I think wait for the next person to review then merge.

    What's the reason for using static members? This will be a problem when it comes to multi-project management.

    "member" can be changed to "members" which will make more sense as it is a list of members.

    Yeah. Since it is not static, you still need to pass the project object around to be manipulated, and that should be the way since there will be multi-project management in v2. This is because we need to determine which exact project we are manipulating.

    No need for new Hashtable&gt;>(); since you are overwriting it at line 15.

    Should we trim the values at Parser instead?

    Sorry, missed this out, this can be SLAP-ed right? So that REMOVETASK and other actions that requires array list can use the same function.


    I think no need to nest another try-catch, you can just put another catch for NumberFormatException in the other try-catch.

    Got a getter for nextId already, at line 37

    Can you remove this line? This is because line 34 has set exit = true. In Duke.java line 63, I have already added the check to check if the exit = true. Also, the Duke.java has to call sm.save() before it exits.

    The code analysis stated this line don't need StringBuilder since you are only appending on string. you might wanna change that.

    The newline should also use %n instead of \n. %n works similarly like the System.lineSeparator().

    This line is wrong, this is what I got when I run it

    Project successfully created.

    ============================ PROJECT ============================

    [ID: 1]

    [Title: Scrumptious]

    [Description: A java project]

    [No members added]

    [Project will start along with the first sprint]

    [Project backlog is empty]

    [There are no Sprints]


    Ran it with v2.0 jar file that's why I didn't see the change. Sorry about that. Looks good to me and can be merged.

    Mj, can help to correct this?

    • This header does not tally with the TBC

    • Not consistent with other headers like "Add Tasks to the Sprint"

    Mj, can help make this consistent?

    • This header does not tally with the TBC

    • Not consistent with other headers like "Add Tasks to the Sprint"

    Mj, can help make this consistent?

    • This header does not tally with the TBC

    • Not consistent with other headers like "Add Tasks to the Sprint"

    Since we already have a checkstyle gradle task which are the checkstyleMain and checkstyleTest, is this the same as those 2?

    Did you try re-cloning the project?

    @gmit22 Can I double check with you if this is supposed to be == or !=?

    This PR added a shouldSave boolean variable to all command classes. All command classes are required to define the shouldSave value and I have edited all the command classes to define it. Basically, those that cause changes to the data will set shouldSave to true. If you look at Duke.java, it checks the shouldSave value of the command class that has executed and invokes the save if shouldSave is true.

    In your case, the project should have been successfully created and the save happens before the crash. That is why it shows the project that was created in the first place.


    Functionalities I think are good to go but I think some variable names should be changed. For example like those that contains a list of elements, the variable name should be plural.

    Looks good to me, can merge imo.

    Update: JSON.simple library is already approved

    Looks good to me, I think can be merged.

    checkStyle is failing. You should fix them first before you make final commit.

    Good to merge. However, we need more discussion of the structure of Ui class because I feel it is too verbose. Maybe we can proceed with the commit for now then modify it later on.

    Looks good, can be merged

    Need to resolve the conflict first.

    Duplicated issue

    There's conflict that needs to be resolved.

    Have you tried enabling the assertions? Link

    You are talking about the Unit Test assertions is it? Those assertions are different from the normal assertions. Normal assertions are placed in the code using the assert keyword, therefore the link I have provided only works for normal assertions. Anyway both have different purpose, so yeah.

    I think we can merge this one, then you create another PR request for the JUnit.

    Looks good to merge.


    Don't merge this first, idk why got duplicated checks... Probably screwed up with the repo just now.

    From what I see in your branch's Project.java, it might be the case that toJson did not include SprintRetrospectiveManager data. Hence when the save happens, nothing is saved for SprintRetrospectiveManager and its sub-objects. So when you reload the program and try to access it, it is empty. You can verify this by inspecting data/data.json file to see whether the data for SprintRetrospectiveManager is inside.

    You can refer to how I did it for SprintManager, ProjectMembers and TaskManager. They should be similar to your class.

    Close due to time constraint.

    Close due to time constraint.

    Close due to time constraint.

    Hmm, not sure if this can be consider a legit bug, we can ask the teaching team.

    Close since the PR for this issue has been merged.

    Should be the parser filtering it out i think. Cos the regex detects that every tags must come with a value, if it doesn't, it will just ignore.

    Is it perhaps a better idea for the storage classes to just catch Exception (i.e. all errors) instead? Otherwise looks good.

    I feel that it is better that I specify the different exceptions that I am catching so that I know what type of errors surfaces and if I miss out any exceptions.

    logs/scrum.log.lck can be ignored, can you add an entry ./logs/*.lck? in .gitignore before we merge?

    alright i've added the necessary .gitignore changes

    thanks man

    Closed, I have confirmed with TA that we can consider this as not a bug. We can add info on this in the user guide.

    Created another PR again because the other PR's (#190) history is quite dirty.

    4 spaces instead of 8

    private static ArrayList<Bus> buses = new ArrayList<>();

    Might be better to separate i to a counter and a boolean for better clarity.

    Good test cases

    Nice! The tests account for most situations.

    if (info.name.equalsIgnoreCase(input)) {

    usage of getName function is redundant.

    Good test cases for the program

    might be better to move this to UI

    public static Bus selectBus(String busCode) {

    Is it possible to use an assert here instead of try-catch since the catch block is not doing anything? I'm not very sure

    Why is toLowerCase removed?

    ahh ok

    Good job changing the variables as it makes it more readable. Might be good to add a Javadoc to further explain it.

    Maybe you can justify why these feature are added.

    Github suggests for you to end with a new line.



    what is this line for?

    You might want to either remove the empty sections or add something to it.

    This section is empty

    You can talk about how typing full description is not very user friendly compared to just typing out numbers. Especially how some descriptions can be longer than the command itself.

    Might be good to standardise using (Pull Request: ), currently some states that it is a PR while some are just # numbers.

    package seedu.duke;

    import java.util.EnumSet;

    public enum BusStops {

    PGP("PGP","prince george residence"),

    KENTRIDGEMRTSTATION("Kent Ridge MRT Station","mrt"),

    OPPUNIVERSITYHEALTHCENTRE("Opp University Health Centre","opposite UHC, where students can get MC"),

    YUSOFISHAKHOUSE("Yusof Ishak House", "Location with student service center and restaurants"),

    CENTRALLIBRARY("Central Library","also known as CLB"),

    KENTRIDGE("Kent Ridge","idk"),

    MUSEUM("Museum", "Opposite Faculty of Engineering"),

    UNIVERSITYTOWN("University Town","place full of fun"),

    UNIVERSITYHEALTHCENTRE("University Health Centre","UHC, where students can get MC"),


    RAFFLESHALL("Raffles Hall","Hall located nearby Faculty of Engineering"),

    KENTVALE("Kent Vale","somewhere"),

    EA("EA","located in Faculty of Engineering"),

    NUSIT("NUS IT","Opposite Central library"),

    PGPR("PGPR","prince george residence");

    private final String description;

    private final String name;

    BusStops(String name,String description) {

    this.description = description;

    this.name = name;


    public String getDescription() {

    return description;


    public String getName() {

    return name;


    public static void listStops() {

    for (BusStops info : EnumSet.allOf(BusStops.class)) {

    System.out.println(info.name + " : " + info.description);




    Yup, only for testing.

    sure why not

    because I need the previous input to save into fav, new parser cannot save the old input

    it is just a random initialiser because you need a string within the parser to initialise it

    i should remove addfav from being valid hahaha


    i forgot it updates automatically hahaha

    Oops, I used / instead of

    Oh oops I will fix it now.

    Up to you, I think. I only added it because I saw it on the module website

    Ah yes, I resolved the conflict and forgot to add in the assert.

    Better skeleton bus data

    we might have to implement our previous idea (isValid) @Lezn0 your thoughts?


    I think this printSubject function should be implemented in Ui class instead of here right?

    Should have created new exception classes for flashcards. NoSubjectException is supposed to be used by subject commands, but I noticed that the topic commands were also using the same exceptions, so I guess we can change it later

    List of flashcards is not used, can be removed

    This method is no longer needed. I will delete it in the subsequent pr.

    Inside the constructor of the classes that extends Exception, it should call super(message). In this case, it should call super(printNoFlashcardsError).

    Personally I don't think it's a good idea to make Ui to return string the exception message in this way if no cuztomization is to be done to the message. Constants would be better in this case.

    We could create a method in Ui such as printError(Throwable err) and pass the error to that method for it to print out. In that way we let Ui handle all the printing and improves cohesion.

    For headings such as 1. Introduction, there should be a fullstop after the number iirc. For subheadings such as 4.1 Subjects they are not needed.

    Should have a full stop after 2, same for other headings

    imo note instead of warning would be better here, since nothing bad will happen even if they add extra spaces in this case

    Same thing as above

    The end of the activation bar looks kinda incomplete for both diagrams. In the second image the parse() call to TopicParser seems incomplete as well.

    I think the rightmost part is cut off.

    What is this change for?

    In this way help command with any arguments will execute the help command, for example help xxx will also show the help list. If this is intended then just ignore this.

    I see, it makes sense.

    In this case if the users type in subject (extra spaces) I think it will go to the condition if (gotoSubject == null) and show 'cannot find the subject'

    if we change it to if (message.length &gt; 2 || message[1].isEmpty()), if will go in the condition and show NO_SUBJECT_EXCEPTION.

    Do you think it would be better to show NO_SUBJECT_EXCEPTION or SUBJECT_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION in this case?

    Should include an explanation, such as 3.1.8 Viewing results - results

    Should include an explanation, such as 3.1.8 Viewing results - results

    The tasks should not show question mark (?).

    Should it be "save all the application data" instead?

    necessary instances such as storage can also be passed in if they are needed in certain execute methods.

    Issue is solved. Closing this issue.

    Issue is solved. Closing this issue.

    partially fixes #29

    Partially fixes #107

    The results.json are not duplicates, but rather results under subject or topic. I will change the file name to differentiate between the two to avoid confusion, and update the documentation to make it clear.

    Partially fixes #107

    Fixes #107 with updated documentation.

    The current structure still looks a bit awkward, will make changes accordingly when see fit.

    Other than 3, others are solved

    This is related to the wrong encoding used when releasing the jar file, will be solved in the next release.

    This is related to the wrong encoding used when releasing the jar file, will be solved in the next release.

    This is related to the wrong encoding used when releasing the jar file, will be solved in the next release.

    This is working as intended, as the result is only for that topic, not the subject.

    This is related to the wrong encoding used when releasing the jar file, will be solved in the next release.

    This is related to the wrong encoding used when releasing the jar file, will be solved in the next release.

    This is intended behavior, as it only treats the first ; as the separator, others are treated as either question or answer.

    Good suggestion, but probably won't make any modification in this regards in v2.1 due to time constraint.

    Good point, but the users might also accidentally exit the application.

    Fixed by PR #145

    Duplicates of #94

    The PR does not solve issue #112, as tested below.

    I think it would suffice to just change the error message from "Invalid index format entered" to "Invalid index format entered - please enter a number smaller than " + Integer.MAX_INT; or something along those lines so that the user know they are entering a number that is not within the range or a wrong format.

    The unimportant details are intentionally left out for better clarity.

    Fixed by #88

    Mostly addressed, only left the Topic level features hasn't updated the exit command.

    Solved by #149

    Can call "ui.printList(ArrayList>Task> tasks)" and let the ui handle the printing

    Can call the printList() function from ui and pass it the filtered list (so tasklist will still handle the filtering)

    Could call ui method printTaskEdited(task) to print out the edited task to the user

    Could call ui method printTaskDeleted(task) to print out the deleted task here as well

    Can call ui method printTaskAdded(task) to let users know what task they added

    Can call the ui method printTaskDone(task) to let users know which task they marked as done

    @alstontham The timetable given to the Ui will be a list of TimetableDay objects, each containing a date and a list of Tasks. So you can work on printing that now.

    Ok! Will work on this

    @alstontham I think it would be good to overload the toString method so that we can print the object directly. You can work on printing out a Date and TaskList on your side first then we can move that code here later.

    Or you can fetch this branch and modify it, then make a pull request to my branch.

    Sure, will see what I can do

    would checkstyle flag this extra space?

    would checkstyle flag this extra space?

    I'm not sure if the main method is supposed to throw the exception? The exception should be handled at a "lower" method

    Maybe a more descriptive method name would be helpful?

    Can remove extra spaces here

    Do you want to shift the methods that print out the Timetable to Ui?

    Could you add a "\n" at the end to make the spacing of the Ui outputs consistent?

    Same here, add "\n" to making spacing of outputs consistent

    maybe you could add a note here mentioning that the user can view the task number by using the "list" command

    Same comment as for the delete command. Also, would be great to put "It must be a non-negative integer" on a separate line to remain consistent (refer to line 414 for the delete command).

    Nice! Perhaps you could include this line under "Example Usage" of the delete command also

    Would be good to keep the spacing consistent in each of the "Example usage" sections

    Hmm not sure why it shows up like this on github but I definitely had it on two separate lines in my IDE

    oops my bad

    Ok, I'll amend it

    will fix this

    oh this wasn't in my commit but was accidentally added onto this PR

    I'll change it to AddMissingRequiredParametersException

    This exception isn't finalized yet as I need to wait for the edit command to be fixed so I can test it.


    Fixed the checkstyle issues in Ui.

    Resolved in #55

    I have added exceptions to handle when no index and an invalid index has been passed to delete in #48

    Yes, this PR partially addresses #73, however I have yet to properly implement exceptions for list and edit as I need to wait for those commands to be fixed first.

    Sorry my bad, I thought I changed this in a previous commit but I think it got changed back.

    I refactored the color and UI code in this PR so it can be compared with the UI information in the DG

    I haven't finished editing the DG yet, will push some more commits soon!

    Square brackets around t/TIME, add view command in the help method

    I added an if statement to check if there is no deadline and prints the message accordingly. Addresses #159

    Make the instructions in the UG more clear.

    Same as #207

    Closed by #238

    @daniellimws would it be possible for you to take another screenshot of the help command without too much empty space by the right side? It would definitely help with making the screenshot on the UG more visible. Thanks!

    I think this problem is partially fixed by #244?

    Closed by #238

    Should be fixed already:

    Screenshot 2020-11-06 at 10 37 18 PM

    Hmm maybe we can sort this out later since I have pulled the latest changes from master

    Just a small adjustment, maybe can just change the start date to 28 instead and end on 25 as shown in your sample output.

    Rest all LGTM

    Ahh alright i see

    This part, could you change it to String isReturnString = (isReturn) ? "1" : "0";

    should be list tasks

    should be done task 1

    Dont forget to add your photo too haha

    sorry what do u mean by usa?

    I think @Cao-Zeyu forgot to remove the extra 'h' from https:// Could you help omit the extra 'h' thanks

    This line not required anymore

    Same for this, not required anymore

    can omit out the whitespace

    Ahh alright then

    ohhh i see, i rephrased it to line 114 instead

    This .txt can be included in the .gitignore

    For this part, u can modify the pointers to this :

    Do include the &gt;br> if not they will be all on the same line

    This can put under .gitignore so it wont be uploaded

    for line 129, could you help to include Error at the front like the rest. thanks

    oops. alright thanks

    Alright, will make the adjustment for all

    what's that?



    yeap noted for all, removed them already as well as the Manifest file

    I see, thanks for the edit!

    Fixes #35

    Looks good!



    for the failures in checks, go to yr project on IntelliJ and on the right side, you'll see a gradle tab, open it and then under the verification folder, run test and run check. it will show u the cases that has failed and then just edit them and re run the checks

    LGTM! i'll merge this for ya


    Will take a look at this and refactor my deleteCommand as well.

    Sorry guys, accidentally created. suppose to merge into own repo.


    yeah true, there will be a few more coming in soon. yeap sure 2.1

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    But there are actually modules with 0MC. eg. WR1401

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Will most probably indicate in the UG that the due date will be 1 month from the loan date. As normally when u borrow a book , u can't really edit to your own preferred date. Most to most, an extension can be done.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Hi, this is still a work in progress, will most likely be ready in v2.1

    Hi, actually if you do not input a priority, the default value of any task will be set as p:0. We will include this in the User guide so it will be clearer for users.

    Thanks for pointing out! We will take note of this and make the necessary changes.

    Changes LGTM

    maybe can change the example to the optional/compulsory format. eg.

    addr board games club p/1 c/CCA s/26-10-2020 e/27-11-2020 day/wed

    u can put a flag to indicate that the order doesnt matter or just add more examples to satisfy them haha


    This is wrong PR. all new updates will be removed. DO NOT MERGE


    Alright besides that, all LGTM!




    Already updated in UG on the format with flag notes.

    Updated in UG about case-sensitivity

    I can include this in the TAKE NOTE section

    it seems okay eh


    private static final String[] AA1 = {


    "Kent Ridge MRT Station",

    "Opp University Health Center",

    "Yusof Ishak House",

    "Central Library",

    "Kent Ridge",


    "University Town",

    "University Health Centre",

    "Opp Kent RIdge MRT station",



    private static final String[] AA2 = {


    "Kent Ridge MRT Station",

    "Opp University Health Centre",

    "University Town",

    "Raffles Hall",

    "Kent Vale",


    "NUS IT",

    "University Health Centre",

    "Opp Kent Ridge MRT Station",



    assert !locations[0].isempty() : "Location 0 is empty.";

    assert !locations[1].isempty(): "Location 1 is empty.";

    Looks good. Can consider using .isblank()

    There are 7 commands you can use to get bus information from Nav@NUS

    >Notes about command format:

    Would be good to start each section with a brief intro

    This following steps is a guide to start running Nav@NuUS.

    1. Ensure that you have Java `11` or above installed in your computer.

    Would be good to start each section with a brief intro

    Perhaps we should add getters for faculty and info here too. Otherwise we can go ahead and merge

    Sure, we can add it when implementing the other features

    what is this for?

    Why use setUserInput instead of making new Parser object?

    I think it'd be good to refactor the lol to final dummy parameter for the sake of readability.

    parser = new Parser(DUMMY_PARAM);

    public static final String DUMMY_PARAM = "lol";


    I think if we are going to prevent users from adding "redundant commands" that would include all fav commands.

    if (com.isValid()) {

    First 2 conditions will be redundant as they will be handled by .isValid()

    do self explanatory code like this require java docs?

    Perhaps it will be good to add a conclusion as to why you chose alternative 1 over alternative 2?

    if (index.isBlank()) {

    check for whether index is blank is sufficient so perhaps u can omit the isEmpty check

    I've removed this file. Wasn't meant to commit it to branch

    A dummy exception needs to be thrown to prevent an extra output on top of the similarloc output.

    At the same time the dummy exception will be caught by execfav and auto clean the fauvist if a command is corrupted due to spell check

    things will be added in future

    things will be added in future

    good idea!

    styling error solved

    Good point!

    I think we can leave such prompts out of the output of commands?

    A very minor thing but I think you missed a whitespace after the ':' in DETAILS.

    Whoa Theo god used assertions alrd 👍

    I think can change to something like this for better readability





    Isn't it better to just write the stuffs in storeCheatSheet() inside executeFunction() directly?

    Why do you replace the string with whitespace " " instead of an empty string "" (?)

    Will work on it 👍


    Actually for this one, do you want me to add a method to remove cheatsheet by index in addition to the current remove by name?

    For the next iteration, I think can move this to UI class. Not urgent tho

    I think this one should be done by the constructor, or at least outside the for loop.

    If can't find programmingLanguage and keyword, I think can just print everything (coz no filter?). What do you think?

    hmm for this one I think just do it similar to our IP? create a variable inside a for loop in print method then just print the variable?

    wow you guys so advanced.. using hashmap and stuff 💯

    Should we add .trim() to avoid this?

    shall we change this to /s?

    is the ??? intentional?

    I think just to keep it consistent with the delete confirmation, they should be able to type both y and yes, case-insensitive.

    I think this one should be

    printer.printClearCheatSheetMessage(deletedCheatSheets - cheatSheetList.getSize()) or something equivalent since we don't really "delete" the preloaded ones.

    I think should be okay to delete this one

    Noticed this one is duplicated from getIsFavourite

    Currently when I tried

    /delete /i 2

    The description map will return

    NAME -&gt; NULL

    INDEX -&gt; 2

    So without the null check, it will always try to get the cheatSheet by name even when the user tries to get it by its index

    ah yikes forgot about that HAHAH. thanks

    good point! will do

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    Outdated UG. Fixed.

    SO do we insert the code for adding and editting to project member list here?

    Yes so something like project member which will be handling all this?

    Good job, as @chocomango said we need to break commands into subclasses I think.

    I think here the main implementation is for parser to be used for your testing?

    Yes that makes more sense for setting it. Thanks

    change this get to getTask, so it becomes backlog.getTask(id -1 )

    Similar to add, maybe implement a removeTask also in the backlog task class

    Think remove it then

    Is the storage now taking care of all the details and storing it if the program crashes.

    Like for example I create a project with a valid command

    eg: project /create -title try -desc create a trial project -sd 5 -duration 30 and then due to some reason it stops working and crashes due to an error. The next time I run the program, and put the command project /view will it show the project created in the first place

    Okay, so every time something new is added to save, it will update the json file, am i correct?

    Expected outcome will be different right?

    Does this check for matching task description or only the title?

    Because I think it does not matter, should only check title

    So I think should put program terminates on another line

    Sure that works, you checked right?

    Maybe try iterating through something like for (Task task: projectmanager.getSelectedProject().getProjectBacklog() ?

    What is the purpose of this class?

    Yes i forgot to incorporate that change will do


    Okay so just public variable will be used here? Then won't we have to pass the project object in all the functions?

    Just to clarify:

    So once project is created and thrown, the command returns the proj variable which is stored in the parser to edit?

    No I changed the code, so did you try running with the updated code?

    Yes it is, my checkstyle was not working for some reason so I had to this manually.

    Like deleting it and initializing it again?

    I did not do that


    Good to merge.

    I think you'll have to pass the project since all of it will be added to the backlog attribute of it. I have implememnted the add and delete, can check from there also if needed.

    Code has been changes, the parameters and all so I think you need to adjust to that. So i think need to factor that in

    Suggested some changes, rest looks good to merge

    Please assign appropriate labels, and everything.

    Any reason for moving project in a different package?

    Like add all classes which need to be stored in one package?

    The structure is making it a bit confusing imo, maybe change that?

    Good to merge

    I meant like add all the files whose data has to be stored in the same main package. Also, can you see Duke class and remove your parser?

    Done by #34

    Sounds good

    Resolve the conflicts, youd have to do it using cli in your own repo @e0426051

    Some checks do not seem to pass

    I created a flag to print this if the user input is valid, and the required message The details of the tasks are as follows: is printed for the first task.

    Creating an additional check of :

    ``if (sd==0)

     { throw new DukeException("Sprint Duration cannot be zero")}


    Made changes so that:

    command>task /view 0

    The following task ID doesn't exist in backlog.

    Please enter a valid ID.

    command>task /view 100

    The following task ID doesn't exist in backlog.

    Please enter a valid ID.

    This was done by using an additional conditional check :

    if (backlogId <= proj.getProjectBacklog().getNextId() && backlogId > 0)

    Good to merge

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    Solved with #178

    • The parser manager is a part of the logic component and has been clearly shown in the diagram for Logic Component.

    • Project Manager is a part of the Model Component and has already been added.

    @e0426051 can you check which test cases are failing?

    What is this pull request dealing with actually?

    May i ask what exactly is the reason beihnd changing all the variables from backlog to tasklist?

    Thanks for refactoring out the methods!

    Perhaps this could be replaced with a switch statement if you feel it would be neater.

    This part could be changed to:

    Iterator iterator = jsonList.iterator();

    To remove the depreciated / unchecked warning

    Following the above comment, this line could be split into these 2 parts to:

            //Advance the Iterator
            jsonObject = (JSONObject) iterator.next();
            jsonObject = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("data");

    Following the above comment to remove the warning. This chunk of code can be replaced with:

            for (Object genre : jsonGenre) {
                animeGenre.add((String) genre);

    Thanks for making this part neater.

    Would this be better if it was refactored using the utility methods available in CommandParser?

    Is this subsection needed? I wanted to do one for mine as well, but it seems weird without another subsection or "proposed implementation" section

    Thanks for helping me fix the formatting for my images!

    Hmm okay got it! I'll make modifications to my portion in my next PR. Thank you.

    It seems that there is a mistake in the numbering here

    Thanks for implementing the badges!

    Could this parseInt() be replaced with the parseStringToInteger method in CommandParser?

    Thanks for filling up the Manual testing section!

    Is this constructor still needed?

    Since these constants are only used in this class, should this be private instead?

    Ah, I see, my mistake then.

    Ah, I left it there mistakenly. I have fixed it, thank you for pointing it out.

    I have extracted the searchType as a constant!

    I have extracted out the values as constants.

    I have added a newline here.

    I have added a newline here as well, Thank you!

    Got it! I have rectified the issue. Thank you

    I have made the changes, in all affected areas. Thank you for pointing it out.

    Thank you for pointing this out, I have rectified the issue, in the latest commit.

    Hmm, you are right, I will amend this in the next PR. Thank you!

    Hi, thank you for this bug report. I have rectified the issue in the above PR.

    Hi, thank you for this bug report! I have rectified the issue in the above PR.

    Hi, thank you for spotting this error. I have rectified the issue in the PR mentioned above.

    Hi, Thank you for reporting this issue. I have rectified it in the above PR!

    Hi, thanks for reporting this minor functionality bug. I have rectified it in the above PR!

    Hi, thank you for alerting me about this issue. I understand that it might be hard to find a suitable genre to search for as our current data size is limited to only 500 anime series (Given to us by AniChan) and that there are over 100+ genres available on the official site.

    Having a command to print all available Genres might be too cumbersome for the user and may defeat the purpose of a search.

    To rectify this issue, I have updated our User Guide to include the popular genres types that the user may be interested in finding. This genre could also help get the user started in searching for other genres as well.

    Do let me know if there is more I can do to improve it, thank you once again for the feedback!

    This is an update from @AY2021S1-CS2113T-F12-2/developers we have met as a team and discussed this issue. The conclusion of the discussion was that adding horizontal lines will not improve the readability, but result in the output looking messier.

    To better resolve this issue, the team have decided to improve the readability of the output elsewhere, such as the printing of the command execution result. This can be seen at #255 and will be further improved in future PRs. Thank you!

    Would it be better if we used:

    this.taskList.remove(index - 1);

    We can also store this inside the taskList class as a method! What are you thoughts?

    Just to note, we can replace this magic number!

    We should try to remove these -1 as it's a little confusing without any context

    Oh like what's the significance of -1? Or its supposed to perform like if (notebookIndex &gt; 0) ?


    Will update on my side once we have merged this first UG

    YES thank you sorry was loading the JAR yesterday but I passed...

    So it no longer removes pages based off titles as an input?



    oh I thought the method isPersonalised() was removed?

    Sorry my bad, didnt completely remove all isPersonalised() Methods. Instead of calling this method under execute() in CliInterface, we decided to call the PersonalMessageGenerator in the CliMessages instead as the messages were still printing even when exceptions were caught. Might need to change this assert?

    Do we need the (like yourself) because not all of the users that read this might be students?



    Maybe you can link like the Pull requests?

    Oh okay thanks! Will make edits! I think something went wrong during the merge conflict, was working fine on my end just now


    Oh even if the date formatted is wrong? I thought it needs to be in the format dd-MM-yyyy or can it be the other way around?

    Ohh okok will change it to just staying the notebook mode then

    I can include that in for the test case


    Oh shoot okay, LEMME edit

    Oh wait they arent doing this?

    Oh why thank you will do

    Oh yes, message is an object. Will it be clearer if included a CliMessage object name messages instead?


    OH LOL

    what the hek HAHHAHA ok i go edit

    Overlap with Long

    Able to save the name of the user in the nameOfUser.txt file, however during the first iteration does not save the name immediately. Still currently working on it

    Do y'all think it's necessary to include all the isPersonalised() and isTriggerAutoSave() methods?

    Formatted the numbers

    The IO test will fail now since there's a welcome message right? Or is there something wrong with my code HMM

    OOOOOOOORight it was merge conflicts... lol

    Ready for review

    To edit the appendix F for corrupted/missing data files @yAOwzers

    To edit UG: Delete the nameOfUser.txt file upon downloading, to include change of names instructions @yAOwzers

    @chuckiex3 okay so we just need to reformat the help message right?


    Updated to be case-sensitive command words

    Updated the path for the saving of the name, realised that the name data was saving and read off 2 separate files.

    oh so you just removed both diagrams?

    Are there any other parts where we need to add JavaDocs to LOL

    Yez I harve dun it

    No Assertions THo

    @NeilBaner Do you need help with the UML diagrams for this?

    Adjusted DG based off Rishi's comments as well. PLEASE TELL ME IF WE ARE GnA PUT THE PERSONALISED MSG IN 3.3

    Ok I've removed that exception


    @chuckiex3 your comments ah... really phenomenal! I've made the changes!

    To update the UML diagrams for 4.2.2. markAsDone and 3.6. Storage

    Updated diagrams in DG, 3.6. and 4.2.2.

    Claiming code in process

    I think the variable name userInput is better than command.

    A better exception name would be BadFormatException.

    This needs to be called from Ui as well, once its implemented.

    userInput will be a better variable name than command.

    This shouldve been an abstract class for all the other commands.

    I think creating this class as a parent for everything else will solve the parser error.

    commands should be appended with a space character.

    Why is there a need for this return statement?

    Nice formatting, LGTM!

    You can use Java's smart for loop for this

    Is there better naming for without choice?

    Good use of bubble sort optimization.

    This will still allow empty or numerical currency abbreviation.

    Can use regex to make sure it only contains uppercase alphabets.

    this works as well though. Nice!

    can be simplified using:


    Fixes #106

    Unlike read command, this line is used without printing any symbols before the user input.

    Umm.. did I remove the lines by accident?

    shawn I think there are some of your changes I accidentally deleted. It's the automerge..


    No, this was changed in this commit. But we could think of this feature again. Link to commit.

    Thank you @felixhalim

    I tried to delete a directory, and output no errors if it does not exist.

    Simplified the if-else statement.

    Simple O(n) linear search, should not affect performance.

    Duplicate issue

    Hello Sameer,

    I opened a new issue for the mismatched project requirements. Our team will update it ASAP. Please check #19



    Todo: Fix runtest.bat (@felixhalim )

    Thank you felix!

    LGTM! Nice.

    Fixed in #18

    This MaxDay is integrated with the storage component. It will load the max day in the master file. Fixed this issue.

    Thank you felix for referencing the issue.

    Fix #79

    This is an intended feature since one may plan out a trip across multiple countries ☺️.

    We will try to elaborate on how the trip days work. We appreciate your suggestion!

    @felixhalim prompt the users that the days are calculated automatically from their expenses and places, after creating a new trip.

    Could be better to mention the days after the trip name

    @felixhalim fix the miro diagrams. I will fix the UMLs.

    Hello @ShawnTanzc ,

    I was unable to reproduce this error. Could you give me a screenshot of your files inside the trippie_data directory, as well as the contents of your trippie.txt?

    Deleting the directory might fix the problem. Update me! Will fix the typo issue though, thanks for pointing that out.

    Hello Shawn!

    It turns out that the problem presists in Windows due to file permission errors.

    We have found this as the source of issue. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40706380/failed-to-delete-a-file-in-windows-using-java.

    Thank you for reporting this!

    Fixed issue #129 and confirmed with github check.

    Duplicate commits with #139

    This has been resolved in #139

    Nice PPP!

    Checked and working mock Trippie files.


    All checks done!

    All checks done!

    String array declared but not used.

    Could be implemented below replacing in line 46: Instead of "AA1", could add Zone_A[0] and Zone_A[1] to show a sequential approach in preparation for larger number of bus routes. Keep in view for future commits.

    Could refactor into a method adding all bus routes to the arraylist of bus object. For loop to run through and add the bus routes into the array list. This is to prepare for larger number of bus routes as we include other zones in our future versions. Keep in view for future commits.

    busesInZoneA.add(new Bus(ZONE_A[0], AA1));

    busesInZoneA.add(new Bus(ZONE_A[1], AA2));

    busesInZoneA.add(new Bus(ZONE_A[0], AA1));

    busesInZoneA.add(new Bus(ZONE_A[1], AA2));

    Are you printing all buses and their specific routes together?

    Looks alot neater! But was just wondering what do ABC ,PQR and XYZ represent? And what about the commons component?

    Alright! This part looks good!

    Alright! This part looks good!

    The `ListStopsCommand#executeCommand()` method of ListStopsCommand Class executes the command in the following step:

    Maybe you could specify what kind of tests?

    * Added documentation for the features `/addfav`, `/liststops`, `/help` and `/exit`. (Pull Request: [\#88](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/88),

    * Added implementation details of the `/addfav` and `/liststops` features. (Pull Request: [\#113](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/113),

    * What it does: allows the user to view all bus stops and their descriptions.

    Is there supposed to be an assertEqual here?

    Same here, is there supposed to be an assertion here?

    This comment might be confusing. Could specify that it is a command that can be favourited.

    Could specify it as String variable

    Initially, I added a some string functions to edit the getCommand(). However, in hindsight, the string manipulation should not be done in the ui function and I removed them. The UiTest in this case is trivial and not needed! I will close this pull request soon.

    Edited it! Thank you for spotting that

    Thank you! I will work on that in my next commit

    Alright, will update the code accordingly to the most recent pull request by Yuxin.

    Alright! Removed, sorry bout the oversight.

    reafFile could throw a filenotfoundexception and that exception has to be dealt with.

    We could refactor this into a method in the main function to make it look neater

    # IDEA files




    # Gradle build files




    # MacOS custom attributes files created by Finder






























    Dine options also include BTC campus?

    Alright will change all mentions of Kent Ridge Campus to NUS Campus


















    6. Your screen should show the start screen of Nav@NUS as seen in the figure below.<br>


    * Added sections on introduction and quick start. (Pull request[#142](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/142))

    * Updated target user profile and value proposition. (Pull request[#91](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/91))

    features. (Pull request [#116](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/116))

    * Reviewed developer guide for team DomNUS ([Click here](https://github.com/nus-cs2113-AY2021S1/tp/pull/8/files/65a23531bf8d85984e3d339cfc455cedb7e0cccc)

    Pull requests[\#23](https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-3/tp/pull/23),


    OOo I get what you mean!

    No worries! Changed!

    Looks good to merge to me!

    Looks good to merge!


    Issue addressed! #78

    In response to this, a initialisation of the most searched bus stop function will be included in the welcome message

    Regarding the fourth comment on "The loop should be within FavList and Fav only if it doesn't interact with UI",

    you can add in this line "skinparam BoxPadding 20" right after @startuml

    Only fats is plural here.

    Consider making all related names plural (might be more suggestive of type) or all singular.

    I disagree with changing this to a static method. Instantiate the FoodList object instead (or get a pointer to the object via argument parameters) to call this method.

    Consider writing tests for the newly added DateTime functions.

    Recommend splitting the class/avoiding a do-it-all class if you find this applicable.

    I suspect that the method called should be getPortionedFoods()

    getFoods() does not take into consideration the portion size provided by the user and it seems that you did not get and handle the portion sizes separately. Using getPortionedFoods() will return a food item with scaled nutrional values (different from the item the user entered)

    Similar to the other comment. I suspect that this should be getPortionedFoodsAfterDateTime().

    These apply throughout similar methods in this class.

    Consider adding tests with portion size >1. This would have caught the potential issue raised in earlier comments about portion sizing.

    This previously added (not within this PR) URL looks broken because of spaces.

    These URL links to the object diagrams are also likely broken due to the URL link containing spaces.

    Okay, looks like the urls work on the website but not in Github itself.

    Possible name typo in name?

    Consider adding some negative tests too: e.g. assertThrows for the exceptions

    Is this a necessary file duplicate?

    The build tests are failing because of the dependency of the code on the Food class. Have you tested the code locally?

    Possible workabouts:

    • Consider moving changes to a branch that targets snowbanana12345's Food class.

    • Otherwise, consider implementing a minimal Food class which we could also remove when merge conflicts arise later.

    Changes to testing will be made in a new branch since this branch already has its core functionality. (removed fix #26)

    Plan to further streamline these features by adding more FP support and reducing repetition.

    I currently disagree with the proposed change in the above comment. I think that the Loader class itself should not be dependent on these other classes (Person, FoodList/Food, etc). This is to streamline dependencies. Current implementation of generic Loader looks good to me. I propose the use of class specific wrappers or child classes of Loader in future updates.


    Resolved in PR #53 onwards

    Partial fix deployed in PR #103

    This fix introduced references to the FoodList object in methods that required an object instance of FoodList by accepting it as a method parameter. This might not be the intended/desirable way to setup calculator.

    Calculator should be revised to either have a seperate class that interacts with FoodList, or have more ways of getting a pointer to an instance of FoodList.

    Partially addressed in PR#137

    Features in FoodList should now make this resolvable.

    Fully addressed in PR #162 and #180

    Hmm then should we implement this for projects and tasks also?

    It is task view iirc. isProjectListView refers to project view so means not in task view

    yup agreed

    Apparently, it can't catch NullPointerException. Think you could work around it?

    I think the '2' is the limit for integers so in that sense I believe Shreyas' concern is valid.

    I have 2 suggestions:

    • We loop through the inputs and extract out key-map info for multiple params

    • We only include 1 param type for all our commands

    Ok got it thanks for the clarification

    I believe this is not recommended (importing with *). You can just revert back to the old implementation

    Do we need this....?

    Don't need this here if it is already caught in parse(). We try not to repeat codes but do let me know if there are other reasons for this implementation

    just need to include the teamMembers ArrayList in signature

    Might have merge conflicts since "assign" is also used for project view

    We have not abstracted the HomeView for other commands so maybe leave the HomeView in the Parser?

    do you wanna change it to if-else? Just a suggestion for better readability but this works too!

    Yup have added a remark to throw error

    I think it's just for good practice

    true, have removed in my next commit

    Oh thanks for the review, just committed the changes in Home Command PR!


    They haven't implemented it yet so I'm not sure how to link it but yes that's the intention

    actually in the parse function there will be nothing to catch.

    If you realise the only thing the parse function does is extract the user input.

    It does not process it, so no errors thrown

    I think as of now that feature is not in our user guide. Like showing the list of tasks attached to members.

    So since no other command uses it for now I didn't implement it.

    It's a breadth first approach

    I think as of now that feature is not in our user guide. Like showing the list of tasks attached to members.

    So since no other command uses it for now I didn't implement it.

    It's a breadth first approach

    I have no preference, I think both make when it comes to organisation

    I thought of it also but I realized it's more of an improvement since as of now there isn't a need for it.

    We have no feature planned that will use the enums, (e.g sort by priority).

    Also, the error handling is quite tedious to implement if we use enums.

    I will implement it in the final run once we're done with a working 2.0.

    I need help with jUnit test for this feature.

    I'm unsure about how I should test invalid project ID and deadline format since the exceptions are thrown inside Parser class and not executeCommand().

    What do you mean? For JUnit tests you don't need exceptions tho. You can hardcode the error messages.

    Check my JUnit tests

    Might want to append a "Programing Language: " cos the parser currently looks out for it bfore parsing the language

    not sure what is this for

    Might want to append a "Contents: " cos the parser currently looks out for it bfore parsing the language

    Perhaps a a better word than pattern for the variable name?

    Might wanna apply slap more here since iza little arrowheaded

    Perhaps you could seperate each addition on a separate line for easier readibbility

    Perhaps you could seperate each addition on a separate line for easier readability since there quite a few of them?

    clear method name!

    Clean summary

    Good distinction of the settings file from the others

    Perhaps you could include the required params and exceptions thrown?

    may wanna seperate each .append() to a new line for readability

    Missing an asterisk here i believe

    Noted! Thanks for highlighting

    Initially did that to cover up visual bug. Resolved!

    Noted! Will rectify them.

    Alright! Thanks for the suggestion.

    Got notified by intelliJ to use it XD




    Noted! Will do the necessary amendments

    From the module website it says this tho: A short overview of your product to provide some context to the reader.



    The variable commandOption is not used, perhaps we can use a if statement for now since there be more options later for the watchlist command.

    if (commandOption.equals("-n")) {

    // create watchlist code


    Do you still need this? Otherwise, it would be better to remove the old code.

    Capitalize the first letter, same for line 314.

    Is it intending to log some workspace information here after it is saved? There's a ":" at the end for line 119.

    I think you could consider using a constant here.

    Looks good!

    Is there a reason for the chunk of space between the end of 4.4.1 and the header of 4.4.2?

    Is there a reason why this is public?

    Isn't it better for this to be protected?

    Similarly here, is there a reason for these to be public?

    I think if that's the case we should have a class specifically for such scenario, but since huge modification at this stage is not recommended, I think it might be better to duplicate the regex in case someone decides to use this regex somewhere too and make modification to it.

    I think you don't need a >> inside the optional argument bracket, similarly for line 726.

    Great work on adding more checks but I think you might want to consider using a guard clause here instead of indenting the whole statement? Because this can become a arrowhead code if more checks are added in the future.

    Noted on that, I will add an extra line.

    Noted on that, I have updated to use a constant for it.

    Alright, I will add some comments to explain the numbers.

    Okay thanks.

    Ok, I have removed some redundant words in it.

    That's true but because it affects the data folder in the src/test too, hence I made it specific. Perhaps, we could add it back after this PR as by then, the test files required for the JUnit would be uploaded already.

    Yep, I think we could standardize to 2 periods, ".."?

    I think we could use it during the initialization process? Seems like the only place it would fit.

    You are welcome 😃

    I think so because we are gonna have another subsection called design consideration, I guess having just current implementation should be fine!

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will update the link!

    Noted, I have resized it already. We could adjust it again if it is still too big or too small 😃

    @ChanJianHao Yep, we can consider adding in future versions, it's probably not a good idea to add in new features now. Perhaps, we could indicate in our User Guide that we will add support for remembering the last accessed workspace in future implementations.

    @AY2021S1-CS2113T-F12-2/developers I have assigned everyone to this issue since this is a shared problem as well. I'm thinking we could state in our UG what is considered as valid input ("1") and invalid input ("1 ").

    Hello, thank you for alerting me to this issue, I have fixed the bug of not accepting file names that has spaces.

    Hello, thank you for the suggestion! I'm not really able to tell what you have done in the screenshot to have caused the file to not be found, but I will take into account of what you have said.

    As per was discussed, we have decided to trim inputs received by the user so extra whitespaces entered by the users by accident can be corrected, and this is also inline with what Windows has done with their commands. Hence, we have decided to follow this standard.

    There is commandParams in CliCommand class. Could it be better to just utilise them?

    Overall well done! I like the detail you put in to splitting all the methods.

    Is it better to phrase this as "Switches from notebook mode (at the bookshelf level) to the timetable mode or vice versa:. Since there are no other modes currently.

    Missing expected output

    The application will not return an error for having spaces. I'm not sure whether that was intended or missed restriction.

    Should be tag 1 /tschoolWork

    Should be "tag /tschoolWork"

    Extra new line here

    >br> probably redundant

    Should be diagrams/class/jpeg/Storage_UML_class.jpg

    Include some of the PRs you reviewed and bugs you reported of a grp

    A bit too minimal. Maybe you could elaborate more on the Justifications and Highlights?

    Move this to after introducing features for flow

    Section 4.3.2 done

    Good Job.


    You should rename your test function name in the following format!


    Your error: java.lang.AssertionError: size should not be greater than card index at this step

    I think you meant assert flashcardDeck.size() >= cardIndex

    good job !

    You can look at my RemoveLinkCommand class evaluateLinkNumber to add the exceptions!

    Nice !

    nice dg

    can change to ##Academic Component!


    I think Number Format Exception will be thrown if your number is greater than 100000000

    okay. got it thanks !

    Figure below!

    looks good. Maybe you can rename check grade to check cap instead of check grade and list grade.

    Maybe you can add a Flashcard Ui class to print out all your Ui.

    Maybe you can add a constant for all your magic number to improve code quality.

    Thanks for the reminder!

    Okay Thank you!

    Fixes #20

    Fixes #62


    Hi please correct checkstyle error !

    Fixes #115


    Same issue as #143

    Same issue as #143

    Same issue as #160

    Same issue as #173

    Fixes #160 as well


    Si Hui:

    1. Update pictures for List command

    2. Include bm2 = bm 2 = bm 2 as a feature in user guide

    3. Update link to different sections

    Add logging for file: To see the file changes in file! If someone edited the file etc.

    Add Junit test for bookmark storage, and bookmark run, assertion

    Should we remove this branch since the loop will break at line 27 and update would not be called? Can probably replace it with an assert !isTerminate(command).

    Should we copy into the new ArrayDeque before shuffling? Do we want to keep the original order of the Deck?

    Idea for UG FAQ: What if my flashcard answer contains a single word "done" or "exit"?

    Possible answer: Escape the command using \exit or "exit".

    Sorry the earlier comment wasn't very clear. What I meant was that since we have

    ArrayList<FlashCard> getDeck() {

    return deck;


    then would passing the reference to the ArrayList to shuffle cause the original deck to be randomized also?

    If we want to maintain the order in the original deck then perhaps a suggestion could be changing getDeck() in Deck class to

    ArrayList<FlashCard> getDeck() {

    return new ArrayList<>(deck);


    so that other methods cannot modify the ArrayList inside the Deck object except through add and delete.

    Should the overview be rephrased so that it does not resemble the one that I wrote?

    Take note Draft the PPP -> Sections to include -> Overview

    Isn't "in the first line" correct?

    Do you mean "one of the" instead of "on of the"?

    Should it be "PowerPoint" instead of "PowrePoint"?

    Is there something missing in this diagram?

    At section 4.1:

    Would the diagram be more complete if there is a lifeline for the caller of ModTracker?

    At section 4.5:

    Should there be a ':' in front of the class name?

    At section 4.7:

    Should :TaskList return control to :Parser instead of User since it was called by :Parser? Also I thought the Parser is called by :Ui instead of directly by User?

    Actually, I am not sure but I am just following the same method as the User Guide and Developer Guide since those links work on the web page.

    Alright added. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Delete command for Normal Mode implemented by @alwaysnacy in #26.

    Actually do we need JUnit tests for Help Commands?

    Should we add throws Exception to the signature of executeCommand() in Main also?

    I will create a new PR after fixing the issues.

    Moving the logic to FlashCard class instead since that is where the response strings are generated.

    Discovered bug in formatting when the flashcard id has more than 1 digit. Re-opening issue as a reminder to fix it.

    Updated model component as well.

    Looks good to merge. @kaijiel24 what do you think?


    Also refactor pretty print method to Ui.

    Should be ok now. LGTM

    Also trim question and answer when adding

    Add blank line between question and answer when updating.

    Fix bug that allows non-alphanumeric characters when updating question and answer. User Guide updated accordingly.

    That is a valid point, perhaps a target CAP of 5 is not the best example here.

    However, the problem is reproducible with the following input:

    Suppose I set a target CAP of 4.499999992, the following output is produced:

    This is different from what is expected because getting a 'B+' for 4MC and 'A-' for the remaining MCs would allow the target CAP of 4.499999992 to be achieved.

    On a side note, I expected the program to round any CAP close enough to 5 to 5.0 from the following behavior:

    He haven't start on it. He created the classes as a template first I think.

    AddNoteCommand.getCommandUsageNote() change to AddEventCommand.getCommandUsage()?

    + AddNoteCommand.getCommandUsage() + InterfaceManager.LS + COLOR_CYAN_STRING

    private static final String COMMAND_USAGE = COMMAND_WORD + ": Adds a note to notebook. Parameters: "

    return COMMAND_USAGE;

    Redundant space?


    * Based on user inputted tags, will store the respective values in an ArrayList

    * E.g. if user input 2 tags, CS2113 and important, will have 2 ArrayList

    * 1 for the values corresponding to CS2113 and the other for important tag


    oops messed up the block comment.

    Another space

    Maybe can give a short comment on what's happening here.


    @param here too

    Forget to remove? Or just ignore for next PR use.

    Already informed beforehand

    Already informed beforehand

    Dont need. I have catch possible errors before it adds.

    Removed throws comment

    Good idea. Shall implement it right away. Thank you for your suggestion.

    isnt final.

    @Chongjx Take note. Cuz it was giving me an empty space when there are no tags

    Junit needs input due to our plan to put get input content to AddNoteCommand class. I cannot simulate a scanner input hence I getContent first. If it is blank, user puts an input. If its not blank, it means it is from the junit class which already has the content already pre input into the note.

    will do it once ive merge this in. have yet to pull the new one. might have conflicts

    as of now no

    I made it loop till there is content in the input.

    deleteNote(index) does not return boolean, so I made it return true. Also, I cannot remove the exception, when it getNotes it will return an exception when the index is out of bounds.

    I didnt realise this. I followed the format from addressbook to make it tidy and easy on the eyes. Jx and I used whitespaces when implementing the classes in the first place. I think its a minor matter as long its readable.

    wouldnt it makes sense to break all of the note stuff in the formatter? and just pass the success parameter? since we are passing in the note too

    Im not the author for this function. Ill make the changes.

    it just means that the contents for that line is missing

    its not a line number. fixed it

    I know why already. the ide by default turns on whose whitespaces when refactoring

    Yes confirm. Open to changes. Both relay the same message to let the user know its pinned and archived.

    Ramana suggested both to be true false.

    I think ill display pinned or unpinned and archived or unarchived as you suggested

    roger boss

    Please reject this pull request, thank you

    It is now ready for review.

    Need help with the Gradle checks. I suspect is something to do with EXPECTED.txt

    Had to remove "help" from the ui-test. Wait till @brandonywl adds in his AddEvent and DeleteEvent then can add the "help" back into the input. Issue fixed!

    Created PR first. Not ready to be reviewed. Will notify.

    @prachi I've helped you added some codes for pinCommand but its commented out due to your junit test failing. The codes are for the formatting that @Chongjx has done.

    Its fixed on my side. I havent commited.

    Settled on adding PREFIX_ARCHIVE case

    • #154
    • #167
    • #172

    If your intention was to close the issue this doesn't do it. You need to use the following format:

    Closes #num1

    Closes #num2

    For more examples and usage of other keywords refer to the following document.

    Oh I know. it just serves me as a checklist

    Thanks bru! @R-Ramana

    Closes #154

    Closes #167

    Closes #172

    Closes #155


    Suggested fix: remove the index-- after handling the PREFIX_INDEX because there is another check for the index value after the for loop. The check is needed in case the user did not enter "/i ...."

    return new EditNoteCommand(index - 1, note, addLists, editLists, deleteLists, isInput);

    Thanks for the suggestion!


    Noted on these changes.




    Thanks for standardising.

    Some parts of the code are still too deeply nested, and it would be good to apply better SLAP to it. But if it's unavoidable then just let it be i guess.

    new function looks good!


    Alright thanks!

    Before I changed this part, number format exception will be thrown when a mobile number that is bigger than 2147483647(max value of int in java). So now I capped it at 100000000 so mobile numbers must be 8 digits and below.

    Fixes #7 .

    Fixes #8 .

    Confirmed that this should be a bug on my side, just that the wrong screenshot was uploaded. This issue has been resolved.

    Fixed #165

    Can you add > for "warning" and "useful information" before we merge this PR

    Adding now

    Can you add > for "warning" and "useful information" before we merge this PR

    The formatting has been updated!

    Making the ArrayList static seems unnecessary. Maybe consider private ArrayList&gt;Event> tests = new ArrayList&gt;>();

    This method can be an instance method. Being static seems unnecessary.

    Maybe add spaces in between the arguments.

    Maybe you can extract out 1 as a named constant. For example, naming it INDEX_OFFSET

    Maybe convert this to named constant as well. For example, CURSOR = ">> ".

    Redundant spacing here.

    Considering adding authorship here

    I think there shouldnt be spaces between the authorship and the javadoc

    Is this import intended? Might be accidentally added in.

    The first word should start with an -s. Maybe use Obtains instead?

    This is for the unused codes, which is the done/notdone feature

    Already solved

    Normal calendars can also add events that are past the current time. So whats the issue here?

    Closing this.

    Already fixed

    Can consider switching to using TablePrinter to print help in standardized table format - look at code below for example. Columns in the table are separated by semicolons



    Can consider changing to standardized input format, to remain consistent with the manual/auto tracker and finance tools input format.

    Let's say we have CommandPacket packet = InputParser().parseInput(input)

    The commandPacket will be as such:

    Params can be accessed via packet.getParam("note"), for instance. This will return "skip page 70" as a String

    Can consider refactoring code into separate function(s), to avoid "arrowhead" code (deeply nested if-else and loops)

    See comment on lines +87 to +92 first before reading this comment: If goals in totalGoalList is changed to a hashMap then the goal for that month can be accessed with this.goals.get(month) in TotalGoalList.java instead of haping to use a for loop to search through all entries.

    Try not to have unhandled exceptions unless necessary. Do add comments to explain the scenario(s) in which the exception would be triggered

    Can consider changing the totalGoalList to a hashMap with key {month} and value {goal}, since we only allow them to set 1 goal for the month.



    JAN: 1500

    FEB: 2000

    MAR: 4500

    Consider renaming this variable - goalSetter gives the impression that it is a class that handles setting the goal, when it is simply the goal to be set. Maybe something like goalToSet would be clearer

    Consider storing total monthly expenditure/income in a hashMap.



    JAN 1500

    FEB 254

    MAR 0

    Increment/decrement the total amount whenever there is a change made. For instance, when a new expense of $25 is added to the ledger for June 15 2020, increment the total expenditure for June by $25. When this same expense is edited to become $45, increment June expenditure by $20. When this expense is deleted, decrement June expenditure by $45.

    This way, there is no need to loop through all entries every time there is a new entry or every time you want to view the goal.

    Avoid calling main() over and over again - this creates a new loop. So if the user does 10 operations, this will cause 10 nested main loops to be created. Should return to the top level main loop directly (i.e. use return;) and allow the main loop to continue

    Good job

    Line47 "AA1" should be "AA2"

    busesInZoneA.add(new Bus("AA2", AA2));

    KENTVALE("Kent Vale","Accommodation for visiting faculty guests"),

    UNIVERSITYTOWN("University Town","Place full of fun"),

    the *

    didnt we add these last time

    Should we allow users to add any fav commands to the favorite list? I have assigned isValid to false for the /descfav command

    I asked ethan about this ytd, he say for all fav commands isvalid=false

    What is the "/" in front of the PR number for?

    Added bus stops enum class mentioned twice

    Indentation looks a little off. might wanna use "+" instead of "*" for easier indentation

    Yes, currently it will show

    might be a little weird because both AA1 and AA2 would show "PGP-> ...-> PGP" right now if that's the case, but I will take note of that for future updates

    i'll try that


    Can, but I was following the structure from ethan's skeleton code, the methods are all in FavList



    This command is meant to be like a search filter (the way you would search for documents in your folder), so that users do not have to look around for correct faculty names. But this may get a bit confusing for a few users. @mrwsy1 what is your take on this?

    Yea maybe I'll update the UG portion to say u don't have to key in the full name of the faculty

    OK will add feature to show list of faculties

    Will fix. Thanks

    Will take this into consideration. Thanks

    Noted, thanks

    Café, will take note.


    Could consider replacing -1 with a defined phrase so it is more reader friendly

    @felixhalim say that we should include the space so that when user type "buys" or "buyer" it won't be detected

    Not recommended to use * it doesn't fit the gradle checkstyles

    Additional Spacing

    Same reason as mentioned

    do we need to remove spaces for this too?

    I did this so it gives users the flexibility or options to type in "2" or "Day 2". so I dun think we should replace it?

    General notes:

    • 'convert /to'

    • 'edit functions' (ForEx Rate, ForEx Abbreviation)

    include foreign currency abbreviation

    NullExceptionError is not fixed




    will add new PR

    Fix in V2.0

    Fix in V2.0

    Fix in V2.0

    Fix in V2.0

    Fix in V2.0

    Fix #102 as well

    Close #102

    occured -> occurred as well

    Hi! Ivander,

    Heres the trippie data from the initial test as the issue above

    I tried to replicated the issues and typed as similar as i have tested:

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Exited and Part 3:

    Delete trip show the same issue as well

    You can try as follows

    Here is my new trippie_data, apparently it doesnt delete from here by itself so... i not sure if we can do anything about it

    There should be a space after the # in order to display the heading properly (### 1.1 Viewing bookmarks in each category:)

    Remember to add an extra line after add LINK for it to show as the next paragraph

    Extra line needed here too

    Should it be rm 1?

    Should it be add LINK?

    There should be a space after # so that the heading is displayed properly on GitHub

    i.e. ### 3.1

    Is this supposed to be a bullet point? If so, an extra space is needed after *

    Perhaps you can also consider putting it in under Useful information: to improve readability

    Remember to fix this typo

    Some line spaces are not properly formatted

    Close #125

    Good job!

    Good use of tests! And good formatting overall

    looks good

    Looks great!

    Thanks for resolving the anchors here!

    Changed existing interfaces into classes under 2 broad interfaces, making the code tidier. Looks great!

    Though I agree with Joseph, more could be done to develop the interfaces to manipulate the lists in our program. Many of our lists have similar functions, hence we ought think of ways to better use interfaces here.

    Shouldn't variables be named using nouns and note with a verb? A better way of naming deleteIndex could be indexToDelete.

    Perhaps a constant could be used in place of ""

    Looks great! It's good that we are more specific on these instructions, so as to avoid confusion with users

    My apologies, I've added them back

    Thanks for your suggestion! Will do


    Thanks for catching the error!

    Good catch! Fixed it. Thanks!


    Resolved with #212

    I think the displayOutput should store string, then return with string is better. It will be much clearer in the implementation.

    So we need this.getAllAppliance() ?

    This command is the same as OffCommand. Can we combine it ?


    Then i think it is fine

    Maybe can do the catch Exception for this part. You can see how i did for AddCommand

    Maybe can do the catch Exception for this part. You can see how i did for AddCommand

    Maybe you need an empty line here

    I try to be consistent in all the function

    As discussed, we dont need the this .

    As discussed, we dont need the this .

    Here you go, i redownloaded it

    Your UG is too hard to understand. Maybe you should make it clearly

    Btw, i have ask prof. He ask me to do on fallback team already. So i cant create an issue on it.

    Good Work ! I will continue from here to do the JUnitTest on removing location.

    Thanks Leon, solved the issue !

    Delete Pull Request

    Thanks for the feedback. Most of the code is repeated one. I will place them in a private function in the class

    Looks good !

    Thanks for the feedback I have changed it

    Should probably git ignore this? Or intended ya

    I think it'll be clearer if you put

    assert cardIndex <= flashcardDeck.size() : "card index inserted should be less than size of deck at this step"

    assert is used to check if the value of something is what it should actually be, in this case, you want to assert that card index is actually less than or equal to deck size.

    Consider adding another check for cardIndex to be greater than 0 btw! Otherwise negative values might break the application.

    Just adding on, the more general alternative would be testAddCard() !

    Remember to apply the renaming to delete card and write to file as well.

    I think need to Figure 2 instead of figure 2

    Same thing here

    Are we keeping this line?

    Everything else looks goood

    I'll merge and help edit this since I'm working on it, thanks for pointing!

    Assessing different features of the application

    • User should be able to enter and exit a feature of the application

    • If possible, the user can jump from one feature to another without going back to the main menu

    LGTM, gonna merge and refactor any parts if necessary. Noice mate.

    I agree with the check cap thing Sihui mentioned, but let's leave it to v2.0

    LGTM, it won't affect other parts of the code atm since it only implements list grade function. Will merge this PR!

    Will link the specific PR to this issue when working on it. Thanks for creating the issue!

    Nice work Florence! Functions look good.

    I resolved merge conflict between this branch and the latest TP master (after merging Shiho part). Then found out there are checkstyle errors. For the interest of time, I'll merge this PR in and fix the checkstyle on my side locally.

    LGTM, failed some checks due to very little checkstyle error, will fix in the upcoming PR. Merging it!

    Nvm just merge first! Thankss

    LGTM, thanks for the prompt addition. Merging it 😸

    LGTM, merging it!

    Need to implement for the bookmark and academic features. Flashcard and timetable local storages have been built by @slightlyharp and @hailqueenflo .

    Thanks for adding the log!

    Remember to close this issue if it's done!

    end result


    Sorry wrongly approved, wait for new push before merging

    This issue has been solved by each individual working on their feature

    bookmark storage -> @lingsihui

    academic storage -> @luziyi9898

    timetable storage -> @slightlyharp

    flashcard storage -> @hailqueenflo

    Closing this issue since it has been implemented

    Planning to standardize UI tmr

    Adding on. This is cause the file is only really created when there's data inserted. Otherwise if left blank, it won't "create" properly.

    @hailqueenflo added it

    @hailqueenflo added

    Closing this issue as it's implemented as "highlight" function

    Merging this despite failing check. The check failed due to a JUnit test from @slightlyharp .

    Merging it despite failing test for the same reason as @luziyi9898 PR

    @slightlyharp Can you check your JUnit test again? It's still failing. Gonna hold on to your commit until noon, alright?

    Fixed! Sorry I missed it, thanks for pointing it out!

    Checkstyle error!!!!

    Solved at V2.0 release

    Closed since it is intended! (It's a feature)

    Resolved with @lingsihui . Will close in the next PR

    Solving this in the next PR by changing everything "main menu" to menu

    Solved by @luziyi9898

    Can't reproduce this bug

    Standardizing all to CAPITAL_LETTERS only!

    Not adding this as a function for V2.1 after discussion with @luziyi9898

    Can you add > for "warning" and "useful information" before we merge this PR


    Can PR now

    I was thinking if it would be better to place quoteToPrint inside your toString() method and implement printAllQuotes() inside TextUi class instead? Then all you need is to call quoteList.toString() inside your printAllQuotes() method to print all quotes.

    What do you think? 😃

    Why do you create a DeleteCommand inside your todo package?

    Likewise for this and other commands. Ideally all of our commands should be defined under the "commands" package

    Not sure if this line of code will fail, but I think it will be better to use information.isEmpty() or information.equals("") ?

    no worries I think that is not too big an issue

    By right execute() should take in Storage as parameter and this line of code should be storage.save() instead due to the previous commit I pushed just now. Not sure why Git did not flag this as a merge conflict though.

    Can you try to pull the latest one and see if the code updates?

    Just to confirm, will your bookmark work if you do not 0-index this?

    Oh I see how your code works now. As a suggestion, it will be better to 0-index the number here, so that you will not need to -1 from other places of your code such as your delete() and findByIndex().

    I will assume that your code is working and approve it.

    i think this could be previously from Yilun's one. Just now the log file got merge conflict so I just anyhow remove some lines haha.

    Yup you're right this line can be removed 👍

    Alright noted!

    I think this line should be in one of the methods instead of being declared outside

    Maybe it would be clearer for the instance of ModuleList to be called modList instead? It might get confused with module.

    Maybe can include a file creation here so the user need not manually create one

    I think the address can be refactored into a constant e.g. FILE_PATH

    Maybe can label as a comment what the various index of the array modInfo refers to

    A suggestion is that this string can be set as a constant in the UI class and then you can call the constant (UI.constant name) here. If the message is changed at the other class for whatever reason then this part will automatically change also so don't really need change manually every time.

    Not sure if really wanna use this as this is kind of buggy. Might need to update/ tweak cmd for it to show

    Hmm, then for now we just use it. If it was encountered as a bug during testing then we change? Cos now this method is not tested yet right?

    Sounds like a good idea!

    Okay sure will change it back

    yeah should ignore

    Fixes #23

    Looks good to merge!

    Thanks for the feedback. It could be the case where the user has spent time on the module but has forgotten to update the app. So we shouldn't assume that the user did not spend any time on the module.

    Please consider using switch-case. Otherwise, the last one should be a single else-statement. (https://se-education.org/guides/conventions/java/basic.html#layout)

    can you probably extract the method out? Quite a number of duplications.

    perhaps the logic can be further improved by checking for time validity first, and if it's valid, proceed to add event. In other words, the flow shouldn't be deleting the event only after realising the time is not valid. This results in duplicated code.

    If the time is not valid to begin with, it should be thrown immediately and request the user to re-enter with valid timings. i.e. the case where "check for validity then add" does not need to happen, as the program will throw an exception

    I believe that implementing a checkTimeValidity function with throwable in line 34 would have been suffice. The invalid times would not be added to the event when the program throws an exception.

    Nice work, but is it possible to prompt user to enter password when removing an account? Otherwise it might result in poor security design.

    Maybe can add exceptions here in case user enter a command not expected by the program.

    Hi Manuel and Wei Siong, I think we should define a Timetable Class and use it to create ArrayList>Timetable>. Also, it fails CI test. Can you push some changes to debug to code that cause CI to fail? Thanks.

    So that I can quit the application in a manner expected by the developer. (e.g. correctly save all my class timetables in a text file)

    Feature implemented

    Feature fulfilled.

    Feature fulfilled.

    Feature fulfilled.

    PR did not pass CI, please review your code again

    Reopened because the bug is still not resolved.

    User stories realised.

    Feature achieved.

    Fixed via #109

    JUnit tests for EditCommand for 100% line coverage

    Finally resolved windows gradlew check issue

    UG has been updated to better portray the objective of WhereGotTime application.

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The picture doesn't appear on the DG page

    The sequence diagram is a bit messy and complex

    No need these.

    -1 later because range check is done in the later part.

    -1 here.

    Perhaps variable name change to index?

    Fullstop before new line.

    Expand out, should be highlighted in code style.

    specifically line 37

    Could be more specific in naming convention. For example, "getList" or "getActivityList"

    Might have to SLAP this later on, once the base parser class Is up

    You can use the methods in findDescriptionCommand class and assert using those methods.

    Same as the previous comment

    Nice slap!!!

    Assertions.assertThrows() might help for exception testing

    An example is given here:


    Spelling error for calorie

    Looks good!

    Looks good!

    public String printPostQuizQuestion(int l, String correctnessLogo) {

    return question + correctnessLogo + "\n\n"

    return question + correctnessLogo + "\n\n"

    Add one line here:

    String correctnessLogo;


                                getUserAnswers().get(l), correctnessLogo));

    Is our superclass containing the start and end time still present?

    Understood. Thank you!

    Added. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Added. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Edited. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Added. Thanks for the suggestion.

    I think "you got full marks" sounds better

    Added. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Will do. Thank you!

    Noted 👍

    Resolves #129

    Resolves #189

    Prints time instead of date

    Feature has been improved to be able to print events of next week in issue #280, resolved by pull request #281

    The problem has been rectified.

    Resolves #332

    While we understand that it could be irrelevant for a user to add events in the past, but this is up to the user's choice. If the user doesn't find a need to add any events in the past, the user can choose not to.

    The problem has been rectified. Thank you!

    We have decided that for this iteration of the product, we will include CCAs as a form of work, as having many extra curricular activities also stress students out. We will word the prompt in a clearer way.

    This clash function is for events with timing that clashes. Unfortunately, that means it may not be "repeated". Hence, we decided to keep it this way.

    Partially addressed by #345


    We will update UG to inform the user to input lower case.

    Resolved by Andre

    Resolves #295

    Resolves #362

    I will handle this. Thanks for raising the issue.

    Latest commit resolves #403

    The printing of the cheatsheet names should return a String. All the Sytem.out.println should be handled by only the UI class.

    ^same as first comment

    The test is well made, but I think you can move the test into the Test package instead of putting it inside the cheatsheet list class

    Nice Job! Very Neat and the OOP is damn legit


    Looks fine to me

    You can separate the challenges you faced in a separate section. For example:


    ... your hightlights

    Did you just list it one by one?

    I think it is a little bit counter-intuitive because the user do not have any specific instruction in the UG or in the help page on how to add new tasks. Your add command makes it more confusing for the user to add the tasks.

    I added another attribute in the cheatsheet, isFavorite. Also added a method setFavorite() in the cheatsheet class


    Why not just take in Module as an argument?

    Is "checkIfModuleExist" a better name?

    Should we change -1 into a variable called INVALID_WORKLOAD or INVALID_WEEK too?

    How about using COMMAND_EXIT.length() instead?

    Should we gitignore this file?

    Is it better to use the verb form "analyse" for the command instead?

    The file is already created when the Storage object is initialised, this part is just a check when trying to read from the Storage object.


    Thanks for your suggestion! However, we feel that it will be troublesome as the user cannot delete a task in one line. 😃

    Great suggestion! We thought of this too but would like to leave it to future versions due to time constraints. 😃

    Add a constant FORMAT

    Looks good to me, once merged I will add this into the parser

    Is it possible to also add a EditTaskCommand format like ur EditModuleCommand

    ok this will conflict with my side as my grade treats this as an exception, will edit this code portion later

    i think u missed out this part

    i guess u can say coz u arent a user and u dont need the guide 💯 😆

    i dont think i can abstract this switch statement due to the fact that it returns different methods based on the command_word_****? Any advice?

    thirded, motion granted

    that typo was meant for you, thank you

    but the locations where i have used centerstrings are actually the error messages as the catches are in execute and they return commandresult instead of incorrectcommand thus for such specific cases i have included the error headers

    checking if that semester they SU all the mods

    yes boss

    Looks good to me, no issues.

    Can merge

    could u add, a AddCommand.FORMAT

    a constant that outputs the correct format on how a addcommand will be read

    looks good, thank you for solving the bug that affects me

    looks good to me, once 1 or 2 more ppl look thru n approve i think can merge

    i updated my textui last night also, with regards to the printing of the list

    got it, fixed help command in my latest PR .

    The edit command is fixed with wang qins latest PR

    solved with PR df04fbc6f689c65c0dea794eeb336d41ebcd15f3, merged

    Please add the diagrams into the DG and explain with reference to the diagrams


    accidentally closed PR

    Please fix failing tests before merging

    PLS re-review thanks

    Fixed by early PR merged

    Fixed by earlier PR merge

    Boss jy, is the [x] needed?

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by earlier PR #225

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    fixed by #231

    I think you should not put this inside the constructor

    Should we use break instead of return?

    As long as it works I guess ...

    Since the variables are already declared, why not pass use them? Like ShowDuration instead of Integer.parseInt(2)

    What if we don't know showDuration?

    Does this function prints out the review?

    I just made it so that it prints out hours and minutes. Still cannot parse yet.

    Ok, on it

    Great job

    This is done for add

    add >Module Code> >1> >Number of Lectures>

    Do you think the above works?

    Is this done?


    What was the input you used, so I can replicate the problem

    ok tried again and it works

    Should be fixed above

    May I suggest the use of backspace?

    Has already been fixed in #142. Someone double check?

    The overwrite function was introduced later, hence the discrepancy.

    We should still catch the exception

    Is this worth fixing?

    Already fixed?

    I've checked. Resolved in #142

    Again #142

    Will look into it

    duplicate of #181

    Time limit is not negative. The avaliable time is negative. Ergo the time limit was exceed.

    Non-issue. Closed

    Duplicate issue

    User should not type in space

    Looks like it is resolved in current version

    Duplicate issue

    Bug in empty add command not due to the change of data file

    Fixed in #198

    Will update the DG

    I think misunderstanding, do not have to change if you do not want to change.


    Giving options to users will require a entire rework of the edit command, so I have added examples for the user

    Try use commandLibrary as well?

    Since it's the same we can refactor the two to a shared package then use it for all parts?

    Printing response can put in Ui class. Response content can be a constant

    Can try use/adapt the getInput method from Khoa's Ui package. That may standardise it

    Can create a new instance of workoutSessionUi and make the method non static. That would be more oop and better design

    Can try convert to throw Schwagserexceptions which can be handled by SchwasadsfgerHandler. That will help format the output which aligns with Ui output format

    ohh tkss. Will fix that

    Icic. Will check on that

    Good refactoring to avoid circular dependency

    good effort!

    Nice refactoring

    Nice work! Will follow the format

    Written in UG...

    The size is dynamic


    "Alright, your %s been cleared!" // "name + has/have"

    Add for search; remove the sentence for list

    "%d %s been found!" // (name + has/have)

    "Click here to learn how to enter xxxx" -- only for diet/workout/profile menu

    add back to top -- after diet/workout/profile menu

    Put in UG

    Missing header

    rep >= 1

    weight >= 0

    delete support for that format

    show warning

    Nice refractoring

    The bug is fixed. Now if the date is the wrong format, it will terminate the serach

    I think the reason why I was not able to exit your sub program is because your event loops here are slightly convoluted and possibly buggy. Please review!

    You can try reviewing LocalDateTime methods for better ways to parse months. Likewise, my DateTimeManager class and parseRawDateTime method in InputParser class may be helpful to you in this particular function.

    May want to refactor into another function

    So you used toString() to handle save text output. You can perhaps introduce another method to the classes, possibly with an interface, to print some kind of save statement separately. This make make your life easier when you parse.

    In case you cannot find a better way to deal with this, look at my previous comment

    Noted. Will work on it.

    Please take a screenshot, and report your input sequence.

    Can you look into the following:

    1. Your main loop do not have an exit condition. That's why you cant exit back to main menu

    2. You are not using MenuPrinter in your feature. Hence MenuPrinter.prompt does not print error message for you.

    3. May want to look into better presentation of error message

    4. You may want to augment your command menu with what the user can input, I was not sure what to do

    Please fix 1 and 2 then the PR will be merged. The rest LGTM.

    Yo, please check out this issue: #47

    Please review the changes and let me know if you feel something better can be done.

    You will need to do some slight refactoring. Kindly do so then it will be good to merge.

    Will merge for now to diagnose the error

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

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    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

    Resolved with thanks.

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    Noted with thanks.

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    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

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    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

    Noted with thanks.

    The circle highlighted portion for the sequence design is very small and hard to see the different components/operations. It would improve the visusal better if more spaces are given to the main ravi box for the sequence diagram.

    The above top class design is too messy with arrow and it might confused the reader. A proper arrow head would improve readibility to the readers about your application.

    The circle portion of the diagram I have marked may be hard for user to get a better picture of the flow of your design.

    Perharps, use straight lines or adjust the different box accordingly so that user can follow through the flow of the design

    The above top class design is too messy with arrow and it might confused the reader. A proper arrow head would improve readibility to the readers about your application.

    The circle portion of the diagram I have marked may be hard for user to get a better picture of the flow of your design.

    Perharps, use straight lines or adjust the different box accordingly so that user can follow through the flow of the design

    The arrow coverges too much in the circled portion and thus it is making the class diagram more complicated than it should have been. Maybe try to simplify the diagram by breaking it into portions or structure the arrows in a way that it is straight and pointing the class table more clearly.

    Inconsistent arrow used (dotted and solid arrow) and the arrow head in the circled area is over the box which should have only been hit the box only.

    Lack of system architecture diagram to show the overall design of the program. (only uml and sequence diagram is available).

    For this diagram, it is hard to interpret if it is a uml class diagram as the boxes used are wrong and format of the diagram is not consistent with the format of a standard uml class diagram.

    Hi, I have made the changes mentioned above and updated it. Kindly check if you can merge it. thank you!

    The logic is the same, E.g. if you check for validity then add and you still have to take into consideration of what happens if is invalid , keep or delete. So, if you check for invalid and remove them (not adding them) , it would be the same.

    its even better to check and do action to invalidity first as after you check for validity you would still need to add and then keep track of the invalid (error message)

    Nevermind, got it to work based on your proposed logic. Will work on it. Meanwhile can merge this first? i will do another pr after this.

    To create different user acoounts :User Class- > name,password,7 Arraylist timetable (one for each day)

    Inside every timetable arraylist put event class->name,location, timeStart,timeEnd

    For each features:

    Login feature-> create obj from user class

    Add feature->similar to add event command in IP

    edit ->members of event class

    display->sort timetable then similar to List command in Ip

    delete->similar to delete command in Ip

    clear-> delete for all events in timetable arraylist

    compare->linear search thru timetable arraylist

    command->program to prompt user for input individually (one at a time)

    Mentioned in Enhance the add verifications of Input #65

    I linked it to our 2.0 for now. If v2.1 is released, we will need to update again

    I have added a screenshot of the expected output in the UserGuide for the add command. Maybe the rest can do a simple screenshot?

    Should we use this.argument to indicate that we are accessing the current's object's variable? Other classes are using 'this' as well

    Is the argument for this parameter useful? Or can we directly declare outputResults in the function and return LINE + "All appliance in "" + argument + "" are turned on."

    P.S, you're missing a full stop

    Should we explain what this stream does? I feel it could be hard for future developers to understand this block. Maybe in the form of comment

    Should we rename this to something clearer? Like toPrintLocationList or outputLocationList?

    same thing as the other comment: should we standardize with 'this.argument'

    nice catch, I missed it

    So you are saying:

    String displayOutput = header + filterApplianceList ;

    return displayOutput;


    What do you mean by combining it?

    I believe while they are very similar when it comes to code, they serve two different command types and hence should be separated in the spirit of OOP, what do you think?

    This cannot be done as displayOutput takes in a header and a ApplianceList

    Sure, I can add more tests on that as well.


    test succeed, will close PR now.

    test is done:)

    Nicely done! Some methods are quite long though, maybe we can break it down further?

    To state in UG that turning off program will switch off all appliances and explicitly mention it in exitmessage

    To do check in LocationList as well.



    change to "toilet does not have any appliances"

    minor bug

    Appliance was remained on when p_reset was called

    mention in UG & exit message

    "hundred" is a string

    Update UG for better clarity

    Change printout message to be more explicit

    UG stated must be unique name, program works as intended




    Might want to change some printout messages for ON command for better clarity, so hold on for that command first.

    Ressolves #164 as well

    wattage is too low, give it some time

    Great way of using exception to handle the error messages. I feel it cleans up our code well for V2.1. Good job!

    Nice way of doing logging, we shall follow your style!

    Would you like to do Junit test for the other 2 Appliances as well?

    Addresses #209

    Think you can add more logging with Level.WARNING if fail to turn on or off the appliance?

    You are right, I should add more for warning.

    Should Logs in InvalidCommand be WARNINGS instead?

    I liked how you have reduced the assertion commands, code looks much neater!

    Well Done, lets merge this and complete wrap up our project soon!

    This PR also solves #184

    No, I think break might cause the program to terminate as if a "bye" has been passed in. Not sure if it will break the outerloop in the main Duke class.

    is it possible to throw more than 1 exception? Does it even catch the IndexOutofBounds?

    well done with this part

    Can I just check if our code can parse hours on top of minutes?

    Ah okay, will raise an issue.

    No it's not inside the constructor, I'll move it to the bottom so it's clearer haha

    Just assume they know or set default.

    Good catch, whoever is in charge of the add command just adjust accordingly.

    Additionally, fixed some bugs related to adding show (would've caused null pointer exception)

    Added test methods as example for how to write tests and specifically how to reference the ShowList

    Also abstracted String related commands to StringOperations class

    Nevermind fixed it...

    Sorry don't merge yet, there's some bug with one of the commands

    Just to explain the new changes for edit commands :

    getRawEpisodesForSeasons() used instead of getEpisodesForSeasons() -> this one checks array using season-1 so it'll lead to bounds errors

    • If numSeason increases:

        - set a new array for episodes and init the new seasons with 1 episode
    • if numSeasons decreases:

        - replace episodes with smaller sized array and delete the episodes in the later seasons
        - initially episodes=[10,12] for 2 seasons, when resized to 1, episodes=[10]

    Fixed issue.

    Might want to try using Ui.print.... instead of just printing using System.out.println() in the individual functions.

    Nice, may want to remove the empty test functions before the final release.

    Good use of the Ui class!

    For the date part, just raise the issue and I'll work on it later. thanks

    Thanks for cleaning up.

    Good cleanup.

    Yea, I think we should include it in the UG so it'll be easier to use for the pitch/demo. Don't think it's necessary for the DG, maybe a quick note in the abstract or intro about the student part would be sufficient.

    Good work with the review commands! Thanks Bryan.

    Would you like to shift this command outside the while loop? will the reminder command keep reminding for every other command we write?

    there are three kinds of error that can occur here it seems. The first kind occurs if the user type in the wrong type of event. The second is that the index is incorrect. The third is if the index and type is valid, but there is no notes to display for that particular event. ... perhaps the two exceptions need to be swapped

    Here is whree the Invalid List Exception may be thrown

    Here is where it can be detected if the index is incorrect or not

    Nice. I think this is a good feature to add to remind users about the format to use

    I think its good. I like that you check for the date formats before running your code

    There are no exceptions to implement for Goal

    Excellent, I think the code runs very well. Most of the exceptions have been dealt with.

    So far I thnk the code is good, I can see that there is a change from storing date time status structures to using entire clonable events instead. I think this will be helpful later down the line when we need to sort stuff as now to access the repeated events, they have a similar structure

    Overall I think the code on the whole is good. I can see that it will filter out all events that fall on the day the program is run. I noticed that the remind command is in the while loop. I was wondering if the intention is to get the reminder to keep reminding the user everytime another command is run.

    Overall I think the code looks good.

    I think the overall code looks good. I will try on my end to see if I can assist with the storage formatting. I will also see if I can reduce the number of nested if statements on my end as well

    Will be written that semicolon will be treated as a newline character in the user guide. Or may change character key to perhaps "'"

    For the current program, the user is only allowed to set one goal. Hence, there is no goal list. However, we shall write in our UG that only one goal is allowed at one time

    Hi, thanks for leting us know of the bug. May I know how did you create this error? Our team was unable to recreate it by typing the word "fancy". Thanks

    I have verified the cause of the null repeat list... most likely ui printing code is trying to print the event time despite the fact that this event has no time information provided

    Yep, it will override with the current state of the data stored in the program

    We will close this issue. We simply need to write a message perhaps informing users to press enter to print out the entire calendar before proceeding with any other commands

    Fixes #213

    Fixes #162

    If you want to say you managed something, you may want to specify it? Otherwise, you may just delete the project management part since it's optional.

    Auto Clear in our product should be considered as an option that can be opened/closed by the user, so maybe this Command does not behave as what we want it to be? Perhaps you would like to consider this as a flag to be set, which will be checked every time when launching this app.

    This exception seems redundant if we consider auto-clear as an option that can be open or closed. In that sense, you may want to remove this exception? Since having no event happening one month ago is not really a big deal.

    There is no difference made even you implement this static method. It's still not OOP.

    This is the second time you add size into the main run(). We have discussed that, for OOP, you should not access events methods in run(). You may want to call this function in EditCommand which allows you to check the size.

    syntax inferred:

    edit index

    the new event is entered with the same syntax as adding a new event.e.g. 'assignment xxx /t 2020-10-01 20:00 /l somewhere

    in a later version, we shall allow the user to edit only one part of the event. i.e. only time or location or type or description

    make sure you can pass CI. There is no bug in CI now.

    coding style check failed






    the format is invalid in this case because 53:40 is an invalid time.

    But nonetheless, I have updated the error message in this case.

    Similar to the other issue raised by this guy. Improved in the same way.


    seems we also can't reproduce this bug.

    unable to reproduce this bug



    this should be reflected as a documentation issue since the data folder is available in the release

    But nonetheless, this should be reflected as an issue, since we should have only one jar file for people to download


    delete INDEX is the correct command to use for deleting a certain event







    seems nothing goes wrong.

    this may due to the tester uses an older jar file

    the correct command for clear is clear.

    this is a documentation issue

    nothing goes wrong here. This may be caused by the user uses an older jar file

    nothing goes wrong here. Maybe due to the users uses an older jar file

    nothing goes wrong here. Maybe due to the user uses an older jar file.

    yes, you cannot add personalEvent with lower cases E. We design so.


    locate is not implemented properly

    clear is the correct usage


    this input should throw an exception


    this cannot be reproduced, either there is an event labeled 1 or there isn't an event labeled 1.

    Suppose the user did not enter 4 events. this is not a bug as it can not be reproduced

    documentation issue


    provide a screenshot

    provide a screenshot

    provide a screenshot

    provide a screenshot

    provide a screenshot

    There are 2 options

    other than repeat INDEX NUMBER_OF_WEEKS, the user is also allowed to use repeat all NUMBER_OF_WEEKS to repeat all classes in the list that happens in this week

    the first option allows all types of events, the second option only repeats classes

    Due to the time limit, this is given up

    Due to the time limit, this is given up

    Due to the time limit, this is given up

    Can consider refactoring to reduce arrowhead coding

    Day 0 is not allowed as well

    Day 0 is not allowed as well

    Already resolved in Issue #82, don't need to add as IndexOutOfBoundsException will already be thrown when loadCurrentTripFromFile() cannot access the index.

    Typo for "list".

    I removed it so that if it detects eg "buys" which contains "buy", it will print an error message and an example on how they can use the [buy] command, what do you all think?

    Added in cases for error handling, thanks!

    "0 Days" can be changed to "Empty Itinerary or Expenses" and update UG documentation.

    "edit trip" command to change the name of the trip, to be implemented in v2.1, stay tuned! 👍

    Thank you for your feedback! We appreciate your suggestion and will consider adding it in the future.

    Thank you for your suggestion! We will consider adding this feature in the future! 👍

    Change to "END TIME should end after START TIME"

    This is part of our values to be flexible, and to complement our user's experience. We appreciate your suggestion.

    If you noticed, most planner or calendar applications also proceed with the same approach. Hence we don't think this is a bug.

    Thank you! 😄

    Thank you for your suggestion, we will add this into our v2.1 feature.

    Thank you for your comment, it represents a percentage bar showing users what is their percentage of spending out of the budget they have keyed in. We hope this clarifies! We will try to make it clearer in Trippie v2.1.

    Thank you for your suggestion, please do refer to Issue #96 for our comment. 👍

    Sam I think you got to make this private and make use of getters and setters, bcus i dont think it's good practice to make class members private.

    Sean why ah ? We making all the attributes in the other classes private anyway right

    Sean just one question over here ah, we will only able to accept one param over here issit? something like "select t/2". But will this block of code be able to accept a command like "deadline t/2 d/2020-10-18" where there are two params ?

    Dude over here we passing a string for the priority ryt, You want to change it to an enumeration??

    Riaz, just one doubt over here, for the priority are we using numbers, or are we gonna explicitly mention "High","Medium", Low", because in the user guide we inputted numbers for the priority.

    yeah i'll do that once we finalize the project name, just kept it as duke exceptions because that's the intial name we used to create the class

    Yes even i thought it would confusing because of the way the code is structured, but there's a reason i kept it like this, will explain it to you guys over a zoom session

    ok sure but in which is the case that a null pointer exception will be thrown, prof said there is no reason we should catch it in this sectoin ryt right ?

    Guys tried to make the code over here look more modular using SLAP as sean suggested and implemented the commands to adhere to the user guide. lmk what u guys think

    yeah dude, as for now we are using strings for the priorities ryt and I'm assuming the priorities we'll be assigning to the respective tasks will be numbers since that was how it was mentioned in the user guide. So as for now I'm just sorting the tasks by comparing their priority strings and it will arrange every task in ascending order.

    tageed along with the sorting functionality

    Consider changing 'best-fit' to 'best fits'

    + "\n\tDo remember though, you can calculate a variety of other effective values in the application too!",

    Do remember though, you can calculate a variety of other effective values in the application too!

    ![](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/37036833?s=400&u=2c0e2ed51f01d354f32fb3efd9e51a56aa273e8f&v=4) | Praveen Elango | [Github](https://github.com/PraveenElango) | [Portfolio](team/praveenelango.md)

    Thank you for pointing out!

    Thank you for pointing out!

    Thank you for pointing out!

    Got it, thanks for pointing out Wira!

    I was not able to access them in the test files where I was trying to reference them. Changing from private to protected solved that problem.

    Oops, my bad! I'll use the pow function instead

    Sure, that sounds good.

    Got it, will rename accordingly!

    Right, I'll figure that out. Thanks Wira 😃

    Agreed, will change.

    Oh, but aren't we testing the getter functions inside the templates and not the components?

    Okay good point - I didn't consider that. I modified the declaration as per IntelliJ's suggestion because if I remember correctly, it flagged a warning (but not an error).

    But like @hughjazzman pointed out, they will still work when we declare them as final right?

    Right, will remove and push again. Thanks for pointing out!

    Sure, will remove it.

    Sure, will remove it.

    IntelliJ suggested it to me and I tried downloading it to experiment around, but I don't think it does anything particularly useful. I'll remove it now.

    Sure, will change it to SPACES.

    Sure, will remove it.

    Sure, will remove it.

    Sure, will remove it.

    My bad 😦

    Must have been by accident, I'll remove it now


    Okay but it is already SetBooleanCommand.png right?

    Sure, will do.

    Ah, sorry for the confusion. I changed it to SetBooleanCommand.png already but didn't push it yet.

    Okay sure

    Oh, I was browsing through the CS2113T site today and came across this - https://nus-cs2113-ay2021s1.github.io/website/admin/tp-w10.html#4-make-the-code-reposense-compatible. It is mentioned under the RepoSense section that we can include code individually written that is not used in the final product by placing it in the unused folder.

    I didn't test with jar file yet but I did add tabs and spaces when the sentences were too long for those in the Boolean tutorial. I'll test in the jar file and get back to you.


    Okay, I have included it

    Sure, I have changed it 😃

    Okay, changed!

    Okay, changed.

    Okay, changed.

    @hughjazzman Got it, thanks for the help!

    Totally agree!

    Will it be a bug if the user inputs find [EMPTY_STRING] ?

    I thought javadoc doesn't have this extra new line at the end, but it passed the test so i guess okay hehe.

    Apart from this, everything looks fine

    Good suggestion!

    Sure, will add.

    This part I'm not sure. Could you explain how are we going to invoke the methods in this class?

    But the list() function needs the object as well, like listNotebooks_nsp(Notebook sampleNotebook), so I'm not sure how to code it. Also, should the List class handle input arguments like "nsp"? That doesn't seem follow the principle right?


    Sounds good

    Okay, will do

    I'm not sure. What do others think?

    That's true. Will fix it.

    Yep, I was looking for this 🙇

    Will update.

    Looks good to me.

    Good job! How about we implement only one help function for v1.0 first?

    The changes look fine.

    Close #17

    I feel like we should highlight the commands only.

    For example, in this pic, I think can change Timetable, task, deadline to another mark-up style, like italic.

    Other than that, it looks good.

    Sorry this was from Francene's commit haha.

    Closes #218

    Perhaps can extract this part as an exception so that someone reading the code wouldn't get distracted by alternative paths taken when error conditions happen.

    Probably need to add another line of code to remove the module stored in the moduleList in the access class as well, the allModules variable seems like an instance of the moduleList stored in the access.

    Probably need to add another line of code to remove the chapter stored in the chapterList in the access class as well, the allChapter variable seems like an instance of the chapterList stored in the access.

    Perhaps can extract this part as an exception so that someone reading the code wouldn't get distracted by alternative paths taken when error conditions happen.

    Thank you, I have changed all the separated code into setIsModuleLevel().

    Thank you, I have changed the constant to all Uppercase and changed the case to relevant constant

    I have modified the method to return boolean instead of String because the execute method will need to print several messages for standard situation, therefore, I use boolean for convenience.

    Sorry, it is a bit hard to achieve for this method, because this print statement is part of the while loop, return the message or throw exception will terminate the loop. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thank you! Have changed it to Command

    Have updated in the newest version of the user guide

    Have updated in the newest version of the user guide

    Have updated in the newest version of the user guide

    Maybe can use constants to prevent magic numbers

    Might want to change this comment split based on '

    Should these 2 exceptions be swapped

    extra blank line

    Ok thanks for the feedback!

    Using \r in JUnit test only works for Windows. To make test platform independent try using StringWriter and PrintWriter.

    maybe can try using System.lineSeparator() for line breaks?

    Nice use of lineSeparator for cross-platform compatibility


    Appropriate use of assert, good job

    Closes #114


    If the user edited the text files this save command should overwrite them with the events currently saved in the running Scheduler right?

    @matthewgani Yup, checkbox does not display on mac.

    Will probably change the tick and cross to alternatives to avoid this issue.

    Nice, this should prevent users from getting tripped up on different command formats.

    Closes #174, fixes #179, #182, #183, #203, #209

    Fixes #173

    Alright, looks good, previous errors have been fixed and extra exceptions removed.

    Looks like that should fix the issue, nicely done.

    Adding Javadoc should make it easier to see what each method does, good job.

    Logging should help to diagnose the application when running.

    Y so many logging.txt

    Good that you caught the potential issue with repeating unintended integers

    Closes #270

    Perhaps can add "streamlines information for easy viewing and management"?

    A little nit-picky but should it be 'read a book [x]', for continuity from "add -t" section?

    Again for continuity (in the case that the user follow the examples in UG), CG1111 instead?

    " » cap - Calculates your CAP"

    after grade help message

    Shld we write no question found instead of question not found

    shld we add a 😦 in front?

    Shld it be you have gotten full marks.. instead?

    shld we add a 😦

    Fixes #69

    Good and completed assertion statements.

    Current commit LGTM.

    Is this aiming to fix the error I sent you?


    Ok, I fixed them in v0.6

    Ok, I added the case where the activity level is high. I did not do so cause the paper only give suggestions for 4 activity levels.

    Ok, thanks for reminder.

    OK, I changed the corresponding methods.

    OK, I see.


    I deleted the changes and may create a new PR later for that.

    The build tests are failing because of the dependency of the code on the Food class. Have you tested the code locally?

    Possible workabouts:

    • Consider moving changes to a branch that targets snowbanana12345's Food class.
    • Otherwise, consider implementing a minimal Food class which we could also remove when merge conflicts arise later.

    I copied and pasted the Food class into seedu.calculator package and added the JUnit test.

    I think you can add your picture here and link it.

    Is it possible to just link to docs/AboutUs.md?

    Alright then let's go with your method.

    Update #19

    Added non-mode-specific printPrompt to be used in command execution

    #48 done

    Approval granted.

    Close #174

    Will fail some flashcard test due to changes in dash line resulting in different output for test cases. Open issue #208

    results in #208

    fixed in #208

    As the jar file should be run in a new empty folder, this should not be an issue for most users.

    Very nice example and explanation of incorrect commands here!

    I understand that you are trying to emphasise on the space for the 2nd one, but in pdf format I feel that it may not be very apparent. Maybe just keep one of them?

    Thanks for updating this part 😃

    The logger has been updated for all the classes that I could find it in. Thanks for pointing it out!

    Done! Thanks for the heads-up! 👍

    Yes, this constructor is needed as view command now takes in the optional parameter -v &gt;WATCHLIST_INDEX>, and an empty constructor is required to not assign any value to the watchlist_index in viewCommand

    Yes you are right, I will make amendments to that! 😃

    You're right. I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out!

    Good description.

    Perhaps it's time for a new ASCII name art? 😃

    nice catch

    Yep, just following the ToC for addressbook since their user proifle and value prop is both under product scope and only product scope is in ToC

    sounds good

    Yes because the main README is outside the directory of the tp folder hence it can't be accessed via gh pages, i've tried.

    apparently not



    Changed, let me know if it's okay



    Update: completed JUnit Testing for BinaryTree

    Agreed. This is a non-issue.

    Nice catch!

    Isn't the list manager initialized before the load command is called in main?

    Ah okay, initialize is called again when an error has occurred during updating in the even the data was written halfway

    That's a good suggestion. I have updated the code to reflect the changes. Now the printing of quotes will be done with the TextUI class!

    Got it updated to the PR!

    Tutorial testing

    Looks good as a start!

    Looks good!




    There was some conflicts with the quotesify logs. Resolved it and merged!




    LGTM! Thanks for adding the launch and shutdown 👍














    I think for command, private will be the better access modifiers, as there will not be any subclass to AddWorkspaceCommand.

    I think for command, private will be the better access modifiers, as there will not be any subclass to SearchCommand.

    This link looks nicer but would it be better to provide the link with your code contribution in the code panel.

    Yea I saw, but I was considering keeping my custom messages and logging.

    I think I will take up your advice to keep things consistent.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I understand the rationale with PARAMETER_NAME but I am consistent with the rest of our teammates,

    Oh my bad, I missed it.


    I think its only checking for a single character, it would not make much difference. Thanks.

    Ok noted, I will make changes to it.

    I understand your concerns regarding the conflict of the naming convention of AnimeList class and the array list object in the watchlist. I will take up your suggestion and rectify it to "AnimeData" to represent Animes from our offline data.

    Addresses the issue raised in the Pe Dry run.

    Adds the necessary exceptions.

    Delete these merge conflict resolution syntaxes.


    Included explanation.

    Completed @jialerk

    Approved the merging of this pull request after looking through the code.

    Successfully implemented the required features by @sugandha929

    Used this issue to upload images.

    May want to check if the number is negative or a letter in the individual method instead of using NumberFormatException, this may throw "Invalid value entered" instead of "Calories must be between 0 and 10000 (inclusive)!" if the value is too large but still a positive integer.

    Can check if its a letter here so the next line wont throw NumberFormatException

    Won't values like 1873872378291 be too large and throw NumberFormatException?

    This line may not be necessary since you return in the next line. But other than that looks good to me


    Maybe can add a line about how it ensured that people were "liable/responsible" (I cant exactly remember the word Im looking for). But basically, the idea that everyone knows that these are their "duties"

    Alright, will change that before merging

    Thanks. Have changed it

    Instantiated by the parser function?

    Oh I added it bc otherwise, when I use the add command function, it asks for the user input for the content of the note. So when loading the files I dont want to ask for the user input, therefore check if a content file exists (aka are we loading the data) and accordingly see where to get the content from

    It creates an error

    Alright thanks will update

    I tried but Attribute.COLOUR_TEXT().toString() isn't a constant. So it kept giving an error

    Ah alright ok will fix that thanks!

    Yup Ive added a check for it

    Thanks for pointing that out. I thought it was used elsewhere as well but I realised its not so I changed it

    Nope I created it while setting pin for pinCommand then changed to togglePin and made sure it isn't being used anywhere else

    Its needed bc in the archive note command, the file gets deleted. So if there's no file instead of the actl message it'll return no file found

    Can I close this, since we are using the add parser to add it?


    I havent been able to. im just going to close it

    I think just use the try part below is enough. Because when it equals "", it also throws NumberFormatException.

    The same when it is null

    Sorry, I commented out for testing some exceptions. Forgot to recover it.

    Overall is good. Could we separate testParser into 5 parts? The method seems a little bit long.

    Although I follow the step to enable assertion, I don't know why assertion is still not enabled.





    Prof and admin are roles of members. We will specify it in the UG.

    hmm isn't that his own functions and not the old Duke functions?

    Hmm I think the overview is meant to be overview of yourself instead of the program

    It would be best if you could add that as well

    Yea we will be moving the printing stuff the Ui.Printer class. For now, these are for testing

    hmm, I think you're right

    Erm we haven't insert the image number for each image, so i just put it "???" first, i'll replace it when all the images all finalised

    Ahh right, I didn't realise aldo did the delete part until I finish the clear part. I'll change it later

    Hmm true, that seems more consistent set colour portion also

    Oh yea, thanks for the suggestion

    Hi i think it would be better to merge the Activity class with the ActivityList class that i created, ie change the relevant Integer type in the activityList class to Activity class

    looks good!

    The description is left justified. try adding more lines to the description and it will overflow properly.

    I think the moduleCode should not be set as final for future extendibility, so in case if the user has already typed in the expected and actual time for a module, and after that the user realises the module code is wrong, the user can edit the module code if the module code is not final, but still retain the expected and actual time.

    should this be changed to checking both characters as week number can be 2 digits?

    The default Object.equals() method takes in the object of Object type as the parameter and I keep this method signature to overwrite the default method.

    Yes, the function name is renamed to checkIfModuleExist.

    Closes #37

    Closed in #43 deleteMod function

    Closed in #43 addMod function

    Closed in #43 deleteExp function

    Closed in #43 addExp function

    Agreed, but I think that it would be better after all the functions are up after the first iteration.

    Could the logo formatting be done more coherently?

    will do


    Looks good!


    31st February input tested to work properly in diet and workout



    i think the flow of the 1st addmod diagram is great and easy to understand

    2nd addmod diagram is clean and easy to understand as well, as compared to diagrams in 4.5 & 4.6, which tend to be a little bit more cluttered

    checks failed as reminder fields are empty. MH will update

    Is the chinese because of some settings? 😃

    Based on what I see from the coding standard, the first word after the variable name should be capitalized. For example in this case the "user" word. This applies for param, return, throws, etc.

    Also, every line of the JavaDocs should end with a period. Think you missed out some, might want to double check.

    Yeah, didn't notice it. Should have used information.equals("") since information is String. Thanks for spotting 😃

    There will be another class that runs the code so that we can lessen the code in Project class

    Agreed, we can remove the static keyword to allow each instances of the class to have their own variables. Just to better prepare for our v2.

    Updated this issue.

    Sure. I did a simple update on parser to facilitate this.

    This is just a temporary change before @homingjun make a permanent change to parser.

    ArrayList should be totally removed from parser.

    good to merge

    Good job, looks good for now. We can further break the individual command actions into classes and inherit from the parentCommand.

    E.g. addMemberCommand inherit from MemberCommand

    Yup sounds good, we should standardise. I also suggest we can have data package to hold all the data classes like Project, Sprint, Task.

    simply to put all data classes in one package, but this is all in development, we can change when we integrate later

    I don't understand what you mean by all classes in a file. Maybe we can discuss it during our meeting tonight.

    Sprint object to store tasks allocated to sprint from project backlog, with start and end date.

    Looks good. We can further standardise where we catch exceptions after we revamp our v1.0.

    I have merged the try-catch block and removed the duplicate function from the classes.

    Have you tried enabling the assertions? Link

    I enabled it from settings, and also ran someone's test code which show the thing is enabled. But then like if I run "project /view" from the start it still exits with error even though got assert, then I can only fix it with try-catch block. Also if I replace the "no project" errors from try-catch to assertion then the error message prints but the task is still added. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior. Maybe assertions cannot replace try-catch?

    The error was because there is no check whether there is a project before executing ViewProjectCommand. The error has already been fixed by @gmit22 in his latest PR.

    Looks good. The bug seems to be fixed.

    I have merged his PR, so you can do a pull on the repo and see if the error persist.

    Apart from updating all the existing SprintCommands, I have changed the ProjectManager to use Hashtable to facilitate the deletion feature of projects in the future.

    I have changed the command to allocate task from /assign to /allocate so that I can match the /deallocate command

    Will update the user guide soon

    Removing of sprint is deemed inefficient as it will produce gaps in the Sprint Manager. The user will be able to fulfil the same purpose by reallocating/removing the task and editing the Sprint goal if necessary.

    should the line:

    Topic [TOPIC_NUMBER] must already exist in the topic list.

    be added to be consistent with the rest of the UG?

    Should you mention that Ui is reponsible for handling input as well?

    Resolved merge conflict

    split does not initialise message[1], so using the original method throws a IndexOutOfBoundsException while checking the if condition. The new method checks if there is only one word in fullcommand

    Instead, we can trim the message so it will parse as if the user did not add extra spaces.

    working as intended

    deadline is added in the same line

    changed commands to accept capital letters as well

    changed the message printed to be "There are no ______ in your list!" when there are no objects in the list

    changed error message to "Please enter a subject.", and fixed thrown exceptions

    Can remove this commented out line

    can remove this

    Hashmap has been updating.

    Resolved with addition of academic planner.

    Resolved with addition of CAP Calculator app.

    Update test for addModuleToUser

    Fixed for other inputs with similar situation as well


    Example when i manually edit the files

    Implemented with view by semester function in academic calendar

    Implemented with set SU in CAP Calculator

    Implemented with storage classes, which supporting saving and loading.

    Testing coverage completed satisfactorily

    Edit message to show target MC cannot be 0 or less

    This can happen if your academic calendar has modules and grades and if those modules do not have a cumulative GPA of 5 in the first place.

    For eg, if in the first semester I scored a GPA of 4.8, even if i score CAP 5 for the remaining 7 semesters, my CAP will never be 5.0.

    Please advise on the academic plan you have entered prior to this CAP Calculator set target command,

    Thanks @LiewWS

    Checking of pre-requisites and co-requisites is a feature slated for the future. PlanNUS is still in its early stages and we will be increasing its functionality as the development cycle goes.

    As stated in the user guide, users should just enter acadplan. Refer to the command summary of our user guide for more info.

    Thank you for your kind suggestion. This will be taken into consideration for future iterations

    This will be looked into in the future to see how we can best increase the data integrity of the database we currently have.

    duplicated with #215

    Folder containing logs will be implemented in future iterations

    Update messages to show which parameter was wrong

    duplicated with #218

    duplicated with #186

    Hi @LiewWS thank you very much for this report! We will look into it! Appreciate the follow up!

    Closed to make a more specific issue

    This feature will be coming in future iterations. Thank you for your suggestions.

    Details section added




















    See #285








    Agreed! Would make things more readable/understandable

    nice use of assertion here!

    I believe this is specific enough, it clearly says that the issue is with the time.

    weird bug because this seems to be the calendar function but he calls the add function??

    It was clarified with the founder of the bug that this was not a bug and our app is working as intended at https://github.com/Ang-Cheng-Jun/ped/issues/9.

    @marcursor Could you check if this occurs when following our UG steps and downloading v2.0 into a new folder?

    This was clarified with the founder of the bug that it was created when testing another group.

    This seems to be for another group as the founder of the bug has said his 2nd bug was for another group. Our Ug also does not look like this.

    My changes to the help.txt file also does not seem to be reflected in my PRs

    When cmd is not full screen seems to have an extra line with list zoom too

    Maybe you can close those issues regarding the tick and cross?

    Good job setting up the eventlogger class

    Not done

    The founder of the bug entered the command in wrongly according to the user guide. We have explained it to him at https://github.com/Ang-Cheng-Jun/ped/issues/8

    Fixes #122

    Fixed in #250

    Good job fixing the format of the note and warning boxes, it seems to be reflected properly on the user guide now at https://ay2021s1-cs2113t-t12-4.github.io/tp/UserGuide.html

    Great job allowing events with date but no time to be shown!

    Agreed with Qing ning above. The exception message will help the user more.

    Thanks for removing the 10 logging files

    Cannot replicate and placed a warning in UG in case.

    Good job editing the DG

    Good job fixing the diagrams

    Fixed in #302

    I like how you style the code into a simple and straight-forward manner, as well as the JavaDoc, with brief description and everything labelled clearly.

    You may consider adding zones that enable the users to view what are the buildings inside each zone or check the zone of a certain building/faculty/hostel. For now all data are within the Kent Ridge Campus, you may add in more information about the Botanic Campus (The Law School) and all that. You can also include other buildings/facilities like uhc/YIH.

    added logo pictures and cover page for both user guide and developer guide

    added repeat to command summary

    I guess maybe can create a variable "EXCEPTION_INVALID_DONE_ARGUMENT" or anything similar in Messages to avoid "magic literals"? But like this should also be fine!

    Ya. Maybe we can have this command as "list tasks sorted" while keeping the original "list" command as unchanged?

    Thanks for pointing out! Will fix it.

    Sorry I did not get it. Which variable do you mean?

    Sure! Yes it makes sense

    Okay thanks!

    Oops I did not notice it. I just copied from ACTUAL.TXT to EXPECTED.TXT. I think I might have accidentally changed it when resolving merge conflicts. I will change it back.

    Sure I think assigning values in constructor makes more sense!

    Ah yes I think Zeyu did it in her PR.

    Format category INDEX c/CATEGORY (e.g. category 1 c/academics)

    Or maybe we can just have one big constructor ListCommand, i.e. ListCommand(int priority, String category, boolean isSorted) and pass these arguments in CommandCreator?


    All commands related to expenses are added already. Ready to merge subject to review.




    LGTM after passing the tests!

    Noted. We will work on this later.

    Oh I didn't see this comment just now before I merge PR. I will change it later.

    oh! I will fix this typo. It should be "use" since I think "project" doesn't sound like a lesson.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I've refactored it.


    • Add the function of listing by category

    • Update User Guide

    • Update complete help message for listing and deleting, and update EXPECTED.txt

    Yes LGTM

    Minor typo errror "it isis".

    Fixes #14

    Maybe we can separate the events and deadlines in toString of TaskList

    I merge this

    A possible implementation can be to let the user add the holiday period e.g. 2020-9-30 first, and the display function will only display tasks without lesson if the queried date falls between the holiday period.

    Reminder: we can edit things only when it is necessary (e.g. tedious to delete and create a new one)

    I'll take a look, to see if changing time formatter will change the issue.

    Some Github templates don't support TOC, hence I use the screenshot of part of TOC instead.

    I have replaced the link with our tp's release link

    This issue is fixed by updating UG

    @t170815518 again i will remove this implementation but check if your implementation have the same issue

    After constraining the module code's format, it should be solved.

    This is mentioned in UG

    I think it should contain two module list, (or maps)

    One module map is for storing the loaded module map from the NUSMODS

    The other one is for storing the modules added by user.




    I deleted the exception throw. it is handled inside the func already

    Seems like there's a lot of changes made... Can we get a more detailed description?

    For Command part, I only added the editModuleCommand

    For ModuleManager part, I only added a function to change the module code of the target module.

    For Parser part, I only added a regex to match for editModuleCommand, and a prepareEditModuleCommand() to deal with user inputs

    In the end, I added some Junit tests since it is the only way to test.

    PS: I edited your Module class and added a module description attribute

    Looks quite good. If it passes the checks, then can merge.

    simple changes, can merge

    I found the edit -m CS1231 CS3224 the CS3224 cannot be recognised.

    Just saw it. I will look into the issue tonight.

    It seems the parser cannot parse the "del -m CS1231" command

    Good flow! Perhaps storage should be accessible only by ItemList, since storage should only be changed when ItemList changes.

    This was traditionally parsed in Command. If you want to parse in Parser, I can return an Integer but will require some refactoring.

    clear -s1 is expected cli behaviour. Will update UG on standard cli practices.

    Fixed in #299

    Good Refactor of strings

    not sure whether commLib will be more convenient or not if we only have "diet", "workout", "profile" and "exit" commands which don't really execute many things. Maybe a simple switch case would be clearer?

    Reviewed code, good job.

    Fixed list command in DietSession.

    Fixed add command in DietSession.

    Fixed delete command in DietSession.

    Fixed list command in DietManager.

    Fixed create command in DietManager.

    Fixed exit command in main

    Fixed exit command in DietSession.

    Fix start workout session.

    Fix end workout session

    Fix remove workout session

    Fix save diet session

    Fix add workout moves

    Fix list workout session

    Fix delete dietSession

    Add javadoc and loggings for diet

    update help for diet

    add diet storage and main menu in DG


    Merged with review

    there should be a @params here i think

    Not sure but I think need to include the 'done' command also for test case

    wow excellent out of this world! thanks for the help!

    thanks boss

    Can u add the add review feature in UG/DG? not sure how it works. thanks

    On it boss

    Thanks bro

    should i include examples for one input commands (help,list,bye)?

    the help list is already very long so not sure if i should cut down the unnecessary examples

    For episode and season command, can we include a catch to make sure correct number of episodes input?

    For now, i can move the episode number to 100 even tho i set the show to have only 10 episodes (same for season)

    Still many many many formatting issues but looks ok to me for the most part.

    feel free to change whatever errors u notice god bless

    Nice work! The issue/bug also happens for season too, could i trouble u to implement the same for season?


    I think its okay to leave the time left today to be negative if the user overshot his watch time. I included a line inside (Your watch time deficit will be highlighted below 😦 ) To let the user know why there is a negative number.

    Good catch - we should either include in dg or remove the function. I think it's not needed actually

    Guys i think we can finish up the UG/DG soon, then i'll add the necessary page breaks. god bless

    nice work sir

    Sure! i changed it abit and it looks like this (not 100% sure if correct):

    i'll try to merge the pr, hopefully you can access it after that

    We won't be implementing this

    Thanks for the heads-up @joelczk and thanks J-God @judowha

    im done ah im not gonna make any more changes. just gonna wait till we release

    Just assume they know. Dont set default uh

    Very solid!

    On it

    I added into the printing list already


    This is fixed

    Not sure why this is commented out

    Great suggestion. I pushed a new update to implement the change you suggested.

    e a /n CS2113T Tutorial /d next fri /t 2pm

    Hi john! thank you

    I will like to clarify, for the above example, is there any library that i have to add to recognize "next Friday" or its just if else statements?

    Look at Event.java in https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-F14-1/tp/pull/52/files it was implemented in the last PR.

    Having multiple, shorter alternatives to the long command form is part of the Shorthand Command productivity & efficiency feature set and is considered intentional.

    Closed, not a bug.

    This is done to allow users to read the output instead of being teleported several pages down not knowing where they last were.

    We will accept this bug and increase the speed to make it significantly faster.

    Hi Yuxuan should line 25 be "String[] splitInput = word[1].split("d\");" instead of "d\\"? We only use one backslash symbol.

    Fixes #123

    Fixed #143

    Fixes #269

    Fixes #254

    Add help discription for remind and filter words command

    You can check this in the parse method to avoid surrounding your code with this large try catch.

    Since goal extends event, goal command and goal class requires changes as well. In short a goal cant be repeated.

    Do not merge yet. Once reviewed to delete old classes not used by repeat anymore.

    I'll update Ui prints methods for this commands, from printing the divider line twice.

    Could change the tick and crosses to "Y" and "N" or maybe simple print "done" and "not done". Resolve by updating toString method of events.

    The issue here is when viewing a repeat of an event that is not repeated. The command tries to retrieve repeatlist and print it but repeatlist is null. Easily resolve to print "event does not repeat" when repeatlist is null.

    Same as issue #207

    Same as issue #213

    To check whether listing repeat of events is properly functioning. For some reason appear to be getting a null repeatlist.

    Good job easing the task of logging for the team!

    Updated user guide to reflect that users can only have one goal at a time.

    Good job! This helps user know the correct command arguments to execute when they enter it wrongly.

    Good work. I think information as a parameter of this method is redundant as it can be accessed across the Class DeleteCommand though

    I think the question mark is caused by my default language of the system (CHINESE), i will look for ways to fix that

    thanks for the suggestion!

    HI I have specified in the User Guide that invalid format will be regarded as plain text (not LocalDate format). So I reject this.

    With previous problem fixed, I cannot get the same error in the terminal. I think this problem is solved since both my pagenum and booknum can handle format errors

    reject non-senses.

    Since validSummaryMonth, summaryYear and summary throw no exception, you can move them outside the try block.

    Fixes #18, #10, #8

    Fixes #74 #73

    As a user ready to start using the app, I can purge all current data, so that I can get rid of sample/experimental data I used for exploring the app.

    still missing clear -s and clear -r

    Perhaps javadocs wouldn't be necessary for self-explanatory methods like this?

    Already implemented in PR to fix #103

    Fixed by #120

    Fixed by pull request #210

    Re-open issue when applicable for v2.1

    yea sry i changed it in my current version alr

    closes #48

    closes #28

    Added user guide details


    implement save load for Personal information , the class can be easily modified to include more fields

    implemented method to convert data base output to String

    I decided that Lesson will be a sub class of Task. Lesson objects are special in the sense that they have a frequency. For now, I only considered the case where the Lessons are held weekly. Biweekly Lessons might be harder to implement, will think through again. Adding the Lesson class and enabling it to be added to the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager was the main bulk of what I tried to implement.

    I still haven't changed the Deadline and Event classes to suit our TP code, which means as of now, Deadline and Event objects cannot be added to the ScheduleManager and ModuleManager yet. I also haven't added Junit tests and update the UserGuide.

    At the bottom of ModuleManager, should put all sorts of task under it - Lesson, Deadlines and Events.

    At the bottom of ScheduleManager, should just put in the Deadlines - should put down deadlines today and future as well. Will think of how to implement this and update later

    @t170815518 probably will just remove this and stick to your add module method to add a module.

    Should we enforce users to add a module to the module manager first before allowing them to add a task?

    @t170815518 I'm just going to remove my add module feature but take a look at yours to see if there is this issue too

    Will just remove this implementation

    @t170815518 again i will remove this implementation but check if your implementation have the same issue

    I removed this feature cause I realised when clashes are allowed into the timetable, the storage function will be quite weird too when loading the tasks when the app is starting

    resolved by adding another line to inform user to enter a valid time

    tested out again and didnt face this issue though...

    changed already

    added a new exception to handle invalid date format dates

    added the bye feature at the bottom

    settled the minor documentation error

    dk what he talking about the 25 mins, but handled the error of an invalid LocalTime.

    solved and also handled case of empty description for event and lesson as well

    Handled the error by handling incorrect dates

    updated user guide to make it clearer

    Handled by removing this feature and just not allow user to add tasks when there are clashes

    will need to make UG clearer that it will only be added in dates when there is school, and no, code does not assume the lesson run every week, it has been already been made sure in the code that lessons will not be added during those days.

    tested out and seems like its already been handled though

    ensured that module codes for adding tasks are all caps, but have to make sure from add module side that this is enforced too

    Not very viable for our app

    chose not to implement in the end

    deleted in the end


    Cant actually implement different message depending on whether its deleted. I will write a message asking user to check display again to see if it got deleted


    "help" now gives brief description of commands". "help [command]" gives detailed description of the specific command

    Understandable but the reason for all is because all command is used so there would be like 11 import statements if i am specific? what do you think?

    I feel like this is super generic already because all the input are all "commands" so any typos should be safe to consider as a wrong format of command. "Something went wrong" is too vague of a message i feel? wdyt

    Hmm runtime error and such rite,,,, orite i will just change it to Something went wrong cos i think we will be catching most of the exceptions for commands.

    Solved in merge pull request #166 .

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Partially solved in merge pull request #166 . @HengFuYuen can probably add in a specific exception in ui

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166 . 1cm technically allowed for the sake of the system. One should exercise caution when typing the height for a logical amount

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166 . We don't discriminate numbers 😃

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Solved in merge pull request #166

    Add read courselist feature

    Associate this issue with milestone 1

    label : priority high + task

    author : Rafael & Chu han

    Description: recommend to split this into 2 different smaller issue as per UG. eg.

    1. Ability to focus on todo

    2. Ability to focus on deadline

    please specify the issue.

    note that if you added duplicated task, it will not be added to the list.

    Here you go, i redownloaded it

    1 2 is NOT referring to the task name itself. if you look at our UG, you would see that it is actually an indices. meaning, if u type list, and you see

    1. eat food

    2. deadline meeting (by: Dec 12 2020 19:40)

    u can proceed to use this command to add the task 1 AND 2 into both module CS2113 and CS2113T

    This is intended. Fixed with updating UG.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    Documentation Bug has been corrected.

    Explained in UG update.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    Closed with UG Diagram explanation.

    I have amended the UG explaining this. @adinata15 this diagram only serve as building user's intuition to use our app, it is not meant to be a ppt overview of 'dynamic' list. For that matter, the user can in fact read the focus section to see all the dynamic list we have, in which i have specified this in the UG.

    The user is able to key in addModuleCommand without the title, thus causing this bug to occur


    needs to resolve conflict . Otherwise, it can not be merged.

    Going to merge it...

    Splitted into smaller issues

    please check with gradle again

    checkstyleTest and checkstyleMain

    We found a bug in Delete Action. delete action can not delete when focus action is also executed. No errors, however. Just nothing is changed

    branch -v1.0 has issue. it can't run main(). shows errors traced back to showText() in cli

    Will implement on-off reminder function!

    Chuhan and I agreed to remove this function since it needs some development to finalize the expected behavior and it was not peer-reviewed last week.

    As in the error msg to be more specific ?

    I guess its okay since both delete and done has the same standardized error msg

    Would you like to do Junit test for the other 2 Appliances as well?

    Yes i will do it

    The Developer guide looks more consistent now after making the changes. Overall good job!

    nice done

    Well done on resolving the given issues. Please also note that These two type of class will be classified under "Logic" package during our next version.

    Looks good, content do not have Grammar or Spelling errors and images for user guide is matched with what is stated in the instruction as well.

    Well done on updating the content for Developer guide, changing Arguments to Argument will be much clearer now.

    Diagrams updated with PR #222 which solves #152

    I'm going to close this issue cause I think the message is clear enough and it is consistent with the rest of the program.

    Viewtrash feature removed

    Function not implemented anymore.

    Hmm, I cannot reproduce. It works fine now. Previously, if the tasks are already completed and we complete again it comes out that error but now no more. Can just close this issue then 👍🏻

    Hmm, actually no harm keeping it there. Just that previously I thought it might be redundant.

    Removed {}, now only explains [] as parameter, () as explanation, ... as continuous list

    needs to resolve conflict . Otherwise, it can not be merged.

    My "Resolve conflicts" button is still greyed out...

    this is done alr

    No longer need a selection region. Use Focus instead. Closing this with my PR.

    Back function is no longer needed. Just use focus. Closing this with my PR.

    I intend to do it like:

    edit [-type] [index] [field=newvalue] ...

    for example:

    edit -task 1 description=blahblahblah date=blabhblh

    edit -mod 5 MC=4

    Pre-requisites: the target item must be selected. If it is not selected, it will be automatically selected.

    Related: Need to implement "unselect" and "untake". Planning to use base actions.

    Also, the edit should be able to change tasks for a module:

    edit -mod 5 updateTask

    will set the task of module 5 to be tasks currently in the selected list.

    If nothing is selected, this will clear the task for module 5.

    Once Completed, the module can no longer be Taken or Untaken or Completed or Graded or Edited again, but it can still be Selected and be Found.

    Once Completed, the module ceases to count in the current MC, but still counts in overall CAP calculation and overall MC.

    Once completed, module should be immediately untaken.

    Only taken modules can be completed


    It is expected behavior. Because you do not yet have tasks with indixes 1 and 2.

    Try this:

    todo myTask1

    deadline myDeadline 1 /by 10 10 2020


    you will be able to see the task list with indices.

    Then you will be able to use “add” command to add tasks with indices to the modules.

    Best Regards


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    Hi, I am trying to use your application, I followed how to use the add command, but I cannot use it

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    Hi, I am trying to use your application, I followed how to use the add command, but I cannot use it

    Should you need any further clarification please do not hesitate to keep commenting on this thread.

    Screenshot 2020-10-30 at 4 14 18 PM

    Hi, I am trying to use your application, I followed how to use the add command, but I cannot use it

    In short, you need to create tasks before trying to add tasks to modules. The program works as expected in showing "NOT FOUND" when no specified task can be found, and showing "index out of range" when your specified index is indeed out of range. Those are expected error handling behaviors.

    I used the exact same command as the example, still cannot add

    Hi. Would you mid providing a screenshot?

    Firstly, you must indeed have tasks before you can try to add tasks to modules, otherwise of course the program need to show an error message.

    Try this:

    todo testTask1

    todo testTask2

    todo testTask3


    Then you should be able to see that you have some tasks in the task list.

    then, you can add the specified tasks to specified modules:

    add -task 1 2 -mod EE2026

    Should you need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to respond to this thread. Thanks!

    I think it is a little bit counter-intuitive because the user do not have any specific instruction in the UG or in the help page on how to add new tasks. Your add command makes it more confusing for the user to add the tasks.

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. Please report this unintuitive documentation on CATcher as a Documentation Bug. We will improve the UG in the future based on your advice. (this shows that we have not written the UG truly from a user prospective, and we will consider adding a short "usage example" session before the feature list in the next version of UG) Thanks!

    Here you go, i redownloaded it

    This is working perfectly fine as expected... because for your newly downloaded jar there is ZERO TASK created, and the index 1 and 2 are SURELY out of range.

    You can try reading my previous reply.

    For your convenience I am going to paste it here:


    Firstly, you must indeed have tasks before you can try to add tasks to modules, otherwise of course the program need to show an error message.

    Try this:

    todo testTask1

    todo testTask2

    todo testTask3


    Then you should be able to see that you have some tasks in the task list.

    then, you can add the specified tasks to specified modules:

    add -task 1 2 -mod EE2026

    Should you need further clarifications, please do not hesitate to respond to this thread. Thanks!


    Here you go, i redownloaded it

    In other words, this is a High Severity Documentation Bug (as Prof says), because our documentation is unclear. Please report this, thanks

    1 2 is NOT referring to the task name itself. if you look at our UG, you would see that it is actually an indices. meaning, if u type list, and you see

    1. eat food
    1. deadline meeting (by: Dec 12 2020 19:40)

    u can proceed to use this command to add the task 1 AND 2 into both module CS2113 and CS2113T

    Yes you are right. that's why its showing "Index out of range" instaed of "[NOT FOUND]".

    Your UG is too hard to understand. Maybe you should make it clearly

    Yes indeed, our UG is not clear. Please report it as a High Severity Documentation Bug.

    Btw, i have ask prof. He ask me to do on fallback team already. So i cant create an issue on it.

    It is OK, we can improve the UG to make it clearer based on your valuable feedback in this issue. Thanks! Your comments really made us understand more from the user's perspective!


    will be closed with the next pr soon.


    Will close this in the next PR.

    Please fill up the HelpText after I merge this PR. DO NOT EDIT HELPTEXT BEFORE MERGING THIS PR.

    Untake with no parameters is NOT A WRONG SYNTAX. Thus no Exceptions should be thrown.

    The original behaviour is correct but the text message can be improved. I will improve it in this PR.

    Fixed. Will close this when merging PR.


    Will close this in the next PR.

    This issue is made up by the nus-pe-bot.

    This dude provided an incomplete screenshot and magically found a bug. Well, well, well.

    Will close this in the next PR.

    Re-implemented CAP.

    Original CAP calculator was too buggy, I just made a new one that has more homogeneous syntax and better formatting.

    Will close this in next Command.

    I mean PR.

    Re-implemented Goal.

    Original one was too buggy, made a new one with better syntax and better formatting, and better calculations.

    Will close in next PR.

    This bug is made up. Reminder always exists, the difference is it being on or off.

    The last version did not print the message clearly, that caused the confusion.


    Will close in next PR.

    Fixed with the new version of Goal.

    Will close in the next PR.





    Anyways since the user finds the UI unintuitive I will change the UI. But the list function works as intended and need not change.


    Will close in next PR.

    Works now.

    Will close in next PR.

    This is expected behaviour. Closing now.

    Fixed. Will close in the next PR.


    Will close in the next PR.

    I cannot reproduce it.


    Will close in the next PR.


    Will close in next PR.

    Fixed. Will close soon.

    Fixed. Will close soon.

    Fixed. Closing soon.

    I cannot reproduce it. Can you provide more information?

    No, this is incorrect. The program only maintains 2 data lists, list of tasks and list of ALL modules.

    It also maintains a dynamic list, the "target" list (linked by reference to the 2 data lists).

    "focus" on other apparent lists (selected, taken, completed, etc.) just applies filters to the 2 data lists and collect the results to the "target" list.

    All operations are directly operating the "target" list, with their effects propogating back to the data lists.

    Fixed. Closing soon

    Fixed. Will close soon.

    Fixed. Closing soon.

    Does it cause additional errors or confusion if we keep it there?

    Can anyone reproduce this? If so please tell me more about it. It looks like a serious bug but I have been unable to reproduce it for the last day.

    Done. Will close soon.


    Will close soon.

    Added set-up documentation in UG.

    Will close soon.

    I am closing this as nobody seems to be able to reproduce it. If anyone can reproduce it please re-open this issue and tell me about it.

    This is working correctly. Where is the bug?

    I feel that "index out of range" is exactly what the problem is...

    How to make it more specific? Do you have any suggestions?

    OK! Thanks for testing out the program!

    Oh this one the idea is to make a stack of questions in jumbled order - that's why first shuffle then make a stack out of it. So it's like pre-determined order, but to the user it will be "random". Implementation-wise, it's just popping off the topmost question from the "jumbled" stack. Idk if this answers your question?

    ^ sounds good! I think in checkAttempt() method excluding {Punc} probably already catches "", if not then we can just add that to the regex to ignore. Great idea!

    Oh yea definitely. I wrote this before I finalised the runGameLoop. Thanks for the great catch!

    ^ Just checked, can confirm {Punct} regex includes "". Will add this to FAQ portion of UG!

    I misunderstood this question! I have since fixed the issue. Thanks!

    Ignore failed text tests here; I modified Main to test Deck Commands.

    A more elaborate 'game mode' will be focused on in v2, although minimal functionality for viewing flash cards will be implemented in v1.

    Discussed as a team and decided not to throw exceptions within individual Command classes; instead all exception handling will be encapsulated in Normal and Deck Parser.

    Suspect tests failed due to "\n" in Windows

    Push to v2.0.

    Game Mode:

    Q: "What if my flashcard answer contains a single word 'done' or 'exit'?"

    A: Escape the command using \exit or "exit".

    Edit: Credit @LiewWS

    Push to v2.1

    Thanks for your input! Anywhere section is for generic commands that have same effect regardless of user's location within application. help commands are unique and distinct across different modes, which explains the decision to place it within each mode, rather than within the "Anywhere" section.


    Push to v3.0 in prioritising a more complete and tested v2.1.

    Just some comments on your DG!

    1. For the return line, remember to put it at the end of the bar.

    1. For this SD, maybe instead of overlapping the condition and the bar, maybe position the condition to the left? Also if you feel that it is too cluttered, can consider the reference frames.

    overall very clean, I like it, remember to remove the names from the subheadings when you are done, as well as any other sections not used.

    Thanks @JustinnT for the comments and feedback! We have changed according to your suggestions. Feel free to take a brief look if/whenever you have the time again!


    Settled. Seperated exception handling and more detailed error message.








    Thanks for notifying! Will make changes accordingly!

    @LiewWS Please help me take a look if my PPP overview is okay now and merge if its okay!

    @alwaysnacy Please help me to review the changes for getTagString() method in Deck Class and merge if its okay.

    Wait don't merge yet, I found another bug

    Fixes #192

    Looks good to merge!

    All checks passed, LGTM

    Checks failed. Minor edits required.

    Not related

    Not related

    Not related

    Not related

    Not related

    Reupload jar file that works

    Long time no see Herman.

    Thanks for the bug report, and sorry for the inconvenience,

    Reuploaded fixed jar file.

    If possible, please test the new jar file, and create another issue if it does not work.

    Thank you!

    Reuploaded fix jar file.

    Please let me know if there are still issues.

    Reuploaded fixed jar file.

    Please let me know if there are any more issues.

    Thank you.

    Closed with #73

    Fixed by #80


    completed with #16


    close #35

    close #84, close #83, close #82, close #74, close #73, close #72, close #71

    Close with #97

    Closed with #97

    Closed with #97

    Closed with #97

    Closed with #97

    Closed with #97

    Closed with #97


    Tester did not read through UG and DG properly.

    The user did not input according to UG.

    Capitalization does not affect the input.

    The issue is dependant on 'ADD' command, not 'COMPARE' command.





    Updated UG.

    Updated UG.

    Updated COMPARE command UX

    Updated COMPARE command UX

    close #36

    close #36

    Very good!

    It is trivial but i think the user may change the messages.

    good job

    Just to explain the new changes for edit commands :

    getRawEpisodesForSeasons() used instead of getEpisodesForSeasons() -> this one checks array using season-1 so it'll lead to bounds errors

    • If numSeason increases:
    • set a new array for episodes and init the new seasons with 1 episode
    • if numSeasons decreases:
    • replace episodes with smaller sized array and delete the episodes in the later seasons
    • initially episodes=[10,12] for 2 seasons, when resized to 1, episodes=[10]

    Understand! But we need to ensure that users give a valid input. e.g. they change the number of seasons to 0. If we assume the user input is perfect, then it will work well.

    a search function has been implemented

    done already

    I think its okay to leave the time left today to be negative if the user overshot his watch time. I included a line inside (Your watch time deficit will be highlighted below 😦 ) To let the user know why there is a negative number.

    emmmmm, that makes sense. Then we just leave it. Thanks, Benardo!

    The user input two whitespaces between "season" and "fri"

    Guys i think we can finish up the UG/DG soon, then i'll add the necessary page breaks. god bless

    god bless

    Can someone help me change the diagram format, I dont know why my intellij can not open the class diagrams

    Benardo thank you so much!!!! B God!!

    Good to merge.

    Good to merge.

    Looks good.

    Looks good.

    you mean the Storage storage?

    Fixes #31

    Fixes #32

    Fixes #51

    Fixes #52

    Fixes #43

    Fixes #42

    Save edited chapter name and module name

    Combine GoChapterCommand and GoModuleCommand

    Combine BackChapterCommand and BackModuleCommand

    Fixes #74

    looks good

    looks good to merge

    looks good

    Ok that makes sense

    Ok I've fixed the inconsistencies.

    Ok I've fixed the inconsistencies.

    Ok I've fixed the inconsistencies.

    The code looks good to merge.

    There's some conflicting files that needs to be fixed.

    Looks good to merge

    Looks good to merge.

    i think so, since it does not affect the functionality of the program

    Should we add like positive test cases also? Like those that successfully return the correct command classes if the parsing is successful.

    yea I think it is ok to show successful cases as well

    logs/scrum.log.lck can be ignored, can you add an entry ./logs/*.lck? in .gitignore before we merge?

    alright i've added the necessary .gitignore changes

    Accidental merge conflicts

    The constraints have been clearly listed out, and an example has been given. Which we believe is sufficient and clear enough.

    The most fail-safe method is to create the map with the actual index of each module inside the full module list after loading. This causes an efficiency of o(n) but allows for the most robust map creation as the index in the map will always correspond to the index in the array list.

    Thank you for the suggestion, we will look into this feature.

    Thank you for the suggestion @Jingming517. We designed PlanNUS as a platform that provides its user with all the information needed to make the best decision. Due to this, we decided not to implement a limit for users when it comes to suggesting which modules they should SU as more information is often better in this situation. Nonetheless, we appreciate the suggestion and will look into it for future iterations of PlanNUS.

    jar file link has been amended



    Repeated issue as #189

    Can't see the error message tested with same input worked fun

    oh yeah I forgot to do this function

    will do

    good call

    good call

    great idea

    @zsk612 @CFZeon

    will do

    Good idea

    will do

    Great catch

    My calls are all static tho, so printer has to be static

    Oh I didnt see that, thanks

    great catch!

    damn I missed alot of stuff lol

    do a gradle build test on ur own system before you do pr

    Looks good


    @neojiaern can be used in conjunction with my computeNewDeadline functions for revision implementation

    @neojiaern simplified comparing of date to: if dueBy is before or equals to todays date. Function can be used to reference for revision in card version.

    I cannot, because ui.showToUser enforces newline after printing string. I will use format string in the next iteration.

    I cannot, because ui.showToUser enforces newline after printing string. I will use format string in the next iteration.

    I cannot, because ui.showToUser enforces newline after printing string. I will use format string in the next iteration.

    Default dates are different as the tester rated the chapters during creation. Rating of Chapters during creation shifts default dates according to the choice of rating.

    Unable to duplicate bug.

    In code the code under ExcludeCommand, if the module name given is invalid, Storage will throw a FileNotFoundException, which will be caught by the function shown below and the error message will be prompted, leading to the result above.

    Wrongly put diagram at wrong place, Changed already

    has been resolved

    this has been resolved

    Dropped functionality



    Failed text-ui-test, fix later merges

    Need to explain "current time" and "lesson now" indicators in UG

    Could you take a look at this xing rong?

    UG for planner mode

    Either add a warning in UG or change input code format?

    Add warning in UG to follow the format.

    Already working as intended of moving code to the top of screen. User prob has a large monitor screen so not enough text input to completely clear screen. ZH opinions?

    I dont think screenshots are possible for these


    Add warning in UG to read the command format before the features.

    show monday views monday as a module declaration not a day declaration hence the error.

    help is not a valid module in NUS so it errors.

    Add warning in UG about appropriate MODULE names. BOLD and HIGHLIGHT so users can see

    Add to UG limitations to the app?

    same as issue #167

    same as #159

    Index error

    same as another issue

    Change wording of Quick Start to "You should see something similar to this Zoomaster logo indicating that you have successfully started your Zoomaster program."

    Do you guys want to sort?

    As per UG "The chaining of commands only performs on one module which is {MODULE}."

    Add bold comment around ONE MODULE to highlight to users

    same error

    same error

    same error

    make UG more reader friendly

    done by zhanhao

    done by zhanhao

    done by zhanhao

    no screenshots

    done by zhanhao

    Naming error resulting in failing Gradle checks

    UI updated by other teammates

    mock Trippie files caused conflicts with Junit tests

    Should I remove the previously created LoadComponentTest class and split it into the respective component test subclasses?

    Yes, that's a good idea

    Noted, thanks!

    Yeah it looked redundant to me as well, will make the edits after we append the code.


    Updated it to cover the current implementation

    I'm not sure about this bit. Maybe we could remove it later.

    My point here is that if we did choose a linked list structure then we would have no templates so we just add the components directly to the linked list. Of course, we could block users from adding certain components by checking the components present in the linked list. For some reason, I feel like a linked list interpretation would have worked. Any specific reason why it wouldn't be able to simulate a circuit system?

    Strange, it seems like my fork still has this even though its been updated

    Please let me know how if the way I've done LoadComponentTest so far makes sense, if it does I will extend it to cover all components


    edit: After merge conflicts have been resolved

    LBGTM! (Looks blissfully good to merge)


    Need a review on the latest version


    @sevenseasofbri to do CalculateBooleanCommandTest

    @oasisbeatle to do AddBooleanCommandTest

    @hughjazzman to do SetBooleanCommandTest

    Hi Rachel, thank you for your recommendation. I would like to clarify that in our project, the user is registered once at the beginning of every session. When the user starts creating an essay or a poem, it would be recorded as the essay or the poem written by a certain user. Hence, I think it's better for listing the name of the User as a Writing's attribute (in this case as its author)

    Oh, there should be one, thank you Rachel for pointing out!

    You need to type in the "type" word to decide the type of the essay (poem/ essay)

    I think it's just to help the user get rid of using the tags, which lead to lengthy commands

    This might be because the tester downloaded the obsolete version of the product.

    user needs to type "end" on the new line to indicate the ending of the writing session, I mentioned it in the UG.

    Updated already

    Yeah I think so.

    I declare outside because it is used in more than one methods.

    I think it is better to implement exception handling inside the respective methods. But I believe this method works for now to prevent the app from crashing first due to some weird inputs.

    Is there a better alternative? I used the above method as using "\u2713" and "\u2718" violates the Gradle style check.

    Yeah, can.

    List week number, modules, expected workload and actual workload in a table.

    Change the welcome screen to show a graphic of ModTracker.

    Looks good to merge.

    The word "valid" is defined in the preceding "notes" sub-section under the "features" section.

    Looks good to merge.

    Currently 3 types of sorting implemented which are:

    1. Sort by location

    2. Sort by time

    3. Sort by description

    Fixes #51

    Issue fixed with editCommand rework.

    Issue fixed with editCommand revamp

    issue fixed with editCommand revamp.

    issue fixed with editcommand revamp

    issue fixed with editCommand revamp

    issue closed with editCommand revamp

    With the new implementation, fields can be left blank to represent that they are to remain unchanged.

    With the new implementation, fields can be left as blank to represent that they are to remain unchanged.

    With the new implementation, fields can be left as blank to represent that they are to remain unchanged.

    Fixed. Function will check if event exist before asking for parameters.

    Fixed. Function will check if event exist before asking for parameters.



    I think you may also consider saving and loading user configuration as txt file in your storage class.

    Already implemented

    This is actually not a bug . The level of indentation is intentional but I think the user guide was not clear about what it means. I will update the UG.

    perhaps be a bit more broader and specify potential causes of why Zoommaster was not able to add the slot to the timetable? I think I will do this instead.

    Another way to address this problem is to use keywords in the command is to use keywords but

    There is a simple fix to this. The previous method used split(" ") to split the words by one space. Instead I should have used split("\\s+"). This will combine all white spaces as a delimiter.

    i think can use an image or emoji on the UG that attracts the readers attention so that they read the constraints.

    It will not run for every command. I would prefer not to switch it out because there's a try catch

    Yes, thank you

    removed in the new version:)

    Your dateException is failing the test. Maybe try to fix the expected output?


    nicely done! can consider adding in comments next time 😃

    Well done! 😃

    Error in the ug where Save events command is written as 'events'

    same as #215

    good job on the logging, probably can consider gitignore the logging txt ?

    PR #245 has fixed this issue by replacing ; with '

    Fixed with PR #228

    Fixed with PR #245

    View command has been implemented

    Error is caused by comparing time when it is null for events without time

    Issue closed as calendar is implemented in the way of a normal 'timetable' hence events without time will not be shown. Reminder command will show the events with/without time.

    Save command has been implemented by @Colin386

    View command has been implemented #245

    View command has been implemented in #245

    Due to time constraint, we have considered this to be part of our future implementation.

    View command has been implemented in #245

    We decide to work on this in future implementation. However, our check command still works under the condition that the check range filled in by user is the coincide with event start time

    The list command is working as intended. The suggestion will be taken into consideration for future implementation

    The suggestion will be taken into consideration for future implementation

    Our scheduler also take into consideration that some users might want to have coinciding events in the event that the events happening do not require their presence/attention. Hence, we do allow coinciding events for the users. The suggestion will be taken into consideration for future implementation.

    junit is well done. Can include the issue created to close it. Perhaps, the exception error message is what we should follow. Eg: DateException

    Fixed with PR #286

    Fixed with PR #291

    Good job! I think it fixes the add command 👍

    looks good

    Looks ok.

    I'll change the expected.txt after deciding the format of timeline.

    I have fixed this bug in another issue

    I've changed the explanations in UG

    Solved this error in another issue

    Oh yes! Thanks for that reminder, I've changed it accordingly!

    But isn't Ui being passed into the execute method of all Command classes?

    Closed by pull request #118

    rounding error

    it is already in UG

    rounding error

    Phrasing of the UG

    every 4 input spending into the list

    fix #190



    no. 2 fixes already

    closing duplicate issue

    closing duplicate issue

    Excess print out removed

    Update bunny explanation to justify why duplicates are allowed for bunny list

    Closing duplicate issue

    Too unspecific. Spam issue closed

    but like if there isn't any other accepted input than the word type then no need mebbe?

    (also is there a way to cancel writing or does the user have to finish writing to exit this part of the app??)

    ooo okie as long as the UG explains it


    Achieved in Branch hr ver0.1


    close # 22

    Fixed the changeInfo bug here, but did not change the help message

    I can't reproduce this error.

    still missing capcalc testing instructions

    so that I will not forget or miss the event.

    so that I can manage the schedule

    so that I prevent myself from doing repetitive things

    so that I can get information on events quickly

    So that i will be reminded of the number of dats left

    Fixed it!




    overall well done just that there is minor coding style errors

    i feel very attacked 😦

    dk why the commit for addSet not showing here but its here: https://github.com/AY2021S1-CS2113T-T09-4/tp/commit/6d3bcb6d912b28042a904fd78c4f5b31fbfcfbdf

    to do: list for user profile

    Accepting numbers as name, just cannot be empty

    accounted for now

    hello Karthig merge this already haha

    unable to create error

    since the xxx.execute() method throws an exception, summaryYear.excecute() should be in the try block to catch exception if there is any

    fix #173

    if the month inputted is incorrect, summary and draw will still execute, need to fix

    you will need to remove the spendingListCategorizer in the add command to display in spending item in chronological order

    locate1 locate3

    its an error in user guide that is corrected now

    problem solved by including the text file data into the code

    Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 7 33 34 PM 2
    Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 7 46 14 PM locate1 locate3

    error in user guide

    Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 7 33 34 PM 2

    removed the data files requirements

    error in the user guide which is since corrected

    Looks good to merge.

    Fix printEventsCommand and checkstyles Closes#36

    Fix printEventsCommand and checkstyles Closes#36

    Closes #38

    already fixed. please ignore this issue.

    Same issue, already fixed in PR #233.

    Only available modules in NUS are allowed to be added! We will make it more clear in the UG. Thanks!

    Thanks for pointing out! The same issue appeared and already fixed in PR #233.

    Thanks for pointing out. Already fixed in PR #231

    Just a suggestion maybe, add an indicator to show that there is additional information available.

    Fixed in PR #231

    Thanks for pointing out! Already fixed in PR #233

    Thanks for pointing out! Already fixed in PR #231

    Thanks for the feedback. We would like the user to enter any deadline (being something done in the past or something to be done in the future). We have added a due_date checker and if the deadline has already passed, it will prompt the user with the message as such "The deadline has already passed! Automatically marked as done!" and the deadline will be marked as done automatically! Thanks once again!

    Thanks for the feedback. We would like the user to enter any deadline (being something done in the past or something to be done in the future). We have added a due_date checker and if the deadline has already passed, it will prompt the user with the message as such "The deadline has already passed! Automatically marked as done!" and the deadline will be marked as done automatically! Thanks once again!

    Closed by PR #240

    Thanks for pointing out! We have added the expected output in the UG! See PR #277

    ok I removed the file.

    Is the scrumptious package name ok though

    ok. I merge? Or someone merge after checking or sth?

    I tried running bye and the program outputs 'bye' and exits. Is there another message it is supposed to print?

    My implementation currently only checks the title so I think this part's good


    I have tested it works on my side, I believe it is functional

    This is to check February input for leap years, to allow them to enter 29 Feb for those years.

    Will look into this and implement if possible.



    sounds ok imo

    Labels added and getTask() has been implemented for all applicable functions

    This PR is deprecated. Task function will use Gunit's implementation.

    Looks ok. I can just copy paste my part in after merging

    Looks good

    Looks good.

    I have merged the try-catch block and removed the duplicate function from the classes.

    Have you tried enabling the assertions? Link

    I enabled it from settings, and also ran someone's test code which show the thing is enabled. But then like if I run "project /view" from the start it still exits with error even though got assert, then I can only fix it with try-catch block. Also if I replace the "no project" errors from try-catch to assertion then the error message prints but the task is still added. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior. Maybe assertions cannot replace try-catch?

    I have merged the try-catch block and removed the duplicate function from the classes.

    Have you tried enabling the assertions? Link

    I enabled it from settings, and also ran someone's test code which show the thing is enabled. But then like if I run "project /view" from the start it still exits with error even though got assert, then I can only fix it with try-catch block. Also if I replace the "no project" errors from try-catch to assertion then the error message prints but the task is still added. I'm not sure if this is normal behavior. Maybe assertions cannot replace try-catch?

    The error was because there is no check whether there is a project before executing ViewProjectCommand. The error has already been fixed by @gmit22 in his latest PR.

    Just checked again, the code is working as expected now.

    You are talking about the Unit Test assertions is it? Those assertions are different from the normal assertions. Normal assertions are placed in the code using the assert keyword, therefore the link I have provided only works for normal assertions. Anyway both have different purpose, so yeah.

    I think the problem is I did not pull Gunit's latest code. Now everything looks good.

    I made more changes regarding some commands without dashes, so maybe can review one more time before merge.

    The basic functionalities are essentially complete(+added removal of corresponding retrospective if a sprint is deleted)

    The operations for saving and parsing the sprint retrospective classes are missing in Project class. Without them, the data will always be lost after the program exits.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    I have tried to implement the saving of the list into the project class, but now it will cause nullpointerexception when launching scrumptious with the presence of data.json. Any idea what issue this might be? I feel that my tojson and fromjson is very similar if not identical to the ones used in the sprint classes.

    Edit: Gradle fail due to failed test classes as a result of nullpointerexception

    Should we just notify the user about this in the UG?

    Perhaps remind the users in UG about this, since 32th October etc. are caught.

    Addition of the following feature is cancelled.

    Will complete this asap

    Refactor taskList back to backlog, and use taskList only for the arraylist itself

    There is something similar if you type "-" into commands with no arguments at all e.g. "task /priorityview". It can filter extra stuff like "task /priorityview 2" will return error message but if you type "task /priorityview -2" the command just ignores the "-2".

    Is it perhaps a better idea for the storage classes to just catch Exception (i.e. all errors) instead? Otherwise looks good.

    Looks good to merge.

    Adds a logger class that helps with logging and creating logs.

    Please provide improvements/suggestions so that logging can be implemented application-wide.

    Example of use:

    import static seedu.duke.log.Logger.createLog;

    import static seedu.duke.log.Logger.getAbsolutePathInString;

    public class TestClass {

    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(TestClass.class.getName());

    public function1() {

    //No log


    public function2() {

    ConsoleHandler handler = new ConsoleHandler();

    Formatter formatter = new SimpleFormatter();

    try {




    } catch (SecurityException e) {

    Ui.showError("There is a security violation while logging.");


    createLog(new File("./log/scrumptious-testclasspackage-testclass-function2.log"));

    String pathInString = getAbsolutePathInString("./log/scrumptious-testclasspackage-testclass-function2.log");

    try {

    FileHandler fileHandler = new FileHandler(pathInString, true);




    //Actual function 2 stuff

    } catch (Exception e) {

    Ui.printError("Function 2 error.");

    logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "function 2 at TestClass class", "Function 2 error.");




    return writeable.toString();

    } catch (IOException e) {

    Ui.showError("Logging error. function 2 will run without logging.");

    return function2WithoutLogging();



    public function2WithoutLogging() {

    try {

    //Function 2 stuff

    } catch (Exception e) {

    Ui.printError("Function 2 error.");




    To implement Wei Ling's logger instead.

    sub task of #19

    Closes #18


    Closes #85

    Closes #152

    Thank you for suggestion.

    Thank you for your suggestion

    Thank you for pointing this out. We have added a more informative error message to guide our users.

    Thank you for your suggestion.

    Thank you for your suggestion. We have implemented a feature to allow keywords to be case insensitive

    Fixes #282

    Added in Colour and Checkstyle changes pull request

    huh but then i think its obvious that the lesson now surrounds the second session 1600 to 1800?

    heheh this is just printing the clear ecscape sequence, nothing i can do about it heheh. I think it serves its intended purpose of clearing the visible screen for the user though im not sure how his input bar shifted to the right

    Thank you for the suggestion and feedback! We will address the tweak mentioned here in issue #148. Other than that, thank you for using our app and also for the positive review!

    Looks good!

    thank you

    include exception messages for find